The wonderful thing about our minds is they can empower us. However, they can also lead us away from what we are trying to achieve. Throughout my career I have done my best to help people understand the power of the subconscious mind, especially in a job search. It is one of the most important factors to be aware of when it comes to looking for work. In fact, I think having an awareness of the subconscious mind is what enables the most successful people out there to achieve their goals.
I would like to tell you a few stories about very successful people I have known and how they’ve used their subconscious minds to really shine.
As a child, I grew up with a friend who was a championship swimmer. To look at him, I could not figure out why he was so successful. Where the other swimmers were long and lean, he was heavyset. He had a secret, though. A few hours before every swim meet, he would say he was going to take a nap. He would not sleep, however. Instead, he would visualize what he wanted to happen at the swim meet. He visualized himself winning each race. He told me he viewed this as more important than swim practice.
My friend did this instinctively. No one told him to do it. No one taught him. He was naturally inclined to motivate his subconscious mind. He was creating the result he wanted by visualizing it. He saw what the race would look like, how hard he would need to push himself to win, what it would sound like when he won. This process worked for him.
Several years later, I was in Harper Library at the University of Chicago. A friend next to me was studying for an economics test. This friend never studied for more than an hour or two for any test. Other students, like me, would hole up for weeks in the library cramming for the same tests. He would breeze through each exam and enjoy some downtime while others were studying. All he would do was look briefly at the page he was studying, then look up and begin thinking for a few minutes. I asked him later what he was doing. He told me he was visualizing what would happen in each economics problem. This was a unique use of his subconscious mind. Here, he was becoming incredibly familiar with the subject matter and incorporating it into who he was, and into his entire understanding about life. He was someone who received perfect grades and went on to do very important work in the field of economics.
There are many ways to program your subconscious mind in order to become the kind of person you want to be. Programming your mind can put you in the job you desire and get you the promotions and advancement that you seek, if you do it correctly. The most popular way to program your subconscious mind, of course, is through visualization. Visualize the result you want to achieve before the event–the interview or whatever you are pursuing. But it goes much deeper than this. To truly get the job you want and become the person you want to be, you must learn to harness your subconscious mind to the degree that your perception of yourself and the world changes.
I have read and studied a great deal about the subconscious mind in my life. Most studies recommend you write down the result you are seeking and then review this result one to three times per day and repeat it out loud to yourself. For example, you could write down:
By the first of January, I am employed as an engineering manager by a prominent midwestern company, earning at least $80,000 a year. I like my job and I have found a company that is a good fit for me in all respects. My company is stable and I like the people with whom I’m working. I have upward potential in the company and am on course to earn a bonus of at least $20,000 the following year.
By reading this over and over, you will magnetize yourself to attract this result. You will also see the world in terms of providing opportunities for you to reach this goal. You will constantly be reminded of this goal and your energies will be directed toward achieving it.
Some years ago, I became very interested in flying and I took pilot lessons. What is so interesting about flying is that you need to correct your course thousands of times during a flight in order to reach your goal. If you stop correcting, you will never arrive at your destination. In an airplane, you use the instruments at hand to constantly check whether you are on or off course. The goals you write down for your life are similar to these instruments. You need to constantly check them to make sure you will reach your destination.
Writing down goals is something you need to do to get where you want to go. You are the person you believe you are. If you set higher goals for yourself, you will likely reach them.
In addition to writing down your goals, another way to charge yourself and create lasting change is through self-hypnosis or life-hypnosis. I have been doing this daily in one form or another for more than twenty years. Essentially, this simply involves going into a deeply relaxed state and repeating to yourself what you want to achieve. You can do this yourself or you can purchase an MP3 to guide you into a state of self-hypnosis. I think these methods are extremely effective and should be used by everyone. They are a wonderful way to get your subconscious mind pointed in the right direction.
Most people will not follow the advice I am offering because they may feel it’s far-fetched. But I want to assure you that it works. Doing everything possible to positively influence the subconscious mind has produced consistently amazing results in my life and in the lives of others around me.
You will never reach the levels of success you are seeking, and deserve, until you have learned to visualize where you are going. Remind yourself daily of who you want to be and who you can be. Never stop reminding yourself of what you are going to achieve and become.
I want to describe a small exercise I perform daily, which has had fairly profound results in attracting positive energy. Remember, you are what you think, and the more positive you are, the more positive people you will attract in your life, and the more positive you will become.
Each morning I go running for about 55 minutes. During this run, I start asking myself:
-What am I happy about in my life now?
-What am I proud of in my life now?
-What am I grateful for in my life now?
-Who do I love in my life?
-Who have I helped today, and who do I want to help?
I constantly train my mind to focus on the positive, and I do this for no less than ten minutes a day. This makes me happier to see people throughout the day. It makes me excited to contribute and help others. It attracts people to me in positive ways.
Think about yourself. Do you get down about your job search? Are you angry about having to look for a job? You need to stay in a good frame of mind, and to train your subconscious mind to dwell on positive, happy, and harmonious thoughts. This is the final factor that will allow your subconscious mind to guide you into your perfect job.
If you follow this career advice, you will actually get more than just a better job. You will change your entire life experience. Harnessing your subconscious mind is something that has changed the lives and futures of everyone I know who has done it, for the better. It will change your life for the better, too.
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Filed Under : Employment Do’s and Don’ts
Tagged: career advice, career advice | a harrison barnes, electrical resistances, engineering manager, get jobs, how to find a job, improve your career, job market, job seeker, legal recruiter, new job opportunities, subconscious mind
Popular Tags: legal documents economics electrical resistances meditation sleep Process Work life programming inputs emotions
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