Sunday, December 19, 2010

The law of attraction-like attracts like

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The Law of Attraction simply states "like attracts like". Whatever you focus on the most is what you will attract in your life. The truth is that most people don't focus on what they WANT - they focus or "dwell" - on the things that they DON'T want!

How many times have you caught yourself thinking "I always get stuck in the longest line at the grocery store" or "this always happens to me" or "I knew that was too good to be true?"

If a situation seems to 'go against you', tell yourself, "this is actually really working in my favor. I may not know how or why, but I know it will lead me to something better." Say this to yourself as many times as you have to in order to get back on track. You never know. That little extra wait at the Super Market may have kept you from being involved with that automobile accident you just passed on the way home.

Instead we need to concentrate on being Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. If we properly focus on the things we want in our lives - that on which we are focusing will come to us in abundance. Focus on the good you already have in your life. Give thanks for all the wonderful people you have in your life.

The only way to attract what you desire in life is to allow yourself to feel what it is like to have what you want; to allow yourself to feel what it is like to be happy, rich, and vibrant. Focus on those positive feelings and beliefs on a daily basis.

Eventually, your belief and faith will turn to absolute certainty... you'll know well beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are on your way to achieving incredible success, and most importantly, your efforts are supported by the universe.

This is the Law of Attraction at work.

Did you know that every thought that we think creates a vibration? Negative thoughts create negative feelings that lead to low frequency vibrations, whereas positive thoughts create positive feelings that produce high frequency vibrations.

According to the universal Law of Attraction, "vibes" attract like "vibes". Have you ever noticed when you're happy and smile at people you pass on the street, most people will smile back? It's contagious! At the other end of the spectrum, when you're feeling down and depressed, you attract situations that are in line with your state of mind.

For example, have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? From the cold shower to the spilled coffee, to the traffic ticket on the way to the office, we have all experienced those days. It starts with the way we think. Our thought patterns attract the first negative experience. This experience then puts us in a damaging frame of mind which works to attract further "bad" situations. The more we focus on the "bad day" we are having, the worse things get!

How many times have you spent the better part of your day worrying about paying bills, about your health, about getting that promotion? What we're actually doing when we worry about any situation, is concentrating all of our energy on something that we don't want. Frustration, worry, fear, jealousy, anger, sadness are all emotions that make us vibrate on that lower negative vibration.

By focusing on unwanted situations, we are actually attracting the exact experiences we want to avoid! We can achieve monumental greatness by focusing only on what we DO want, rather than wasting time and energy on the things that we DON'T want.

If all you ever do is think about how much you wish you were happy, or how much you wish you were rich, or how much you wish you were healthy, the Law of Attraction will bring you just that - a life full of wishing for all the things to wish you had!

"If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think." - Oprah

Logically, the key to attracting only the things that you desire in your life is to vibrate positive energy. Okay, that sounds simple enough...but how do you DO that?

In order to get what you desire in life, you have to give those desires regular attention. Fantasize, dream, imagine, focus... for what you create in your mind, you create in reality. If it's a specific car that you want, download pictures of it from the Internet and look at them every day. Post them on your computers desktop or on the wall in your office. Think about what color you want and which accessories and options you would put on it. I would go as far as test driving the car every chance I got.

Cut out a picture of your dream home or that Porsche that you desire and tape it to your refrigerator and look at it every time you walk by. Be excited about it!

Be detailed about what it is you desire. If it's a new car or home, picture it in your mind and say out loud 'I love my new house. I am thankful and enjoy every room.' Picture everything you will have in that new house, right down to the furnishings, the appliances, the decorations, the flooring and the view.

Don't confuse the Law of Attraction by being inconsistent in your desires. Don't keep changing your mind, otherwise there's no way for the Universe to help bring it to you. Be consistent, be determined...but leave the "how you will accomplish this" out of it.

If you try to decide how your desires will come to you, you'll limit your possibilities to only what you can think of. After all, chances are the universe has something better in store for you than what you ever could have imagined. Just trust that it is happening now and allow it to come to you.

Follow where your intuition leads you. It's like planting a seed. If you water it, it WILL grow. The same holds true for your thoughts. Our thoughts, emotions and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circumstances into our lives. Whether these circumstances are positive or negative depends on how we think!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve."

- Napoleon Hill

You may have heard of Earl Nightingale, known today as the father of modern day self-help. Earl, while working in the insurance business back in the mid 1950's, cut a record called 'The Strangest Secret'. The purpose of this record was to provide some training for his staff while he was traveling on business. Earl's strangest secret was simply this:

"We become what we think about most of the time!"

This 'secret' aligns perfectly with the Law of Attraction and acts as a constant reminder that we must learn to control our thoughts. Truthfully, our own thoughts are the only things in life we can command. The challenge is to keep them in control and not let them run rampant with negativity.

The solution is to change our frame of reference. Take the negative emotions and change them to positive. Keeping the positive thought that everything is working in our best interest is all we need to remember. If we break the cycle of negativity, things will begin to turn around almost immediately.

To start applying the Law of Attraction more proactively, here are some things you can do every morning before starting your day.

Start by giving thanks for all the wonderful things already present in your life; your wife, your kids, your family, your dog or cat, your health, your business, your house, your car, the birds in your yard, everything that pops into your mind.

Take 5-10 minutes and really give thanks for all that you are and have. I think you will be amazed at how awesome your life already is!

Give your wife or significant other a big warm hug, tell them that you love them and thank them for being who they are. After all it was the Law of Attraction that brought them into your life to begin with!

Plan your day. Actually visualize what it is you have to do and how you would like it to turn out! You need to actually 'see' it as if it has already happened. It's called "Living in the NOW!"

Positive thinking on its own will not solve all of your problems. However, it is a powerful tool to get you on the path to leading the life you truly want and deserve. Anyway you slice it most people would rather surround themselves with positive happy people than negative unhappy ones. That alone should be reason enough to put on a happy face.

Practice happy thoughts and saying "Yes" to every situation that arises for the next 7 days and see for yourself how fast your life can change for the better. Remember to run towards what you want out of life, instead of running away from what you don't want. You may find this difficult at first, but with time and practice, it will change your perspective and, in turn, initiate the Law of Attraction.

About The Author:
Mick Moore "The Internet Entrepreneur", is an award-winning web designer, acclaimed internet marketing consultant, author, film maker , and key-note speaker. Mr. Moore is the author of the "Home Business Success Kit", the "Google AdSense Handbook", "Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed" and "The Internet Entrepreneur", and is featured in the movie 'The Power of Mentorship.

Visit Mick Moore online at:

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