Thursday, December 9, 2010

Will Be The Law of Attraction Help In The Coming economic collapse?

The answer is Yes. During the coming economic collapse of the us in the coming crisis the Law of Attraction will become increasingly important. It is no coincidence that if the u.s. economy begins to unravel, the law of attraction so much attention.

The movie the secret, law of attraction in the public opinion on Oprah, Larry King, Ellen, etc.The idea that affects reality is not new. Latin say, Habes Et Quod Crede Habes--Believe You Have It And You Do--testifies of his long service life.

More recently, Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" and Norman Vincent Peale "the power of positive thinking" generations of Americans affected. but perhaps this generation, who are about to be affected by the collapse of the US economy, the largest need for this old idea, this "secret", in practice.

For those new to the idea that affects reality, thought, I want to say a few of my own experiences to tell:

In 1973, asked Marshall Thurber who I had met in Hastings Law School, me to read "The Lazy man's Way To Riches" by Joe Karbo. Joe was a used car dealer who had been in financial difficulties and is in danger of losing his house, his car, his or her assets, etc., when a friend gave him what turned out to be a way out, a set of instructions, a way of thinking that was Joe Karbo millions of dollars to ultimately bring.

Joe said he later became a millionaire through the mail order companies, but believed that the real reason for his success is the set of instructions for him a way of thinking that led him to the life he wanted out of financial difficulties.

In fact, the instructions That Joe Karbo introduction to what was the movie "the secret", a process that Joe described in "The Lazy Man road to riches", which more than three million copies sold.

Marshall and I followed instructions Joe's wedding and within three years Marshall was a billionaire and I retired.However, this was not a country that was the last. I learned that what I really wanted was "peace", the pursuit of that radically change my life.

In 1976 by Marshall I was introduced to the just published "course in miracles" (Marshall had borrowed them $ 5,000 for the first printing).1.5 million copies of the course are sold in 16 languages.

Because of the course in miracles, I believed now to peace ", I had to let go and trust". so I stopped all my goal setting, all my affirmations and "let go". what happened next was that I lost anything and everything.I realized later that at the time I had no idea what trust was.Now, I'm doing.

This, of course, 30 years ago happened and a lot has happened since that time.Marshall went to a friend of Nobel Laureate Buckminster Fuller, an associate of Edwards Deming (of which theories Japan is transformed into a industrial power), and many courses taught. Tony Robbins as Bob Kiyosaki belonged to its first students.

In 2005 The Positive Deviant convened Marshall, the PDN Network (a classic combination of thinkers "out-of-the-box") in Park City, UT. three of those present were Bill Harris, John Assaraf and Lee Brower, all three to be in the movie "The Secret".

It was also on the PDN in March 2007, where I "How To Survive The Crisis and profit In The Process", my analysis of the u.s. economy that the imminent collapse and the resulting problems for those unprepared predicts presented.

I would like to ask who's seriously interested is in the "secret" read "ask and It Is Given" by Esther Hicks, contained in the original version of The Secret appeared. There is no better book on this subject and there is no better time than now to read — you will have all the available resources to survive the crisis.

Darryl Robert Clean "How To survive the crisis and the profit in the process," "time of the vulture trade module"

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