Thursday, June 30, 2011

You determine your salary-life success series

Something that tends to forget is that you decide how much money you earn, and you how wealthy you are planning to his decision. You determine how much money you earn an hour, and you're in control of how that money is put to use.

With the exception of certain circumstances there are very few disadvantages people have not the ability to control their income. I know teenage millionaires, billionaires and even elderly people who had their homes because of a disability leave, but they don't allow that as an excuse.

What you do with your time and how you leverage to your advantage is yours. The position you are in now is in a certain way a result of a decision that you have created or a situation which you accept.

Those who are successful do not settle for mediocrity. They have the determination and drive to push forward to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. No excuses.

Think about what it is that you want to achieve, and then do something about it. Layout a plan that will help you get there as quickly as possible. If the enter a new field, receive an education. If you want to make more money, start a part-time business. If you want to retire young, then get your multi-million dollar business plan packed. Anyway, your future in your hand, not someone else.

It's never been so easy to make more money. If it doesn't have to be exceedingly rich, then simply supplementing your income can build long-term wealth. By applying yourself and taking action, you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.

Think about this. If it is humanly possible and it has already been done, then it is entirely possible for you to achieve this objective. Don't think of yourself as inadequate and incapable. You can achieve your goals faster than you think.

The secret of the Success of the life video watch and discover how people like you this powerful concepts have used to achieve more. Watch the full video on

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What you based on your success Meter?

Are you one of the many people who others look and think "I wish I had their self-confidence"? Too many times we stop thought process at that point, what would happen if you explored who thought more in depth?

Our self-confidence has developed and changed by many factors by means of our lifetimes. Thanks to these factors have a lot of unrealistic expectations set in itself that leads to self doubt and low self esteem. Self-doubt it can be very disempowering and lead to anxiety, frustration and self-hatred that can keep you from reaching your full potential. You can really your success meter based on what you've established society and others define so successful?

Success can look and be experienced by everyone else. So are you that honest to yourself by your success based on a snap shot of someone's life? We forgot to look at the only person, which is what our real values are know, the one that actually targets for our inner success can set. The important thing to remember is that we can learn to be at any time in our lives. So, the next time that you feel you are missing something in your life look in the mirror is the only person who has the right answers for you.

Remember, dreams and desires have no expiry date or age limits, they've just been waiting patiently for you to make it happen. It Is possible the biggest boundary between you and your dreams are you? Only through dreams change objectives please they are available and make them your reality. So dare to dream!

Jaime Bayliss is a life/Business Coach [] (CPCP) formally trained and graduated from the Academy everyone understands International Coach who has big dreams for their life and a desire to achieve these dreams of personal and professional fulfillment. Dreams can be as large as we desire if we can understand how these dreams create our reality, that's where Jaime.

Jaime is the CEO of lucrative Coaching decisions. Jaime truly loves is a Certified Coach [] and its customers help moving forward. They decided on the lucrative decisions Coaching name because she knows that the best decision you can make is to invest in yourself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What my 11-month-old can teach you about achieving success

How many times have you set out to do something, and when it doesn't matter to after the 1st or 2nd attempt work, you decide that you're not good at, you'll never learn how to do it, or it is not for you?

I often hear a story similar to this of women just before I begin coaching with them. Some examples:

-"2 Weeks ago I posted my online dating profile, and while I've emailed with a couple of guys, I still haven't met someone I want to go on a date with. The online dating thing will never work for me! "

-"I followed with this Outlook client, but they never replied. I think they are not interested in my service or product. "

-"I want to write a memoir, but have spent a month and cant get through the design of the first chapter. Maybe I'm not meant to write about my adventures! "

In each of these cases, the individual specified hope or enthusiasm for something that they really, really want, just because they did not achieve in full right away. Instead of viewing their attempt, exactly as it is: just, an attempt that didn't work out, they create a story about himself: I'll never meet someone to date; This client will never interested in my services; I will never be able to write this book.

The truth is, it's your story that will keep you from accomplishing the things that you want to achieve in life-not your skills, or even your circumstances!

I learn this and relearn every time, just by observing my 11-month-old daughter, Penina. Like most babies, Penina has a zest for life and curiosity, and want to do and everything to try. However, it is a rare case that her goal is reached at her first attempt.

I'll give you an example: last week, Penina was figuring out how to sit on himself a new crank that was given to her. I watched as she her little legs up and down, moved here the affixing of an arm or experimenting with another arm there. Just as she was about to success, Penina lost her balance, fell over and beat her chin. I drove to make sure she was okay. She was a little bleeding and called for a moment. And when she did the most amazing thing: they crawled out of my arms and straight back to her stool to complete what she had set out to do.

Penina could continue to exist and its purpose is not complete because they do not judge for yourself not the achievement of full success in her first attempt. In fact, I think the challenge is what made it more interesting for her!

Think about a baby you know-chances are they don't walk or talk or feed themselves on their first try. But they don't let that get in their way! She kept tapping into their curiosity and working at it and working at it and tweak their strategy (and perhaps got support and assistance of parents and others) until they achieved success.

And, of course, as adults, we know that every one of their efforts was part of their process of achieving success-each attempt, they learned something new about accomplishing what they wanted to achieve.

An important step on the road to success and satisfaction is to be able to let your passion, enthusiasm and interest in your project or purpose are larger and more powerful than any story that you on your small-ness or your inability to make.

How many ideas, capabilities, relationships or projects have you allowed to pass you by because you chose to use your not achieve success on your first attempt as proof that you were not able or intended to do it?

Today, I ask you to be inspired by my 11-month-old daughter and look at your goals with fresh, new eyes. Tap into your curiosity and passion and go for it!

Your soulful Coaching call to action!

Contact your passion > and your curiosity for your project or purpose

Measure your progress-even if you are not completely your goal on your first go around, take note of what you have accomplished and what you've learned for next time around to complete

Let go of your self judgement or the self-criticism when you notice that your "story" you returned from the persisting keeps

Search for support when you intuitively feel it would be easier to achieve your goal with someone else offering suggestions, accountability or just plain old business!

Joanna Lindenbaum, M.A., has 12 years of teaching and coaching experience. She invites women to think bigger, to embrace their power, engaging and exciting goals. Its customers achieve extraordinary success in business, career and life.

For receiving of Joanna's free eCourse, how to overcome the 5 obstacles to success, visit

Monday, June 27, 2011

What's your motivation?

Business always has their ups and downs. That's just the way it is. Now with all the downs that come our way, what would happen if we had no drive, no incentive or motivation to go? Well, all our activities would just fail and crumbled to the ground. Do you know what motivates you? Pushes you? Drives you do your best?

Personally, if the first thing that popped into your head was money, please let me be as real as real gets, you should more motivation. Money is great, but I think you need more than money to motivate you. Here is an excellent example of why I think it's not a good motivator.

Lets say you hit a slow couple of months, not to anything. Money is now your motivation. For a few months, there are no sales, no leads, nada! Be real with yourself, how motivated are you to continue with your company? Chances are, you'll probably think that a 9-5 sounds pretty sweet. I hope this proves my point.

For you to success in your business to reach there must be a reason why you every morning to get up and do what you do. It doesn't matter how big or small the idea of motivation is, as long as it motivates you. here are the top 3 things, that no matter how much money I lose, I don't get how many leads, or how many sales I never quit, will still keep me motivated to my business run.

1. My family-I have a loving family, nuclear were. Mother, father and brother. They are my everything. I want to make sure that I more than can offer them everything they need and want. Regardless of the cost, distance or availability. I want them to have everything. Be more than average and more than comfortable. I want my parents retire and travel the world. I would like an art gallery for my brother open, so that he could exhibit his work. I want to make their dreams a reality.

2. My dream home-I want to live in a big house. And not just a big house, my dream house! I even have a picture of what it looks like. I stop to look at the daily to remind myself why I work so hard, and what my hard work will pay off. A Visual to look at every day is a great way to bring the plant in your mind. Post it anywhere that you see it every day. It's usually a good place where you spend most of your time.

3. My vision-its not really an explanation, but more of a letter to myself. It is where I want to be of 5 years from now. I am a very detailed person, and wrote almost my entire life there, but you don't have to. I read this daily. Are similar to how I look at my dream house everyday. I read it out loud, and it helps me and reminds me of the success that I want to accomplish in my life. I highly suggest that everyone have a vision statement for themselves. You wouldn't believe how your own words can inspire you each day.

I hope that my motivation helps to give you some ideas if you don't have one, or helps to jog new ones. Always be motivated in your company. Its a determining factor. These simple things can make you stand out as leaders.

I have put together a sample that you can follow that you can use to create your own vision statement. You can find the on my personal website

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why do you want to be successful?

One of the most important questions that I feel should be conquered before you out on the road to success is why you want to be successful. By that I mean the motivating forces and drive that you want to actually create the success. In the next article, I will discuss why such a question is so important to successfully and to ensure that

The most common belief that people have about success is that it will make them happy. After all, are we animal as any other creature in our wish for happiness and pleasure more than anything else. But when you look at your life, to the wishes that you begin, where this assumed ultimate happiness is derived from is blurry. We find happiness in the actual event of completion, or is the source of our happiness from the results themselves.

It seems quite a confusing question, so I'll give you a demonstrating scenario-come-question. Say you vision of success is a big house with 5 bedrooms with two cars and a woman. Is the happiness of all of these things have been given, or the happiness comes directly from these things?

Or someone who wants to success because of success can ever be satisfied, is content and happy for debate. Even there may be little difference between the two in reality, and many people want to both sources of happiness at the same time. But still, I think it's still important to realize the reason for your success in the first place. If you can recognize your true motivation, you can visualize much more effectively and consider their fulfillment, and thus your own.

Jonathan Belcher is a fisherman for 10 years now, and a review site at Digital fishing Scales., which also aims at revising Digital fish scale [].

Saturday, June 25, 2011

When The Law of Attraction?

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It started with the creation of the universe and the creation of thought.

The challenging question is, when did mankind first become aware of this law?

The answer to that is unknown, although there is some evidence to suggest that people knew about universal law at least 6000 or 7000 years ago.

Research on the history of the law of attraction provides us with many inspirational quotes, which gives us plenty of evidence that the laws were truly understood.

When studying the history of the Law of Attraction we see that Buddha said,

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

A powerful statement, not only do we create the material things in our lives by what we think, we also create ourselves.

Further evidence in the history of the Law of Attraction can be found in the King James version of the Bible. We see that Job may not have fully understood the workings of attraction, however like many people today he suffered the consequences of the law by not using it for his good.

In Job 3: 25, it reads,

"For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me."

How many of us are creating what we do not desire in life? How many of us are setting ourselves up as victims because we do not understand or are not consciously using the law of attraction?

Without knowing when the phrase Attraction was first coined, it is difficult to document the first writings. Law of attraction awareness was certainly awakened in the last century or so, with many authors and scientists writing, perhaps controversially, at the turn of the last century.

Many of these books are now in the public domain and are available in eBook format from the Law-of-Attraction-Guide library.

James Allen is best known work As a Man Thinketh, which is one of the most powerful law of attraction books written.

The forward states,

"to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that - they themselves are makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness."

As you can see the style of writing is rather dated and needs to be read carefully.

Wallace Wattles studied the various religious beliefs and philosophies of the world including those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Swedenborg, Emerson, and others.

He translated those studies into several books including The Science of Getting Rich. In this book he builds upon the following statement,

"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. I can form things in my thought, and by impressing my thoughts upon formless substance, can cause the thing I think about to be created."

In the past 30 years, this book has been used as the basis to teach many people about the law of attraction, and was the inspiration for the movie, The Secret.

Charles Haanel was a noted American author and businessman who belonged to the American Scientific League, The Author's League of America, The American Society of Psychical Research, the St. Louis Humane Society and the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce.

Haanel wrote several books that were published in St. Louis by Psychology Publishing and by his Master Key Institute in New York.

Mr. Haanel put into books the ideas and methods he used to gain his success. Besides the Master Key System, which he wrote in 1912, he also wrote Mental Chemistry and The New Psychology.

By 1933 The Master Key System had sold over 200,000 copies and then seemingly disappeared.

Studying the history of the law of attraction, The Master Key System has proved to be one of the finest studies in self-improvement and higher consciousness ever written. Covering everything from attracting abundance and prosperity, to greater health and happiness. This system teaches the principles and practise of the laws of cause and effect.

One of the most inspirational quotations written in the introduction of the book is,

"Abundance, therefore, depends upon recognition of the laws of Abundance, and the fact that Mind is not only the creator, but the only creator of all there is."

Again the writing style requires careful reading, but is well worth it.

The Master Key System was originally written as a 24 part correspondence course and therefore is far more practical as a step by step building process, with weekly law of attraction exercises and lessons.

The Master Key System is the spine of our own training program Unlock The Power of You

Napolean Hill is considered to have influenced more people into success than any other person in history. He has been perhaps the most influential man in the area of personal success development.

Napoleon Hill achieved great success as an attorney and journalist. His early career as a reporter helped finance his way through law school. He was given an assignment to write a series of success stories of famous men, and his big break came when he was asked to interview steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie.

Mr. Carnegie commissioned Hill to interview over 500 millionaires to find a success formula that could be used by the average person. These included Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley Jr, John Wanamaker, WIlliam Jennings Bryan, George Eastman, Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft, John D. Rockefeller, F. W. Woolworth, Jennings Randolph, among others. He became an advisor to Andrew Carnegie, and with Carnegie's help he formulated a philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons.

It took Hill over 20 years to produce his book, a classic in the Personal Development field called Think and Grow Rich. This book has sold over 7 million copies and has helped thousands achieve success. The secret to success is very simple but you'll have to read the book to find out what it is!

The first copy of Think and Grow rich was sold in 1937. Eleven years later, in February 1948, Coronet magazine polled 300 successful young men and women, asking, 'What books had most influenced their lives and contributed to their success?' Think and Grow Rich was ranked fourth. Some 38 years later USA Today published a list of the top 10 selling paperbacks about investments, Think and Grow Rich ranked No.1. Incredibly in 2002, some 65 years after it was published, Think and Grow Rich was tenth in the Business Week bestsellers.

Napoleon Hills work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all time best seller in the field.

Florence Scovel is one of the first metaphysics teachers of this past century. In her book The Game of Life and How to Play It, she states;

"Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game. It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness."

Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving. "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap"

This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive. If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies he will be lied to; if he cheats he will be cheated.

Florence is also quoted as saying -

"Infinite spirit opens the way for my great abundance. I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by divine right. My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways."

It is my belief, that at our very core, people want to have a peaceful and harmonious world. I also believe that as people become aware of the Law of Attraction, they will realize that they can influence the world by their belief and will be an agent for positive change for the future. It is important that more and more people become aware of and use the law of attraction daily to create tremendous lives for themselves and others.

The Complete Law-of-Attraction-Guide
Exploring the ways that you can Apply and Master the Law of Attraction. With free resources, eBooks and Conceive-Believe-Achieve Magazine. Can you really bring into your life anything you desire?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Willpower and action lead you to success?

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
-Vince Lombardi

Despite what you on television or a glossy magazine see may, willpower is still and will always be an important aspect of self discipline. Quit smoking campaigns that tell us we should use some gum or patches to beat the habit are right mate. If one does not have the willpower to stop, nothing will work. People take on diets, diet does not work unless they have the willpower.

To be successful, to be wealthy or to get rich also required of you, willpower and action.

I compare with willpower the suit of wands in a Tarot pack. The wands represent fire; they represent the willpower, energy, self assertion, productivity and growth. You know that the realm of the Suite of Wands our intentions and our actions includes, among other things, the Suite of Wands also relates to intuition and self confidence.

If in your quest for success you have a small bump in willpower increases there is a need for immediate actions shall be implemented in practice. Action and willpower could be compared with your heart and lungs, they need each other to survive. While will power the first requirement leads to action, action, in turn, the capacity to increase your willpower.

Time to increase your knowledge, find some quiet morning and night and do the reading with regard to making you a more valuable person, whether for your job, your career goals or that you wish to run, the knowledge is important, the willpower to knowledge is more important. Use this new knowledge to expand your thinking and improving the opportunities for success that await you.

Exercise, a healthy diet intake and an adequate intake of water are also important in the acquisition of knowledge. Exercise increases oxygen exchange, the increases of the diet the capacity of our cells to function effectively, water is necessary to maintain life. All together they make our brains more alert to keep track of what we read or listen to.

Adequate exercise need willpower, to a healthy lifestyle with adequate water intake to maintain healthy diet also requires willpower.

Action on all of the above and you will have more control over your mind develop.
Control of your thoughts and conquer the road of success.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why success depend on your why?

How MLM success depend on your why?

Historically, the survival rate in network marketing is not good! MLM Success is not a walk in the Park.

The simple and sad truth is that when it comes takes – most people stop!

The business is evolving and developing new methods to embrace the Internet. The idea of "Internetwork Marketing" is easier to succeed but there will be changes and challenges to get by.

No amount of incentive, encouragement, guidance or even bullying will help anyone who is not in itself the desire to succeed.

Motivation comes from inside, and it is your "why" that your stamina.

WHY! Not how?

The reason (why) you want to achieve something is much more important than the "how". Too often we get caught up in the details of how to achieve something instead of clear and committed to the "why".

Your "why" is the great, passionate desire that you keep going and if you can nail what your "why" is then you go through thick and thin and some sort of challenge will continue.

Motivation from the inside is long-lasting. It does not disappear the day after the motivational rally, or once you have cleared the motivational tape.

Once you've nailed it appears the "why" than the "how" later….

Identify your why!

We are not talking about money here. You authorize enough money just to your liking. It is not an end in itself, like MLM success is not the end of the method itself, but if a vehicle is, to get there you.

What you need to do is figure out what you really, really want. What your buttons is pressed and gets your juices run?

Answering a few questions, can unlock the door:
What do you do with your spare time?
If you had a 2 month holiday, and money is not a barrier was, how would you spend?
If you had an unlimited amount of money what major problem would disappear?
If you had all the time in the world to do what you wanted, what would you do?

Due to the nature of what your why that it needs is to stimulate emotions in you-excite you, you anger or even scare you.

It is important to focus on what do you want to know what not want to you can sometimes help it all the more clear for you.

Your "why" as BIG. Large enough that it's bigger than what the obstacle is that gets in your way. If it doesn't then when faced with this challenge will stop with the easy option.

So even more deep thinking and take into account a few more questions:
What do you want to accomplish in your life?
What does your family for you?
What would you people you love most?
What makes you really scared to death?
What really excites you?
What makes you really upset?
What do you like about your work.
What do you hate about your job?

These are questions that only you can answer!

If you consider these things we will help you to fine tune your motivation, clarify your vision of what you want and help you find the motivation in yourself, that will get you through the hoops and about the bumps for your MLM success ... Starting a new home business can be an important new direction for you and this website is here to help you out on MLM success.

Darrin is a successful online marketer, mentor, and consultant assisting enterprising people to find success. To learn more about Darrin's home business opportunity Then either register

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The law of success

A conscious effort has to be made to provide good experiences for the mind. Nature has provided man with everything in vast abundance - sadly though human beings have not quite realized this fact.

You must make up your mind to be successful. How can you do this effectively?

How can you develop will? Success comes with planning, determination and faith no doubt. To ascertain this fact I suggest that you try the following: Choose some objective that you think you cannot accomplish, and then try with all your energy and strength to do that one thing.
This could be anything, from drawing a portrait to mastering how to use the computer. When you have achieved success, go on to something bigger and continue striving forward exercising your willpower. Despite any set backs do not be shaken at all, but derive strength from your surroundings and above all learn from like-minded people who have sought to achieve success courageously without ever losing hope.

Remind yourselves of people like Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Mother Teresa and many more who have achieved the coveted position, because of their innate power of faith and dynamic willpower. Remember, you too can achieve the same success.

This law can be applied by anybody and it does work. It is true that our thoughts and actions shape our future and destiny. You must be willing to channel your talent and innate capabilities in the right direction, so that you can soar to new heights.

To recap on what has been said thus far, allow me to remind you what it takes to be successful.

o Planning is crucial and perhaps the most important step to your success.

o Prepare yourself to change your views, habits and your thought patterns.

o Only pursue tasks that are important. You must divide your needs from your wants - there is a fine line, so exercise discrimination.

o Watch your personal financial situation. Budget well and reduce spending.

o Surround yourself with people with a positive persona and those who are successful. Read books about people who have succeeded in life.

o Do not pretend to be who you are not. Be yourself and do not show off.

o Expand your horizon and be enthusiastic and ambitious.

o It is good to increase your income but it is even better to invest in assets that will make you wealthy.

o Prepare to work hard and make sacrifices.

Right actions enrich, strengthen and motivate us fully vitalizing our inner resources.
Cultivation of such values and adhering to the right values of living will help us grow and achieve success.

Such a consistent regime and exposure can mould our character and will help redeem our lower tendencies.

Time to Learn Who You Are

I would frown upon anyone who would even think of making a comment, by saying that success is only a wishful thought.

We are not born failures - let me get this point straightened. We have all been successful in our lives at some stage or another, and this is an undeniable TRUTH.
The following points will surely enable you to understand who you really are, and that is a guarantee. Once you ascertain your own attributes, it becomes that much easier to embrace ideals that will allow you to leap to greater heights.

1. Are you generally enthusiastic and positive or the complete opposite

2. Do you like to work hard and would you put in that little bit of extra effort if you did what you love most?

3. Are you being all that you can be - you may want to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Are you content with your present situation and/or circumstances?

Upon answering these three very important issues, you can determine your future. Remind yourselves about the importance of discipline and organization mentioned earlier.

The next point I wish to highlight is simplicity. Do not unnecessarily create hardships in the way of your work and the goal to success.

By simplicity I mean, do not complicate situation, and do not let success get to your head - pompous attitude is yet another problem that may bring you down. Be humble, assertive and righteous in your endeavors to succeed.

A calm individual can achieve virtually anything simply through the power of concentration - this is a scientific based truth.

Research has clearly shown that techniques like yoga, visualization, and relaxation can bring heightened awareness, thereby allowing the individual to reach his maximum potential.
By the power of concentration and focus, a person can accomplish that which he/she has desired.

The Need for Change

We are all too aware that nothing ever remains permanent in life, despite understanding one fact that life itself is a continuum, what we have failed to realize is that our own attitudes, conditioning and propensities stops us from incorporating changes.
One of the most difficult things to change is our nature (the indelible thoughts), particularly those that have left a mark (blueprint) on our psyche.

We may be able to change a lot of things around us but the need to change our thoughts, attitudes and habits which almost certainly have become a part of our self identity becomes arduously difficult a task.

As with all things in life time can heal anything and everything - allow time to help you grow in life and without wasting time reach your individual goals.

How do we change our mental attitude? The answer is very easy - once again there is no secret as such, nor is this arduous a task to implement. The primary answer lies in the word change itself. Initiating gradual changes in your lifestyle will help you reach your goal much faster. I say that the answer is easy with respect to how we can bring about positive changes, because let us consider habits for instance.

Habits take time to take root, as we are all too aware. Just as you 'learn' your habits with time you simply begin to unlearn them. Habits are very difficult to eradicate at once, and thus you allow time to take care of your habits. What has this got to do with being happy and rich, I 'hear' you ask?

Well, my friends I would like to throw back the very same question to you! Ask yourself why you have not been able to progress?

Put into practice what you have gathered thus far. Sit in a quiet corner and open your heart out, and solve this problem - the answer to all you problems good or bad lie within you. The exactness of the problem will no doubt vary, but the reason(s) for it are self-explanatory.

They stem from experiences, environment and your thought patterns. Why is it that person Y is able to quit smoking and yet person Z has much difficulties to quit the habit, though both have been smoking for ten years, and both smoke twenty cigarettes a day? The answer lies in what I have already discussed above, and it is our THOUGHTS.

The one thing that you will have to change in your life is your current perception of who you are, what others think of you and finally who you really are?

While you can change your thoughts, your environment and your business strategies, what you will have to realize is that you will not be able to change the very Law of Nature - it is perfect. Thus, we must respect this and begin to adhere to its governing dynamics, without violating it. How can nature affect our success?

This is a valid question, but upon deep analysis you will understand that we as human beings are constantly breaking the rules, laws and life's eternal processes daily.
Without digressing from the subject matter too much, carefully watch and notice how the beautiful rhythm of nature is fulfilling its duty daily without any discordance, and interruption. Likewise we have a lot to learn from Nature. Deviation from truth leads to utter dismay and failure, and breaking the Laws of Nature will bring despair - in short the macrocosm and the microcosm are indifferent.

The decisions that you make in your life will determine the outcome of your future events. Always think first of what you are about to do or intend doing, and by undertaking this act how will it then affect you.

Do not act on impulse, but rather remain calm, quiet and try to maintain deep silence as much as you can. It is simply amazing what you can achieve through silence and introspection.
I do suggest that you undertake a form of relaxation exercise, such as meditation or even yoga to help you achieve peace and success. Good judgment is a perfect indicator of wisdom through the expression of the power of intellect via the discriminative faculty.
If you have clearly recognized your folly, then you must admit mistakes and bad habits. If it annoys others or affects your health, conscience, financial status, family, well-being and your peace of mind, then you must ask, 'How much better off would I be without it?' If you do not benefit from this - why even take it up or think about it?

Understanding Failure

'Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has.'
This is a fact because both the believer and the non-believer are quite likely to resort to this statement in support of their respective arguments.
You have already been acquainted to life's dualistic nature, and as such human reason will find both 'pros' and cons' for both good and bad action respectively.
This is when you have to learn to be guided by the inner voice of 'conscience'. The following arise from this innate powerhouse, intuition, truth, peace, righteousness, love, nonviolence (in words, deeds, actions and thoughts) and power of discrimination. These attributes have their existence in the soul.

This is the greatest truth that you cannot afford not to know. Effort is proportional to grace, but I wish to add that success is proportional to effort only when you have learned to appreciate the qualities of love.

Whatever you do put in all your effort and do whatever you do with absolute love.
Those who are willing to take risks achieve success. It is a known fact, that young people are more adaptable to changes. As we age it becomes a little tricky and tougher to bring about changes and the ability to adapt to wide ranging comfort zones. Before it becomes too late, weed out the problem early on - do not allow it gnaw into your system. Like a virus take action and remove it from your system at once.
The fact is that we are born perfect (I do not mean this in a physical sense of the word), but the rigors of time 'adulterates' this perfection, and therefore the infinite possibilities that lie lurking within us become diffused.

However, what makes us superior is that there is but one great and covetable gift which is ours all the time, and this is our extraordinary power to discover, develop and declare that we as human beings have the capacity to reach great if not greater heights - lying within us is the infinite source of energy that is distinctly ours!

"We are helpless victims of our own desires and wants."

(C) Romualdas Maciulis, partner of "Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want", by Mark Joyner.

"Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want" is an on-line interactive training program (as seen in Wall Street Journal), that helps ordinary people achieve success, bring sanity into their daily life.

Bob Proctor-World world famous life coach and the creator of the 11 Forgotten laws

You may remember him as the face of it, saw you on The Secret; a silver haired smiling teacher that look of joy and conviction made his seemingly impossible requirements easy to believe. As the movie progressed, you may even felt an affinity for Bob Proctor as he passionately learned the very law that has granted him all the things the film promises: luck, health and wealth.

Bob Proctor is considered to be one of the most inspiring speakers in the world on the subject of financial success and abundance.He learns that anyone can achieve in their lives, and the only limits we face as humans are self-imposed by how we think. his teachings are based on the book that changed his own life, "Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich."

Bob has been around for more than 40 years on a mission to his knowledge of the law of attraction. He believes that we all rewarding relationship, perfect health and endless plethora have been able to, all we have to do is think and act.

Bob is an authority on the rise by restrictions by the power of intention, because he himself has been successful by it.In 1960, Bob was a high school dropout by dead end jobs and a mountain of debt have struggled, it was a book given to him that his life would change forever. The book "Think and Grow Rich" and they spoke to a know in him that he could never again be ignored.Bob made over $ 100,000 in just one year after reading the book, and soon after, he cracked the one million dollar mark.

Bob and moved to Chicago to work under his mentor, Earl Nightingale, Bob helped consolidate administration who are more and more understanding of the law of attraction. After an increase to Vice President of sales, he founded his own company, which aimed to the endless possibilities of the human potential to others teach.With the future assistance of the spiritual masters and other teachers, Bob was able to consolidate his understanding of the law of attraction in a format that he later the 11 Forgotten laws, which would extend to the next item is the audience with an unprecedented success for anyone who has tried it.

Bob is of the opinion that the traditional understanding of the law of attraction is not complete; and he created the 11 Forgotten laws to help clarify the missing parts. the laws are not so many laws that one to follow, but the laws of nature that we can use to draw to us what we want.

Bob further with the sole intention of helping others to bring happiness and success. with its ground-breaking work the 11 Forgotten laws affected millions of people from all over the world, finally, the joy and abundance that they wish. If the secret is not in your life, the 11 Forgotten laws provide the solution.Click here to see what the 11 Forgotten laws can do for you.

Or, go to

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Self Improvement Tactics: How To Use The Power Of Positive Thinking

“Two men look out thru the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars.”- Frederick Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts

If you have placed 2nd in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for more satisfying results the next time or will you be deterred and find an excuse not to join again?

In life, you are always stuffed with choices. You’ll decide to have a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life or you will decide to take the optimist’s route and take a challenging and satisfying life.

So why think positive? And why start thinking positive now?

Well, brightness has been linked to positive mood and good morale; to academic, athletic, army, occupational and political success; to popularity; to excellent health and even to long life and liberty from stress.

On the other hand, the rates of depression and pessimism have never been higher. It is affecting middle-aged adults the same way it hits younger people. The mean age of onset has gone from 30 to fifteen. It is no longer a middle-aged housewife’s disorder but also a teen-ager’s disorder ‘ too.

Here is how optimists are in action and researches that back up why it actually pays to be an optimist:

Optimists expect the best.

The definitive characteristic of pessimists is they have a tendency to believe bad events, which will last a long while and enfeeble everything they do, are their own fault.

The truth is optimists are faced up to with the same hard knocks of this world. What differs is how they explain their misfortune—it’s the opposite way. They have a tendency to believe defeat is just a brief problem, that its causes are restricted to this one case.

Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the ‘problem ‘ to hand. They use ‘positive reinterpretation. ‘ In other words, they most likely reinterpret a negative experience in a way that helps them learn and grow. Such folk are unfazed by bad situation, they perceive it is a challenge and try harder.

They will not say ‘things will never get better, ‘ ‘If I failed once, it will occur again ‘ and ‘If I experience misfortune in one part of my life, then it will happen in my whole life. ‘

Positive expectancies of optimists also envision better reactions during transitions to new environments, sudden tragedies and not likely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities rather than obstacles.

People respond certainly to optimists

Optimists are proactive and less conditional on others for their contentment. They find no need to control or control other people. They generally draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the planet can be infective and influence those they’re with.

Optimism appears a socially fascinating characteristic in all communities. Those that share brightness are sometimes accepted while those that spread gloom, panic and hysteria are treated unfavorably.

In life, these folks often win elections ; get voted most good-natured and sought for advice.

When things get tough, optimists get harder

Optimists typically maintain higher degrees of subjective contentment in periods of stress than do people who are less optimistic. By contrast, pessimists are probably going to react to stressful events by denying that they exist or by avoiding dealing with issues. Pessimists are much more likely to give up trying when problems arise .

They persevere. They just don’t give up easily, they’re also famous for their patience. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream.

Optimists are healthier and live for longer

Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive outlook could cause a measurable increase in the body’s ability to fight illness.

Optimists’ health is abnormally good. They age well, much freer than most of the people from the common physical difficulties of middle age. And they get to outlive those susceptible to self-destructive thoughts.

So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a satisfied life.

Why not look forward to pre-eminence in all your endeavors? Why not be resilient? Like everyone else you are sure to hit lows often but don’t just stay there. Carry yourself out of the mud and improve your odds of getting back on the right track. And why not inspire others to get rid of their dark-colored glasses and see life in the brighter side?

Obtain realistic recommendations in the sphere of autoblogging – make sure to study the web site. The times have come when proper info is truly within one click, use this chance.

View the original article here

Monday, June 20, 2011

The ladder to success

It is the privilege of man to achieve all round greatness, and in reality success should be one's habit. Man is essentially perfect, and therefore infinite are the possibilities that lie dormant in him.

In order to bring out the very best from within, a life organized and perfectly disciplined for the discovery of the potentialities that lie lurking within us, is a life well spent.

The vital point is not how many talents each on of us has, but the importance should be focused on how much of our existing talents, attributes and capabilities are we prepared to develop, exploit, explore and implement in our daily lives.

The question you must ask, is whether you are making a practical use of at least one great talent lying inherent within you? The one supreme fundamental principal is to understand that all our success entirely depends upon ourselves.

The best way to be happy is to do the things that you naturally love and enjoy doing - something that you are absolutely passionate about! Likewise the best way to succeed and become wealthy is to see to it that you achieve the things you have earnestly desired to seek in life. This will require that you implement your efforts in to activities that will allow you to measure success.

For instance the simple way to explain this is to take into consideration the following example: if you take a liking for art, painting, and drawing then the way to proceed is to seek guidance on ways to enter competitions, and ways to submit your artwork via galleries (approach galleries directly and leave work on a sale or return basis) or fine art publishers' or even exposing your talent by entering seasonal fairs where you will find a large gathering of all kinds of retailers.

You may want to add various different types of themes to your art portfolio in order to maximize your capabilities to reach an audience far and wide with interests in different themes/subjects.

Contact groups, forums and even Internet newsgroups and explore various other avenues (such as photographers, photo and framing galleries, arts councils and government organizations that provide help including loans etc.) that will allow you to step up your enquiry - the idea is to pursue the goal relentlessly and with a positive attitude.

As far as your theme/subject matter is concerned post questions, polls, surveys, and determines what people are looking for, and then simply find the need and fill it.

Every little will help, but it is the force required to get the momentum going and that is the key point. Another useful point is not to just try, try and to continue trying - instead develop an attitude whereby you DO the thing you have decided to pursue, implement and apply the strategies shown here.

Finally do not just stop at that - keep faith and do not yield to any defeat. Once you have decided to put the 'plan' into action, make sure that it is kept ignited and glowing...rejections and disappointments should in no way curtail your hope, progress and your desire to success. People who have succeeded despite all the hardship, pain and struggle have inspired countless millions around the world - it is time you too set an example for others to follow in your footsteps.

You must remember that the methods employed by different individuals in procuring wealth may be distinct, but the goal is common to all, and the steps spoken of earlier are in effect your tools to your overall success.

Very strong willpower is needed in order to develop internally, and the need for two most important attributes, namely courage and confidence are essential ingredients. Thus poverty and prosperity does not necessarily depend on knowledge wholly (e.g. business acumen, marketing strategies and so on) but it certainly depends on the three C's and they are character, creativity and your innate capabilities.

Courage and confidence alone can bring about unique transformation while the opposite will only bring much sorrow and despair in times of distress and crisis. However, despite life's problems we should resist obstacles and hindrances and as such constantly remind ourselves of the supreme inherent or innate power which we all posses and which we can all successfully develop through spiritual insight. Thus ignoring our abilities and potential for developing the personal power that we need for going through ego-breaking experiences requires immense fortitude and discipline, and I explain to you in this article on how you could achieve all this here and now.

Without these qualities you are destined to fail, and that is the reason why a large portion of people feel despondent because they got into competition or they simply gave up under pressure, through lack of self-courage and dynamic willpower.

When our fantasies and expectations are not fulfilled, there is a tendency for us to revert to our old ways - the hollowness we experience can be most annoying and we cannot ignore it forever. A lot of the time what exactly happens is that whatever good we undertake in life, it does not mean we will continue. This is not because an impossible discipline is required but because we lack courage and confidence we are overwhelmed with negative attitude - this is what stops everything in its tracks!

The initial burst of enthusiasm begins to fade, and what seemed so wonderful becomes a peril a dilemma and a problem. The mind takes over and questions surmount raising doubts after doubts whether the whole idea or concept is worthwhile - a conflict ensues, the mind says the one thing and the intellect and our intuition urges us to follow the path to 'success'.

Even before we begin the journey the end is imminent, because we are undecided what true path to follow. Success lies in what you make of it not what you 'think' it ought to be (do not fantasize success).

So how can we get started?

Formula to Success

What you think and how you then act is the deciding factor that will help you discover the goal of success. These two attributes are important together with a set of consistent principles, which you follow through. Thoughts based on reason are a powerful catalyst to start any reaction, and once you set off, you will soon realize that courage is the simple virtue needed for a human being to traverse the rocky road.

Obstacles are natural, and they are a means to the source of acquiring wealth, as I am sure you will agree. Persistence, patience and perseverance will have to be practiced religiously to reach the goal and to overcome the obstacles. Of course that said, I would now like to point out the P's that you should frown upon.

Do not procrastinate, do not pretend that you know it all and finally do not prolong your 'venture(s)'. Be prepared to fight the stumbling blocks that may confront you, but pursue your goal and allow your potential willpower to predominate.

In any situation in life, it is unequivocally important to remain level headed, despite all the 'ups and the downs' that we are likely to face. Remember life is dualistic by nature - the obverse and the reverse sides of the same coin to put it simply. I am compelled to add that though we know that the past is the cause and the present is the effect, it is self evident that with time the present itself becomes the cause with reference to the future.

There is a very deep meaning embroiled in this syntax, and if you can relate this to success, then it can be said that if we intelligently live in the scientific self-discipline, we can become the architects of our own future.

The Basic Steps

The following guidelines will help you pave a wonderful path to your ultimate success.

The steps are very simple to implement in your daily life.

1. Do what you love and what you are good at.

2. Be prepared to learn and to be positive (motivation and enthusiasm).

3. Be an innovative individual.

4. Be prepared to invest not just money but your time, effort and resources, too.

I mentioned money - this does not mean that you have to invest a large sum to become a millionaire or wealthy.

5. You must be disciplined in having set goals and targets. Remember that persistence is the key to success.

6. You must be prepared to manage your time effectively.

7. As you evolve, learn to give back what you amass to the society. I call this philanthropy.

You must have a solid vision - one in which you 'see' yourself having attained success. Great people of the past and present see to it that they reach this coveted position, by employing these basic steps.

However, notice in step 2 I deliberately used the word 'learn', and that too for a very good reason. Life is the greatest teacher, thus you must be willing to accept challenges all the time (using the power of discrimination) and thus as a result you must learn via its eternal principles the magnificent doctrine it has revealed with the passing of time. This means that you must act when the time is right.

Action is incredibly important and highlights success - the two are synonymous to be quite honest. To succeed action is needed but the essential ingredient is how serious you are. Being too serious can ruin your business venture, so the point is to have FUN.

Any discipline will require organization and orderliness. You must as I mentioned in the introduction be prepared to listen to your inner voice as much as you possibly can. This means that rather than being too dependent on your family, friends and so on (not that this is bad) begin to have faith in your own capabilities.

Stand-alone and strive to learn and succeed. Often, failures may just result from instances where we have stopped exercising our own views, or we have become too dependent on others'.

Success is not some secret that you have to search for or unearth in order to reach your destination; it is rather the understanding or the recognition factor that you develop with respect to what you really want in life. Intuition, courage, skills, knowledge, challenges and opportunities are some of the concepts that determine the traits of people who enjoy wealth. Any task performed with the right spirit will give you victory. Mental attitude is what will give you success, but negative attitude, laziness and working unwillingly will result in failure.

Do not expect too much in too short a time, but your approach should be positive and execute your task with absolute perfection, paying particular attention to your long-term goal(s). This means that you approach your duty with concentrated energy and you execute your plans righteously. This should be your philosophy of life.

To begin a new venture, it vitally important that you realize the following, which I have to say is crucial. You have to appreciate the fact that to start a business you need to acquaint yourself with the term cash flow. Investment in the form of a capital is a requirement, but more importantly it is the concept of viability of the business venture that matters most.

Steps to Personal Wealth

Decision-making is perhaps the hardest step to get over with in your quest to begin the journey to wealth. The problem is until you do not delve deep within yourself to unlock your innate qualities chances are that you will be indecisive and hesitant. This is not wrong as such, but more often than not this 'feeling' may not allow you to maximize your full potential.

There is no secret to unleashing your full-blown potential - the 'secret' lies in your willingness to listen to your inner voice. The initiative to seize a good opportunity that comes your way is by undertaking the task in a methodical way.

Sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply on the subject matter in question. Do not jump into anything at once just because the idea seems favorable. Most things appear very 'good' in the initial phase, but thinking, planning and time are a prerequisite. Often it is something within that will tell you what to do. The secret is not necessarily from without, but can be acquired from within.

Striving to do your very best at all times is the little secret that will help you amass wealth. Imagination (I mean constructive imagination) which is the power to visualize is an important factor in creative thought - but as you will appreciate you will not be able to do this without a strong will, and above all this faculty of visualization has to be ripened into firm belief and conviction.

1. You must have the desire to achieve your goal of fame - this is rule number one.

2. Be prepared to handle money efficiently with respect to budget, expenditure and responsibility and/or accountability.

3. Do not spend more than you are required to and spend less than you make.

4. Personal problems, including addiction not only to drugs etc., can be ruinous. This is something that must be taken care of from the very onset.

5. Figure out ways to invest and above all begin to save money. You will have to play smart and get your priorities absolutely right.

In any venture, it is likely that you may face a lot of antagonism, a far cry from an idealistic situation. Over expectations, over optimism and the tendency to 'wish' that things run as planned, can and often may lead to failure.

Thus as mentioned earlier planning is very important to your success. Of course the other factors that one needs to consider also are over work and exhaustion. In the hope to make your millions, the probability is that you will become a frustrated wreck and become quite despondent - this will not be helpful in your progress or pursuit to wealth.

Achieving Your Goal

When you persist refusing to accept failure, know that the object you have set out to achieve will materialize through the dynamic willpower.

Thoughts can be incredibly powerful tools, and if you are willing to implement this divine gift then you are sure to attain your goal. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic willpower, it assumes a tangible outward form.

Now is the time to cauterize the negative characteristics inherent in the form of habits, lack of strong willpower, lack of confidence, hesitance and wrong attitude towards life in general. You have within you the power to accomplish everything you want, that power lies in the will. The root cause of failure in life is lack of concentration - do not hoard yourself with ideas, concepts and strategies all at once in the very hope to succeed. Begin slowly and be consistent in your goal setting scheme.

Focus your attention on one thing at a time, and do not allow your MIND to go in a state of 'over drive'. There is a scientific way of utilizing concentration, and the magic word is to keep calm, while you perform all your duties with the correct speed.

Do NOT rush and create chaos, but rather methodically and meticulously focus and centre your whole mind on whatever you undertake, and the important thing is to keep your mind flexible.

Once you know that you are genuinely on the right tracks and on the path to achieving your goal, do exercise care as far as time management is concerned. It is often very easy to get involved with a project so much so that you can get carried away in perfecting whatever it is that you are doing.

You must prioritize your work and above all respect and honor the value of time - do not waste your time and your life!

The Keys to Success

As I have mentioned the environment plays a huge role as it is quite inevitable - particularly our inner environment.

A calm relaxed individual is far more likely to come out a winner in a trying situation than his/her counterpart - a person who his nervous frustrated and erratic. The former has his senses fully identified with the environment in which he places himself.

However, the restless individual does not understand the environment and consequently gets into trouble. The keywords are focus, concentration and care in whatever you do in life.

1. Develop a definite and a clear-cut goal/aim.

2. Draw up a wise workable plan/program.

3. Guard your health. Without health there is no real wealth.

4. You must conserve your energy.

5. Be honest in your life (in words, deeds, thoughts and actions).

6. Stick to virtues and adopt good principles.

7. Reflect upon ideal personalities and seek strength from their philosophy.

8. Seek divine guidance and be truthful.

9. Endeavor to help and serve others with gratitude.

10. Always think positive and believe in the power of God.

Transformative thinking is indeed the way to success. Set out a plan to achieve your goal and deliberately ruminate over the meaning of this plan and make it happen.

From time immemorial great people from all walks of life have emerged as true victors and the reason behind this is training the mind for happiness. Ethical discipline is essential, particularly self-discipline.

Each individual is unique. What is good for person A may not be suitable for person B. However, it has to be emphasized that all can enjoy quietude, solitude and silence, and to be honest every individual irrespective of age, caste, creed, color, sex has at some stage or another experienced peace.

After discovering through trial and error method, you can determine the precise way to compose your mind body complex and thus attain great heights.

Meditation may not be effective for all, but that does not mean that you do not improvise such methods as and when required.

Be systematic, and your only goal should be to employ methods that bring you success and happiness.

Our mental faculties determine our actions, and it is quite obvious that the mind should be tamed and subdued. Constant vigilance is necessary and continuous training of the mind will pave the path to ultimate success.

Do not fall prey to the dictates of your mind!

Optimistic, heroic and noble ideals have a powerful and uplifting effect upon the body. Enthusiasm with deliberate well-orchestrated self-application in joyous mood and absolute optimism is the secret path to wealth for all great men.

(C) Romualdas Maciulis, partner of "Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want", by Mark Joyner.

"Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want" is an on-line interactive training program (as seen in Wall Street Journal), that helps ordinary people achieve success, bring sanity into their daily life.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Vitamins, Oprah, and the Importance of Taking Action Right Away

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For some reason, I have started getting calls from India around 11:00 each morning from a company trying to sell me mail-order drugs. They always lead off with telling me that they have Viagra, Cialis, and related stuff. I have never ordered drugs from India—and have not had the pleasure of trying Viagra or Cialis—but have started to enjoy the phone calls.

A few days ago, I asked the caller if they could send me some morphine.

“Yes, we can. Would you like it in 15, 20, 30, 60, 100, 120, or 200 mg tablets?” the caller asked.

I was amazed. I never knew it was so easy to get hard drugs like this. I did not order the morphine; however, each day a call comes through—like clockwork—offering me prescription drugs. Each day it is a different caller.

I have no idea how I got on a Viagra-oriented phone spam list. Nevertheless, I have my suspicions. I am pretty confident that I got on this list because of a recent order I placed for $200 in vitamins from an American company. I read in a health book that green tea extract, garlic, and alpha-lipoic acid are good for your health and ordered a six months’ supply. Within a week the calls from India offering me drugs started coming.

The problem with the vitamins I ordered is that I simply cannot remember to take the vitamins. Thus, the vitamins sit in my kitchen cupboard—with scores of other vitamins ordered after reading similar health books in past years—just wasting away. About five years ago, I read some book called something like the Kimchee Miracle about fermented Korean cabbage, and I purchased numerous plastic tubs of the stuff. For a few days, I ate this Kimchee; however, eventually I could no longer stand the taste. Approximately one year later, the fermentation of the cabbage reached a breaking point and one of the tubs exploded like a bomb in our refrigerator. The smell was still there two years later.

I am not sure, really, how many books I purchase each year. I probably purchase on average at least three books per week—sometimes more. I go to bookstores. I order them online. More recently, I have started doing digital downloads of these books. (Not too long ago I purchased a e-book over the Internet while flying between Los Angeles and New York.) In my office, there are thousands of books that have been partially to fully read and digested. It has gotten so bad that I have started storing many of my books in storage sheds I purchased at Costco and put up around my property at home.

With only a few notable exceptions, every single one of the books I have purchased in the past several years deals with business, management, marketing, exercise, yoga, religion, diet, motivation, time management, self-improvement, and similar topics. There is not a lot of fiction among the books I have purchased—in fact, I only read a few fiction books per year.

I have always been interested in improving myself and have been drawn to books like this since I was in elementary school. Who knows why I am so interested in this stuff—it does not matter, I suppose. What does matter is what I have done with this information.

Most business, diet, exercise, and self-improvement books recommend that you make some sort of radical change in your life. They will start out talking about how following a given program results in personal, business, and other improvements. A course of action will be recommended and the person will be encouraged to follow this course of action religiously.

The problem is very few people ever follow the course of action. I certainly have not consistently followed the recommendations of most of the books I have read. Most people I know certainly have not followed the recommendations of most of the books they have read.

One of the most popular television shows in the history of television is Oprah. I have seen this show probably ten times in my life—while sitting in airport lounges, visiting elderly relatives in nursing homes, and the like. While I certainly do not remember the majority of episodes I have watched, what I have noticed is that several of the episodes dealt with how to lose weight. Oprah has also written a book about how to lose weight, for which she received one of the highest advance fees in publishing history.

Despite all of the interest and attention on losing weight, something I cannot help but notice is that Oprah has never managed to keep her own weight down for a significant length of time. Since Oprah has set herself up as an authority on weight loss, you need to wonder how closely she is able to follow the advice she listens to and the advice she gives.

This brings me to my own predicament. I have read so many books and taken in so much information that you might ask: Why haven’t I followed all the advice of everything I have read?

For example, I might read a book about something relevant to working in a business. I’d read the stuff and say to myself: “This person’s brilliant. What a great idea. I need to do this!”

What ends up happening, though, is that I generally fail to follow through. A few weeks later, the book is filed into a bookshelf and nothing ends up happening. Or, I tell myself I am going to start doing something new, and then some event comes up and interferes—so it never happens. The book is forgotten and my life stays the way it is.

Come to think of it, I spend more time reading about improving than I spend improving.

At the same time, there are certain rituals that I have developed that I would not have done, were it not for my reading and studying.

I incorporate spirituality into my life.I exercise at least twice per day.I meditate and do self-hypnosis often.I avoid carbohydrates the best I can.I plan each day.I practice gratitude each day.I plan each week.I spend the majority of my time doing the things I am best at.I sleep a certain number of hours per night.I make sure I incorporate greens into my diet each day.I eat protein within fifteen minutes of getting up.I write down my goals.I have dinner with my family each night.I make sure that various business routines repeat themselves each week.

Each of these “rituals” that I follow are what I personally have distilled to be the “best practices” for my life and are the result of reading and studying literally thousands of books. It does not sound like much, but having these routines has made an incredible difference in the quality of my life and the lives of the people I serve and am close to.

The problem with my routines, though–and the knowledge I have absorbed–is that I am not really doing everything I could. When I look around my library and the things I have learned, I know there is far, far more I could be doing to have a better life. I could incorporate more routine into my life. I could incorporate more difficult routines into my life. I could be more focused.

The reason I have not advanced farther in my life is that I have linked more pain to doing the things I need to improve than I have linked to not doing these things. It is much more fun and interesting to sit around and dream and think about how we are going to improve, than it is to actually go out and make major improvements in our lives.

It is like this for a great many of us. We would rather think and dream than act.

Imagine what your life would be like if you acted instead of dreaming about what you were going to do.

The key to making the most of your career and life is making sure you act on what you are learning. Anyone can talk about, read about, or dream about doing something. The key is being able to take action and do it.

Agree? Disagree? I don’t care, please tell me what you think by commenting below. I give free stuff away every week to the most thoughtful commenters on my site!


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Related posts: My Trip to the Playboy Mansion: The Importance of Challenging ConventionThe Importance of Your BrandThe Importance of Productivity, Focus, and MeasurementThe Greater Your Purpose, the Greater the Obstacles You Will FaceChange Your ThermostatPush Yourself Outside Your Comfort ZoneSummary In this article Harrison discusses why it is important to take action right away. For most people it is much more fun and interesting to sit around and dream and think about how they are going to improve, than it is to actually go out and make major improvements in their lives. The problem is very few people ever follow the course of action. It is like this for a great many of us. We would rather think and dream than act. The key to making the most of your career and life is making sure you act on what you are learning. Anyone can talk about, read about, or dream about doing something. The key is being able to take action and do it.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Einstein, Visualization, and Your Career

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One of the little-known facts about Albert Einstein is that he attended a school that followed the teaching methods of the Swiss educator Johann Pestalozzi.  Pestalozzi schools taught children in what was known as the Pestalozzi Method (the “Method”).  Under the Method, it was believed that instead of dealing with words, children should learn through activity and objects. They should be free to pursue their own interests and reach their own conclusions. Much of Pestalozzi’s teaching methods can be found in a book he published in 1801 called How Gertrude Teaches Her Children. In this book, he discusses the importance of spontaneity and allowing children to arrive at answers themselves. Visualization was a major component in this method.  Pestalozzi believed that visualization was among the mind’s most powerful features and that imagery was where all knowledge started.

The school environment created by Pestalozzi’s method of eduction created the perfect environment for Einstein to develop as he did. According to a biography of Einstein, Einstein: His Life and Universe:

It [Aarau] was a perfect school for Einstein. The teaching was based on the philosophy of a Swiss educational reformer of the early nineteenth century, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, who believed in encouraging students to visualize images. . . . The visual understanding of concepts, as stressed by Pestalozzi and his followers in Aarau, became a significant aspect of Einstein’s genius. “Visual understanding is the essential and only true means of teaching how to judge things correctly,” Pestalozzi wrote, and “the learning of numbers and language must be definitely subordinated.”

Given his early learning, it is no surprise that Einstein used visualization throughout his life. At age 16, Einstein used visualization when he discovered that the speed of light was always constant. Einstein believed that visual understanding was the most important form of education and more important than knowledge. Later in life Einstein would write:

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world.

Arguably the most important skill any of us can master is creative visualization. Visualizing events and outcomes before they occur is an incredibly valuable skill. Consider this quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger:

When I was very young, I visualized myself being and having what it was I wanted. Mentally I never had any doubts about it. The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. The title was already mine. I had won it so many times in my mind that there was no doubt I would win it. Then, when I moved on to the movies, the same thing. I visualized myself being a successful actor and earning big money. I could feel and taste success. I just knew it would all happen.

Creative visualization is the art of creating pictures in your mind of something you would like to happen in the future. This is not a special skill that needs to be developed by people; it is just something that we need to use. What you need to be able to do is to visualize positive events and outcomes.

Instead of visualizing negative outcomes and approaching life from a position of negativity, there is a tremendous amount of strength and power you can get from visualizing positive as opposed to negative results. The thoughts you have, create the reality that you experience. An incredible number of studies have confirmed the power of positive thoughts and visualization to create unbelievable results for people.

In the late 1960s research by radiation oncologist O. Carl Simton and his wife, psychologist Stephanie Simton, discovered that cancer patients who used imagery and visualization to stimulate an immune response lived longer than those who did not.In the August 2002 issue of the Journal of Psychology and Social Psychology, it was reported that older people who viewed aging as a positive asset lived seven and a half years longer than those who had a negative view of aging.

The idea that someone can live longer by simply viewing aging in a positive way is astonishing to me. I am surprised that this is not spoken about more. For example, we all know that people who quit smoking can live a few years longer; we also know that eating a certain way can enhance our life span. Why is it that no one speaks of the value of our state of mind in influencing our life span?

How we feel is based on what we focus on. When you focus on the negative, you are likely to feel negative. When you focus on the positive, you are likely to feel positive. We do not experience reality–we experience our representation of reality. How we feel is based on what we focus on.

Your success in your current job, your success in your job search, and more will be determined by the things you focus on. Focus on the positive and the results you want to achieve.

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Related posts: Your Brain and Your CareerThe Focus of the Group You Are in Determines the Kind of Person You BecomeSummary In this article Harrison discusses the importance of imagination and visualization. Harrison believes that the most important skill any of us can master is creative visualization. Creative visualization is the art of creating pictures in your mind of something you would like to happen in the future. There have been an incredible number of studies that have confirmed the power of positive thoughts. You can get tremendous amount of strength and power from visualizing positive as opposed to negative results. Therefore it is crucial that you are able to visualize positive events and outcomes. Focus on the results you want to achieve.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Be Committed to What You Do

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I am about to provide you some of the strangest job search and career advice you will ever receive from someone who’s in the recruiting industry. One thing you should know about me is that I’m a straight shooter. If I see a pattern repeat itself enough times, I know it’s something that must be true. The pattern I’m about to explain to you is so powerful it could change your career forever. I know it has changed mine.

The secret is commitment.

When I was in my 20s, I had a girlfriend who watched soap operas. She was committed to those shows. She would watch them every single day, and if she could not watch them, she would record them. I’m ashamed to admit that I would sometimes watch the soaps with her when she would catch up on the missed episodes. The one thing I quickly realized about soap operas was that they were all about commitment, in that none of the characters could commit. Each person on every one of the shows would get into a series of relationships, be tempted by others, get out of relationships, get married, cheat, and so forth. This was all the soap operas were ever about. The characters would inevitably suffer hospitalizations for nervous breakdowns or horrible accidents (caused by their distractions). Then there would be horrible, drunken, public confessions and all sorts of other malfeasance. Moreover, the people on these shows would always be led to believe that, no matter how good their situation was, the grass was greener elsewhere.

Several years later, when I got into the employment market and started recruiting, I began noticing this same soap opera pattern with clients and coworkers. People would leave a job for any lapse, no matter how small. If they were criticized by an employer, I would see them start looking for another job. If someone heard another employer was paying more, they would send a résumé. If their current company or firm were getting bad press, they would start looking for another job. The reasons were innumerable. Some might seem proactive, while others were purely reactionary. One thing seemed clear to me: There was a major lack of commitment in the marketplace. People could not or would not commit themselves to a single employer–or to anything for that matter.

Commitment is key in order to experience any form of success. You should not do any sort of job if your heart isn’t in it and you can’t commit. If you are a public relations intern, you need to be committed to that job. If you are the president of a corporation, you need to be committed to that as well. Not being committed to your career will only have negative consequences.

Several months ago, I was speaking with a proofreader in my company who resigned because she had found a better job across the street, one that paid more. The amount of the pay increase was minimal. I was actually prepared to give the woman a raise, a higher amount than her new job. In our meeting, the young woman explained she liked working for our company, but she needed to make more money because her husband had been unemployed for some time.

I told her I was very sorry about this and asked how she became aware of the new job. She was a nice girl and I was interested in talking to her about this. The job she was doing at our company was very demanding and had required her to take work home at night and to work very hard for the most part. In response, she told me she’d been freelancing for the other company for some time, and this was how she came to entertain a new full-time job offer.

Once she told me this, I was no longer interested in trying to keep this person at our company. I knew immediately she was not committed to our company to the degree I wanted her to be. She was not someone I wanted on my team.

Your boss (and we all have bosses) wants employees who are committed to what they do.

Whenever I hear people tell me they are just doing something until they can find something better, I know they will never really succeed. When I see people leave a job for trivial reasons, I also know that they will probably not reach the success for which they’re striving. When I see people watch the clock and leave at 5 p.m. every day because they are not really interested in what they are doing, I know those people will probably have mediocre careers. Commitment shines through, and it is easy to see when it’s not there.

Each morning, I read the Wall Street Journal. I spend at least forty-five minutes reading it cover to cover. Most of the stories in this publication are about Fortune 500 companies and other such organizations. At least once a week, I see something along these lines:

John Smith started out as a repairman for a local office of X company in 1977. Today, he is CEO of the same company, with 18,000 employees in 26 countries and revenues of $4.2 billion last year…

It’s not coincidental I keep seeing stories like this in the paper. Without a doubt, the people who are rising up in these situations are those who are the most committed. When they join a company, they join and remain in a committed fashion. They show up to work. These are the kinds of people who grow within corporations. They usually keep their jobs, but if they ever lose a job they will find another job quickly. Their commitment attracts success.

Being committed also has financial rewards. I have several people working for me on salary, whose incomes have consistently risen (more than tripled) in the past three to four years alone, because I know they are committed. I know their hearts and souls are in the job. I have recruiters working for our company who make two to three times the money of the average recruiter because of their level of commitment to the job.

It’s very common for people who’ve held too many jobs within a short span of time to never find a job in their industry again. This happens to lawyers all the time. It is well known in the recruiting community that if you have had more than two jobs in five years (or even five to six jobs over a twenty-plus-year career), it demonstrates a lack of commitment. Even if you can account for the problems you might have had with those employers, it would seem clear that the problem is not your employer–the problem is almost certainly you.

Prospective employers will want to avoid you because they know you will leave them, too. You will find fault with them just as you have found fault with all of your other employers. You will tell the people you work with why you do not like the company. You will tell other potential employers you are interviewing with why you do not like the company. Who needs that? Most employers avoid these sorts of people like the plague.

It pays to be committed not only to your employer but also to your career. Your commitment will come out in everything you do, and you will shine. There are countless stories of the secretary who becomes the president of the company, the guy in the mail room who ends up buying the corporation and becoming a billionaire, the worker who sweeps up at the auto dealership, who becomes a salesman, then the top salesman, and eventually buys the auto dealership and another, and another, and so on.

All of that comes through the power of commitment.

I am in the employment industry. I love what I do. I want you to succeed. I want to coach you. I am committed to what I am doing.

Are you?

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Related posts: Are You Here? The Importance of Being Present in Your Job and Job SearchHow to Choose a Recruiter Based on Recruiting StyleWatching for Waste in Your JobDon’t Be Persuaded by Others Who Tell You How to Do Your Job SearchPlay Each Day Like it is Your Most ImportantYour Life Is Controlled by Your Decisions and Your Commitment to ThemSummary In this article Harrison discusses the power of commitment. It is important to commit to your career, to a single employer or to anything for that matter. Not being committed to your career can have enormous ramifications. Commitment is key to any form of success. You should not do any sort of job that your heart is not in and that you cannot be committed to. Without a strong commitment you will not have the success you desire.

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