Thursday, October 14, 2010

The law of attraction-does it really work?

There is so much is happening everywhere about the "law of attraction". Bob Proctor made it so popular with his film-The Secret. The popularity is so great that it was featured in several prominent TV shows-Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, Ellen DeGeneres, and so on.

OK, what is the Law Of Attraction, right? simply put, it goes like this:
You attract what you want!

Another way to view it: "what you have today, you have it because you wanted (pulled it)"

This concept is not new. Henry Ford said it long back in a different way:
If you do you think right or think you are wrong, you are always right!

Let's get little deeper into the portion of the application of this law.Is it really want anything will make sure that you do not have?.Not just a few wants to help a lot. have you not heard, "If wishes horses, beggars would drive"?.So what's more, it should be, then just want?

Napoleon Hill classing self-development in his book "think and Grow Rich" said it was perfect. He wrote: "what the opinion of a human being can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

Just want to give for something will never attract anything in your life.If you really believe in your heart and soul, then you will attract everything that you will ever need.

If that's the case, then why do people just will not be able to use and benefit? you could ask. the answer is: "do not know. '.

It is very sad to know that a lot of people a lot of information know. If you are not using the information to be used, and assign them, there is no value for the information that you have learned.

In my life, I have so many things attracted by application of the law of attraction.Never, I found that the law did not work. it worked every time I used it. I have no doubts about the law.

If you want the law of attraction work for you, here are some ideas:

1. write down your goals as clear as possible.

2. Add as much information as possible. the more the better.

3. set a time limit to achieving the goal.

4. start your day with visualizing your purpose.

5. really believe that you have the power to accomplish your goal.

6. never ever think that you can't make. positive affirmations use all the time.

7. read the objectives laid down in the tax three times a day.

I am sure that, if you have the above ideas, you will attract everything that you need in your life – money, love, relationships, options, etc..

I am currently reading an interview with Bob Proctor and I loved it. Are called the Attraction Accelerator.

Nishant Kasibhatla

Download The Attraction Accelerator where Bob Proctor tells you his personal story about how to create The Secret on []

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