Saturday, September 25, 2010

Can you really think and grow rich?

There are many ways to interpret Think and Grow Rich. This is just one way I see it.

Reading of the book "think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill" a few times, I can highly recommend it for anyone. whether you are looking to get rich or not, there are deeper lessons to be learned from it how to grow rich by thinking about it.

I do not want to go into the details of the book at this time, but just want to look at the title "Think and Grow Rich". can you really Think and Grow Rich?.Well if you look at your own life at this point in time and work your way back step by step, you will see a clear pattern.

Let us, for example, look at your current job, the (fill in the blank pak-this will work for just about every function or position-workers, unemployed or other!) Yes, at the time that you have a ____, and you have since _ _ _ _.Once you where a _ _ _ _. then you wanted to change it or had to change due to your circumstances or those outside your control.

Now that's the interesting part ... you have to your position today as a direct result of your thoughts! -If we dig a little deeper, you'll see how it works and how you can check your next move.

Let us make up some of the conditions for a good example:

Alan works in a grocery store, and he hates it!, so that he is faced with a decision that his life will forever change. this decision will be made in or after some thought. now as Alan just sits and thinks he starts the options for a while, he has, and the things he can or not. so lets look at two scenarios:

Do nothing and with setting. does not require any thought, and no change and is by far the easiest option.Some thought into his options, and more long term thinking.

This can lead to all sorts of results lets take a look at some of the possibilities:

a. check for new positions within the company
b. look for promotion within the company
c. search to an equivalent or similar position with another company if he work good, but just do it wants to be a change of scenery.
d. learn a new skill, which he will be of particular interest to you and opens new doors for possible future employment, or even the self employment.

This simple example shows how to use because it may be a little thought. now this is obvious to some people it seems, and may even seem to be stating the obvious, but until you break down the process of how your thoughts your future form, you often do not realize how powerful they can, so looking for the title of Napoleon Hills classic "Think and Grow Rich" and the original question "can you really think and grow rich? there is no doubt that the answer is Yes-but only if you are using the correct thoughts that you in the path to grow rich. we become what we think.

Geoff Beattie

The Treaty of the timeless wisdom is my blog, my life and the law of attraction, which I am to go to the practice. I decided to build the website and a blog about my thoughts on my progress and continue to learn from "Treaty of timeless wisdom" and hope that the emergence of a small community of like minded people to sharing our experiences and ideas.

Geoff Beattie.

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