When we drive, our subconscious mind will take over all the repetitive motions which leaves our sight and hearing to guide the rest. We don't have to constantly adjust the accelerator, shift gears, move the steering wheel with conscious effort, our subconscious mind does all of that. In fact if we were to consciously do all those things it will be a lot more inefficient. Remember when you first learned how to drive how much things were screaming through your head, at times you wanted to give up but your passion for driving or your desire for a certain purpose lead you to follow on, until you learned how to drive.
Driving has now become a habit. When we get behind the wheel we know exactly what to do and at times we even form new bad habits such as steering with one hand, not holding the steering wheels correctly or even not sitting properly in the car. However after much strenuous practice we learned how to drive.
The same process can be said if we want to form new habits, it takes time, however the results are well worth the effort.
How To Create New Habits
The process of creating new habits is simple, it is through repetition, no matter how boring or laborious it may seem. Only through repetition that we get into the habit of doing something. And the best way of getting into the habit is to keep going at it until you don't have to think about going or doing.
Let's take the example of going to the Gym. I know that most people hate going to the gym and will often find excuses to NOT go. So the best way to form a habit is to set a Habit Goal. Lets say one of the reason you stop going to the gym was due to finding the whole task stressful, especially when you are trying to lose weight or gain weight and all that workout just causes you so much pain that you want to avoid it.
So instead of going to the gym to do those hard workouts you want to create a habit of going to the gym because you want to. The first step is to making going to the gym a habit.
First set the goal of going to the gym each day for 10 mins. All you need to do is turn up at the gym everyday for 10 mins, without ever skipping a day. If you skip a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just continue as usual on the next day and promise yourself that you will not skip it again. Keep going each day no matter what, if it's raining, hailing, thunder storm, no matter what just get up and GO! Keep going each day for 10 mins that's all.
The important part though is you must change into your work out gear and be prepared to workout. Once there just jump on the bike, treadmill or do stretches or box a bit. At this point it doesn't matter what exercise you do, you just have to turn up to the gym.
Second, once you feel comfortable going to the gym, you set your second goal, you must do a complete workout for the next 3 minutes that you are at the gym. You can start jogging for 3 mins or stretching for 3 minutes. Once that becomes natural and you can do it without thought, then push that for 5 mins. Oncue that has become naturaly push for another 2 mins so you are there for 7 mins doing something everyday. If 7mins is too much drop it back to 5 mins, just keep going to the gym and do something.
Remember I don't care what the health gurus say, going to the gym and being there, is definately going to be better for you then not going!
Try to push yourself to stay on the exercise for a little bit longer, if you managed to stay 1 second longer than yesterday then WELL DONE! You have to congratulate yourself, but just make sure you don't celerbrate by not eating healthy.
The goal of this exercise is to form the habit of going to they gym until you make it into your daily routine. At the beginning it's best if you set a time and stick with it, so if you want to go immediately after work, then you go. Even if you forget your gym gear, still go to the gym just do some light work out, such as stretching. Don't let your negative voice tell you to "Do it next time!" or "I'll skip today and make it up tomorrow". Your brain works best in the NOW!
The same process can be said if we want to form new habits, it takes time, however the results are well worth the effort.
How To Create New Habits
The process of creating new habits is simple, it is through repetition, no matter how boring or laborious it may seem. Only through repetition that we get into the habit of doing something. And the best way of getting into the habit is to keep going at it until you don't have to think about going or doing.
Let's take the example of going to the Gym. I know that most people hate going to the gym and will often find excuses to NOT go. So the best way to form a habit is to set a Habit Goal. Lets say one of the reason you stop going to the gym was due to finding the whole task stressful, especially when you are trying to lose weight or gain weight and all that workout just causes you so much pain that you want to avoid it.
So instead of going to the gym to do those hard workouts you want to create a habit of going to the gym because you want to. The first step is to making going to the gym a habit.
First set the goal of going to the gym each day for 10 mins. All you need to do is turn up at the gym everyday for 10 mins, without ever skipping a day. If you skip a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just continue as usual on the next day and promise yourself that you will not skip it again. Keep going each day no matter what, if it's raining, hailing, thunder storm, no matter what just get up and GO! Keep going each day for 10 mins that's all.
The important part though is you must change into your work out gear and be prepared to workout. Once there just jump on the bike, treadmill or do stretches or box a bit. At this point it doesn't matter what exercise you do, you just have to turn up to the gym.
Second, once you feel comfortable going to the gym, you set your second goal, you must do a complete workout for the next 3 minutes that you are at the gym. You can start jogging for 3 mins or stretching for 3 minutes. Once that becomes natural and you can do it without thought, then push that for 5 mins. Oncue that has become naturaly push for another 2 mins so you are there for 7 mins doing something everyday. If 7mins is too much drop it back to 5 mins, just keep going to the gym and do something.
Remember I don't care what the health gurus say, going to the gym and being there, is definately going to be better for you then not going!
Try to push yourself to stay on the exercise for a little bit longer, if you managed to stay 1 second longer than yesterday then WELL DONE! You have to congratulate yourself, but just make sure you don't celerbrate by not eating healthy.
The goal of this exercise is to form the habit of going to they gym until you make it into your daily routine. At the beginning it's best if you set a time and stick with it, so if you want to go immediately after work, then you go. Even if you forget your gym gear, still go to the gym just do some light work out, such as stretching. Don't let your negative voice tell you to "Do it next time!" or "I'll skip today and make it up tomorrow". Your brain works best in the NOW!
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