Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Personal motivation-Look Back With Pride

Making positive changes in your life can be a lonely business. When we change, the people around us not always lucky for us. They are often afraid because we see the world differently, we now can see them differently, no matter how much we reassure them. Their negativity can eat away at our motivation and begin to erode our determination to hold on to our goals.

A way to keep the momentum is to look back with pride in what you have achieved so far. Next time you dream destroyers happen on your heels, try these three motivation boosters.

Booster # 1-remember where you started. When you started your plan, you must target a note of where you've created at the beginning. If you're not, don't worry, I'm sure you can remember. Let's say your goal to reach a certain level of fitness or give a bad habit, such as smoking.

In the beginning were you might gasping for breath after a few flights of stairs to walk, or you got through a packet of cigarettes per day. Now that you have made some progress, take a moment to remember how you felt at the beginning; how uncomfortable it was too short of breath; how you hate yourself for your heavy nicotine habit. Feel the same way now? Of course not.

Booster # 2-compare the old to the new you. Even if you only a short way towards your goal, it is important to appreciate what you have achieved so far. You may not completely suitable, but how often do you go to the gym since you? How much easier the stairs right now? How far can you run? How much less cigarettes do you smoke a day, if you are cut down, or how much less you drag desire, if you have specified.

Careful assessment of what you have done so far and try to quantify in numbers. Make a note of any improvement in your journal progress can devise.

Booster # 3 – Finally, take time to celebrate your success. Look at the list of results, and give yourself. Only by taking action, you're one of a small handful of people who have the courage to make a positive change in their lives and do something to improve themselves. Proud of what you've done, what you do and what you will do very soon.

Give yourself a little reward, by doing something that you enjoy or buy yourself a small gift. You deserve it and it doesn't matter what anyone else says, you have come a long way.

Hi, my name is Andrew Grant. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you read more great articles on self improvement and want to earn money online, I would like to invite you to subscribe to my free newsletter, you'll find at: [http://www.money-and-mind.com]

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