Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to Get and stay motivated-simple top tips

Often the biggest challenge in achieving what we set out to do is to keep it going.  Just hold on task and not specify can sometimes feel a huge challenge.  The good news is, you're not alone in this many others feel the same. My years as a Personal and Professional coach I've come across many people who find stay on track a try and helped them to important, positive changes in their lives.  So today I want to share with you my principal strategies that you can get and stay motivated so you can achieve your goals.

How to Get and stay motivated

1. the first and perhaps most important is to check that you really want to achieve what you set out to achieve.

This means that not only do you really want the end result, but you're also willing to make the changes needed to achieve that – in other words, to put in the time and effort required.  Without this sense of desire, there will be little ' pull ' you to reach your goals, and also easy to specify.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how committed you are to achieve this goal? If you score just a 5 or 6, you have enough drive to get there you.  Ask yourself what you could do to raise your score at least one 8 and then set out to solve that.

If you find that you really don't have the desire, think again about your original goal-maybe it's too difficult a challenge at the moment, or maybe it's just the wrong goal for you.

2. ask yourself then a clear goal-exactly what you want to achieve and when?

For example, you want to drop a dress size in the next 8 weeks, or that there is sufficient energy, by the beginning of your holiday to be able to play with your kids for a whole afternoon, or by the confidence to go for the work you always dreamed of having this September?

Your goal may be a great, such as enough money to donate £ 1 m to charity-but it must be clear, time-bound and positive and one that you really want to achieve.  After clear objectives makes it much more likely that you will reach them.

3. then break your goal in all the small steps you take to achieve that goal so that each really feasible

For example, take 20 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, contact with 2 people about your business every day, cutting all fried food from your diet every weekday or get a good coach.  Then plan follows in your life and in your calendar so you commit to action.  And take your first step today!

4. make sure you have a positive mental attitude.

Stop for a moment to focus on the benefits of achieving your goal-all great things that can happen due to achieve what you set out to do.  For example, how will you really feel like you who dress size, which get extra energy, making £ 1 m, or that amount of trust drop?  And what difference would it make it for you?

Please take a moment to truly visualize how that will feel, experience that positive feelings.

5. really believe that you can reach your goal-' you can if you think you can '.

As Henry Ford once said: "whether you think you can, or you think you can not-you're right."  If you find yourself slipping in "negative talk", itself immediately stop and change them round to the positive-the ' glass half full "approach.  For example, if your enthusiasm begins to wane and you find yourself thinking about all the things you have not yet reached, take the time to really focus on the things you've done, the things that are good are gone, and achieving your goal difference.  Soon you will find it easier to get yourself and step up.

6. set yourself a reward for your achievements.

There may be times when your motivation, slipping even when you feel.  If this happens, or you can do it, to know there is a reward from looking at help-although of course no one who will be sabotaging your efforts, such as a large crème pie if your goal is to lose weight!

For example, if you find it difficult to commit to a 20-minute exercise a day, decide how you will reward yourself at the end of each session-perhaps watching a favorite TV program, meeting with a friend, reading a poignant book, a soak in a hot tub, or whatever.  Ask yourself a reward that motivate you through the difficult bit-and then enjoy celebrating your success!

Bonus Tip:

Get some support from someone to help you through the difficult bits.

Ask a friend, a colleague or a coach to you-to cheer, to talk and to help motivate you to help when the going gets tough.  It can make a real difference for someone there with you-so figuring out the right person for you and tell them your plans.  And use their enthusiasm to you on measures to be taken vis-à-vis your goals today!

Elizabeth Juffs is an experienced, accredited Personal and Professional coach, specializing in working with people who want even more successful in their careers or home life and want a better work-life balance. She helps them build their self-confidence, manage their time, to reduce their stress and more control over their work and their lives so they filled, healthy and happy feeling.

For further help with organizing your life, or making the changes that you want to make, please contact Elizabeth Juffs on 0115 hanger 2552, (+ 44 115 925 2552 from outside the United Kingdom). Or visit its website and log on to her free articles and updates

Copyright Elizabeth Juffs Ltd. you are welcome to use or transmission of this article, provided that it is used in its entirety, without amendment, and all links are preserved and remain active.

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