Procrastination is something that everyone is affected by periodically. For some, this is just an attribute that causes a minor irritation. For others, however, it is an enemy which was so powerful that it assumed total control of one's life. These people got to the point where delay paralyzes them full of action. Although the desire and the incentive there, is forward progress immediately destroyed.
Why we procrastinate? Basically there are two factors that prohibit people to act. All activities are put off will usually fall into one of these two categories. The main reason why people delay his laziness and fear. They are behind everything that is delayed without valid reason.
Before going any further, it is important to note that just because laziness is a factor for procrastinating, it does not mean that the person is lazy. Many people are extremely active still be affected by delays. There are cases where an ordinary is lazy. The desire to lounging around is bigger than the motivation to get things done. This is nothing to fret about if it's occasionally occur. It is when this feeling is a compelling trend that problems.
The difference in motivators seem to be in the scope of the activity being postponed. If the activity is relatively simple to complete, there is a high probability that laziness is the cause of the delay. Activities such as dishwashing, mowing the lawn, doing laundry and get the oil changed in the car are all tasks that are easy to complete. They are the things that most people know how to do so. So, if the time and money available are still the action is still to be postponed, laziness is the reason.
For cases like these, a matter for the Nike is needed. "Just do it" allows you to handle these tasks. Unfortunately, there is no big secret to getting yourself to take action and move forward. You are more than capable of completing the activities. The way to combat laziness is getting move. Action overcomes the inertia that currently exists. Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to work out once you actually are at the gym? The hardest part is motivating yourself to go.
Actions that have been postponed for the reason of fear are an entirely different matter. These items are usually a bit bigger in size. They are the actions that we have a dramatic effect on our lives. Only the Act of thinking about them send us in a rapid State of fear. What we try, we ourselves can not to take action. Our mind convinced us that to act will have a negative impact on us. This leads us to a halt until we get out of options.
Unfortunately, there is not a magic formula to overcome our fears. However, there are a multitude of techniques that can be applied that will work in most situations. IT all starts with realizing that fear does not exist. Read that again: fear does not exist. It is a figment of our minds. The spirit uses this technique to protect themselves from uncertainty. Fear is one thing that you can't keep up, nor can you touch it. However, the power to stop a person from taking action.
In the Ultimate Procrastination Handbook, I pointed out a number of ways to overcome procrastination due to fear. The most effective technique that I found is to compose a postponement partner. This is someone who will help you deal with the activities that you postponed. The simple act of having someone who we are accountable to works wonders. It is much easier to talk us out of something to someone else. People who found their productivity increase use astronomical. With another, is our power to succeed greatly magnified. There are some who believe that the combined talents not double rooms, but rather, an increase of the eleven-fold.
Monitor the factor that is causing you to slow down to do something. After the motivating force is established, you can apply the right action you overcome of 90% of what you postponed.
Dennis Harting is the head coach at your Rich life. He is a renowned speaker, trainer and best-selling author. His books are your Easiest Million and The Ultimate Procrastination Handbook. Are programs and more information can be found at
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