Saturday, September 25, 2010

Unlocking Your Potential - Part 1

Are you frustrated by an inability to unleash your full personal power of self to make a difference in your own life for success and happiness? Is your motivation lagging and are you just dealing with life as it comes at you? Listen, you do not have to lead each day frustrated by the lack of productive action in your life any longer. There are many people just drifting through life for one reason or another. The result however, is that these individuals are not using their abilities to effectively create the life they long for or the life they deserve.

We all have natural potential that far exceeds our ability to fully use in a single lifetime. However, it is important to realize that you don't have to waste another moment of your life in frustrated underachievement. It doesn't matter what you may have accomplished or what you may not have accomplished in the past. You past no longer matters. What is important is deciding from this day forward that you will move forward with a clear, specific, definite purpose in mind.

Let me repeat that. You can decide right now to move into your tomorrow with a "clear, specific, definite purpose in mind".

Unlocking Your Potential

What you think about most will emerge in your life. Everything around has been the product of someone's imagination. Your thoughts are creative and powerful. What you think about most becomes your reality. IYou, and you alone are creating the world in which you now live. Why is this important? Why am I starting our discussion about potential with a discussion about thought? Because all that you will accomplish from this day forward, to unleash your personal power and to unlock your potential will depend on what you think.

Life is always lived from the inside out. We all live our lives in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. When you are unclear about who you are and what you want in life you will only produce mediocre success at best and more likely continue to experience frustration, sadness, depression and many other negative emotions that steal your energy, slow down your motivation and delay your success.

Clarity of thought is the first step to unlocking your potential. What you need to do is decide what you absolutely want to do with you life. This is the decision to begin to unlock your potential. See, your mind needs clear direction and you need a clear vision of what you want to do. It must be something that excites you and energizes you! It must be something that you begin to obsess about and talk about and breathe about! What is it that gets you revved up? What excites you? If you had all the resources in the world, what would you really be doing?

It's Water Under the Bridge!

Perhaps you've heard the cliche, "it's water under the bridge now". This is normally a statement of resignation that a certain event has now passed and that there is nothing that can be done about it and that one should forget about it and move on. If you are to begin to unlock your potential then you must consider all things in the past as "water under the bridge". You cannot move forward by holding onto the past. It is time to establish a future oriented mindset. You have to clarify what you want and think about how you are going to get it. Clarifying what you want will set in motion the necessary events that will put you on the path to greater power and success.

By clarifying what you want you begin to define who you are in the world. By defining who you are in world you have to establish the values by which you live. You become a more positive thinking person when you know where you are going. Confidence begins to rise and you begin to realize natural abilities coming to aid you in creating greater success for yourself. You begin to attract people and resources into your life that accelerate your process of change, success and motivation.

Clarity is critical. Hopefully you understand now that clarity is the "beginning" of a lot of positive events which result in positive change in your life. You are not powerless! You are more powerful than you know! Unlocking your potential starts with deciding right now that your past, for better or worse, does not determine your destiny. Your decisions from today will determine your destiny, your future. If you can see a brighter future you can have a brighter future. You don't not have to be weighed down with regret, disappointment and frustration. You do not have to wish for the better days now past. Your best days are ahead of you!

"Sure, that sounds great but how do I get clarity", you say. Great question. Nothing is as easy as it sounds but most things are not as complicated as they seem or need to be. In my next article I'm going to discuss "How To Recover Your Dreams". In that installment we'll talk about establishing a clear vision for more effective and focused living.

To Your Success Transformation,

T. L. Pakii Pierce
Publisher, Upgrade Your Mind (tm)
"Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!"

April 15, 2007 | Permalink


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