Sunday, October 31, 2010

Clergy, Retirement & a lack of financial literacy-an unorthodox display

Find classic In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, a detailed overview of the power of thought, how the spirit really works, the immutable laws of the universe, and the most important elements for in-depth personal development and success. Not easily attracted to the idea of the accumulation of wealth in my younger years, I was only vaguely aware of the existence of this book. It wasn't until I left the world of the employee and ventured into the realm of the entrepreneur and my new training began in earnest, that I very much aware of Hill's pioneering work. That consciousness has quickly become an intimate relationship with the key tenants of the book, and the daily practice of the principles.

As a Presbyterian clergywoman, arranged in 1987, I have spent most of my career in the non-profit leaders, the interreligious movement and philanthropy. It was only after the loss of almost all of my retirement in the stock market, that I am a significant mid-course correction was made, and an entrepreneur. Now, I have the adventure of my life. For years I have committed to lifelong learning.Still, I never thought the excitement that I as a student of Hill's philosophy would feel. it's so energizing as my years in the seminary.

In the middle of Think and Grow Rich, while dealing with some of the professions where fertile opportunities for a "new brand of leadership," emerging leaders might find, (such as the political, financial, legal, industry, medicine, education and journalism) Hill makes this remarkable statement from other fields:

Religious leaders of the future will have to pay more attention to the temporal needs of their followers in the solution of their economic and personal problems of the present, and less attention to the dead past and the future yet unborn.

I found this remarkable is the first time I read the book. In my second or third reading of this volume life transform, I noticed an article on titled, "many clerics are ill prepared for retirement."The associated press article by Dave Carpenter began by stating that the clergy seemed an unlikely group to "secure and lasting pensions in the event of a crisis." But the article goes on to state that clergy are not only shown in a generally low paid profession, often with a modest pension and home equity is often lacking, but something more fundamental issue. In accordance with the Rev. Dr. Bert White, a retired Methodist Minister and a lecturer at the University of Boston, there is a lack of financial literacy. White points out, "clergy are so focused on the (things of) the hereafter, but we need to know about planning for life after work."

The article goes on to tell you about the different stories, no different than my own in some ways, that highlight the issue of a lifetime of service little serious retirement planning.I remember when I told my father that I my position management to seminar was abandoned. While support was his first question, "will you be able to live a life that to do?" I laughed and told him that pay probably wouldn't be great, but that the benefits would be "out of this world."Today I do not think that as smart as I did; and I'm much more likely to see that while a really "does not live by bread alone," not a long without life, either.

As a business owner you're about to successful Internet marketing now, I feel absolutely called this company, and find it helping others achieve financial security.It is a great joy for me to personal coaching and can lead the way to all of the tools and training that are available for those who want to be successful in this industry.

I doubt that I would have embraced Hill's book during my years in the seminary.And to be honest, I can imagine that a part of a list of the reading I had at the moment. but the lack of financial literacy among my fellow members of the clergy is wonderful, particularly in the light of the needs of the parishioners and chapels that regular advice of their spiritual leader on all the issues of life-including jobs and careers, retirement and financial problems.

Today I have a much wider understanding and appreciation of stewardship. and I think that Napoleon Hill's book contains deep truths, spiritual insights and understanding of the most accessible the immutable laws of our wonderful universe that I have ever seen.In addition, it contains the most detailed roadmap for real personal growth and development and success available, which is based on values that infused with integrity.I think this is a book that should be carefully read by each person, thinking of faith and/or conscience.

Assists you with your search of the economic downturn in your favor – so you can avoid Boomer to bust and start building wealth with heart.Your success is my goal.

If successful, mid-life Internet marketer and mentor Linda is committed to helping others going bust baby boomer. Despite the Rocky economy of today, there are viable options and exciting opportunities. you can ask her personally about them by visiting its Web sites and using the contact information.

Linda Compton has a BA in philosophy and a master's degree in Gerontology; and a diploma of master of divinity. They organized in the Presbyterian Church (USA) was set up in 1987. She has 30 years of combined professional experience in multinational business management (home care & hospital staff), non-profit leaders, the interreligious movement; and philanthropy. Linda is co-owner of Wealth With Heart, LLC and is a consultant of the M3 master. her passions are Internet marketing and guidance; photography; puppies, gardening, and explore the great South West.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Find motivation: what to do when you don't feel like doing anything

"The measure of your success usually comes down to which the struggle between the two of you raging WINS. The "u" who wants to stop, or the easy, and the "u" who chooses to back to save to your success-complacency. " Chris Widener

In each of my interaction with people, I've never found anyone, regardless of their level of success, which sometimes is not simply do not want to do the things they need and want.It is a part of human nature that there are times that, in spite of all we have to do, and even want to, we find ourselves not to do. and what those who will be of those who according to the status quo will port, separates successful is the ability to to that crucial moments of time when we make decisions about what will happen, in order to choose the inner motivation that will enable us to conquer our complacency and go in action.

I find that I get to grips with this issue in my life on a regular basis, so that the next success strategies not only "circle in the techniques of heaven", but proven ways to get yourself even if you don't feel like to do something.

Honestly assess if you need to take a break. This is the first thing I usually do what I find that I don't want to get on a specific action to occur. The fact is that many times we will have worked very hard and the lethargy, which we feel really is our body and emotions which tell us that we just need a break. And this is where the real intellectual honesty is because when we don't need a break our spirit still tells us we need a break! But sometimes we need a break. I'll give you a good example of this. I especially like to exercise, but I do almost every day. I find myself sometimes, before going to the club to think about how I just didn't feel that goes. Most of the time I am just lazy to.However, sometimes I realize that my body needs a break so from time to time I will take one or two days break. The benefits of this approach are two-fold: One, my body gets a break to regenerate themselves. Two, after a day or two, I'm starting to miss my training and eagerly anticipating a turning point in the gym.

Other examples: maybe you're a salesperson who has its call customers for a straight, week, day and night.You wake up one morning and just doesn't make sense to do more. well, take a break for the morning. Go to a coffee shop and read the newspaper. Go to the driving range and hit some golf balls. Take a break and then change it back to it!

Small starts. I'm at a point in my training schedule now where a normal training day for me consists of 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise and approximately 30 minutes of weight lifting. so if I find myself do not want to get up and go to the gym, I will sometimes an obligation to go and do a smaller training. Instead of a decision not to go, I'll committed to doing of 15 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise and 15 to 30 minutes of weight lifting.This is also good for two reasons. actually, I get A little practice that day. And two, it keeps me from getting into a cycle when I don't feel like the action.
Other examples: maybe you're a writer who just don't want to write today. Instead of writing the long day that you had planned, decisions that you are at least a few new articles will outline. In any case, you have done this, and can you've found that you find yourself in the written vote after all.

Changing your routine. I have found that what keeps me in the best shape and most of the calories for me, is 30 to 45 minutes on the treadmill every day.Now let me very clear. I think it is run on the treadmill extremely boring. most of the time I get myself to do this, but sometimes I have to my routine. So instead of 30 to 45 minutes on a treadmill, I'll break my aerobic exercise routine in a number of different areas. I will be 10 to 15 minutes on the treadmill, 10 to 15 minutes on the reclining cycle, 5 to 10 minutes on the rowing machine, 5 to 10 minutes ' walk from the stairs, and then back on the treadmill for five to 10 minutes.I still have my exercise, but I'm bored a lot less.

Other examples: maybe you're in the construction industry and you worked on the plumbing for a week it is monotonous. The plumbing not do today! Frame-in the Office.

Reward yourself. A way that I motivate me to do something when I don't feel like to do is say to myself that if I by the work that I have to, I will get myself a little reward. For example, can I say to myself as I get up and go to the Club can I five to ten minutes from my treadmill – exercise, which will shorten my workout routine, and will I allow myself to sit in the hot tub for a few extra minutes.Hey, it works!
Other examples: perhaps you are a mortgage broker which feels like sleep.Please tell me you after the next three mortgages, you connect your kids to the stock exchange, or your spouse will go to the movies. you will perhaps be yourself a night on the town with old friends.

Again the action with fun instead of pain.Psychologists have long said that we people tend to take any action to connect with pain or pleasure. Tony Robbins is popular this even further in recent years with something he calls neural associations.That is to say, we connect each action with a pleasure, or pain.If we lack of motivation, it is probably what we are talking about ourselves that we find the name of the action that we think about are associate with pain instead of pleasure.For example, when I'm not going to the gym on a given day is considering Ben, I'm usually link to go and work with having no time, the pain and weight lifting, or the dullness of run on a treadmill for an extended period of time.To remind myself that to continue what I can do to link has been doing my exercise I will feel better about myself, I will lose weight and I will live longer. This brings me pleasure. when we begin our mind that kind of tapes, we find our internal motivational force unleashed and our position on the measures that we consider.

Other examples: maybe you're a consultant who really don't want to listen to people during the day. your organization may be that it is boring, or that you'll be inside while the sunny. instead, be myself again to be linked to the truth of the matter, so that a person will be better off because of the care and concern. think of your customers and the progress that they have recently make and how you have been a part of that.

Chris Widener is an internationally recognized speaker, author and radio host. He is the author of more than 450 articles and nine books, including a New York Times and the Wall Street Journal bestseller. He has more than 85 CDs and DVDs on leadership, motivation and success in addition to a recommended Editor Jim Rohn one year success plan, Chris is a regular guest speaker received rave reviews! Chris shows a style that engaging and versatile while providing life-changing principles of leadership, motivation and success. Chris if you would like to order products, including his latest release, the art of influence as The Angel Inside of his CD series, win with influence, Chris Widener e-zine or to get him to speak at your next event, please go to: Contact Chris at: or call 877-929-0439.

Famous People Who Have Achieved Success using the Laws Of Attraction

Throughout history there have been a lot of people, really just ordinary people, who have lived their lives with the help of the Laws Of Attraction (LOA). The LOA teaches us that living life by being positive and with the goals we really believe are achievable gives us access to great power, the power of the universe. The positive energy that we emit in the universe by focusing on the achievement of goals and working to achieve these objectives, all the time to believe that we will reach our success to attract the abundance of positive energy that is available to us of the universe. Our thoughts create our potential reality. The reality is that we become what we desire. If we want or of success in business, literary circles, mental management or the arts and Sciences dreams.

There are many people who have practiced the Loa and fame, wealth and success in their efforts.In most cases, their efforts have led to things that touched the lives of millions of people and, to some extent, that people can benefit. they may not be famous
because the life of their lives on the basis of the Secret, but as a result of the use of the LOA to help them, they what it is the dream of.

The following people are examples of those who have and have attributed their wealth (not necessarily financial strength on the positive powers that are available in the universe we live in:

Andrew Carnegie-he was one of the most rich industrialists of the 20th century. you can immediately recognize his name, but I'm sure

you recogize the name of the Carnegie Hall in New York. This famous landmark is named after him. he learned a lot people the power of the law of

Attraction. His most famous student was probably Napoleon Hill, who wrote the best selling novel, Think and Grow Rich, which in turn has shown many others the secret.

Henry Ford-he was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. There are millions of people who are looking for a powered cars of Ford and there are not many people

that have not yet at least one Ford seen or heard of that company that billions every year. Ford also learned the secret of Andrew Carnegie.

Jack Canfield-Canfield is the author of the Chicken Soup For the Soul.It's best selling book.There are now more than 100 million copies in print and 54 languages worldwide. a best selling book teaches people how the best handle the challenges of life with the help of short motivational, inspirational stories and essays.

Marci Shimoff-she is the author of the chicken soup for the women's soul and Chicken Soup For the soul. mother his best-selling novels inspired by Chicken Soup For the Soul, but they cope with the challenges of certain life of women and mothers.

Dr. Michael Beckwith-a great spiritual leader and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center a meeting of more than 8,000 members. Beckwith spiritual work with the Dalai Lama has done and he is also one of the founders of The Secret Science of Getting Rich college.

Bob Doyle-he is the creator and facilitator of the programme of wealth more than reason. He focuses on the science of the law of attraction to helping people learn how to use in their own lives.The program has become one of the great success stories of the Internet marketing industry.Many people have the program uses the great wealth.

John Gray-author of the book men are from Mars, women are from Venus 1990 's best seller which are responsible for the relations between men and women and how relationships are most successful when dealing with the differences between the sexes have been accepted and for the compliment each other.

There are a lot of other people of Fame and fortune, which put an end to the practice of the Loa. or, you may recognize:






If the people have spoken about previously manifested their dreams, then it is definitely possible for the rest of us.

You may not realize, but capacity is already in you to improve yourself and achieving success no matter how you measure. you just need to understand how to achieve it. the laws of attraction are a powerful force in the universe, that allow us to unlock the secrets of how to live the life we want and the achievement of the objectives we want to achieve.

Visit For more information about the laws of attraction and how to use them to your situation better []

The power of the spirit as a custom Magnet-a new or old principle?

Many teachers in the modern era by to ancient times have stated that the spirit is a powerful and dangerous instrument which we possess.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "if I repeat a thought long enough, sure I will be that way."

Our mind can be directed to any thought that we with enough mental effort, and that leads to the creation of what is referred to as a magnet Centre.

Every thought, positive or negative, as concentrated on long enough builds in a spiritualized material magnet that pulls out to the person who things that in accordance with that thought. Hence the power of thought make what you want.

The law of attraction and The Secret, and other programs that are available today has grown from a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill written shortly after the great depression in 1930.

This book, however, was not the owner of the method. The Kyballion who study of the old Hermitic teachings of about 3000 years ago, teaches these principles in detail. the problem is language. Even translated, mystical teachings are not easily absorbed by equipment minded people and therefore Mr Hill doctrine in words that fit in with the economic times of the day.

Now, we find that the movie the secret and books have referred to the love and relationships as money and material possessions. And that's right, as it is the people today are looking for things. no matter what the purpose, are the methods the same.

The problem with all the modern materials in relation to the quality of the materials in the past has little to do with the material itself. It is the method by which the materials that make the change and where the power is leaking. it was before the modern technology, face to face, teacher to the student. Now everyone can put out anything for someone else. There is no contact between the teacher and student, and that is a serious problem.

The methods are clearly that for me. Determine your goal, a plan, to be paid to your target and let it make up your mind.Indeed, this is all correct, but it lacks two important ingredients. The first contact with a living guide that already has managed the methods, and the second is the master mind group, as Mr Hill it is called.

The problem with people is that we tend to lose the track and motivation if we are on our own.The mastermind group is the remedy for this problem. it gives people the community of like minds focused on the same line.Even if you do not stop all focused on your personal goal, you develop a connection with a similar purpose.This is the principle that the people of a country or religion is so unites.

If you have ever been to a whole other country in which the people look different than you and no one speaks your language, if you have traveled to someone from the culture, you will likely attracted to that person. There is no other reason than you share a common factor.That can make your language, culture or that you both tourists.

Prosecution of a religion is the best method to the religion as a result of people that are stronger, to work and support each other due to their common oppressor normally wouldn't.Now that's something for the invaders to examine how they actually strengthen their enemy to attack by. This is important to know, because it is the same principle as a result of which a person the crowd, regardless of where the crowd is going to follow.

We can believe and absorbing negative thoughts, if that's what everybody thinks.We can be added to negative people because the negative thought you attacked in a certain way, so that when you put together gen. This is the reason why that are part of a mastermind group is so important because everyone in the group as well in a positive frame of mind will be linked and positive thoughts will be projected.

You must be a member of the mastermind group to keep track of your motivation — you will have also a person who has succeeded to keep you on track in case you do not understand something.

The mastermind groups are 4 or 5 people, it does not have to great, but the bigger the better, because that gives more power. the more people, the more power is available to keep you motivated.

So the real answer is to the program in its simplest terms.This means that your goal, write it down and then sticking to it. it must occupy your mind AT ALL TIMES!

The Hermetica teaches us that we have something called ' Nous nous '. This is the spirit of God in us, but it is not God himself, but only the power of the spiritual realm.

The nous will be up to you what you think. If you think bad thoughts that, it will de nous as easy as good thoughts will deliver the results thereof.

I found this in the Sufi teachings that say you thoughts how God you by judges. of course, this is a bit scary because how we can purify our thoughts when we see a sexy person. so I don't think God would have set up such a system would be impossible for us to grow by, but I think it's that is the intention that we must learn to look at our thoughts, as far as possible, to such a degree.

If we negative thoughts, there are negative experiences. so make your goal, planning, and keep focus on your target and plan there is no room left for any negative thoughts. then add to that the management of a person who has the experience, and also has the support of other people already working on a singular purpose.

This objective would target, as long as it is an objective which you work on. this harmony intentions builds a capability that is remarkable. Please bear in mind that watching a movie or reading a book is not enough. you need to be in the effort to share your thoughts with one thought of your target overflow until you are fully consumed by it on the point of your friends shocking. | Have No regrets. look forward.

Hidden categories: articles needing cleanup from published twice a week.

Director of a forum aimed at success in all targets of exercises and exclusive articles.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Think and Grow Rich automatically-Embracing the Law of Attraction

Napoleon Hill, in "Think and Grow Rich", one of the best books ever written on manifesting wealth and success, States that "auto-suggestion (which is another word for self hypnosis) is the cornerstone for the man to obtain where control of its own earthly lot due to giving him the power to influence his own subconscious mind, and that if the auto-suggestion is applied with perseverance you will succeed in transmuting money."

If you've ever one of Napoleon Hill's leather that you understand which in simple, down to earth way, exposing this man literally the golden key to the construction of the wealth and success. This is the message that is presented in our modern times in "the secret" and "the law of attraction" books and movies that are currently popular, although Napoleon Hill his masterpiece "Think and Grow Rich" wrote in the 1930s.

It is very interesting to note that at the time that Hill "Think and Grow Rich" was writing, which in the depths of the great depression.And if we look around in our world today that once again we are in a very similar economic climate.

One thing that is different today is, however, that, at present, we exist in a world of technology that was naturally not Hill's period existed. today we have the luxury of using audio recordings such as "law of attraction Hypnosis CDs" and "Wealth" Hypnosis CDs to reprogram our subconscious mind, rather than use, such as Hill, the use of the "auto-suggestion" just repeat statements that claim of what it is that we want to achieve in our lives, and if we already have the case that we want.

By being able to feed your mind on a daily basis with wealth and success thoughts produce "force" or "wealth images" in which you experience has already been achieved or obtained you want, you'll be a magnet for that very opportunities and circumstances in your life.In other words, is it really what you think makes you grow rich.

With a strong background in Alternative healing methods since 1987, sherry brings together all of these tools at the table and integrates them into its powerful Tarot Readings, EFT clearing sessions and hypnosis Healing work.

Her background includes Tarot, Angel and Spirit Guide communication, Hypnosis Hypnotherapy, EFT aka emotional freedom technique, pranic Healing, Reiki, intuitive coaching and counseling, Aura interpretation and balancing and Guided Imagery work.
Sherry has worked with thousands of people to balance and healing to their lives through individual sessions group presentations, workshops, distance healing and phone consultations. She has written numerous articles and has appeared on television and radio, as well as have taken part in numerous health expos and self-help Events.
Its uplifting and empowering presentation style is airy and joyful and transform your life simple and fun.

Go to and Sims for more of Sherry

How to program your mind to Rich Desires

Ages past to Modern Thought!

Think and Grow Rich

Visualize yourself in a dark room, no sound, other than the dazzle of the CD, click the computer or laptop. Than 'voilla ' the voice and all of a sudden it starts – what a thrill to hear what there are so many years ago, written 1910/1937 and to believe that the man could visualize that the spirit is a powerful unknown phenomena.

How much confidence can you through the process of creating a decision? finding answers to difficult and complex problems can be a headache. Finally, if you create or conclusions can be drawn on the termination of a personal relationship or to start a new career, you should certainly and confident that it was the right decision. Because of this, it is difficult, especially if there is a quick decision, because a lot of wrong decisions are made in these situations.

The book "Think and Grow Rich" contains the secret, after have put on a practical test by thousands of people, in almost every walk from the magic formula determines has led to huge fortunes to those who have acquired and used it, they have found themselves literally to success, with little effort be swept away and they never resubmitted to fail.

"All the achievements, earned all wealth, have their beginning in an idea. If you are ready for the secret, you already have a half, to recognize that as it may, the other half the time that your mind has been reached ".(Napoleon Hill)

The Science of Getting Rich-another classic from the past few years.

The scientific roadmap to attract financial and spiritual wealth.

In his bestselling book Wallace d. Wattles explains that "universal spirit" is at the root and all creation.On the basis of visualization can we move on the law of attraction--impression of our thoughts on "formless substance" and bring the desired object or the circumstances in a material manner. the author stresses the crucial importance of attitude: only by ourselves with the positive forces of natural law, we will be able to have unlimited access to the creative spirit and are abundant rewards. The Science of Getting Rich the secret of how economic and emotional safety can be achieved in a competitive, practical and creative way, while maintaining a loving and harmonious relations with all life by to live in accordance with the positive approaches in this book, we can find our rightful place in the cosmic plan and create an environment for ourselves to grow in wealth and wisdom happiness.(Wallace d. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich)

The two books "Think and Grow Rich" and ' the science of getting rich ' audio, and they give about 17Hours of easy listening to two of the best wealth mindset books ever published. you discovered a timeless wisdom and practical programme of classics of prosperity in the last few years!

Napoleon Hill and Wallace d. Wattles, two of the most forward thinking writers ever put pen to paper and everything what they are thinking and wrote.

This audio books can "change your life ', they are motivating personal development and self help audio/" you "have access to these" free "on the next page.

Brian Siggy is an online publisher of products, reviews, stakeholders and further information can be obtained from visiting websites such as published by the articles submitted. How To Program Your Mind To Rich Desires

More information about self-help and programming of the mind to thought trends and clearing fear, see the article the panic and phobia problems disabled

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Success strategies-justify holiday

Too often, you have to work hard on a project and never time to think about and your success. You are going to just go to the following urgent task or event. You are often move so fast that you even do not feel when a project ends and another begins. Slow down for a nano-seconds to smell the Roses!

Celebrate your success! important milestones or the completion of a task or goal, celebrate and treat yourself in an appropriate manner.

Do not lose 10 pounds to celebrate by eating a pint of Ben & Jerry 's! View your successes and your mistakes. Use them as lessons learned that can be applied to other objectives.
If you are with others on the project work, celebrate with them and get their contribution. Create "Lessons Learned" from the feedback discussion at the end. Then pat yourself on the back! Celebrate! Communicate your successes.Share them with others. it can encourage, for others to see the success.
Some people think that you are bragging rights, but that will depend on the delivery of the good news.

And often to celebrate! It is a motivation-for you and others.

The success of others is recognized when they are certain milestones.It is especially important when others to your goals. Celebrate with those who have helped you stay the course or put up with some of the not-so-great problems! show appreciation for their support.Allow yourself to quiet personal time to enjoy the success.
After all, you have worked hard to get at this point. it is not easy to stay focused on so many things at the same time, and for so long.

It is well known that many times people do not even know "why" they are successful. they just know the project turned out well and others. Some think that it was just luck.

Happiness is not luck or what makes you successful. Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have."If people why they have been successful, will not know than they take advantage of the lessons in the process.

There's an old saying: "a success leads to another."However, if success will not be recognized and the focus on getting the job done without to make mistakes without getting caught or if there are errors, you will learn to just get it done acceptance.There is no learning from the challenges were, and how to overcome obstacles.

The real key to success is to help all those involved:

Understand the role they play and how they contributed to the succesDe challenges and debrief the roadblocks in the future so that they can be avoided and everyone right in recognition of his part of the success.
Remember: people are motivated by "are in on things," feeling that they have contributed and recognized for that contribution. pick up the time to take advantage of the lessons learned and success. across your organization. people are excited to bring back on to the next project.

BOTTOM LINE? the more productive you are the faster you will succeed. and now I ask you your place in the mastering your success-circle Community you will find a variety of resources to maximize the potential and the work to be carried for success on

Sherry g. Day, M.S. has his coaching organizations and individuals to maximize their potential in the last 20 years and is the author of ' strategic ' transforming Entrepreneurial potential. "She is President and Chief Executive Officer, learning Resources-Human Potential Consultants, l.c.meer on

Clear About What You Want – law of attraction at work are

I work as a coach, often with people who have a need for clarity about their objectives and what they want in life. One of the most common problems in coaching is that there is a gap between where we are and where we want to be. With that in mind is one of the strategies used to help people move forward with their objectives can clearly articulate whatever it is that they want to accomplish. According to experts such as Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich) hat level of clarity is fundamental to see results.

The principles of positive thinking have been around for a while, and those who practice recommend as a sure way to get the results that we in every aspect of the life. I recently participated in a workshop which made me think of how powerful it is when we think and claim that the life we want.

The discussion around the very simple principles:

a. ask what you want; simple and straightforward: the spelt

b. Add emotion to! Let your whole self to feel how it will be if you what you want to happen.

c. let it be done; there are late manifestations

One of the recommendations, which I have practiced for many years and all of my clients is to write of the things we like to recommend. There is so much power in writing wishes, desires and plans down!It's almost like being a contract by the way you design. the only downfall here is careful not to ourselves by confusing environment with mixed messages.

For example, do not want to see, you can have a leading role in the local company while telling yourself that you don't get it will be because you are too old for that have been or that the game is too difficult.Without a purpose lose 30 pounds and that you will never do because this or that disease runs in your family, or that any woman in your family is great, so you don't have to be made smaller than you think.

If this is your approach is, in fact, than my thoughts related to your life under your own conditions.Are you satisfied with what you have, or with whom you have become, then that is your choice, but by all means, control and ownership of your situation.Not a victim of your own thinking or construction of ideas.

However, if on the other hand, you realize that you don't like where you at the moment of your life, then you have the power to change and the control of your destiny. it is not to say that there are certain obstacles out there, or that it will be easy, however, you have to forget about those things and start to: If you are using the correct attitude about every demanding, the appropriate measures and behaviour. it's so easy.

2010 Maria Martinez

The you want-start in life. Maria Martinez is a professional life coach; it works with individuals as it targets to higher levels of success. She is the owner of INNERactive coaching and individual and group coaching. to find out more about life coaching and other services, check out the website or the blog feel free to email us:

The Simple Joys of Smaller Living

‘Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.’ ~Walter Hagen

We all know that we need to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the small joys in our lives. However, we have to have room in our minds and schedules to engage not just in those joyful moments, but also in reflection afterward.

It’s in the processing and reflection that allows these experiences to become meaningful to us and for us to deeply experience the joys they hold. Downsizing and living smaller helps us do that.

Does that sound counter intuitive? If so, I’m not surprised. There’s a skewed perception in the media today that downsizing is a painful necessity of those in hard financial straits and that smaller living and minimalism are about austerity and deprivation, not joy. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In my experience, the process of downsizing has given me a surprising sense of relief, not just in the results I’ve achieved, but also in the daily engagement with the process. It gives me a sense of freedom that grows with each passing day and a greater capacity to experience the small joys of everyday life.

I was hiking along a trail in the Silver Falls State Park in Oregon with my soon to be boyfriend and as we rounded a curve, a breathtaking vista complete with a roaring waterfall came into view. Both of us stopped in our tracks and breathed deeply at the same time, blissed-out smiles creeping up our cheeks. What I remember most was the complete happiness of that moment as we stood together, our eyes alight with the raw beauty of where we were and the companionship of sharing it with each other.

That moment on the trail is one I’m not likely to forget. Just recounting it here fills me with joy. With my previous approach to traveling and living, I likely would have rushed from “hey, cool waterfall” to “what’s next?” Not anymore.

Joy comes from the realization of how special the moment we’re experiencing is, such as sharing the sight of an amazing waterfall with someone dear to us, a spontaneous hug from a child, our pet’s enthusiasm at our return home, the burble of the coffee maker in the morning, curling up with a new book by our favorite author, or the sound of our name when spoken with love by our inamorato. None of these small joys would be nearly as significant to me had I continued to live my in the frantic, chaotic, and over-scheduled way I did before committing to living a smaller and saner life. Yes, of course, I knew they were special moments, but I didn’t often give myself the time to savor them when they occurred or process and reflect on them afterward. Thus, I lost much of the joy such experiences can bring.

“The moments we enjoy most as they unfold, and that we treasure long afterward, are the ones we experience most deeply. Depth roots us in the world, gives life substance and wholeness. It enriches our work, our relationships, everything we do. It’s the essential ingredient of a good life and one of the qualities we admire most in others.” William Powers.

Cultivating small joys was one of my major motivations for living smaller. When we intentionally downscale our lives and possessions, it is because we’re seeking something more in our lives, something more meaningful, fulfilling, free, and joyful. By jettisoning the meaningless clutter and bustle from our lives, we free up the time and space for small joys to arise and for us to fully appreciate them for the richness and texture they bring our lives.

Understanding what is important in our lives allows us to rid ourselves of the rest without remorse. As Cal Newport recently wrote in a guest post here on Zen Habits, “ … when you know what your life is about it’s easy to sidestep all that threatens to clutter it.” Time, attention, and most especially, the ability to go deep into our experiences—all gifts of minimalist and smaller living—are the critical ingredients for a life to be rich with simple joys.

So how can you create and enjoy more small joys in your life?

1. Allow some breathing room in your schedule. When we rush, we barely acknowledge what is happening around us. I can’t remember ever hearing someone say they had a joy-filled day because they were rushed and stressed, running from one thing to the next.

2. Be present. Being present, a common theme here on Zen Habits, is absolutely essential for experiencing and appreciating the small joys of life. Instead of always thinking of the next thing on our to-do list or itinerary, being present allows us to recognize and enjoy those small moments of joy as they arise.

3. Stay with the moment and fully experience it. Pay attention to the details.

4. Remember this. Remind yourself at the time of how it makes you feel and what about it you want to treasure. Think of these moments like little GPS way stations, points in time and space that you want to commit to memory.

5. Go deep. Great joy can be experienced from even the smallest, seemingly inconsequential thing by going deeper into the experience and not just flitting along the surface of it. Go deep with it, relish it, and store that moment away in your memory banks. These small joys are the moments that make up a meaningful life.

6. Make a note of it. Journal about it or consider keeping a Joy List and jot down these small joys as they happen in your life. When the world starts coming on too strong, taking a few moments to refresh your memory of the small joys in your life can bring a calmness, centering, and contentment back to your day.

7. Cultivate moments of joy by doing the things you love. Nothing picks me up and makes me more joyful than tooling around town on my bicycle with a cool breeze in my hair and the sun on my shoulders. Something about it makes me feel free, childlike, and gleeful (ringing the little bell mounted on my handlebars is a happy bonus). Take the time to understand what speaks to your soul and make joy dates with yourself to keep that feeling in your life.

8. If you’re traveling, send the joy home on a postcard to yourself. At the start of your trip, pick up a handful of postcards and stamps and keep one or two with you at all times. When something you want to remember, some small joy, occurs, you can jot it down and pop it in the mail to yourself to be waiting for you when you return. I picked up this habit some years ago from a travel memoir by Alice Steinbeck called Without Reservations. One of my favorites I sent myself reads:

“ Dear Vic, Remember the deer that stopped not two feet from you this morning while you were having coffee on the yoga deck? She looked you right in the eye and then bent down to nibble on the plants without concern. Don’t forget the magic of that moment: the soft shine in her eyes as she gazed into yours and found you to be good company.”

It’s easy in the days and weeks that follow the whirlwind of travel to start losing those magical details of your experiences. Keeping a journal works well for some people, but many find it hard to maintain when on the go. Sending a postcard to yourself with just a few lines scribbled on it lets you capture the moment with minimal fuss and relive the joy again once you return home.

9. Share small joys with loved ones that live far away. One of my favorite daily rituals is my evening Skype video call with my boyfriend. It’s often the shared smaller joys and pleasures that stay in my memory afterward and that bring us closer. Likewise, although we live more than 2,000 miles apart, my mother and I often call each other to share some little joy we experienced— like a recent call from her to tell me about the sweet nest of baby birds she discovered in a flowerpot on her porch. Reach out and share the little joys of your life with your loved ones that live distant and you’ll find your relationship with them stays more nourished, loving, and positive.

10. Gift small joys to those you love. If you know some small thing brings a loved one joy, find ways to gift it to them. Does the sight of a cheerful jelly jar with daisies make your lover smile contentedly? Then have it waiting for them at their place at the table when they sit down this Monday morning. Does an early evening walk make a child in your life prance with happiness? Then do it. Take the time and give them your full attention on that walk, stopping to stare at the cool but creepy grasshopper or skip rocks across the water. Intentionally giving small moments of joy to members of our tribe is an amazing testament of our love for them and brings us more joy in return.

Small joys are available to us in the pauses between the outer actions that fill our lives. They are the depth in the moments lived fully with complete attention. This is what smaller living is all about, cultivating simple joys in our days while stepping outside of the schedules, deadlines, and chaos that make up so much of modern life. Joy comes when we take the time to thoroughly relish something wonderful we’re experiencing, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others. For me, simple joys seem to be the most durable and memorable.

Ask yourself, what’s one small thing you can do today to bring joy to you or someone you love?

Got it? Lovely.

Now go do it.

Victoria writes at Smaller Living about right-sizing our lifestyles for the space and freedom to live large. Read more by subscribing to her feed.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Minimalist’s Guide to Cultivating Passion

The joy that results in doing something you love.

“I did stand-up comedy for eighteen years,”  Steve Martin recalls  in his 2007 memoir, Born Standing Up. “Ten of those years were spent learning, four years were spent refining, and four were spent in wild success.” If you do the math, this sums to fourteen years of hard work before Martin saw returns on his investment.

Fourteen years.

That’s a long time to remain focused on a goal without reward, especially when the path is ambiguous (“The course was more plodding than heroic,” Martin recalls).  But as he makes clear in his book, Martin found a Zen peace in the simplicity of his pursuit. He describes with relish, for example, the importance of “diligence” in becoming a star — a term he redefines to mean the ability to not work on unrelated projects — and he labels “loss of focus” as an “indulgence” that success cannot afford.

Martin’s story should resonate with those of us interested in the minimalist lifestyle preached here at Zen Habits. He injected minimalism into his life by orienting his world around a single passionate pursuit: innovating stand-up comedy. For Martin, there was never any doubt what his Most Important Task would involve each morning, and jettisoning unrelated commitments and distractions came naturally. As he discovered, when you know what your life is about it’s easy to sidestep all that threatens to clutter it.

In other words: passion breeds simplicity.

Even if we agree on their value,  however, how do we find these simplicity-generating passionate pursuits in our own lives? This is the thorny question I address in this post.

Faced with the task of identifying their “passion,” most people have one of two reactions:

The first is a frantic search of their lives with the aim of uncovering some magical pursuit that unmistakably sings to their soul. As a writer of student advice, for example, I frequently receive e-mails from young people that begin: “I’m trying to decide what my passion should be…”  (If only it were that easy.)

The second reaction is paralysis: faced with the life-changing importance of this discovery, many people freeze — hoping for a sign from above that will make things clear. (Spoiler: This can be a long wait.)

Neither of these approaches succeed, as passion is not something that can be forcefully identified, and though it sometimes bubbles up serendipitously, this is not something you can count on happening any time soon.  So what’s a passion-seeking minimalist to do?

I found an answer in an unlikely place…

In the winter of 2009, I began researching a book on college admissions. Inspired by the type philosophy taught here at Zen Habits, I sought students who followed a Zen path through the college process — getting into good schools while still living uncluttered and authentic high school lives. It soon became clear that the students who pulled off this feat shared a common trait: like Steve Martin, they had organized their life around a passionate deep interest. (This interest, in turn, made them irresistible to admissions officers weary of reading the files of chronically over-scheduled and stress-addled applicants.)

To make my book useful, I needed to discover how such passionate interests are formed. After months of research, I arrived, finally, at Penn State University, where a professor named Linda Caldwell had made a career out of studying interest formation.

Excited by her results, and wondering how to translate them into everyday life, I gave her a call:

“You need to be exposed to many things,” she told me. “You should expose yourself even though you might not know if you’ll be interested.”

When you find something that catches your attention: follow-up; see if it sticks.

In other words, discovering passion requires a dedication to unstructured exploration. You have to leave large swathes of free time in your schedule (a technique I call underscheduling), and fill this time with the exploration of things that might be interesting. Of equal importance, when something catches your attention you must leverage your free time to aggressively follow up.

As Caldwell’s research reveals, true passion can’t be forced. You can participate in personality tests and self-reflection exercises until you drop from exhaustion, but it’s unstructured exploration coupled with aggressive follow-ups that most consistently leads people to a life-consuming interest.

Here are some examples of this idea in action:

In a gap year following high school, Ben Casnocha booked an open-ended trip around the world. He left his schedule undefined, traveling with only the general goal of journaling and meeting interesting people. During this process he noticed a recurring interest in writing. Because his time was unstructured, he was able to aggressively follow-up on the interest by calling up his contacts in the publishing industry. His efforts led him to a book deal and he went on to finish the manuscript in the exotic international destinations left in his trip. He continues to write professionally today both on his blog and in magazines; he’s also a frequent commentator on NPR.In 2003, Dee Williams, a toxic waste inspector, was living in a spacious bungalow in Portland, Oregon. (Depending on the source, it was somewhere between 1500 to 2000 square feet of luxurious living.) Her time was consumed by the standard traps of middle class life: an extensive remodel on her home, car problems, the struggle to pay bills, and so on. A committed environmentalist, she realized she was tired of walking the walk and wanted to talk the talk (“I was a slackavist,” she recalls), so she simplified her life, selling her house and moving into an 84 square feet “tiny house” made out of found materials and parked in the corner of a friend’s yard. This move to simplicity opened time in her schedule for exploration. She soon stumbled into a community of people who were using tiny houses as a way of promoting sustainable living. She left her job as a waste inspector and started Boxcar Woodcrafts, a small woodworking company, and now dedicates her newly copious free time to teaching classroom programs on green living and sustainability.As a high school student, Maneesh Sethi was adamant about leaving free time in his schedule. (During his senior year, for example, he arranged a schedule that allowed him to return home after lunch each day.) He filled this free time with exploration: among other pursuits, he became Internet famous for demonstrating how to transform a tube sock into an iPod case. A computer enthusiast, Maneesh found himself one weekend afternoon at a trade conference where he met an editor of programming books. This led him to discover that the editor was considering a book on computer game programming for teenagers. Leveraging the free time in his schedule, Maneesh aggressively followed-up on the opportunity, sending over a collection of sample chapters, and finally convincing the publisher that a he, as a teenager, was well-suited to write their book for teenagers. This led, among other things, to a follow-up book, and a recurring segment on a TechTV show. Maneesh now writes full time about living an unconventional lifestyle.

This advice can be hard to follow at first. When we think about passion we think about action: we want to start doing big things right now! But the reality of passion is more subtle. You have to do less to get more in your life. It’s a virtuous catch-22: by embracing a minimalist lifestyle now, you are more likely to develop the passionate interest that will support the lifestyle in the long run.

Put another way: take a step back; relax; then open your eyes to patiently take in all that’s out there.

Read more from Cal at his blog, Study Hacks, or subscribe to his feed.

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find stillness to cure the illness

“Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu

It’s a busy day, and you’re inundated by non-stop emails, text messages, phone calls, instant message requests, notifications, interruptions of all kinds.

The noise of the world is a dull roar that pervades every second of your life. It’s a rush of activity, a drain on your energy, a pull on your attention, until you no longer have the energy to pay attention or take action.

It’s an illness, this noise, this rush. It can literally make us sick. We become stressed, depressed, fat, burnt out, slain by the slings and arrows of technology.

The cure is simple: it’s stillness.

Take a minute out of your busy day to do this little exercise: pause in the middle of all you have to do, all that’s going on around you. Close your eyes, and sit still. Breathe in, and breathe out, and pay attention to your breath as it comes in and goes out. Just sit still, for about a minute.

This stillness might seem like inaction, which we’re taught is a bad thing. It’s lazy, it’s passive, it’s against our Puritan work ethic. And yet, this simple inaction can change our world.

Stillness calms us. It gives us a small oasis of quiet that allows us to hear our thoughts, that allows us to catch our breath, that gives us room to breathe at all. It is the antibody to the stress and rush we feel daily.

“Activity conquers cold, but stillness conquers heat.” ~Lao Tzu

Stillness has a calming effect on the world around us as well. By becoming still, we cause others to pause, to pay attention. Our quiet also quiets others. We set the mood for those who work and otherwise interact with us.

When we rush and set a frenetic pace, it stresses others and inspires them to rush frenetically too. Stillness has the opposite effect. It slows the world down, allows us to focus, gives us time for contemplation, for what matters most.

It takes strength to be still when others rush. It takes courage to be different, to go against the stream. But while others might think us weird at first, that’s OK. Sometimes it’s the weird ones that make the most difference. And soon, as our stillness inspires others to find stillness of their own, we won’t be the weird ones — we’ll be the ones with wisdom.

It takes strength to find stillness when the world around us is a chaos of activity, but it’s a strength that’s in us, and we need only to find it. Paradoxically, it’s stillness that will allow us to find that strength. Be still, look within, and it’ll be there.

It’s pretty simple, really, and you don’t need me to tell you to do this: to find stillness, you just need to take the time to sit still, every day that you can.

Find a time in the morning, when the world is still fairly quiet, to sit still. Don’t do anything, don’t plan your day, don’t check email, don’t eat. Just sit, and learn to be comfortable being still.

In practice, we’ll gradually find that comfort, and we’ll become good at it. If mornings are no good, find time during your lunch break, or after work, or just before you go to bed.

Find a place to be still. It can be a chair in your house, or a front porch, or the roof. It can be a park bench, or the beach, or a path in the woods. Let this be a ritual that you come to look forward to.

From this small place of stillness, calm will carry to the rest of your day, radiating like a soothing force. You’ll be calmer throughout the day, and learn to find little pockets of stillness everywhere: when you first start your workday, when you are ready to sit down and create, when you’re about to eat, when you are ready to exercise, during a meeting, even.

Practice, regularly. Practice, and learn. Practice stillness, and the stillness becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the masterpiece of your life.

“Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life’s missing white space

Create space.

‘Space is the breath of art.’ ~Frank Lloyd Wright

I’m not a designer, but I’ve always been in love with the design concept of white space.

It’s the space in a design that isn’t filled with things — as you can tell from the design of Zen Habits and my other blog, mnmlist, it’s something I use (perhaps too) liberally.

But white space can be used in the design of our lives as well, not just the design of magazines and websites and ads. By using white space in our lives, we create space, balance, emphasis on what’s important, and a feeling of peace that we cannot achieve with a more cramped life.

Let’s look briefly at how to do this.

Some of the things white space accomplishes in design:

greater legibilityfeeling of luxurybreathing room & balancemore emphasis

These same concepts can translate to our lives:

Clarity. Instead of legibility, white space can give clarity to the things in our lives — whether they’re possessions, projects, tasks, or just things that occupy our time and attention. A nice piece of furniture is more beautiful when it’s not surrounded by clutter. A well-prepared piece of food is more tasty when it’s not smothered in sauces and piled with fries and cheese. A presentation is more effective when we don’t use Powerpoint and have only a few points to make.Peace. When our lives are cramped, and our homes and workspaces are cluttered, we feel stressed. When we have fewer things on our schedule and fewer things around us, we feel peaceful.Breathing room & balance. Many people talk about finding “work-life balance”, but this is very hard to do if you have no white space. Leave space between things to find the breathing room you need, and to easier achieve balance.Emphasis on the important. When our days are non-stop busy, everything is important and nothing is important. But put white space between things, and those things acquire more weight, and we place more importance on each individual thing.

In theory, achieving white space isn’t difficult: you remove non-essential items from your life, your workday, your surroundings, your possessions, and leave the essential items with space around them.

But of course in practice it’s a bit different, and requires experimentation, learning, practice. I’d suggest starting small, with one area of your life, and making small bits of white space. Start by identifying what’s important, and the slowly removing the non-essential things to create the white space.

Some ideas:

Breathe. Simply take a couple minutes between tasks, meetings, anything that you do, to breathe. After a meeting, for example, return to your desk and just sit still for a couple minutes, focusing on your breath going in and out. When you get home, pause and breathe. When you’re done with a task on the computer, close everything and breathe, before starting on the next task. This creates space between tasks and allows you to focus on each one.Schedule. Don’t overschedule. Leave space on your schedule, between tasks, instead of putting things back-to-back. The space gives you time to go between tasks, to recover, to refocus, to breathe.Projects. Do fewer projects at a time. Instead of juggling a bunch of projects at once, try to do one for as long as you can before switching to the next (sometimes you need to switch because you’re waiting on information or on someone else to do something). If you can, take a short break between each project — as long as you can afford.Sit. Start your day with the white space of just sitting still for 10 minutes. It can be a meditation session, or simply sitting still with a cup of coffee or tea. If you like this, try putting it in the middle and end of your day as well.Remove clutter. Pick a few important things on your desk, or in your home, and remove the rest. This will give you visual space and create a more peaceful atmosphere.Savor. Slow down and savor everything you eat, everything you do. Breathe before you take each bite, and enjoy each bite.

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Read more about simplicity in Leo’s books, The Zen Habits Handbook for Life & The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life. More here.

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Personal Development – It’s How You Use Your Brain That Matters

For anyone interested in their own personal development, you may be interested in recent research that shows that “thinkers’ brains are different”. The suggestion is that how you think depends on the development of certain regions of the brain – but in fact, it’s the other way around: the development of particular regions of your brain is related to how much you use them! Your mind power is dependant upon the choices that you make.

Nobody is born a ‘thinker’ – just like nobody is born a London cabbie or taxi driver, yet an area of their brains is highly developed and, in fact, larger than the normal brain because of the hoops that they have to jump through to learn ‘The Knowledge’ – how to get from A to B using all kinds of circuitous routes. Some years ago, research proved that the use to which these guys and girls put their brain had a measurable effect on the size and shape of their brain.

More recently, neuro-psychological research demonstrates that the human brain exhibits a considerable capability for what is called plasticity – in other words, the shape, characteristics and development of the brain depends on how it is used and the extent to which one area of the brain may have to take control of the functions of another part of the brain that has been damaged.

The important point is that our brains, their functionality and capacity, depends on what we do with them – not the other way around. Many people with whom I’ve worked in my practice thought that they were stupid, slow or incapable of understanding things that ‘clever’ people understood. Their perception of their own intellectual skills did not relate to the physiology of their brains – it was related to the fact that, during their formative years, they had incorrectly learned their own self-image which, as adults, prevented them from employing their brains in an expansive way.

Each of us has limiting perceptions about ourselves – we were each conditioned during our childhood years – now, those self-perceptions hold us back from accessing and benefiting from our natural potential. However, all you have to do to be all that you can be is to drop your preconceived notions. Even the size of your brain will respond to your new found self understanding.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Fundamentals Of Wealth Creation

Mind and wealth creation:

All religion testifies that man was created in the image and likeness of God, (those that matter at least), and from this infinite reality all that is, visible and invisible came to be. Deducting from this statement we can see that by the same principle used by the first cause, the infinite reality behind all that is, we as humans can also mold our own worlds. That principle of which I talk about is that of cause and effect. The science of psychology testifies to this truth when it says all that a man is and has is a culmination of his thoughts, values and beliefs which form a mindset and in this science we can realize the truth of the James Allen’s words, as a man thinketh so is he. Behind every effect, i.e. health, financial wealth, etc, is a cause and that cause by deduction is mind, thought force in action. Every architectural marvel we see, gargantuan companies, beautiful music, exquisite machinery, all began as an idea, a thought, and from this idea an evolution of more ideas came to be, that culminated in an expression of the outer reality that we see. Therefore, from this reasoning we can conclude that two worlds exist in the mind of man, the inner world of thought and ideas (mind) and the outer world of effect and expression.(A man’s life is what his thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius)

By common sense, you can reason that mind is all that there is to wealth creation, for through the law of creation, you and I can project an idea in the mind and have it come into manifestation. Think about it for a sec, for there to be something in nothingness, there was an execution of something, a plan, a strategy or whatever you may think of that needs execution, and for there to be something that is executable there needs to be an idea of what that something will look like, and from that, ideas of what need be for that something to be brought forth, and this idea and ideas of that something are formulated through contemplation, thinking. From something in mind to its expression, there is a Law, and by the application of this Law, consciously or unconsciously, one can bring any dream into his reality. What is this Law of Creation? To explain it, let me first mention that quantum physics has resolved all matter into pure energy, that is, if we continually breakdown matter to atoms and further down, the remaining result is energy. The components of atoms are simply energy packets. So what gives these energy packets mass you may wonder? Well, honestly, no one really knows except that these energy packets are directly affected by thought. A direct energized thought has been proven to directly affect the physical nature of matter. From this observation, quantum physics has concluded that thought forces alter and influence our physical bodies, just as much as medicine has accepted the power of the mind through enquiries into the placebo effect, proving what has been known all along by the sages of antiquity, that we become what we are internally. Therefore, through observation we can safely conclude that a thought, infused with energy or emotion, will manifest, that an idea held in absolute certainty will become a reality, that anything believed by the mind, anything we have faith in and are certain of, is part of our reality, our world, our environment. This is the Law of Creation. Our physical bodies, circumstances, environments, are the direct manifestations of our souls (the culmination of all our experiences and how we interpreted and interpret them, intellect, values and beliefs).

So what does this have to do with wealth creation? Well it has everything to do with creating wealth and everything else for that matter. Our thoughts control what we see and experience and from this realization it is evident that one must control his thoughts. Not really an easy task for most of our thoughts are unconscious and active as has been observed that suggestions internalized or suggested to us are implanted into our subconscious (the greater part of our minds we are not conscious of), and these suggestions externalize into our external worlds. This lets us know that before one can venture into anything, it is necessary to be clear on a certain outcome and to believe in that outcome, for believing in something comes with it positive thoughts that follow the logical conclusion, by law, of manifesting into positive outcomes that ultimately result in the desired goal. To doubt is to delve on the negative aspect of an idea or goal, to see its impossibility, therefore it is indulging in negative thought processes and by law, logically concluding into a negative result. Thus the reason Jesus said “with the faith of a small mustard, one can move a mountain,” and quoting from another author and philosopher, “There is no room for a complainer in a universe of law, and worry is soul-suicide. By your very attitude of mind you are strengthening the chains which bind you, and are drawing about you the darkness by which you are enveloped, Alter your outlook upon life, and your outward life will alter.”

So lets ponder on this for a while. Visit us and we will explore more on the issue of mind and wealth creation creation and ways to alter our thought processes, values, attitudes and beliefs, into ones that work towards the attainment of the things we desire.

Visit our prosperity and wealth blog

Grab useful tips about the topic of home business – please make sure to go through this site. The time has come when proper information is really at your fingertips, use this chance.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Get A Positive Wealth Mindset

How you view wealthy is the single most crucial factor that determines if you are wealthy or not. So, if you desire more money in your existence it is imperative that you get a positive wealth mindset instead of a credit mindset.

However, a lot people are taught to think negatively about money, and subsequently, good about credit. We’re told things like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and “money is the root of all evil.” It’s easy to see why people have such a difficult time thinking positively about wealth! You may have even been told that rich people are “filthy” and as a result are subconsciously staying away from wealth and missing out on the good opportunities having money can provide.

For as long as you hold on to bad and erroneous beliefs about money, you won’t ever create the money you deserve or desire.

To transform your wealth views, you must first recognize that money is not bad or good alone. It is just a tool. In fact, money is often more utilized for good than evil. Think about the great charities that have helped persons all across the world when they are given large amounts of money. Appreciate all the good that cash is used for. It is an important part of life and is utilized to make positive changes in the world. Money should be sought after, not avoided.

Realize that money is abundant. When you were a child, you might have been told by your parents that money doesn’t grow on trees. If you’re keeping that view now, your own mind could be keeping you from attracting wealth. Money might not grow on trees, but there is an abundant amount of it for everybody, even you. However, if you perceive that money is scarce, that belief will keep it far away from you.

Donating money is a different method you can develop a good wealth mindset. Wanting to hold onto every cent you possess is a indicator of a stingy mindset and reinforces the view that there isn’t enough of it. Giving reinforces the concept of abundance.

Lastly, be happy for those who are successful and have money. We often remember being taught that those who have money are filthy and are tempted to think bad about them. In fact, the opposite is usually true. Wealthy people often get their wealth by sharing what they have with others and believing in the idea of abundance.

When someone else has wealth, don’t resent their success. If you have feelings of resentment, that will only keep you from getting your own wealth and success. Rather than that, be happy for them and realize that there is enough wealth for you too, and your time will come.

By making these changes in how you think about money, you will be on your way to developing a positive money mindset. Once you begin thinking about money in a positive way, you will be on the path to achieving your own wealth.

If you are want to get info about emotional freedom technique, then visit the site that was mentioned in this passage.

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Personal Growth Looking At Life A Different Way

The truth is that most people look at life through dark glasses and, as a result, everything appears gloomier than it should. This is the norm because the normal mind is hard-wired to look at reality through our programming and it is more likely than not that the mind will dwell on negative rather than positive programming. This mental blockage is what is keeping your life on hold.

You’ve got to alter the way you look at the world – this is the very essence of personal development. However, I’m not suggesting that you look at the world through rose-tinted spectacles – this will disable you from seeing possible pitfalls or warning signs. Such an attitude prevents people from knowing when to quit something that isn’t working for them – for example, a dead relationship or a floundering business. In other words, what is widely termed positive thinking or a positive mental attitude is truly dangerous and often leads to the excuse of all: “I won’t do anything because I know that things will improve!”

You need to do something completely different. I am suggesting that you see the world for what it is – the reality of the present moment. It is only in the present moment that you can see the upside of opportunities that you might otherwise altogether miss with your dark glasses on. Again, you will be fully tuned in to the potential downside of what you’re doing or thinking about doing – something that you will not otherwise see if you’re looking through those rose-tinted spectacles.

However, the reality and potential of the here and now can only be experienced, appreciated and capitalized upon if you by-pass your hard-wiring – something that does not come naturally if you’re a normal adult. But it came naturally to all of us as children. Indeed it was that clarity of mind that enabled us to be programmed in the first place. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to relearn how to experience the here and now without throwing your own personal spin or preconceived notions into the mix. You must stop making a nonsense of the present moment by relying on your conditioning.

This can be achieved by coming to your senses – I mean that quite literally. You’ve got five senses – you need to start noticing what they’re actually telling you. Psychology confirms that, as adults, we pay precious little attention to what our senses are actually telling us. Instead, our programming has lulled us into the false sense of security that we know best. We don’t – we couldn’t, we don’t have a perspective on the bigger picture of what life might be like if we let it.

To come to your senses, you need to spend a little time every day, preferably early in the morning, training your mind to notice what you actually see, feel, hear, smell and taste, without interpreting, without analysing, without jumping to your normal conclusions. Start working one sense at a time and see where it takes you.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Law Of Attraction internal workings

All ancient texts and religious writtings speak of it. Poets, teachers and wise men prnouched the good news of thousands of years. Books have been written about it. Songs are song about a fortune, and people have education. But you know enough about to use it? The Law Of Attraction is probably the most powerful universal principle we know of, do you think, maybe you should learn a little about it and maybe even make use of your dreams?

The Law Of Attraction the basic level States that everything is made by thought and that thought is physical things, people, situations and circumstances. the dominant thoughts are the activation of the law of attraction at the moment and bring these things in your life!

Having said that, also you should be aware that it is not just the outer material world which is influenced by our creative capabilities.Our body and our very personalities, characteristics, physical, mental and emotional characteristics made by our thinking. make your life you want and the person who you want to be or are you as a job and bring you all manner of afflictions, because you would like to draw your attention on them? You may even identify as a victim and refuses to acknowledge of the law and the intentional use!

Even though the movie "The Secret" told us this right was hidden for centuries. The Law Of Attraction isn't really that much of a secret as they think. Since the very beginning of time, it is never an imperturbable and bending moment, unbreakable Uiversal article.You cannot escape!There is a large amount of evidence that suggests the humanity has known and used, the great law for about 7,000 years. but this education for thousands of years were hidden by those who want to control the population. by hiding the laws of the universe and the knowledge we create our own reality this dogmatic leeches, all power to draw up, for themselves and make sure no one vis-à-vis their line. The great Law Of Attraction was actually banned in the past.

It is largely at the beginning of the 20th century, which began with the general public to become aware of this great law thanks to the dedication, perseverance, integrity, and grace of writers such as James Allen (1864-1912), Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) and Charles Haanel (1866-1949).

D. Wallace Wattles, born in 1860 and died in 1911, was also a man of forethought.In the masterpiece, "The Science Of Getting Rich ' by Wattles, the author tells us" there is a thinking things which all things are made, which in its original state, penetrates, and fills out the interspaces of the universe. a thought in this substance produces the image is created by the thought of that. "How revolutionary that statement was in 1910.

Haanel 24 part set out in a correspondence course, which is now is condensed into a single volume called "the master key system", a complete guide to successfully use the Law Of Attraction!It is prohibited by the Church in 1933, thanks to the revelations.This is said to be the book that he read before Bill Gates of Microsoft!

Napoleon Hill unveiled Andrew Carnegie big secret to the world-that thoughts create things – when he wrote "Think and Grow Rich" in 1937 (although it him 25 years had seized).

James Allen wrote his famous works in 1912 and in "as a Man Thinketh" he tells people that "mind is the master-Weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstances, and that." so far as they can be woven in ignorance and pain that they are now in the lighting and happiness can weave

However, while the teachings have been around for thousands of years and she quickly and readily available to the general public for almost a century, the vast majority of people don't take the time to learn the operation of probably the most powerful physical law in the universe.

Don't you think that you deserve to be a better understanding of the universe in which you live? you doesn't think it's time to get a clearer picture of the laws that regulate of this universe, you and your life. If you really understand the law of attraction and ready to start working with it for you personal benefit, I say unto you, that your life will turn into a fantastic, unexpected and unlimited ways.

Start now make use of this gift to build in your imagination of life that you really want to live. searching for ways to get your own inner resistance and limiting beliefs.

Use the Law Of Attraction today begin!

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The law of attraction is out of this time

The law of attraction works slowly make its way to becoming the buzz cry for the new millennium. Most people have heard anything, and some people have heard about the most. Commercialized by excellent films such as "The Secret", it seems humanity suddenly to be waking up to the concept of "like attracts like '. Not everyone knows how it works, but the concept sounds great: turn your thoughts and feelings about something, and that something is bound to you! Simple as that. Pretty cool!

Let me begin by saying that this concept is not new at all. It has been used for as long as life on Earth (now for quite some time). If the law of attraction is a universal law, it is already since the Foundation began, when that is.

Compare it with the law of gravity. We do not have a "discover" gravity somewhere in the human development and went "a ha!". No, the gravity is part of our environment.By recognizing and acknowledging the existence we have been able to make use of it is in our interest, and we have turned it into a tool instead of just a fact of life. for example, it was only after the recognition of the existence of the force of gravity, we were able to make of electrical energy by propel water by turbine engines in hydro-electric power stations. This is a simple example, but you catch my drift: a force to be "soft playing" will not be able to use unless you acknowledge that force.

Even the Bible talks about the law of attraction on numerous occasions, at least that's how I choose to see it. Read this:

Questions, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For anyone who asks, receiveth; and he that are looking for, you will find; and he that opened, it will be opened. Matthew 7: 1-12

It is clear to me that one to the law of attraction, although the term had not yet, then figured out already.

James Allen spoke about the law of attraction in the late 1800 's in "as a Man Thinketh". Wallace Wattles talked about in 1910 in "The Science of Getting Rich". Napoleon Hill wrote about it in 1938 in "Think and Grow Rich". Jane Roberts did in the 1970 's with the "set"-books, and Esther and Jerry Hicks, in the 1980s with the "Abraham" material.

There is nothing new under the Sun. There could not, because the law of attraction is as old as our universe.

What is new is the increase in "vibration" of humanity. There are more people with end-position latching on the concept of "aware".I have a feeling that it has to do with the further development in General, but especially with an increasingly deep desire among mankind answers, give yourself a little more.Because we slowly to a point where the old paradigm always no longer work, we are looking for new ones, which honor us more effective and results.And by the law of attraction that new paradigms show up ... in the form of the law of attraction!

In the next few articles, I would like to comment on the law of attraction, and will give my opinion on the question "if we do this law, we always get what we want?".

Right, I would encourage you to start looking in your life.Very closely. If it is true that the law of attraction is universal and always work (which I am sure) then the present situation is a result of-probably subconscious-application of this law.Your life right now, is good or bad, the effect of your case, if you know what I mean. it's time to start taking responsibility for what is going on in your life there. you are responsible for the good stuff, you will be responsible for the bad things and I am not talking about the responsibility in a "it's your fault" way.I am talking about taking ownership of the circumstances of life.

If you can confirm that your life is the way in which it is because you have created yourself-the intentional or non-intentional, or at least are allowed in your life – the intentional or non-intentional, then hold down the key to transformation. that's the secret law of attraction is not the secret. it's always been, so how would it be!?

Start your blessings, and forgive yourself for thought-errors that will automatically raise your vibrations, giving you more of the "good stuff" in your life will attract.

It's time.

Marc is a certified life coach, master NLP Practitioner and body Stress Release practitioner I-IV, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

He is one of Australia's Law of Attraction (LOA) experts and coaches/mentors international with the Loa principles. Marc gives its customers to find out what has she along in order to achieve what they want, and then to the conscious decision to their lives and/or careers to the next level.

A lawyer is nearly 6 years in his previous life, for immigration to Australia from the Netherlands, Marc know exactly how disheartening to take the first step in a new direction. on the other hand, he knows how to carrying out this step and the knack of imparting his knowledge and wisdom in a stunningly simple and very effective way.

Go to or email him at to get a free personal or telephone mentoring session!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The universal law of attraction

It is a known phenomenon. Almost everyone can relate. You start looking for a new car, something special, something is not as someone else, something unusual. Find out what appears to be a unique, unusual choice of a special car and all of a sudden, there it is – the red car, the one you thought that was just for you. It is on every corner of the street. It is up to each traffic light. You can see three of these red cars just driving of the highway. You have never seen these cars. What happened? How do all these people your unique red car at the same time?

It is also the fact of the matter that your brain is seeing the red cars that there will always be you this car for yourself, that car has become especially for you, and you now what really was along.

It's called the "Reticular activation system" or REMOTE ACCESS. The part of your brain that automatically filters out what is important to you and brings your attention to the things that are important to you. We all have it.Much a mother will tell you that they have their own children's voice in the chorus of the voices of many children can choose. a parent will be healthy sleep by noise from many directions and her baby makes a small whine and she is wide awake. Our brain filter automatically what's important and what is not important to us.

In fact, the Reticular activating system how the law of attraction works. We get what we focus on; we create what we think and the remote system of our brain just helps this process.

There are so many misconceptions about the law of attraction. It seems strange that if this is a universal law why people tend to argue with it.Nobody is suggesting that with gravity. of course, is the force of gravity is not nearly as misunderstood.

The law of attraction is not a new concept. It is with us since the ancient times, which only makes sense if it is a universal law. It is mentioned in the Bible
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" proverbs 23: 7
Buddha teaching of the law of attraction
"All we are is the result of what we found.The spirit is everything.What we think we become "Buddha 562-483 BC.
At the beginning of the 20th century, many books written about the law of attraction, such as "as a Man Thinketh" by James Allen, "Master Key" by Charles Haanel and one of the most popular books of all time "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

However, there are those who are still claiming and express their disbelief.A common argument is that the proponents of the law of attraction claim that all they need to do is their exalted thoughts and all their dreams come true. This would not be further from the truth.The thoughts of the potential and the ideas and the motivation and inspiration to hear and determine the action to come true.

The enjoy comes from developing and dreams in your own mind, but a large part of the fun of making the action taken. not many people are content to sit on the beach and the dream of success. There is no fun, and there is no challenge in. it's a joy to dream of the dream, are attracted by the way, and the measures taken in order to take your dreams come true. sitting on the beach day dreams can be fun for an hour or two, but what if that's a boring life. to make of your dreams is where the fun and enjoy, not only from the dream in your own mind.

Dream the dream and your remote will take over and you will be inspired and led in the right to take action. Enter the action and the law of attraction you will bring your dream.

As a Man Thinketh and other great books, visit Karen Lynch's inspiring website LivethePower. enjoy the wonderful presentation "LivethePower" on the website.

The 7 Laws of Attraction

Many people have already been created by the idea behind the law of attraction "the public was brought by the popular film, The Secret. The idea that you can "order" the universe to deliver what it is that you want is indeed very tempting, but is it true?

About self improvement forums, I see people ask questions about whether or not works: they have "taught" they say; but they do not see results-so what's wrong? let us 7 component laws that lie at the heart of the law of attraction ...

-The law of demo-thoughts become things.

First, as James Allen in his classic book as a Man Thinketh, "thoughts become things and powerful things that" and so said they do! good thoughts are good things; and bad thought become bad things.So, if you want to be a good things in your life, you need to learn how to think good thoughts.

-The law of Unwavering Desire-there is energy in your burning desire!

Secondly, as Napoleon Hill said in his famous book Think and Grow Rich, your "burning desire" is the energy that drives the entire creative process. you must decide what you really want from your life and that the fuel it burns with a real passion in your heart to your heart's content.

-The law of sensitive Harmony-maintain an attitude of gratitude!

Such as Wallace D Wattles said his excellent work in The Science of Getting Rich, there is only one attitude you have to go to constantly maintain search; and this is an attitude of gratitude. learning to say "thank you" to God for all the wonderful blessings upon you be paid, day after day.

-The law of Magnetism-you reap what you sow!

Not to say that it doesn't work – it works! Deepak Chopra says in his book the 7 spiritual laws of success, "you reap what you sow '-you get what you give out so not to focus on the return; focus on what you off.Stick with your course of action and will give you the results.

-The law of synchronization stream of the results of the natural laws!

This component laws all fit neatly together to the work of the law of attraction, so desire in combination with gratitude always produces results-and this is called synchronization. the results will flow to you constantly infallible reveal the next thing that you need to do in order to achieve the aim of your liking.

-The law of the impact of the universal-we are all connected to each other!

Ensure that-some thoughts and activities that you conduct-your thoughts and actions Honourable. Zig Ziglar says in his book on Goalsetting, make sure your goals are balanced and moral fair for everyone around you.

-The law of conscience-you need to take action!

Finally, as Jack Black in his excellent Mindstore grab course, you must keep track of what comes your way. The universal laws which we considered consistent results for you, but you do not have your role to play. chance you want to be translated to the results that you want to by to take appropriate action.

For more tips, get our excellent book: The Law of Attraction. This book is free (no sign-up required) get an immediate download here ...

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Will Edwards is the founder of the White Dove books