Sunday, August 15, 2010

How To Create New Habits

As human beings we will always revert to the task or lifestyle that will take the lowest amount of energy.

When we drive, our subconscious mind will take over all the repetitive motions which leaves our sight and hearing to guide the rest. We don't have to constantly adjust the accelerator, shift gears, move the steering wheel with conscious effort, our subconscious mind does all of that. In fact if we were to consciously do all those things it will be a lot more inefficient. Remember when you first learned how to drive how much things were screaming through your head, at times you wanted to give up but your passion for driving or your desire for a certain purpose lead you to follow on, until you learned how to drive.

Driving has now become a habit. When we get behind the wheel we know exactly what to do and at times we even form new bad habits such as steering with one hand, not holding the steering wheels correctly or even not sitting properly in the car. However after much strenuous practice we learned how to drive.

The same process can be said if we want to form new habits, it takes time, however the results are well worth the effort.

How To Create New Habits

The process of creating new habits is simple, it is through repetition, no matter how boring or laborious it may seem. Only through repetition that we get into the habit of doing something. And the best way of getting into the habit is to keep going at it until you don't have to think about going or doing.

Let's take the example of going to the Gym. I know that most people hate going to the gym and will often find excuses to NOT go. So the best way to form a habit is to set a Habit Goal. Lets say one of the reason you stop going to the gym was due to finding the whole task stressful, especially when you are trying to lose weight or gain weight and all that workout just causes you so much pain that you want to avoid it.

So instead of going to the gym to do those hard workouts you want to create a habit of going to the gym because you want to. The first step is to making going to the gym a habit.

First set the goal of going to the gym each day for 10 mins. All you need to do is turn up at the gym everyday for 10 mins, without ever skipping a day. If you skip a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just continue as usual on the next day and promise yourself that you will not skip it again. Keep going each day no matter what, if it's raining, hailing, thunder storm, no matter what just get up and GO! Keep going each day for 10 mins that's all.

The important part though is you must change into your work out gear and be prepared to workout. Once there just jump on the bike, treadmill or do stretches or box a bit. At this point it doesn't matter what exercise you do, you just have to turn up to the gym.

Second, once you feel comfortable going to the gym, you set your second goal, you must do a complete workout for the next 3 minutes that you are at the gym. You can start jogging for 3 mins or stretching for 3 minutes. Once that becomes natural and you can do it without thought, then push that for 5 mins. Oncue that has become naturaly push for another 2 mins so you are there for 7 mins doing something everyday. If 7mins is too much drop it back to 5 mins, just keep going to the gym and do something.

Remember I don't care what the health gurus say, going to the gym and being there, is definately going to be better for you then not going!

Try to push yourself to stay on the exercise for a little bit longer, if you managed to stay 1 second longer than yesterday then WELL DONE! You have to congratulate yourself, but just make sure you don't celerbrate by not eating healthy.

The goal of this exercise is to form the habit of going to they gym until you make it into your daily routine. At the beginning it's best if you set a time and stick with it, so if you want to go immediately after work, then you go. Even if you forget your gym gear, still go to the gym just do some light work out, such as stretching. Don't let your negative voice tell you to "Do it next time!" or "I'll skip today and make it up tomorrow". Your brain works best in the NOW!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Break Through Indecision

How To Break Through Indecision

Fast active decision making is one of the keys of success, however indecision is what truly inhibits us from our growth and ability to achieve success. How many times have you been to a Restaurant and you just can't decide on what to get? How about choosing a movie to watch? A book to read? The shoes you want to wear? Or the thousands of other things you can't seeprm to make up your mind on. At the end of the day it comes down to you not trusting yourself.

We don't like to make decisions in FEAR of making the wrong decision. However the dogma of success is to make mistakes and learn from them! The very principle of science is to make mistakes, it is only through "Trial and Error" that science has provided us with the many thousands of life changing breakthroughs. Thomas Edison failed in making the light bulb over 1000 times before he was able to invent the light bulb we still use today!

If you want to be successful then for this day forward you cannot be guided by what other people think of you! You cannot live your life hoping for the acceptance of other people. You have to break through indicision!

So how can you break through indecision? Simple! By making decisions quickly. Start making small decisions instantaneously without over thinking things. If you decide to take the shortcut to work, school or wherever then do it! If you decide to turn left instead of right, then do it!

When ordering at the restaurant, choose the first dish that comes to mind and get it! If it tastes like crap, don't whinge, whine or regret your decision! There's no such thing as a bad decision, because you made a good decision regardless of what the food tastes like. Why? Because now that you know it tastes like crap, you won't ever order it again!

If you are at the cinemas and your friends can't decide where to sit, pick somewhere and sit down! Tell them you want to sit here, and if it's crap, then move! Choose a cafe and just go! Any place is good as the other when you make your decisions fast!

People will not get angry at your for making the wrong decision, but they will get annoyed at you for not making one!

Start to take responsibility for yourself and make decisions right now! Business opportunities does not wait around for you. Make the decision and learn!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This is a video by Bob Practor, one of the "gurus" in The Secret.

Hope you enjoy this video, please share it if you find it interesting!

For more on The Secret, Click Here

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

99 Ways To Skin A Cat!

It seems everybody has their own theory on how to survive the recession or trying to get rich. Just like some of the kind of stuff you’ll see across the internet and blogosphere when you try to Google your topics. You’ll get advice such as:

1. Protect your job
2. Move while others are distracted
3. Earn extra money
4. Evaluate your mortgage
5. Refinance high interest credit cards
6. Reduce spending
7. Haggle your way to savings
8. Conserve and reduce your energy bills
9. Avoid taking on any unnecessary debts

I really could go on to reach 99 just to represent the saying, “99 ways to skin a cat”. But I won’t waste your time. I know you can Google it for yourself and find hundreds and thousands of more advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there.

So let me get straight to the point.

With so many ways and advice, how come not everyone gets rich? How come not everyone who reduces their spending get rich? How come not everyone who has an education get rich? How come not everyone who starts a business get rich?

Because it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it!

While there are 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don’t do it RIGHT — whichever method you have chosen — you won’t get the RESULTS you want, when you want it!

So what is the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich?

Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you that there is a science — a formula — to get rich.

It’s about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make anyone get rich across centuries.

So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future.

To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich — Click Here!

Monday, August 2, 2010

3 Reasons Why You Are Not Reaching Your Full Potential!

Before you start on your journey to fulfil all your dreams and desires, there are three demons that you need to rid yourself of first. These demons are the shackles that will keep on haunting you and bring you down.

You will not be able to completely eradicate these demons, but you can slowly but surely eliminate their influence on you. However just be sure to know that they will always be there when you least expect it.

So what are the three reasons that you are not reaching your full potential?

1) The Poverty Mindset

The Poverty Mindset is one of the strongest demons that exist in your mind, forever feeding you with negativity until one day you give up or cease to try.

What I mean by the Poverty Mindset is not the mindset of being poor, but the mindset of always taking the comfortable road out. However the comfortable path may not necessary be the easy path, in fact it could be one of the hardest path you ever take. But due to it being the comfortable and pain free path in your life, you take it without hesitation.

Since we were born we have always been sheltered and protected by our parents. The only real struggles we ever had during our first few years of life was trying to breath and learning to walk.

If you ever looked at babies trying to walk, no matter how many times they fall down, they get back up and try again. That is the true mentality of success that we all possess since we were young! However as we grew older, our parents kindness and protection had made us all lazy. We were comfortable with what they provided us! We were comfortable with their ideals, theories and experience with life. Although there are situations when we have rebelled, but every time we hit a road block we would always say, “Mum (or dad) was right!” and continued on with the path they set for us again.

Our parents and teachers mean well. There’s no mistake about that! However what they teach us is not to chase after success but to chase after a life of stability and comfort. It is easy being employed and not have to worry about your business! It is easy to get up and go to work at set times, at set days and at set hours! There is no room for change!

This type of lifestyle will keep us fed, housed and clothed, however it will not free our minds, soul or give us true happiness!

If you try listening to your inner voice you will be able to hear the Poverty Mindset at work. When you hear of other people’s success stories what is it that pops into your mind? What does your inner voice tell you? How about all the negative thoughts you have about you wanting to succeed?

Every time you hear your negative voice, write down what your inner voice is telling you. Those are all the negativity that will drive your Poverty Mindset.

2) Lack of Self Belief

I use to have low self confidence, and will often hide that low self confidence in modesty, trying to cover any brilliance I may have. In school I will do well, but instead of accepting the marks I have, I say to myself I was lucky! However if you truly know the Laws of Success, then you will know that there is no such thing as Luck, for luck will always find those who have the WILL and DESIRE to succeed.

The truth is, every human being on this earth is brilliant!

You are a talented person who deserves success! There is no doubt about that. If you don’t believe in yourself then who will?

The lack of self belief is the terminator of great people! Think of all the greatest athletes in the world and you know that they seem arrogant, but in actual fact they have strong self belief. They know they can be the best, and often the best in the world stage is split by fractions of a second!

Without self belief, then you cannot reach your full potential! Why because even if you can reach it, you wouldn’t have believed you made it, and in no time lose all that you have gained!

3) Negative People

The most dangerous of the three demons are Negative People. They are everywhere in the world, as they have one of the strongest Poverty Mindset around. They can be your friends, relatives, neighbours, strangers or even your family. At every opportunity that you can succeed, they will tell you not to try! They will give you every single reason why you shouldn’t do it or how you will fail!

True failure is the failure to try! There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, you can make as many mistakes as you like, so long as you learn from each one and try not to make the same mistakes again!

Negative People will love to see you fail and stay at their level. Why? Because they are lonely where they are, and if you decide to fly and succeed they will get worried that you will leave them. Their jealously of you is poison that you need to avoid! Do not let these people reach anywhere near your mind. You can be friends, but treat their word of wisdom as empty words that pass you.

Successful people always surround themselves with other successful people because Like attracts Like! Positive People will always attract other Positive People! If you want a successful life then you need positive people that will support, guide and believe in you. They will help strengthen your resolve and make every effort to help you! These are your true friends!

Stay tune for the next article on how you can eliminate these demons.

If you want to reach your full potential faster then you can read more about it Here!