Friday, January 28, 2011

Get A Positive Wealth Mindset

How you view wealthy is the single most crucial factor that determines if you are wealthy or not. So, if you desire more money in your existence it is imperative that you get a positive wealth mindset instead of a credit mindset.

However, a lot people are taught to think negatively about money, and subsequently, good about credit. We’re told things like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and “money is the root of all evil.” It’s easy to see why people have such a difficult time thinking positively about wealth! You may have even been told that rich people are “filthy” and as a result are subconsciously staying away from wealth and missing out on the good opportunities having money can provide.

For as long as you hold on to bad and erroneous beliefs about money, you won’t ever create the money you deserve or desire.

To transform your wealth views, you must first recognize that money is not bad or good alone. It is just a tool. In fact, money is often more utilized for good than evil. Think about the great charities that have helped persons all across the world when they are given large amounts of money. Appreciate all the good that cash is used for. It is an important part of life and is utilized to make positive changes in the world. Money should be sought after, not avoided.

Realize that money is abundant. When you were a child, you might have been told by your parents that money doesn’t grow on trees. If you’re keeping that view now, your own mind could be keeping you from attracting wealth. Money might not grow on trees, but there is an abundant amount of it for everybody, even you. However, if you perceive that money is scarce, that belief will keep it far away from you.

Donating money is a different method you can develop a good wealth mindset. Wanting to hold onto every cent you possess is a indicator of a stingy mindset and reinforces the view that there isn’t enough of it. Giving reinforces the concept of abundance.

Lastly, be happy for those who are successful and have money. We often remember being taught that those who have money are filthy and are tempted to think bad about them. In fact, the opposite is usually true. Wealthy people often get their wealth by sharing what they have with others and believing in the idea of abundance.

When someone else has wealth, don’t resent their success. If you have feelings of resentment, that will only keep you from getting your own wealth and success. Rather than that, be happy for them and realize that there is enough wealth for you too, and your time will come.

By making these changes in how you think about money, you will be on your way to developing a positive money mindset. Once you begin thinking about money in a positive way, you will be on the path to achieving your own wealth.

If you are want to get info about emotional freedom technique, then visit the site that was mentioned in this passage.

View the original article here


  1. Many people wanted to know how to develop a wealth mindset, but most of their minds are closed on tips and advice on how to do it. It is really confusing on why they are searching for it, but trying to negate all the things that they are reading.

  2. Many people wanted to know how to develop a wealth mindset, but most of their minds are closed on tips and advice on how to do it. It is really confusing on why they are searching for it, but trying to negate all the things that they are reading.
