So what is The Law of Attraction (LOA)? And more importantly how can you put it in your life? LOA is described and, in many ways, is that to understand just a description is to understand that all of them are defined.
Some of these descriptions are
I. you reap what you sow.
II. Like attracts like
III. what comes around goes around.
IV. "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he."Proverbs 23: 7.
V. Karma.
And many other such definitions.
An analysis of all of these declarations and the deeper meaning will conclude that they all say the same thing or imply. That we are all responsible, one way or another, and a large proportion of the situations in and around our lives.
The big question that everyone would then ask is "what should I do to make sure that I only get the things that I want in life" or "How can I make LOA work for me?"In short, the answer to that question in the to be careful with everything you says, hear, do, think, and see. In other words, are the things you say, see, hear, and thinking, and the actions that you must work to attract the things in life that you want. The most important of these five companies, are what you say and hear, think and what you do.This is where the topic of subconscious mind and the spirit in the game, and this is why such expressions as "positive thinking" (what you think about,) "positive affirmation" (what you're saying,) and "action" (which you do).
It is a fact that what you have been continuously in contact with, or hear, see, or rather one of your senses, your mind takes from this external stimuli and then be picked up by the subconscious mind, which, together with the brain, in the physical reality and meaning.This is basically what the initiators of the above phrases. The idea is that you to attract the things you want to in your life, you need to continually think over and telling yourself (audible or within yourself) provided by your desire. Where possible, surround yourself that a painter representation of that object, and finally to take physical action required to bring on the achievement of that thing in question.This IS the sum total of the operation of the law of attraction.
One of the reasons why many people still do not understand and believe the Loa and how it works is actually the message that is presented, among other things, of course.In my opinion, LOA can be viewed from two points of view: from a religious and from the point of view of scientific or "secular". when we talk about the Loa from a religious point of view, it is usually referred to as faith, while a secular discussion will be taking a subconscious mind/spirit corner.The truth of the matter is that both terms are one and the same and can be used even by each other.
The best "secular" definition of faith that I've heard has been given by Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think and Grow Rich, where he believe defines "a State of mind that can be imported on terms which cause, or created by the repeated affirmations or instructions to reprogram the subconscious mind by the principle of auto-suggestion."While the Bible is described as "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."An analysis of both definitions of faith in them some common denominators.One of them is the fact that the person has one or maybe the role to play.Another example is the "action", both of which definitions. "Hearing the word "means that words are pronounced before to hear the words-what you say and what you hear.Also means "repeated affirmations or instructions" that need to get these instructions, whether oral or in any other way.This is where the role of the spirit, for sure you know what your mind through your five sentence eventually reached your subconscious mind, which is what translates that external stimuli in their physical representation.
WHY the subconscious mind is so powerful, in my view, the subconscious mind is the seat of, and has a direct communication with God, or the infinite intelligence or however you are referring to the higher power in your religious or personal conviction. The subconscious mind is where ' the God ' is located, and this statement validates and perhaps helps explain why the subconscious mind can manifest everything that the spirit is the constant feeds. Another explanation can be found in the Bible that will help you understand that there is a God "inside" can be found in Isaiah 41 where it says: "know ye that ye are gods."So whether you are coming from a religious point of view and praying to God in heaven and the faith that he will answer your prayers, or whether you "repeatedly" confirm your wish to the God in you, in this case, your subconscious mind, both are the same. therefore know that the power to get all that you would like to receive a mainly to you and which allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind is based.
This is why the statements such as "everything you need when you pray that you believe them and you will receive" and "as your faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain ..." and many other such statements can be found in the Bible and other religious books. they all refer to the great power and capabilities, that most people don't know how to do it but you know how that power.
The only way you can activate your subconscious mind power or have or increase your faith, by the principle of repetition. When you repeatedly and efficiently communicate anything you want to reach out to your subconscious mind, through your five sentence, then and only then can your subconscious or the God in give you what you want. This is the way to the law of attraction work for you in your life, and that is why you must start now to begin your work in your life.
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