Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Only You Can Change Your Life

It’s within your power change your life – and only you can do it. It’s not important what’s taking place day to day, what obstacles you meet in life, what problems you think you have. All the ups and downs of life are simply that – everything that goes up must come down and vice versa. And all our highs and lows pass – one way or another. There is but one constant in life. And that is who we can be – not who we think we are, which is an entirely different and misconceived thing altogether.

But the average mind doesn’t know who they really are or the heights to which they could rise. And if I told you to focus your mind, you wouldn’t know how. The average mind is weighed down by its own destructive thoughts and the synchronized thoughts of herd-like behaviour. But even the whole herd can break free – look at how normal people in countries with oppressive regimes like Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt are rewriting the political map of the Middle East. Again, remember the way ordinary people dismantled the Berlin Wall. If the apparently immovable objects of entrenched regimes can collapse so easily, then how much more easy can it be for your own misconceptions about yourself and about your life to evaporate into thin air.

After all, the only place that your misconceptions about your capabilities and the type of life you could have are in your own mind. Sure, they appear to be real enough, they may create concrete results, for the worse, in your everyday life – but they are, nevertheless, the creation of your own conditioned mind. Psychology confirms that we are conditioned during our childhood by the people and events that make the biggest impression upon us. It is a psychological fact that you and I are predisposed to thinking the worst about ourselves. All this conditioning or programming, which swirls in our subconscious, creates our behaviour, how we react and, consequently, what others think of us, do for us or to us. Our thoughts create our lives.

With that in mind, isn’t it obvious that, if you could change your thoughts, you would change your life? The whole structure of your apparent life would collapse as surely and convincingly as the Berlin Wall. And a new life would begin. But – and it’s a big but – it’s not as easy as it sounds. The Berlin Wall was only sitting on concrete foundations – the foundations of your life are far more subtly set in your subconscious. So, rather than trying to dismantle the web of thoughts that ties you down, it is far better, far more effective, if you simply ignore their unreality by tuning your focus to real reality – the reality of the present moment.

Freedom from all your fears, doubts and worries is discovered by focusing your mind on what you are truly seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting in the present moment. Understand that, learn how to do it and your life will changed beyond all recognition.

View the original article here

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