Saturday, October 2, 2010

The use of the law of attraction to create your reality

I have been writing about defining new age terms and phrases and hopefully simplifying them for mainstream reading. I am writing to the people who get turned off and tune out when they see them. Some of the terms I have described may be considered new age but words are funny. They evolve. ESP and karma used to belong to the new age movement. Now they are either old news or in the case of karma, used by the majority. If words are used enough by a wide range of people, then before long they become commonplace.
New Age Spirituality - The Tune Out Phrase
One phrase that I haven't even mentioned is "new age spirituality." It's almost achieved the status of ESP and karma. People have used it for 20 plus years so it's not as woo-woo anymore. When someone says this phrase, most will have a general idea what it means. When this one is used, it often has a big tune out effect. If I break it down into two parts it may be easier to understand. Unfortunately it is still a label for a group of people.
We love labels. One aspect of new age thought is to eliminate labels, yet we humans seem to need them to allow our minds to box and categorize things. New thought. New behavior. Change. These are all aspects of the new age. Spirituality can feel like a religious word. New-agers are not religious. There is no bible. No rule book. No code of conduct.
We are all spiritual beings. There is a spiritual aspect to everything so using the word spirituality along with the words new age kind of works, yet I like to think that this awakening stuff is not for the chosen "enlightened" few but for all. It describes a way of being rather than any structured group or religion. It has connotations for some that I would dearly love to change.
My intention is to contribute to make this phrase more universally accepted with posts like this. Help others understand that it is not a secret society who like to astral travel or a sect filled with new age spirituality nuts but just regular humans that have experienced an amazing transformation in their perspective on life. With a knowing that we will all go through this.
I saved the most popular new age term for last. We love to preface concepts with the words "universal law." Like karma (which is also called the universal law of cause and effect or biblically "what ye reap ye shall sow") this new age term has been beaten to death since the movie "The Secret" came out. So much so that it has almost become mainstream.
The Universal Law Of Attraction - Creating Our Reality
In 2000, when I was jolted awake, I worked in a two person office. The other poor soul had to listen to me go on and on about new age spiritual concepts. He was a mainstream guy who was into sports and all the "normal" guy stuff. He was very non judgmental and I loved him for that, but one time when I was talking about reality, he raised his voice and said;
"There is only one reality!"
I looked at him straight in the eye and said
"No, you're wrong. Everyone has their own reality."
The conversation ended there.
When I put my bio in profiles on sites, I usually say that I am anOverlight facilitator and that Overlight is a process that recognizes that we can create our own reality and can therefore create whatever we choose. This is the same concept as the law of attraction only put in a more woo-woo way.
This concept is not new. It's been around since ancient times. New age concepts are like that. It's not new stuff, it's just old truths that stand the test of time.
Egyptian and Sumerians wrote about it. The Koran , The Torah, The Bible, all reference the same basic concept. This if from the Jewish Book of Proverbs:
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is"

Notice it says heart, not head.
Many semi-modern writers like Napoleon Hill inThink And Grow Rich says "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Norman Vincent Peale in The Power Of Positive Thinking writes about what we can create with how we think. And what about Tony Robbins. Same stuff. He's been saying it for a long time.
This new age, old age phrase with the fancy title of universal law, when used by many these days, often leaves out a very important part of it. It doesn't work to just think, I need a new car and poof, one appears in your driveway. The "universe" (that's another term that gets thrown around a lot) will co-create your reality with you, but only if there is clear communication. Communication with integrity. Not integrity in the dictionary sense of the word.
This is how I describe integrity. There are the four vibrational lines that people put out and we sub-consciously or consciously feel them and interpret them and so does the universe. (Okay, so that's a woo-woo statement. Couldn't help myself:)
* What you speak
* What you do
* What you think
* What you believe
We put out these four lines all the time. When they are integrated and all match then creation flows. That's integrity. When they match, they are then easy to interpret. So many may "think" positively but don't "believe" that it will work for them. Or they say one thing and their actions say another. All common concepts to understand but not always easy to put into practice. If you don't truly believe that the law of attraction is real or that you do not have the ability to create what you desire then, guess what? The law of attraction will be just another mumbo jumbo, new age concept that is for some "elite" few and not for you. You have to completely trust that you can do it. If you have doubt, then there is no integrity.
Whether you are creating perfect health or abundance or inner peace or joy you have to be open to receive it and recognize that you created it and it is for you and you are worthy of it. You must feel gratitude for the creation as if has already happened and believe that you have it. The universe will match your belief and it will happen.
Using the term universe may turn some people off as being "out there" but all it really denotes is everything outside of you. Call it god or spirit or whatever. Sure it sounds new-agey but it is just another example of using words to express concepts that are hard to define. We are not alone. When we believe that we can attract what we desire then watch the help come. Who cares where it comes from or what it's called.
My intention in writing about demystifying new age terms is to bring us together. To help make these concepts palatable for all. To take the woo-woo out of them. To hopefully get some to stay tuned in when they hear or read someone use them. As I have said they are not new concepts or even new age terms. We have been talking about this stuff since the beginning. The only difference is that now, more people are hearing them and truly believing that they are truths and not some mystical ideas thought up by new age gurus or ancient scribes, but concepts that work. They work to change our perspective on life and to how we interact with each other. Work to create the heaven on earth that we all deserve and are all capable of experiencing.
Let's do this all together and not alienate ourselves with labels and terms and groups. Let's not let words block us from receiving information that may just be exactly what we need to hear at exactly the right time.

Seth Garrison is a certified Overlight Facilitator and creator of the energy healing system called "Back to Perfection". Overlight is a spiritual psychology that is designed to identify the root source of their dis-ease, be it mental or physical, and create a space for them to feel comfortable enough to heal themselves.
We are in a new age in human evolution and Seth is presenting information for those that are questioning whether there is more to life than birth and death.
More topics from Seth can be found at

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