"The three great essentials to anything worth: hard work, Stick-to-itiveness and common sense." Thomas A. Edison
If you think of Thomas Edison, certainly do you think of the invention of the electric light bulb. This large scientist was also an inspiring and thought provoking leader. The above quote is one of the numerous motivating words on personal success. You are the three main essential keys to personal success. For the most part, these keys are some of the values that our parents or guardians have instilled in us or to say the least have tried. If these keys powerful in Mr. Edison's time were they are equally powerful today. Your personal success requires the following components:
Had-work: Probably you should have heard or read, "work smart, not hard." However, the reality works smart is working hard to be honest. Work smart is not indicative that work is going to be easy, with no errors or smooth sailing, but it keeps your ability to take advantage of the information, to adapt to new trends, acquiring and updating your skills to produce the expected results. This is so with hard work. Thomas Edison further observed, "there's no substitute for hard work." Don't let smart people believe that work is sitting on a beach in Maui and enjoy all kinds of exotic locations. This also comes with work hard and smart. Every successful person today ask what is the number one secret of their personal success the unequivocal answer will be hard work. As Mr Edison said, something worth hard work is a condition such as our mother thought us that.
Stick-to-itiveness: Dictionary.com defines stick-to-itiveness as dogged perseverance; determined tenacity. J. Robert Buchanan, "you've got that reasonable goals and stick-to-itiveness to get there" to personal success you have to continue through the process, be persistent in your objectives and action plans that are congruent with your desired goals. There will be temporary detours and difficult moments on your personal success journey, but you must deny any accidental trends and not to leave the ship, throw in the towel and let your ideas go unfulfilled. What insurmountable challenges that are on your path for your personal and professional success you you've got to have this stick-to-itiveness mentality to reach your goals.
Common sense: The last but not the least of the three keys for personal success is common sense. As I am researching different quotes for common sense this particular one resonated by c. e. Stowe stating "common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and things to do as they should be done." It couldn't be clearer than that, the convenience of seeing things as they are and do what you are suppose to do to get the expected results. According to Mr. Edison requires something worth achieving common sense. Go to work on yourself these three keys to apply and your personal success is guaranteed.
Richard Onebamoi is a pastor, international speaker and successful facilitator. Its mission is to inspire your performance, expand your imagination, cultivating your dreams, help you discover, develop, and your God-given potential. He is also a registered owner of self improvement of the blog and The frustration burst
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