Sunday, September 26, 2010

You understand and use of the law of attraction?

You understand the Law Of Attraction? This is a law of nature, like gravity. It works at all times in your life whether or not you know!

The Law Of Attraction, simply put, is that what you focus on what you will attract. It doesn't matter if you are on a good thing or a bad thing are addressed, and that is where you can get into trouble. If you are on the poverty and debt focus, you will attract more debt!I was recently mentoring a very nice lady who full of the fear of poverty. they continue to talk about her job loss, and that's exactly what happened!

Have you ever heard the advice, "Act As If", which means that you should start acting like the person you want to be? This is also the work of the law of attraction.When you use "in" a new role, to focus on what you desire. the universe! Instead of yourself that you're not a leader, because there are a large organization, act as a leader with the people you have and you will attract more!

If you are using the classic book "Think And Grow Rich" author of Napoleon Hill gives specific instructions on how to make this powerful law work for you. If you are new to this, some ideas of what is described "out there" you sound! But rest assured that thousands (perhaps millions!) people have been using the instructions in this book to achieve success.The book is actually the result of Mr Hill highly successful people study and take note of what they have in common. whether consciously or not, they realized, they all used the Law Of Attraction in their lives. When you book with a group of "mastermind" (this is also described in the book), give you a better perspective and absorb the material faster.This is what I do, and it really helps me!

Many (if not all!) very successful people are experiencing enormous problems at some point in their lives.What distinguishes them from the people who does not work is that they are not in their failure to wallow! they look to the future and start building.

"Think And Grow Rich" was written long before the multi-level marketing came along and still have the most (if not all!) successful people in MLM/network marketing read the book several times.

If you have a strong desire for something more or something else in your life, you can reach the Law Of Attraction. If you are in MLM and are interested in studying with a mastermind group, please feel free to contact me.

Dale Reynolds
http://dale-reynolds.comSuccess is a decision. decide today!

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