There are six laws that affect your behavior. They have worked in your life since the day you were born. It doesn't matter if you knew about them, understand them or they would even be able to explain to someone else-they still have worked in your life. Unfortunately, they have been working against you 95% of the time, because you don't know about them. But your ignorance of the law does not prevent them from working in your life.
When you was one year old, you know, understand and have the ability to explain the law of gravity to someone else? Of course not. Meant that you wake up in the morning to sleep on the ceiling? No. Your lack of consciousness does not prevent the law of gravity works in your life. These six laws are no different. Ignorant of them or not, they still work in your life. Your good intentions will not prevent it from functioning.
If someone had pushed Mother Theresa off the edge of a 30-story building, what would have happened? She would have gone down, of course. You may think, "but she was a Saint, she was one of the most extraordinary women the world has ever seen; She was the most gracious, most caring, most give person on the planet-that's just not fair. "It's not about fair, on the law-the law of gravity works for everyone, every time.
The six laws that affect your behavior work for everyone, every time. It doesn't matter whether you are good or bad, motivated or lazy, excited or bored about life, goals or not goals. If you do not understand or know about them, there is a very high probability that they have been working against you 95% of the time-but they have worked. So, here they are:
Law # 1 anything that you think affects you.
Everything what you put in your mind affects you.
Everything you can in your opinion affect you.
Everything that you put your mind to expose affects you.
Law # 2 your self-image was formed by clear, SPECIFIC, VIVID, EMOTIONAL experiences and/or a lot of repetition.
Law # 3, your performance will never be higher than your self-image by very much or for very long.
Law # 4 your subconscious mind don't know the difference between a real event and a vividly imagined.
Law # 5 your self image can only be changed by clear, SPECIFIC, VIVID, EMOTIONAL experiences or real or imagined.
Law # 6 If you put your self-image to increase your performance increases.
95% of the time these laws against people instead of working for them-just because they don't know and understand. It's all about your THOUGHT.
To understand how to ensure that the law works in your favor, visit:
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