Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Create Wealth and Have More Money


There are so many people in the world who WANT more money, to be wealthy, and enjoy great abundance, but yet they live a life of lack and unhappiness. So what are they doing wrong?

They focus every day on what they don’t have, on what they’re missing, and wonder why this foretold wealth doesn’t magically appear.

Don’t you have to live meagerly and save every penny so you can amass wealth?

Absolutely not! That’s the plan that KEEPS you broke.

It’s one thing to completely waste and not appreciate anything you have, but living out of fear and hording every single penny (again – out of FEAR) will actually repel any wealth that may be coming your way.

Some people have amassed fortunes in spite of themselves. Many actually wealthy people save every penny and live as though they were poor, even though they have millions of dollars stashed away in the bank and various couch cushions. At the end of the day, these people live a life of poverty every day, by way of their very own deliberate intent.

And then the financial planning gurus come on television and tell everyone how the need to always stash money away for a rainy day. Then regular people who WANT wealth and abundance in their lives follow these penny-pinching examples and wonder why they stay broke and miserable.

People who are always saving everything away for a “rainy day” are statistically blessed with more rainy days than most anyone. Rainy days are, after all, where their focus is. And we all know that what you focus on grows.

This is not to say that you should spend every last penny you have. But rather, don’t focus your energy and conscious intention on “rainy days” and lack.

Surrounding yourself with poverty and lack at every turn does NOT condition your mind to be at ease with wealth and abundance. Quite the contrary, you’re enforcing a reality of poverty, and virtually guaranteeing that’s what you’ll be experiencing from then on.

Ultimately this means you are living each day out of fear. Not love, hope, excitement and enthusiasm – but fear. And that is the greatest deterrent for wealth and abundance.

Here’s a radical approach that has worked wonders for us, and should work for you as well – if you can only allow yourself to believe in the possibility.

In The Trick to Money is Having Some, Stewart Wilde recommends immersing yourself in the lifestyle you dream about: a life of wealth, abundance, and possibility.

He encourages you to think and live big – more into the nicest possible house you can afford, and stay at a 5 Star hotel whenever you possibly can.  If you can’t afford to stay at a very expensive 5 Star hotel, you can still go there for a coffee, a drink, or maybe even a modest meal.

The point isn’t to spend beyond your means, but rather to FEEL what it’s like to live surrounded by wealth and abundance. You must feel and experience the sensations, what it’s all about. And then, you will slowly come to expect for life to unravel in this manner. And the more you expect something to go a certain way, the more it will.

Another great book that helps to dispel  many of the myths around money and wealth is  Why You’re Dumb, Sick & Broke…And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich! by Randy Gage.

Are you focusing on the experience you wish to have, or the problems you wish would go away? Most people just focus on their problems and what they’re missing. Remember: whatever you focus on grows stronger. So if you focus all your energy on your “problems”, bills, and whatever else is making you unhappy, then guess what you’ll get… More of that.

Money itself is worthless paper, it means nothing. The real value to money is the promise of what you can do and achieve in exchange for it.

Logically, we know that money can solve a lot of the issues we’re facing. It can allow us to purchase whatever creature comforts we desire, and so on. But it’s hard to get excited about any of that. At the end of the day, what truly excites you is the dream, the thing that money will get for you. So, let’s go to the source.

Our true power to manifest our desires into reality is based on feelings, emotions. The best and fastest way to attract something into your life is to focus on what you want, see it clearly in your mind, and experience the joy and feelings of ALREADY HAVING IT. Close your eyes and experience the joy of driving your brand new exotic sports car. FEEL the exhilaration, the excitement, the luxury and abundance. Every morning, set aside 10 minutes for a brief meditation where you close your eyes, sit perfectly still, and repeat this exercise.

So stop focusing on “having a lot of money”. Rather, train your focus on what you want to attract into your life… a beautiful home, a wonderful neighborhood, an exotic car, a great job, freedom to work from home for yourself, etc.

View the original article here

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