Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Have you seen your motivation today?

Alrighty, it's time for another episode of Clark's blog. I have taken a few days away, and now I feel ready to write. Sometimes it can be a challenge to come up with a good topic to write about, even though this world is full of things to talk about!

My topic today is motivation. What motivates you to get yourself to achieve your goals and dreams? If you cannot answer this question, you only to do so. You leave anything with a head full of steam and charge right out of the gate? Post to start probably even good progress. Then maybe things slow down to a more stagnant pace and you lose some of that enthusiasm and energy that you had when you started. It happens to all of us. It happened to me this week when I thought of writing a couple of days and then decided against it.Instead of just one week with a blog entry, though I decided it would be better to push myself to write one night, even if I wanted to, this evening I did.

How I the silence in my enthusiasm and motivation to overcome? Well, first of all I remembered of my goals and what I want to achieve. I remembered what I need to do to get there. But I think the most important thing, I myself a motivating material fed.I think this is the key to reviving a drop off or plateau in your energy level. a second of thinking about your goals and what you want to achieve, expose it to someone or something that motivates and inspires you. Maybe even something that makes you angry or fired up enough to take action.

For example, today I saw The Dark Knight. It was an excellent movie. I ran out of that theater, like the little boy who wants to jump roofs and the bad guys fight BE Batman.Watch a 3-hour film gave me the whole of the energy boost.A better example of a movie that I saw recently searched. even though there are a lot of crudeness to that movie was (and trust me, it was vanilla compared to the comic book), I loved the underlying message. a man, which is fed at are boring and everyday life that he decides to take matters into his own hands and the master of his life he was intended to be. My favorite line is the latest in the whole movie, minus the curse of course: "what have you done with your life lately?"

I walked that is ready to work and write until I could no longer stand theatre.
Movies are just one way you can yourself a good kick in the butt to jump start your desire again. I love to read inspirational books, stories, and Web sites. Think and Grow Rich, the power of positive thinking, everything related to the law of attraction, and a good book Larry Winget (this man tells it like it is) are always useful.

Another way to do this is to create an air or the illusion of the competition. "How do I do that?" can you say? Create an enemy. Michael Jordan was the King of this. He kept it mental edge on the basketball field because he maintained a chip on his shoulder, since the time he was cut from the varsity team in high school. I've read many stories about him something to blow up an opponent said blow up or making an insult themselves fired up and motivated for the next contest.He had something to prove and if it will take you to pump yourself headlong to throw in your goals than create your own enemy to push the limits, to grow and succeed. Coke, Pepsi. Papa John's Pizza Hut is. I have Steve Pavlina. I say half-jokingly that because I am a great admirer of his website and his body of work. But if I drag a bit a few days and I don't feel like writing, I bring his website and See what he's doing.I pretend my website goes head-to-head against his and it seems to always give me that I have to creative writing something awesome and post it here.

On the same token, that "enemy" to use as a source of inspiration and also model. them if that person has reached as much or more than recognition for their efforts and successes and that remember is the same for you as possible. Steve Pavlina is once again fine for me. The guy is so much with his personal development blog.He has a book out, which I will undoubtedly excellent if all his site years now. that is a source of inspiration for me as a new blogger about what's possible, is when I apply myself and continue to learn and grow and provide value to others. Who is the person in the world that you can use as a source of inspiration to push through a drought and your freight train of success on track?

So to recap, follow these steps to yourself if you want a little silence:

1. ask yourself what your goals and desires. Remind yourself of those things that you want and why you want them. Imagine having them and pretend you are going to get them no matter what.Start fanning the flames of you're hungry for success if they are low.

2. Enter your motivational material.To watch a short film that will get you fired to succeed. Read this book about the law of attraction or a success story. Consume media that makes you want to take action now.

3. create an air of the competition.Do you have a competitor or a "enemy"?If not then a.Tell me that this person is doing everything in their power to produce more and better success than you and dare you do something about it.Get pumped up and let the energy will take you through your routine with more gusto than ever.

4. get inspired by another person.It can even be the "enemy", but admire this person's success and the ways in which they model. Feed off of their enthusiasm to refresh of your own. let the new ideas from your newfound inspiration comes from and do your best to them ASAP.

5. If all else fails, a little time off and then come back with a renewed passion. then wash, rinse and repeat the steps above.

Sometimes we all feel a bit under the weather.The key is not to stay too long, and when you realize you have to do something about it soon.Desire + motivation + Focus Action = success.Of these four parts that are equal to success, the first three will decrease significantly from time to time. it is up to you to consistent action, it is desirable that in spite of this in the right direction. the action is sometimes best brought the other three re-fueling. stay. do what it takes to succeed.


Copyright 2008 by Clark Faint

Clark Faint personal development: better health, wealth, and relationships for Life


Clark Faint is very motivated to every facet of his life and he wants the same for you. He was in the air force for 7 years, who are lucky enough to get a lot of new skills and travel to exotic international locations. He also did a danger filled tour in Iraq. He has moved on to life after the service, his passion for writing about personal development techniques that value and to improve his life so that you can use them to you as well. Clark has many good read books, meet many great people partied at the Playboy Mansion in Hollywood and even sat at home over the weekend to meditate. Clark is just a sober man who believes in a great life and helping others.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Personal Development – It’s How You Use Your Brain That Matters

For anyone interested in their own personal development, you may be interested in recent research that shows that “thinkers’ brains are different”. The suggestion is that how you think depends on the development of certain regions of the brain – but in fact, it’s the other way around: the development of particular regions of your brain is related to how much you use them! Your mind power is dependant upon the choices that you make.

Nobody is born a ‘thinker’ – just like nobody is born a London cabbie or taxi driver, yet an area of their brains is highly developed and, in fact, larger than the normal brain because of the hoops that they have to jump through to learn ‘The Knowledge’ – how to get from A to B using all kinds of circuitous routes. Some years ago, research proved that the use to which these guys and girls put their brain had a measurable effect on the size and shape of their brain.

More recently, neuro-psychological research demonstrates that the human brain exhibits a considerable capability for what is called plasticity – in other words, the shape, characteristics and development of the brain depends on how it is used and the extent to which one area of the brain may have to take control of the functions of another part of the brain that has been damaged.

The important point is that our brains, their functionality and capacity, depends on what we do with them – not the other way around. Many people with whom I’ve worked in my practice thought that they were stupid, slow or incapable of understanding things that ‘clever’ people understood. Their perception of their own intellectual skills did not relate to the physiology of their brains – it was related to the fact that, during their formative years, they had incorrectly learned their own self-image which, as adults, prevented them from employing their brains in an expansive way.

Each of us has limiting perceptions about ourselves – we were each conditioned during our childhood years – now, those self-perceptions hold us back from accessing and benefiting from our natural potential. However, all you have to do to be all that you can be is to drop your preconceived notions. Even the size of your brain will respond to your new found self understanding.

View the original article here

Fundamentals Of Wealth Creation

Mind and wealth creation:

All religion testifies that man was created in the image and likeness of God, (those that matter at least), and from this infinite reality all that is, visible and invisible came to be. Deducting from this statement we can see that by the same principle used by the first cause, the infinite reality behind all that is, we as humans can also mold our own worlds. That principle of which I talk about is that of cause and effect. The science of psychology testifies to this truth when it says all that a man is and has is a culmination of his thoughts, values and beliefs which form a mindset and in this science we can realize the truth of the James Allen’s words, as a man thinketh so is he. Behind every effect, i.e. health, financial wealth, etc, is a cause and that cause by deduction is mind, thought force in action. Every architectural marvel we see, gargantuan companies, beautiful music, exquisite machinery, all began as an idea, a thought, and from this idea an evolution of more ideas came to be, that culminated in an expression of the outer reality that we see. Therefore, from this reasoning we can conclude that two worlds exist in the mind of man, the inner world of thought and ideas (mind) and the outer world of effect and expression.(A man’s life is what his thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius)

By common sense, you can reason that mind is all that there is to wealth creation, for through the law of creation, you and I can project an idea in the mind and have it come into manifestation. Think about it for a sec, for there to be something in nothingness, there was an execution of something, a plan, a strategy or whatever you may think of that needs execution, and for there to be something that is executable there needs to be an idea of what that something will look like, and from that, ideas of what need be for that something to be brought forth, and this idea and ideas of that something are formulated through contemplation, thinking. From something in mind to its expression, there is a Law, and by the application of this Law, consciously or unconsciously, one can bring any dream into his reality. What is this Law of Creation? To explain it, let me first mention that quantum physics has resolved all matter into pure energy, that is, if we continually breakdown matter to atoms and further down, the remaining result is energy. The components of atoms are simply energy packets. So what gives these energy packets mass you may wonder? Well, honestly, no one really knows except that these energy packets are directly affected by thought. A direct energized thought has been proven to directly affect the physical nature of matter. From this observation, quantum physics has concluded that thought forces alter and influence our physical bodies, just as much as medicine has accepted the power of the mind through enquiries into the placebo effect, proving what has been known all along by the sages of antiquity, that we become what we are internally. Therefore, through observation we can safely conclude that a thought, infused with energy or emotion, will manifest, that an idea held in absolute certainty will become a reality, that anything believed by the mind, anything we have faith in and are certain of, is part of our reality, our world, our environment. This is the Law of Creation. Our physical bodies, circumstances, environments, are the direct manifestations of our souls (the culmination of all our experiences and how we interpreted and interpret them, intellect, values and beliefs).

So what does this have to do with wealth creation? Well it has everything to do with creating wealth and everything else for that matter. Our thoughts control what we see and experience and from this realization it is evident that one must control his thoughts. Not really an easy task for most of our thoughts are unconscious and active as has been observed that suggestions internalized or suggested to us are implanted into our subconscious (the greater part of our minds we are not conscious of), and these suggestions externalize into our external worlds. This lets us know that before one can venture into anything, it is necessary to be clear on a certain outcome and to believe in that outcome, for believing in something comes with it positive thoughts that follow the logical conclusion, by law, of manifesting into positive outcomes that ultimately result in the desired goal. To doubt is to delve on the negative aspect of an idea or goal, to see its impossibility, therefore it is indulging in negative thought processes and by law, logically concluding into a negative result. Thus the reason Jesus said “with the faith of a small mustard, one can move a mountain,” and quoting from another author and philosopher, “There is no room for a complainer in a universe of law, and worry is soul-suicide. By your very attitude of mind you are strengthening the chains which bind you, and are drawing about you the darkness by which you are enveloped, Alter your outlook upon life, and your outward life will alter.”

So lets ponder on this for a while. Visit us and we will explore more on the issue of mind and wealth creation creation and ways to alter our thought processes, values, attitudes and beliefs, into ones that work towards the attainment of the things we desire.

Visit our prosperity and wealth blog

Grab useful tips about the topic of home business – please make sure to go through this site. The time has come when proper information is really at your fingertips, use this chance.

View the original article here

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to make your motivation seriously kicked

I've been thinking about kicking of peoples motivation that make use of my website. I would like them to give the defendant an opportunity to kick for a good motivation to change. I would see if they are to keep and to devote attention to their objectives. If they are not?

BAM! kick Motivation!

Most people hire life coaches to their motivation kicked. That objective is not to follow up? You guessed it.BOOM!So many people fail to achieve their goals, because they do not have someone ready to start them in the ass. I believe that the Queen of spades of business motivation would be very lucrative for me. but it would be a pretty penny costs (for you my friend), and time consuming.

Top ten reasons why people need a good motivation to kick:

Constantly dreaming about life changes, but never a finger. Whining and complaining how the world is against them. Sitting in front of the TV or as I call it, "pointless choices in a box".Continuing to talk about their friend new stuff.Follow the latest gossip about the celebrities. allow a flow of insignificant to nag them every day.Things their faces think that Big Mac will make them feel better. afraid to the safety of their cells and undertaking whose registered office is situate in the world.Of the opinion that the Government and other institutions (banks) their interests in mind.

Ready to look at? I am.

You can use this article for your website, blog or ezines. permission to reprint the slogan remains intact and links will be activated on the Internet.

Terry Vermeylen is one of those rare people who passionately so that others open their own barriers for fulfillment, meaning and purpose. He is the founder of http://www.mylifechanges.com, an Internet value identification and goal setting company and [http://mylifechanges.typepad.com/less_stress_more_cool_]-its primary passion is wealth building with common sense.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Personal Development – You’ve Got To Get A Life

I do plenty of radio interviews, mainly talk shows, from time to time – all about personal development and self improvement. Last week, I fired out a couple of emails to talk show hosts so that I could tell listeners about getting more out of life even during these difficult times. One guy got back to me by replying “come on, man, get real”. That’s all it said.

No, you get real! There are simply too many negative people with a bad attitude that’s fuelling the wildfire of economic turmoil and individual self-doubt. Herd-like minds got the economy into the mess it’s in (let’s all get greedy together) the herd mentality will keep it there (let’s all get needy together). You have to wake the hell up – because, if you don’t that’s where you are – in Hell, a hell of your own creation. And there is far too much of it going on at present.

If you happen to be one of those people who take some weird pleasure in moaning about how bad things are, for all our sakes, shut up! If, like somebody that I was speaking to recently, you’re too ashamed to tell your friends that you can still afford to take your winter ski holiday, you need to ask yourself “what’s that all about?” But, of course, if you’re really hurting because you can’t find work, stop feeling victimized. Rather than cowering down under the weight of mass hysteria, step out from the herd, open your eyes and you’ll discover that there are opportunities all around you, the only reason you can’t see them is that you have got bogged down by the negative illusion that is dragging you down. You’ve got to stop going along with everyone else that there are no opportunities, get up off your ass and get real – really!

And to my friend who told me that I should get real – get a life yourself and stop dragging everyone else down to your level! It’s time to stop this mass-madness – it’s time to start pulling ourselves together and start living life to the full.

View the original article here

Friday, November 26, 2010

Get A Positive Wealth Mindset

How you view wealthy is the single most crucial factor that determines if you are wealthy or not. So, if you desire more money in your existence it is imperative that you get a positive wealth mindset instead of a credit mindset.

However, a lot people are taught to think negatively about money, and subsequently, good about credit. We’re told things like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and “money is the root of all evil.” It’s easy to see why people have such a difficult time thinking positively about wealth! You may have even been told that rich people are “filthy” and as a result are subconsciously staying away from wealth and missing out on the good opportunities having money can provide.

For as long as you hold on to bad and erroneous beliefs about money, you won’t ever create the money you deserve or desire.

To transform your wealth views, you must first recognize that money is not bad or good alone. It is just a tool. In fact, money is often more utilized for good than evil. Think about the great charities that have helped persons all across the world when they are given large amounts of money. Appreciate all the good that cash is used for. It is an important part of life and is utilized to make positive changes in the world. Money should be sought after, not avoided.

Realize that money is abundant. When you were a child, you might have been told by your parents that money doesn’t grow on trees. If you’re keeping that view now, your own mind could be keeping you from attracting wealth. Money might not grow on trees, but there is an abundant amount of it for everybody, even you. However, if you perceive that money is scarce, that belief will keep it far away from you.

Donating money is a different method you can develop a good wealth mindset. Wanting to hold onto every cent you possess is a indicator of a stingy mindset and reinforces the view that there isn’t enough of it. Giving reinforces the concept of abundance.

Lastly, be happy for those who are successful and have money. We often remember being taught that those who have money are filthy and are tempted to think bad about them. In fact, the opposite is usually true. Wealthy people often get their wealth by sharing what they have with others and believing in the idea of abundance.

When someone else has wealth, don’t resent their success. If you have feelings of resentment, that will only keep you from getting your own wealth and success. Rather than that, be happy for them and realize that there is enough wealth for you too, and your time will come.

By making these changes in how you think about money, you will be on your way to developing a positive money mindset. Once you begin thinking about money in a positive way, you will be on the path to achieving your own wealth.

If you are want to get info about emotional freedom technique, then visit the site that was mentioned in this passage.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Five easy ways to motivate yourself for success

Success will not be easy. One has to go through the many barriers and obstacles in the way of success. There are so many circumstances that may stand for success. At the moment we need motivation and inspiration for problems to tackle successfully and keep us in our life goals.

But where do we find necessary motivation to us ahead? this article will discuss the top five ways to motivation and inspiration for us.

1 Motivational Life quotes and sayings-one of the best ways to boost your motivation is life of motivational quotes.They are the true words of wisdom by great personalities from all over the world. they provide you with the necessary motivation and inspiration and drive you in a positive direction forward. No matter what the situation is, always Motivational quotes of the life and you will continue to help you.

2-think positive – one of the main reasons why people feel the-motivated is negative because they think about the things that happen in their lives.Negative thinking drag of your mood and lowers your energy, which is why think positive about everything that goes with you. Positive thinking can improve your confidence and your entire life can change. So think positive to motivate yourself.

3-Get Support-Get support from your friends and family.Ask for help from your friends. don't be too proud to ask for help. Surround yourself with your friends and family. There is support and helps motivates you to get things to achieve. How successful and rich you are, you must support for your family and friends to yourself to your lifetime goals to motivate.

4 Read Motivational books-book are main source that knowledge, information and immediate boost in motivation. Motivational books read gives you energy when you're down and extend your knowledge about life.Motivational Viewer, you can stay focused on your lifetime goals.They will help you to the person you want to be.They make you stand up and say, "I can achieve something. nothing is impossible for me."

5 reward yourself-when you complete your goal, not a matter, it is small or big, reward yourself. it gives you motivation to work hard and do business. it helps you stay on the road. invest a certain amount of money to reward yourself after the performance of your goals.

Read my collection of inspiring Life quotes and sayings to motivate yourself.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What are the Mike Dilliard and Jonathan Budd of secret to stay motivated?

Mike Dillard and Jonathan Budd are two of the largest network marketers in the industry. They are of great leaders and bring added value to every life that they touch. If you are anything about their history in this industry have ever read, this was not always the case.

Approximately 97% of the people in the network marketing industry FAIL ... so what's their secret?


Everyone is motivated by something else.

There are two main types of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation:.

Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from the inside of you.It is the pleasure you personally or joy of achieving a goal or getting a task that has been completed.

Extrinsic motivation is the opposite. This is the motivation that comes from outside of yourself.You do something for something that someone will give you.

For example, will an intrinsically motivated person build their business to see how far they can push them itself, for the development of tools for life, to create financial freedom, and are proud of what he or she has reached.While a extrinsically motivated person only to a company will build if the people around him or her think it's a good idea, he or she will be "welcomed" by outsiders and if people to him or her for the reward success.

Where are you? can you guess what Mike and Jonathan?

To succeed in this network marketing, Internet marketing or home based business world, you have to intrinsic motivation!This is not a get rich quick program. However, many people think is and, unfortunately, upwards of 97% of the people fail miserably before they even really begin!

So what is the key to success? well starts with you!Your mind is set.What motivates you?

This is an important question, because the times difficult will get!What do you do when your friends and family say ' no ' or trivialisation of your dreams for financial freedom? what do you do when you make your first company presentation (10 or 20) on your face? what are you going to do when you're the first few months prospecting and find that you're not a person have registered?

What do you do will determine everything!

If you QUIT will you be one of the broke and stupid not to hard, but only by what outside you mean you into your hand.

An intrinsically motivated person knows that success within the him or her. the key is to tap in the spark within that says, I will be the life of my dreams and I will be successful.-AND I will read, learning, connected to leaders and mentors and I will do my learning in action.

Jim Rohn says, "do not want to Wish it was easier. that you were better."The better you are, from the inside out, the stronger and more successful you will.

The network marketing industry is one that can catapult you to success, as it Mike Dillard and Jonathan Budd, not, however, without your dedication to the industry, marketing, and yourself.

To Learn The Most cutting-edge Better Marketing Strategies To Stay motivated and Build A You:
Marketing easy to hold.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How can the habit of success-top ten tips

There is one key message in this article. Here it is:

When you do what successful people do, you will be successful.

For many years I have worked as a motivational keynote conference speaker with professionals in a range of industries to help them achieve greater success. I have discovered that the communication skills that lead to success in the healthcare or IT industries, for example, are just the same as those in your personal relationships.

If you're still not sure whether you need to read this article, ask yourself a couple of important questions:

Would you like to be more successful than you are?

Would you invest an hour of your time listening to me giving a motivational and inspirational keynote speech, or spend ten minutes reading this article, if you knew it would help to make you more successful?

Tip one: Model their Behavior

Research shows that all successful people do much the same things. So, model their behaviour and be like them. Here are three things that successful people do so often that they do so by habit without thinking:

Get your brain used to change

Cross your arms a different way. Tie your laces the wrong way round. Successful people are unafraid of change. Practice.

Write down your ideas

Carry a notepad and pen with you at all times. Use them. Ideas will come to you in the middle of the night, or during a walk, or while you're working on something else. Write down every idea. Encourage colleagues to do the same. Successful people never waste ideas.

Picture yourself succeeding

Whatever your goal, imagine how you will feel when you achieve it. Where will you be? What will you be wearing? What will people say to you?

Visualization is a powerful tool for success.

Tip two: Learn to listen

Listen with more than your ears. Listen actively.

Act like a professional listener

Raise your eyebrows now and then. Give little nods. Say 'I see'. Echo what the other person said. Ask short probing questions using what, why, when, how, where.

Watch out for 'body-language'

Often, when people are not being honest, their hand tries to cover their mouth. Men wearing glasses take them off, or look down. Women often look up and find an imaginary piece of makeup on their eyelash.

Tip three: Stop 'trying'

The opposite of 'succeed' is not 'fail'. It's 'try'. Eliminating the word 'try' from your vocabulary will make you more effective.

Instead of saying 'I'll try...', say 'I will...'

Sometimes you will find you can't honestly say that you will do something. This is a sign that you are not committed to doing it. Now you are using 'meta-language'. If you don't mean what you say, don't say it.

Be suspicious of people who say 'I'll try'

When someone tells you that he will try, be alert to the likelihood that he may not be able to keep his word or is not committed to the task.

Tip four: Get rid of your gremlin

We all have a gremlin who whispers in our ear and stops us taking chances. 'You can't do this,' it mutters. 'You'll never do that.' Sack your gremlin today.

Contradict your worries immediately

When the little doubting voice whispers in your ear, tell yourself the exact opposite, loud and clear. Like visualization, saying a thing makes it true.

Let your body educate your brain

Sit up straight. Head high. Shoulders relaxed. Eyes direct. Smile. Your gremlin finds it hard to counteract positive body posture and will eventually fall off your shoulder.

Tip five: How can I do this better?

Successful people never stop asking the question 'How can I do this better?' Get used to doing this too.

When you suggest change, your team may assume you're criticising what they do now. Reassure them by showing that you are also open to change. Challenge everything, however small or obvious.

Take it slow and steady

Roger Bannister conquered the four-minute mile by first running a quarter-mile in a minute, then a half-mile, and so on. Everyone else was trying to run a whole mile in four minutes. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable chunks and eventually you will get there.

Tip six: Admit your weaknesses

Look at each of the jobs you do. There are some tasks that you don't enjoy and are not good at. Ask yourself why you are doing them.

Hire an expert

Perhaps you're saving money. The truth is, because it's not what you are good at, or what you love to do, you cannot do it as well or as quickly as a person who adores doing that same task. You are wasting your own time and in the long term you are wasting money. Get someone else to do it.

Look around at the others in your team. Everyone has some jobs they are not gifted for, but that must be done. So, offer to swap some tasks around, so that everyone has more of the jobs they excel at. You will all have more time to become successful.

Tip seven: Behavior breeds behavior

Family and work colleagues are strongly affected by how you behave. They watch you, and judge your mood, based on how you look. So, consider the message you want to send out, and behave accordingly.

Set a relaxed, creative, happy atmosphere

Smile, say 'hello' and make small talk when you go into the office each morning. Come home from work with something positive to say, and ask your partner and family how their days have been.

Dare to be different

Just because 'everyone' does something in a certain way, albeit an inefficient one, doesn't mean that you have to do it that way too. Be daring. Break the mould now and again.

Tip eight: Imagination

Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. He had no rockets on which to test his new Theory of Relativity, so he used his imagination.

Give your imagination room to roam

Have regular 'down time'.

Go for a walk in the park.

Chat with a colleague at the water-cooler.

Take the long way back from lunch for once.

Get used to encouraging your mind to roam.

Value every idea you have.

Write down things that other people say that strike you as clever or insightful.

Tip nine: Take action

'Being successful' is not in itself the objective. Think about what you will have, and what you will be able to do, once you are successful. Instead of thinking 'I want to be rich', think what having money will buy you, such as a new car or two holidays abroad a year.

Make your goals real to you. Research shows that people who write down their goals are more likely to succeed than those who don't. Write yours down, be specific, and mean them.

Set out on the path to success

Look at your written goals, and work backwards towards the present day. What achievable steps could you take to reach your objectives? Write those down too.

Tip ten: Behave like a successful person

When you ride a bike, and look too hard at the one pothole in the road, you will ride straight into it. If, instead, you concentrate on the rest of the smooth road, you will miss the hole completely. Be careful where your negative thoughts may take you.

Keep success in mind

Whatever you think about, you get. Decide not to even consider failure any more, or that might be just what you end up with. Always rehearse successful scenarios in your mind, in vivid colour, and in real time, starring yourself as the successful person.

Keep score

Give yourself credit when things go your way. When they don't, ask: 'How can I make this better in future?' Revisit your written objectives now and then, and cross off the steps you've already taken.

I wish you every success.

About the author ~ Motivational business speaker John Bell is recognised throughout the world as an authority on the mind. He has been speaking professionally for over 25 years. John works full-time as an author and a conference, seminar and convention presenter. In addition to motivating delegates, he teaches people how to harness the power of positive thought to succeed in both their personal and professional lives.

John is also extremely popular as an after dinner-speaker and has a unique style of delivery in that he often allows the audience to chose the topics of his talks. Only the most experienced of speakers, at the top of their profession, would have the courage, confidence and capability to adopt such a style.

He is the author of over 25 books including How to Hypnotise, How to Acquire a Remarkable Memory, and, for those involved in sales, the best seller How to Negotiate. John holds a Master's degree in Education.

A former stage hypnotist and stand-up comedian, John will entertain, inspire and motivate delegates so they are empowered to achieve measurable success in both their private and professional lives.

If you are looking for something that is different for your next conference or convention this is the one for you. You will find that delegate energy levels will rise significantly through a powerful and magical combination of laughter and amazement.

Using delegate evaluation scores collated by TTA, a large, international conference organiser, John has been voted 'Best UK Conference Speaker of the Year' on four occasions. He may be available to speak at your conference or place of work.

Learn more about John at his website http://www.johnbellspeaker.com or drop him a line at johnbell@johnbellspeaker.com

Monday, November 22, 2010

Making it happen-Top 10 Tips to save your plan in action and achieving success

Are you the kind of person who loves plan? Perhaps you know exactly what you want and how you're going to do to get there? Somehow you achieve what you want?

Some of us are much better at thinking and planning stage, then we are at the stage of "are doing". in the workplace, it may be used for the benefit of the Organization, so that we plan and others to the plan into action.

In our own lives, however, we can always answer to others what we want. We need to be responsible for both the planning and do it.

Working with life coach will definitely help you make your plans into action.For those who want to begin the journey itself, help these tips when converting your plan into reality.

Success Tip 1: make your plan visible
A plan that has been written, and then to the left in a tray or on your computer, and never looked at is of no use for you. turn off your plan where you will see it every day, preferably several times a day.

Success Tip 2: keep your plan alive
Use your plan to tell the story how much progress you have made and how much closer you are to your goal.Change/Update as things progress. keep it relevant and timely providing the. flexible focus on your goals.

Success Tip 3: Tick off completed tasks
You will see what you have accomplished and be motivated to continue.

Success Tip 4: use your calendar
Write activity in your calendar on specific days (even better at certain times), and then do what your calendar tells you!With the debate.

Success Tip 5: taking action
Action now, to do something, anything, no matter how small search such as a phone number to call, throw away the chocolate cookies.If you do nothing, nothing will change.Minor changes, do something small each day/week and will keep you in the right direction.

Success Tip 6: the more you do it, the more you will do
Take advantage of momentum, once you go momentum will kick in and it will be easier, the momentum will help you along.

Success Tip 7: learn from the successes of the previous
Think back to a time when you achieved something you were proud of? how did you make it?What is the secret of your success?What you continue to drive forward? what works for you?

Success Tip 8: you remember why you do this
Desire is the key to success, it gives us the motivation to continue to work on our goals.

Be clear about why you want to what you want, for example, why do you want to lose weight? is it because you want to improve your health, to look good, feel good in clothes on holiday? once you clear why your objective, remind yourself regularly informed of those reasons. Notes to put in your calendar, photos on the wall or the messages on the door of the refrigerator – something that require top of mind.

Success Tip 9: use the support from others
Tell someone else we do can be a very powerful motivator to keep us ahead. use your friends, family, or consider working with a life coach. choose someone who you will be rooting and want you to succeed.

They will listen to you, help you to search for solutions, options by talking to you, to encourage, motivate, and if you have specified an "off day" they will remind you why you do this. and of course, they will always be prepared to celebrate your successes with you ...

Success Tip 10: celebrate your success
So many of us are unhappy with us about what we have not done and neglect to proud of what we have achieved so far. acknowledge and celebrate your progress; whether it be with a champagne dinner or a victory dance around your living room. enjoy it.

Copyright © 2009 Jo Orgill.

Jo Orgill is a personal life and career coach. She is passionate about working with people to the life and career that they want. over the past few years, they changed the most aspects of her life and she is now living the life that she loves .Jo Orgill-practitioner or Life Coaching l.c.h. Dip. Contact Jo visit http://www.joorgill.co.uk/

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Motivation and success-the recipe-part 1

You have to understand, motivation, how it works and all the components that are involved. If you do not understand motivation and how it works, you will not be able to use it as a tool for success in your life. Your ability to stay motivated and continue to your objectives determine if you need to reach them or not. There are many more benefits that motivation in addition to financial success or monetary awards.

The basis of motivation is determined by the most motivating source witches were departments that it brings. If you start from the first day and motivation correctly deploy security updates, you can this is a lifelong habit to achieve success in the area of life that you want to apply.

With motivation, you many great benefits. We will go over a few of the benefits you will receive when you really motivation in your life.

The first is creativity. people who are looking for a motivated in life be think clearer and more ideas. They are capable of sending their intellectual knowledge and resources on what they are currently working on a project. As a result, they have more creativity to the project at hand.

Motivated people have more energy than those who do not. Many of these people are doing an average of eight hours in the night not sleep because they can not wait to go back to work and to complete a project, meet new people or move up the corporate ladder. They have a constant adrenaline rush that they excited and energized.

Motivated people have a lot more flexibility in their lives to know when they need to switch from the course or the way they're trying to go.If some of the factors in their lives to change, they keep an open mind flexible to change what needs to be amended in order to achieve success and happiness.People who do not have flexibility at the end of the day, usually have a very rigid and the result is not.Many of these people are very unhappy and alone.

One of the best benefits of all about motivation has great health. people who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do in life, usually have more positive feelings than others. they use this as a tool and throughout their lives to stay healthy. many of these people have experienced once in their lives that they are not motivated and understand the difference in power that is provided with both. Once you understand this, you can motivation to do what everyone really wants to do, for a stay at healthy.

Darius has written online for a while now and has many different interests. You can check out his websites on Wild Eyes contact lenses and Cat Eye contact lenses

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Important steps to success in counseling

There are four key steps to successfully in the process guidance:


A lot of people need counseling or it will not, or they come for therapy and are not willing to make changes in their lives. they want to change others; they want their environment or circumstances relating to change, but they are resistant to something else to do it themselves. It's amazing how much emotional pain that a person tolerate because they have struggled with the idea of change.

Many people have difficulty with the process of change because they can cause a lot of fear of being outside the comfort zone. For some, just a creature of habit and the known becomes more is better than the unknown.New habits, new methods to do things and thought patterns or behaviors to change take a great deal of energy and time, as well as the courage.

Courage can be defined as "the willingness to do something, even if you're afraid". having regard to the choice of with someone who is brave or someone who is fearless, choose the courageous person.Who without fear can be a danger for you because they will be taking risks that could get you hurt. the person with courage is willing to do what it takes and will probably be more careful because they experience of fear. they are not paralyzed by fear; under it.

Looking for help and to make any changes to your life requires courage. Are you willing to be different for about a quarter of the way to a better life.


Some people will relate that they are willing to changes in their lives, but not the drive or the energy to actually do so.They will begin the process by the therapy and a desire for change, but will not make the effort needed to effectively carry out the functions of the process.The first reason why they counseling is that their lives are about to leave in a crisis situation is likely to have deteriorated. they have hit in the legal system, threatened with loss of their marriage or a family; or are at risk of losing their job.In addition, they are in emotional pain about length as long as that their health is an issue.

A crisis situation can be painful, but it may also be useful. in most cases, perhaps things worse before it gets better for the process of change will take place. The Chinese have a written character in their language, which has two meanings. This sign stands for both the concept of hazards and opportunities.So, a crisis can be a life or a disaster but it can also be a means to make life better because it is a motivation for personal growth and development.

Without a strong drive for change, it is unlikely to happen. When an individual has to improve both the willingness and motivation to do this, they have the half of what it takes to succeed in the process guidance.


The old saying "quitters never win and winner never stop" in fact says it all.

However, people tend to be impatient with the personal growth process.Many of us want to and we want them now. in any case, those of us who do not have the maturity to suffer delayed gratification will express this urgency along with those huge need in their life experience. However, we who believe that "something worth waiting for", will continue to exist in the desire for change and are the ones who will prevail above the adversity. The counseling process requires this commitment and patience. Without these two characteristics, are going to be a lot of rush into what they think is a viable solution but at the end of the finding that the issue is not really solved at all.

What is the real purpose of the time?The answer is "so that everything doesn't happen all at once".That is why we must not forget stay the course and the sequence of events occur, so that we may make changes over time.

A formula for success, which I use in my practice is also the definition of "learning", as we use in therapy. In this formula is: L-c/t = x E [or learning is a change that over time as the result of experience takes place]. The section "over time" of this formula is crucial for the learning process and is required because the real and lasting changes is rare instantaneously.

The key to success in counseling or all tasks in the life, in addition to the will and the motivation to change [to adjust or learn] is the residence of the course of treatment and realize that interpersonal problems for many years to develop, and it will take to solve it.If you own or development of these characteristics in the early stages of counseling, you'll be three quarters of the road to success.


Faith is the last and most important step in creating success.If someone does not believe in themselves or in what they do, it becomes almost impossible to get a project or task.In other words, the more you believe in something, the more you increase your chances of success at it.

The concept of faith in yourself or belief in a process seems to be simple and we can usually agree on the need for it, but there are still people who not because they do not have the power of faith to reach their goals.

One of the reasons why people will be great suffering and lasting emotional distress is that they do not believe counseling or psychotherapy can help them. they've seen multimedia programs that individuals who are trying to discredit or counseling advisers and psychotherapists in an unflattering way. to be able to view Some counseling as well as for the weak and cowardly. each person is missing when they have little or no confidence in the healing process of change.

The successful person understands that the belief in yourself and others to achieve a goal or task they realize that there is a certain amount of confidence must be placed in the availability of a highly skilled, educated health care provider or at least their lack of trust issues with the therapist to explore at the stage of the beginning of counselling. This lack of confidence in others it may be the result of early childhood issues and a primary source of the pain of a person.

For those of us who are believers and possess a belief in God, we have a means to succeed outside ourselves. Harvard University and the National Institute of both undertook a research project to mental health refuting the power of prayer and both studies resulted in a significant impact with prayer in healing. it is encouraging that two secular settings on a per-accident the power of faith can support.

Overcoming adversity and performance to obtain is a culmination of all four characteristics of willingness, motivation, commitment and trust, to a complete chance of success in therapy, and a reasonable objectives that you have in life.

Dr. Kersey has been providing mental health services since 1977 and has extensively in the field of crisis intervention/community mental health services, mental health, Christian counseling, University counseling centers, as well as Dr. in medical institutions.Kersey provides services for individuals, couples, families and groups. He has a keen interest in the areas of co-dependent relationship, adoption, marriage counseling, sexual addiction and dysfunction, as well as the stresses of life DrKersey is a licensed psychologist and exercises since 1987 in Indiana. you can contact him through his Web site at http://www.lifecarecounselingservices.com

Friday, November 19, 2010

Motivation for your goals

2010 is in full swing and we are all (hopefully) back into the Groove of the years of work, I would like to ask the question, what motivates you? Sometimes this time of year, it appears difficult to get back gear in our usual routines. But a new year (just like a day, week or month) offers a new start, and clean looking to the future, often provocative thought about what it is that we will which future as exactly.

So you can have thought some of the objectives for 2010 (some call these resolutions, but I'd rather see them as targets to build for the entire year, rather than a short-term effort at a rapid solution to the problem), but what is it that you aim to achieve these goals?

Of course, specific motives for everyone, depending on the type of destination as well as your personality, but generally these motifs arise out of money, pride, expectations, credibility, passion, impact, challenges and to help others (and not necessarily in that order).

The motives of for example, your organization may have won the competition, making your customers happy, purchase of a new working premise, a positive leader, achieve higher budgets, growth of your business, from which your worth in the industry or to earn that extra bonus at the end of the year

The importance of realizing what motivates you is the key to success.Without motivation is a well thought out target just another failed resolution.

So here is my thoughts on nutting your 2010 plan for success:

1. an overview of your goals

I would like to make a short and long term objectives, broken down into step phases. it is easier to manage in this way and will not let you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having to an important objective in what was a distant future.

2. list of what motivates you to reach your goals

This is great for those days when you just tired and you feel like your goals out of reach of perhaps.Look at your motives and remember why you are trying to reach your goals.

3. Enter your success

This goes hand in hand with the overview of your goals. If you step by step goals you have achieved along the way and that is what you, as your success that you reward yourself when you use this small milestones.

4. make sure that your plan evolves

Continue to drive on the enthusiasm of your original objectives, new goals, new milestones and keep on learning what motivates you. in this way, you can prevent the downturn or lack of direction as soon as you have a goal reached. now with these thoughts in mind, remember that anything is possible, as long as you put your mind to it!

A few wise words of Vince Lombardi, "we would achieve a lot more things if you do not think we impossible."If you have any advice for goal setting and your motivation for success find we like to hear your thoughts!

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is the fear of failure holding you back from the freelance success?

Necessity. It is the mother of invention. Need is usually followed by an action of some sort. It also brings about motivation and discomfort, are the three important factors in determining your success as a freelancer.

Fear often caused paralysis and is a major obstacle to your success. Unfortunately, discomfort often fear.This way, you will be doomed for failure if you're afraid? Not necessary because the inconvenience can also creating a sense of necessity.

There are usually two classes of freelancers: those who want to freelance, and start by taking a few side projects, while pressed on a full time job, and those who have been laid off, layoffs, quit their job or can't find a job, and his freelancing, not only because they want to but because they have no other choice if they want to survive. Which group do you think is faster to achieve success?

My goal is not to a rosy picture of the power of positive thinking. While I believe that ideas and practices merit, I am here to point to some facts that make sense for you and hopefully you can go with a successful freelance or consulting career.

If you start as a freelancer, you must have a strong motivation to succeed.Those of you with stable jobs: you have a strong motivation to succeed, but I would say that for most of you, which is not as strong as someone who has found the work and freelancing is to put food on the table. that is because you have in your life a level of comfort. You know that your next salary, regardless of whether you are a new project country in the next month or not. Necessary is the driving force behind the motivation of the group who is unemployed. Implement measures every day because it is necessary for them to do as they want to feed their families.

For you to succeed, you need to take action. Are you afraid of not, you may stop responding (hang) without realizing it. That comfort zone you can afraid and are inactive, but it also holding you back of your dreams into reality. I am not calling for you to quit your job. I ask you step outside of your comfort zone and take action.Take advantage of every bad day at work. If you want to stop and full-time freelance, there must be a reason. You may not completely satisfied with your current situation, or you would likely continue. So take advantage of every little us for the inconvenience that comes your way, and allow it to motivate you to act. Is your boss gives you a hard time?Leaves you feeling that it is absolutely imperative that you quit your job in less than a month, and every day action towards that goal.

Determine what you're afraid of that could hold you back, and take action by finding a solution.Afraid that no health insurance?There are a lot of companies out that and a host of other benefits to independent consultants, such as MBO partners. afraid of not being able to find it?Become a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, some networking events to attend. do a couple of pro bono jobs to build your portfolio, and get some testimonials from customers.

Challenge yourself to do a little thing every day is a bit out of your comfort zone and gets you closer to achieving your goals. every successful person to ask how they did it, and they'll tell you they stand up and every time they do not try again. the only difference between them and you is that they have taken action in the face of fear, and the face of failure.

Angela Stringfellow is a marketing communications consultant and a partners. visit their website, MBO Partners.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to find inspiration when you need to get motivated

Everyone has the motivation from time to time. Often this is lack of motivation is directly related to the way in which you click a task are looking for. When you display any task as a distress or as something that is not really interested, do you have a difficult time getting motivated to complete the task. The truth of the matter is that all of us must do some things that a distress or something that is really not our sometimes interesting. So how do you get motivated to do when you feel unmotivated to complete?

First off, let's take a look at what motivation is.The Webster dictionary definition of motivation means that motivation, while it's often comes from within, as well as the result of external stimulus is a good example of an external stimulus, the increase you may receive from your employer.

Employees who believe that they are coming for an increase in that more motivated and will perform better in the weeks leading up to the possibility of an increase in than any other point during their employment. employers use increases and other incentives to motivate their employees to achieve top performance and to which tasks have been assigned this task, or the interests of the workers or not. But how do you become motivated without an external incentive?

Inspiration is a self-generated force you to take action. Inspiration comes from within you. It is the result of the will and the feeling of excitement about each task that you want to achieve, if that task is something that you really want to do.

In addition, the inspiration a real choice you make by the way a task. If you have the attitude of "I have to do so because I was told to do it" you will be inspired to achieve less than if you are thinking, "I want to do, because that's what I want to do."The way you think about a task, your attitude towards it, will have an impact on your inspiration, and thus your motivation.

Inspiration is not just a divine gift donated to certain people from all over the sky, like many religious doctrines teach.Inspiration is a gift that, regardless of our religious beliefs; but it turns out that your beliefs affect your inspiration. but the secret to find inspiration in the conversion of how you feel about the task at hand. Again, if you have the task along the line of thinking "I have something to do" less inspired you to accomplish it will be and will generally just going through the motions to reach, with very little, if any, internal satisfaction.

An important point to make here is that feeds the satisfaction inspiration. Satisfaction and inspiration are related.Satisfaction occurs when you have completed a task and that sense of accomplishment in yourself.

Satisfaction is that feeling of well being for a job well done that you experience, and it will be the fuel of your inspiration for the next job. in addition, the satisfaction internal instructions for your inspiration.Another important note about the inspiration is that with every success is being built.

Desire is another element of inspiration. desire strength and a strong intention to a purpose or objective. as is require a lot of fuel for inspiration.In fact, require cherishes inspiration.And the more you in yourself to the performance of your goals more inspired that you, not only to your goals, but in general your life will be.

Find inspiration to motivate is a matter of knowing the difference between the inspiration and motivation, as well as their relationships to one another. as mentioned earlier, motivation can come from both inside and outside of us. External motivation comes in a wide range of forms, from paying the accounts on the track to get that raise. inspiration, on the other hand, is strictly internal and comes from the conscious decisions and attitudes about a task, the environment and your life.

Inspiration is not concerned with the external stimulus because inspiration a higher level of operational and thought processing which is highly dependent on the attitude and desire to be successful.

Peter Murphy is an expert top performance. recently, he was a very popular free report that shows how to crush procrastination and lasting motivation. now apply to you because it is available for a limited time only: http://www.getmotivatedstaymotivated.com/blog

Motivation for success

Some people know what their motivation is, others have no idea. Be at such a young age that it took me a while to find my motivation. A cocky young person, I thought that I could take of the world made it difficult to do. I always thought to myself, it's all about money or the money is my motivation. That's really not it at all. I'm not saying that I don't need money or the money cannot be a motivation, but what I'm saying is that it is much more than that.

Through many experiences and lessons I found myself thinking what if I could find a way to live my life great, work for myself on my own time, money and all at the same time. That was it, that was my motivation. I am here working day per day on a CD than a regular paying job. It is a good thing, I get paid, I have some leverage in money, but fortunately, I do it?Not really. I would much rather enjoy doing what I love to do and money doing it.

Some people have differing motives than others, but it's still that thing that you might drive to the creating success. think about it, find your motivation, use that as your fuel for success, and continue to aim. Failing is part of the process and without that motivation to keep moving, you can not far.

"You will find motivation and your career you will find"-Brian


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Motivation to succeed

What do you want to achieve in your life? Where do you want to be in five years? 10 years? 25 years? You are and watched your life? If you do not know where you want to go, then I can guarantee that you will not.

Most people don't know what they want. They might think that they do, but in reality, they're not. They know just what they do not want. They do not want to be broke, a have a boring job, a source of frustration for their families, etc.Understand exactly what you want is not the same as knowing what you don't like. If all you do not want to know what you, your life will have no focus.

Without focus you have nothing to work on in addition to what you don't like.Instead of slowly build up to a final destination, at the end of the day you're working with a bunch of small negative goals that are easy, and on this basis if something goes wrong. This will eventually end up confusion, discouragement and worst of all, failure. Whereas, if a target has been set up, you on how you can develop a clear action plan.

A specific goal is much easier to achieve than vague goals, such as not be a bad thing, of getting rich.Setting specific targets, you can map from a path and installation of step by step action plan for getting there. each performance will be one step closer to the ultimate aim. Committing to a clearly defined purpose, regardless of what it is, gives you the best chance to achieve success. Know what you want to achieve and what it will take to get there to inspiration and self motivation.

Self motivation is something that comes from within and helps you to overcome obstacles while you pursue your goals. In the real estate company is self motivation is absolutely necessary. You will not have to rely on others to keep you motivated to reach your goals. The power of self motivation will allow you to achieve what you want in life, and this power exists within us all.

A member of the real estate needs personal goals.Your goals along with a positive attitude will provide the keys to your success.Personal goals, you can direct your passion and the production of energy, having regard to the desired results.Setbacks and challenges are frustrating and inevitable, but an agent that a positive attitude and motivated to succeed will use as the learn from the experience and move on.

So, to a motivation to succeed, you need the specific goals you want to go where you tell. next, you need to set up a plan that covers the necessary tasks that you need to do each day to make your ultimate objectives. know what to do and why you do it, is a critical step for the refuelling of your self-motivation. If you don't have a strong self motivation to succeed in the real estate business develop, you have little or no chance of succeeding. it is as simple as that!

Corey Wells, is the founder of Leading example coaching provides real Estate Agent Coaching, books, audio, scripts, software & more.

Visit: Leading example coaching

This article was originally posted on leadingexample.com/blog

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Stinking thinking" mistakes that kill your Weight Loss efforts

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Okay. Let's say you're ready to lose weight, change the way you eat, or feel less stressed or depressed. If you have ever decided to create a permanent change in your life before, you know it's going to take a lot more than simply eating differently or dieting. What you need to create a permanent solution is lots of self-supportive, positive, and encouraging self-talk.

If you want successful, long-term weight loss or an end to emotional or stress eating, you are going to need all the optimism and self-support you can generate. That is where encouraging, motivating, and self-supportive self-talk comes in. Self-defeating thoughts and negative thinking habits, on the other hand, can have a devastating effect on your outcome. "Stinking-thinking" are the types of thoughts that create stress and produce negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, sadness, or frustration. These negative thoughts often begin a vicious cycle: you think negative thoughts, you feel bad, and then you find some way to feel better by engaging in eating. If you can learn to speak gently to yourself in the first place, you can save yourself from feeling bad!

Negative thinking patterns are learned ways of thinking - which means that with some effort and desire, you can learn new ways of thinking. The first step to changing your self-talk is to identify the different patterns of thoughts that activate your negative emotions and cravings for food. By learning new patterns of thought, you can reduce stress, improve your level of confidence, and benefit your happiness. The following lists some of the most common types of destructive thinking patterns that occur:

All Or Nothing Thinking

This thinking involves seeing things in absolute terms, like "always" or "never". You might also hear this referred to as black and white thinking. For example, if you slipped off your goal action plan and ate doughnuts at midmorning, you then say, "I've already blown it. I might as well give up on the rest of the day." If a situation falls short of 100% perfection, you see it as a total failure. This train of thought is very damaging to your success.


You see a single negative event as a never-ending pattern of defeat. If one negative event occurs, you might think, "It's just my luck. Nothing good ever happens to me." While you might experience negative events some of the time, chances are there has been at least one exception to it. Holding on to this wide generalization simply keeps you from seeing the truth as it really is. It's negative and self-defeating.

Magnification and Minimizing

This type of thinking does two things: It sees the positive results of your actions as smaller than they really are, and exaggerates the negative results of your actions. Another example occurs when you exaggerate the positive attributes of other people and minimize their negative attributes. This style of thinking may also inappropriately shrink your achievements down until they seem insignificant, while you obsessively dwell on what is 'wrong' with you. Sometimes this is referred to as "making a mountain out of a mole hill."

Disqualifying the Positive

This is an extreme form of all-or-nothing thinking without the "all"! Positive messages and actions are continuously deleted or rejected. The positive experiences just "don't count" and you only attend to the negative. You pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it - discounting any other evidence to the contrary. This negative thought darkens every positive that has proceeded. For example, imagine you lost 30 pounds. But for some reason you gained back five of those pounds. Negative thinking dwells entirely on the five pounds gained back, darkening the entire situation. Discounting the positive takes the joy out of life and makes you feel inadequate and unrewarded.

Emotional Reasoning

You assume that your emotions reflect the way things really are. This thinking reasons, "I feel it, therefore it must be true." Emotions are considered forever truths. For example, you might reason, "I feel frustrated, I'll never get through this."

Should Statements

You try to motivate yourself with should statements, such as, "I should be eating healthy", "I should not eat that", "I should have lost more weight by now", or "I should start exercising." Often it is habit to use words such "should", "shouldn't", "have to", "must", and "must not" in an attempt to create change. However, these are negative, action-stopping words. If you feel you should do something, then it's something you don't want to do but for some reason feel obligated to do. The emotional consequence of using "should" on yourself is guilt - which generally is ineffective as a long-term motivator. Realize that as an adult you always have a choice.

Labeling and Disparaging

Rather than describing the specific behavior, you assign a label to yourself. Underlying labeling is the thought that if you get angry enough at yourself, maybe you will change. Instead of describing your action or behavior, you judge yourself harshly by saying "I'm a failure", "I'm fat and ugly", or "I'm such a stupid idiot." Instead of describing your error, you attach a negative label to yourself. Labeling yourself harshly never helps the process of self-awareness or understanding. These statements are likely to cause massive emotional swings of anger, frustration, and low self-esteem.

Mental Filter

You concentrate so strongly on a single negative or upsetting detail and dwell on it so exclusively that your vision of reality becomes darkened. An analogy is like the single drop of ink that discolors an entire beaker of water. If, for example, you had a great day following your eating and action plan, but then you made one mistake, you become preoccupied with the error instead of focusing on the larger picture of your efforts and success. Don't let one disappointment ruin your entire day.


You see yourself as the cause of some negative external event, which in fact you were not primarily responsible.

Constructive Self Questions

Only you can decide to alter your mental dialog. You alone are the pattern maker and breaker of your own existence. The first step is to explore (without judgement) what you are thinking. Are your thoughts encouraging and loving, or a depressing mix of fear, doubt, and punishment? Watch your thoughts and write them down on paper.

What am I thinking or dwelling on?

Am I seeing the whole truth?

How does this thought make me feel?

Which of the above thought patterns am I using?

Is it really true? How do I know?

Can I look at this another way?

What would I say to a friend in this situation if I was trying to help?

What am I needing right now to feel differently?

Identifying your style of thinking can help you challenge your thoughts instead of acting on them. By turning negative thinking around, you can alleviate stress, be happier, and feel more optimistic about yourself and your abilities to cope with life. Negative thoughts and feelings can be very powerful and are hard habits to break. However, if you commit to identifying your style of thinking, you can discover new ways to think of what is right and true about yourself, and your whole life will change before your eyes.

Dr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit www.LovingMiracles.com to access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Free subscription to Loving Miracles! newsletter.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Build Wealth By Planting A Money Tree For Unlimited Passive Cash Flow

Imagine for an instant you had a cash tree. That’s’s right, say you had a tree that produced money rather than leaves. How would that change your life?

Obviously you’ll agree that if you had a cash tree you would have lots more liberty and you could build wealth. You wouldn’t be forced to go to work 40+ hours a week. You would have more free time to enjoy. And if you could make a cash tree you would also relieve yourself of any fiscal worry that you will have. You could do what you need when you would like, and never need to stress about how much cash you had.

What if you had the opportunity to make a money tree, would you make it? Well I know how, and I have made one for myself. It makes me money every single day of the year, regardless of what I am doing. I have also helped many others create their own money trees. Most of my folks members and buddies have money trees, and we love it!!

So how can you make you own money tree? Straightforward actually, and you can do it inside two months. Yup you heard that in the correct way. You could have your very own money tree, producing cash for you around the clock, within the matter of months. And allow me to say that this isn’t a get wealthy fast scheme. A get rich fast scheme promises wealth practically overnight, and in fact the only one making money is the schemer. Notice how I said that you might be making money daily within just a few months, not overnight. And you can use your cash tree to become wealthy, but if you are looking to be a millionaire by the week after next, may I recommend the Lottery?

Anyhow, if you’re prepared to make a money tree, and literally change your life for ever and ever then have a look at SBI. SBI is how I created my money tree, and I know of many others who’ve used SBI to form their own money tree. Isn’t it your turn? Is so , than take a look now at SBI. You may quickly see how you might start now making revenue generating machine that will permit you to live life to the fullest.

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View the original article here

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Self Help – Daily Meditation For Self Improvement

Self Help – Daily Meditation for Improving Your Confidence
By Jessica T.

Emotional Self-Help

If you take a minute and reflect over the thoughts that dominate your mind in your every day life, you may discover that a lot of the thoughts are something like, no I can’t do that or I am not good enough for that, or maybe you unconsciously categorise all the things that you can’t and aren’t.
I am sure that you do not need me to tell you that this is unhealthy and can become very damaging over time. You have probably heard many people say, that these kind of thoughts are destructive and will not be beneficial for anyone. But how to change this state of mind?

Well, you will have to change your attitude towards life and yourself. To do that I suggest that you try this following technique and see if it helps you.

Replacing Your Thoughts

For this exercise I want you to think about the thoughts that normally pops in to your mind when ever there’s a situation and something you believe you can’t do.
What do you think?

Do you think that you aren’t good enough?
Do you think that your skills are inadequate?
Do you usually describe yourself in negative terms like, I am not that kind of person and I do not have that talent?

Well, take those negative words and replace them positive words such as, I am good enough, I am talented, etc.
This is of course not an immediate transformation and it requires a complete change in the way you are thinking. This will take some time and effort, but aren’t you worth it?

The Daily Plan for Self Improvement

Make it a habit to think positive thoughts about yourself. And be more aware of the way you are thinking

So take notice in your thoughts. Don’t just allow the negative thoughts to control your mind. Take control of them and replace them. So when a negative thought appears, simply acknowledge it, and let it go. Then turn your mind towards a positive though and something that makes you feel confident. It may be a memory of something in the past or some achievements in your life. Something you are proud of. Make that feeling the dominant feeling, and make it a habit to switch your mind towards those thoughts, whenever a negative one appears.

Meditation is also a great self-help technique. Meditation can have a healing effect on both your mentality and your physical body. You will feel more stabilized and balanced when working with meditation as a self-improvement technique. One great healing meditation that I recommend is chakra healing or chakra meditation.

In chakra healing you learn to heal your chakras. This is important for self-help, as each and every energetic chakra field in your body is the location for your personal qualities and characters.
If you for instance feel that you will-power is basically gone and you often let other people take control, you solar plexus may be blocked or closed. If your chakras are blocked, they will not be healthy and in balanced and can therefore cause emotional and physical blockages. So try chakra healing and see if it helps you feel more balanced and at peace.

You can find complete chakra healing guides on my site. Just go to Chakra Balancing
Good Luck

Bloggers that are surfing for info about the topic of emotional freedom technique, then go to the page which was mentioned right in this line.

View the original article here

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stress Assessments For Your Well Being

Stress is a part of our everyday lives. We already know this so why do we need a test to inform us so? Stress assessments are more than a litmus check for determining you probably have stress. They consider the physique’s responses to stress. In different phrases, they let you know how your physique is dealing with stress.

We all experience stress in some way. How do we respond to it? Some people cry, shout, scream, or simply give in to the situation. There are various methods to view a hectic state of affairs, but sadly they aren’t all good responses.

When our stress is unhealthy sufficient or constant enough, it affects our our bodies in damaging ways. We don’t at all times pay attention to what our bodies are saying to us. It is like our heads know higher than the remainder of us so we simply maintain pushing on till our our bodies have had enough and start to retaliate.

The point of stress tests is to find out how our our bodies really feel earlier than they go postal on us. Since we cannot listen, the medical doctors and medical psychologists will. There are a selection of stress checks that folks can take part in to determine how their body handles the stressors around them. The outcomes of these exams can then help in serving to to cope with them in additional optimistic methods for each our bodies and our minds.

Physical Stress Checks

These are the most typical stress tests. Most contain the impacts of stress on our hearts. Let’s face it. If the guts is not happy, we won’t be lengthy for this world. The guts pumps blood throughout your entire physique and to the lungs the place our bodies exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.

Throughout a stress check, the participant walks on a treadmill or, in some cases, rides a stationary bike. In the course of the test, a clinician monitors heart price and blood pressure. This exercise stress take a look at can point out when you’ve got problems together with your coronary heart that may be brought on by hectic situations. Individuals who learn to handle their stress will normally perform better than those who don’t have any outlet.

Different Stress Tests

Another physical stress check is the Thallium test. This includes injecting the affected person with radioactive isotopes of thallium to test for blockages in the blood vessels of the heart.

A Barium test is carried out to evaluate stress on the digestive system. Once we are under stress, the stomach empties slowly but the colon empties quicker than normal. Conducting a barium check over time will show how the digestive system is being affected by worrying conditions in your life.

Psychological stress checks are performed by a psychiatrist or psychologist. Via a series of pointed questions and responses to pictures, it’s determined what type of character you have. Based mostly on that, your profile will decide if you are more or less prone to stress and the right way to manage it.

Stress checks are one approach to figuring out if stress is negatively affecting your life. Some people don’t even know that their our bodies are struggling beneath the load of stress till one thing catastrophic happens. Keep away from unnecessary ache with a stress test.

IQ test means Intelligence Quotient,with the help of IQ tests you possibly can measure your skill of your work in any subject, if you get high IQ stage in intelligence tests test that means there is probabilities of highly advanced jobs.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Attracting financial abundance with the science of getting rich

Are you familiar with the book ' the science of getting rich? " I just finished reading this book again, and I find myself almost haunted by the simplicity of its teachings. Still, don't be fooled by the simplicity, the doctrine in this book are very powerful and literally offers to attract financial abundance in your life.

The science of getting rich was originally published in 1910 and was written by Wallace Wattles.It has something of a rebirth in popularity over the past few years, particularly with the more recent popularity of the movie The Secret. that is because Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret Wattles ' book named as one of its most important influences in the film.

Wattles book outlines the process of creative visualization, which is one of the foundations on which is the Science of Getting Rich is based. it has strong popularity within the self help industry got because, although he is not the exact language use, it's really all about the use of the law of attraction. More specifically, Wattles book is a manual which you teaches how to use of the law of attraction.

In addition, before his book the more popular classic Think And Grow Rich, which was written by Napoleon Hill. After reading the two books, one can't help but wonder to what extent, if any, Wattles work can be influenced Hill.There are similarities between the two books that unambiguous.

For the real student of the law of attraction and for anyone looking to understand the mechanics of the process of deliberate creation and making a living from inspired abundance, is The Science of Getting Rich a very valuable to read.

Many of the focus of the book is about developing the discipline of mind your attention and focus on what you want, with creative visualization, regardless of your current circumstances. Wattles shows that there is a particular way in which you should think and work in such a way that the abundance and prosperity that you want to come to you, he pointed out that the development of the discipline of the argument, for this is perhaps the most difficult work.

Wattles book is so deceptively simple, it's easy to throw it out.Yet, a closer look--and appreciate this is at least the 4th time I've been reading of his book-it speaks volumes about the process of using creative thinking and visualization to the laws of the universe at work for you.It's really a beautiful booklet worth studying deeper.

For more information about the law of attraction, the science of getting rich, and how you attract what you want, Subscribe me a daily newsletter. When you do this, you will receive our acclaimed 7 Steps to Happiness ecourse--in which many of the ideas of the Wattles book--free. Get it now: Law of Attraction

Warren Wojnowski is an avid student of personal growth and self improvement that since 2005 has its own successful home business. He is a respected writer, teacher and built-in coach who very willing to share what he has learned (or still learning), what works and what doesn't. Warren says "as an aspect of your life in which you have in your life or your company, it feels stuck, I can help you back on track and start living the life that you want to".

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not a dime and unlimited wealth and success to achieve

It seems that every time you around, some Guru trying to sell you latest "secret" success. Well, let me tell you a "secret", there are no secrets of unlimited wealth and success. With the advent of the Internet with all of the blogs, forums and social networking sites, there is nothing that is not free.

In fact, are two of the best ways to reach your full potential to all almost since the beginning of time. Although you want to buy some books or audio on these methods, you can actually implement these methods without spending a dime of thin, silver.

So, what are these two methods. Simple, goals, and confirmations. The combination of these two methods create an almost unbeatable combination to wealth and success.

First off, let's start with targets. an asylum seeker success without a purpose is like a shooter without a purpose. It does not matter how many arrows let you fly, you'll always miss. But if you have a clear goal to pursue, you the aim is not 100% of the time, but at least can, do you have an idea of how close you are to success and then can use your experience to make corrections and eventually, you will receive the bulls-eye (success).

It is a known fact that only about 2% of the population control nearly 95% of the wealth in the world and as you advance in look at it, you will find that almost 100% of that 2% clear specific goals. If you have set up a target, you have a goal and you can attack that goal with a burning desire. Due to the nature of the slider to set up a goal, you increase your motivation, work on building the knowledge to achieve your goal and virtually eliminating the delay that you'd like your goal.

It's really that simple, once you have written specific objectives are you 90% of the way to achieving unlimited wealth and success.

The second method is bit complicated, but if you combine the two methods, you'll and unstoppable force of nature.I'm talking about the proper use of confirmations. one of the early proponents of affirmations was Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich." Unfortunately, Hill only understood part of the story, and as a result, while many people successful, were much more left in the dust. Confirmations, used properly, are much more than simple positive thinking.

In the correct use, confirmations is completely reprogram the subconscious mind. There are basically two kinds of affirmations, confirmations and positive affirmations. Clearing acknowledgment for release of the unconscious of the false beliefs and self-limiting behaviors that we learned in our lives and positive affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious programming with a positive success mindset-sometimes a prosperity mindset or business mentality.

Great care should be taken in the development of the right wording, so that we can not allow a conflict within the spirit and the confirmation is the most powerful as it is written in the preset time. For example, a confirmation will be: I want to become wealthy. confirmation That will get you exactly what you will be prompted for non wealth-like.The subconscious mind everything literally takes and non-judgmental.You want to, and that's exactly what you have received.A better explanation would have been: I am grateful for the wealth that flows in my daily life.This is, of course, do two things at the same time.Not only are you gratitude and there is no conflict in the mind.Had said to you, I would like to thank the million that I receive a conflict would be created. so, use the present tense, conflicts, and positive wording.

If you choose to the use of affirmations, remember that the key to the effectiveness repetition. Written anchorages shall be written and formulated as often as possible each day.Audio affirmations, you must listen to the entire audio at least once a day. it may take a few days to many months before you start seeing an effect. the best audio affirmations will be a classical music background, as we have seen for the generation and Alpha mind state that has been proven to super-learning based on the work of Dr. Georgi Lorzanov that at the height of his ordeal was able to learn a foreign language at a level of fluency within one full day. Another way of using audio affirmations is too soft play them in the background while you are working on other projects. your subconscious mind will clearly hear, but they are played soft enough that the do not affect the task at hand.

One last note: you are going to a lot of promotion of subliminal audio confirmation/.Het sounds like a great idea, but any scientific test subliminal audio/total has proved to be ineffective. Subliminal computer programs and videos show some promise, but at the moment, there is insufficient scientific evidence to show how effective they are.

Stan Pontiere (man) becomes an open self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. for more information about self-development: http://www.wealthbyaffirmation.com or my blog at: [http://wealthbyaffirmation.blogspot.com].

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

3 things that your parents do not Teach You About Money

Was your parents rich?

My parents was OK, and they even start their own businesses, but they have never taught me these 3 things:

The difference between linear and leveraged inkomenHoeveel money you need to retire comfortably by using the law of attraction to attract wealth

Linear income is the time for money trading. in other words, if you do not have you not paid. Many people think that doctors and lawyers have made, but think about it – they only make money if they to help a customer. When they retire, they are better to live of significant savings, as well as all the others who work for someone else.

Leveraged income makes use of the time of other people. most business owners experience, as they are employees. You can play golf while your employees from the company.But a traditional business requires a fair amount of management to make sure that it is profitable.And there are the hassles of space rent, rent firing of workers and laying down the "disasters" (such as roof leaks).

What I love about MLM is leveraged income without the hassle. your money on the sale of your downline. While you will need to help them get educated, you will need a sound system that is a duplicate, you can connect them and just ask or maybe some calls to do with them.Once you have determined some results, you can (mostly) are and collect the selection.

People who are earning royalties on books, movies or music also leveraged income to earn, but most of us don't write for best sellers, stars in the blockbuster movies or Platinum pictures!

My favorite book to explain this concept is Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad, Poor Dad."

My parents never really learned about me the budget money, and I not taught in school that either.If you don't use long term leveraged income streams, you need to attract substantial savings, especially if you want to travel and other fun stuff — you will have money to the health care coverage, messages and tools in addition to your "beach money."Most people underestimate the amount of money they need to retire, especially in view of the fact that the interest rates on savings is now almost zero.

Most people do not understand that money should be increased. Napoleon Hill 25 years some of the world's richest people interviewing and documented his findings in the classic book "Think And Grow Rich."Although he does not refer to his method as the law of attraction, is that what it is. he gives instructions on how to make money, and he also makes it clear that if you do not aim to attract wealth, by default, you will attract poverty (or a mediocre lifestyle) instead.

Robert Kiyosaki was fortunate that his "rich dad."Since most of us do not impact, we must start now to learn the truth about money and wealth.

Dale Reynolds
Exposure of the dark side of MLM
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