Thursday, October 14, 2010

The master of your mind, body, business and Life

Just as the body has to eat and we want to feed our preferences, most of the time, rather than what is available. In the same way as the spirit have to eat and we have to feed it what we want rather than what is available through the media, everyone around us and performances. As Robert Collier "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We are our own thoughts, with the things that these thoughts have attracted to us added ... tomorrow, we will be able to become what we think about today past "

He also is said in his book ' secret of the middle ages ' "mortals are healthy or unhealthy, happy or unhappy, strong or weak, alive or dead, in proportion that they think that the thoughts of the health or disease, the strength or weakness. Your body, like all the other material things, do only what your mind entertains in faith ".He also says that "each of us makes his own world, and he makes the by the spirit". I think it's great.

Here is the law of attraction such as detailed in Rhonda Byrnes ' the secret ' book and DVD. The Law Of Attraction is always a lot of work and infinite like the law of gravity or the laws that will keep the seasons change and the sun rising and setting. They are at work or you want to use, or to recognise them or not.So when you say something, especially in the deep and secret thoughts, make sure that the claim to the divine if your hearts desire. Thus, initiated with the aim to attract and strength of this very thing. Just attracts like.

The law of gravity does not make any distinction between what is considered to be a good person or not. the law of gravity as the person who the top of the building leave ensures that the ground is hit. All nature and universal laws work the same way that if you have your thought energy into something, anything, you by default, they unwittingly attract and prepared thing to arrive to you and it will manifest in your life. This is why it's important to focus on good and great things and also to your mind, your subconscious mind, of all the residue of past programs so that your mind is open and works the right to the good and great things to attract you say you want to.

Because it is not enough just to say that it is, it is very desirable, and lower your energy focused on something for you. You can't, for example, take a train from eastbound and westbound at the same time must have one or the other. In the same way you if you say one thing, but your mind is a different plan, it is clear to see why some say they can't seem to get what they are that they want.

Below is a list of the good reading to help when you open your mind, shift your mindset and will keep you aware of your thoughts, so that you can the master of your own mind, body, business and life.If you do not, the master of the then is someone or something else because it certainly always is to provide you with instructions to make it clear what you now have in your life. And if they are not what you want then change should take place.It has been said that the spirit is like a parachute, works only if it is open, and I fully agree.

You don't have to read all of them, that it is your life, your world and your existence. So please be patient with yourself, start with something and enjoy the ride. for the books I have read I describe briefly to help you choose. don't forget your opinion, food, nutrition and exercise as feed and take a look at the transformation. now here's the list of those reading:

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach – a tiny but powerful written and full of wonders. I really like this book, I am a member of a Club of inventors and one of the excursions to guest at our Club recommended this.It's on my book shelf above my PC as I write this. some may more than once in the parable format but brilliant read.

The secret of the middle ages by Robert Collier

Freakonomics-an excellent eye opener in how we are all programmed prejudice that affect us and the reality of others

The Secret-there is a book and a DVD.For speed you can watch the DVD, or go for the book if you want to read

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen – I personally have read this several times and to a couple of people gifted. a thin book that my boyfriend in a meeting, a finished evening and he is a slow reader

The Science of Getting Rich-I have this book on my shelf above my PC as I write this, I read it so much to me for more than 6 months so very worn. I also have the mp3 audio-book.

Thoughts are things by Robert Collier

Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

How to live on 24 hours a day-currently on my bookshelf

Objectives by Brian Tracy-currently on my bookshelf

Check out Joe Vitale products. the prices are not relevant compared to effects you have in your life will see.

A lot of people spend all or most of their lives trying to understand, and someone else find out whether other people, when formulating their own true self haven't yet detected. I believe that this is an incredibly large.

Your mental strength and abundance.

Love Px

Patsy Jawo is dedicated to motivate and support people with achieving their dreams.

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