Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Law of attraction and the cosmic Joke

Sometimes people ask me in relation to the law of attraction: is it really true that I am what I want, as long as I think about it and feel good about it as well?

This is pretty much the message of the movie "the secret", and is also the basis of many of the law of attraction leather.

The answer is simple: Yes and no. Yes, you have everything you want, and no, you cannot have everything what you want to have.

Now that really helps, doesn't it? it's part of what I tend to call it "cosmic joke" or to give it a little more respect-the "universal paradox". In plain English: it is the difference between what is, in principle, possible and what is possible in the world.

I absolutely and totally agree with the message of the secret and the teachings of Esther and Jerry Hicks, Seth books, a course in miracles, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill and many other influential books and people: what you your attention, energy and focus on will be attracted to you at the speed of thought-and that's fast!

If so, in principle, everyone, and you want to do and something.In principle, there is no universal force that you stop of acquiring all wealth, all the happiness, all the joy, all material and intangible benefits that you may wish. Why would there be?

Here comes the first part of the cosmic joke, though: depending on your you will be able to or can not allow all of this in your life. Note that I am not talking about attraction, but that here.There is a big difference.

The second part of the cosmic joke is this: what is a up, a down.Life/nature/universe of whatever you want to call it is always from being distributed and will not allow an "extreme" forever and ever. a clear decision will be opened at some point.

As regards the first part of the cosmic joke: attraction is always in the game. Ever work, never failing. as soon as you put out a thought (+ or-), you are attracting. on the other hand: allow a different kettle of fish is: it has to with your faith to withdraw whatever it is you want.

Beliefs are nothing more than a bunch of statements that you have the (= your) world, about the things you keep track of where in the world (= your). Now if you want something, but you don't believe that you can have it will be "like that", which you can attract the-ask for anything in motion-sets attraction, but would not let you come to you.

Subtle difference! As your wish and levels of balancing charges in your faith are not equal, you will have problems manifest your liking.

Simple example: If you really want to have a loving partner, but also fear, somewhere deep down inside, that you just until the end of your day, you will probably not that partner will attract into your life.

Or: If you really want to attract $ 100,000 in your life, but think that it will not come to you, unless your buttocks work, you have the money to come to you by simply think and feel about it.


With regard to the second part of the cosmic joke: in the universe there is always a search for balance. like a pendulum, will post a swing to the left, there is a swing right. Night follows day, EB, flow, sleepy follows an active, winter follows summer (and autumn ....), and growing old follows young follows. this cosmic cycles are there to stay. Get over it!If you want to be active, you will sleep.If you want to enjoy the warmth, will you have to endure the cold.

So, in the same way.After a time to get what you want, there will be a time to get what you don't like.Even the old testament talked about, as it talks about the 7 year and 7 years of lean.

This is so, there will be times in which attract and allowing your desires in your life seems to be a completely responsible task.It will just doesn't seem to work.


That's just the balancing process that we do not stop, and that process is actually has to be clearer about what it is that we later want!You can start to understand that?

What should I do?

Cosmic Joke number 1 can be managed (not overcome) by aware of your beliefs and the corresponding-without judgement, emotions by decisions to change the prostitution beliefs in more inclusive ones, and to start looking for evidence of the new faith you would like to keep.

Nothing breeds beliefs as a proof! there are some really simple processes tweak your thinking to get more of what you want, and less of what you don't. I have them in my Office, and the "point of attraction" of my clients has changed drastically. so if you want to make money, start where taking, albeit in minute quantities!-is already filled in your life that will raise your vibrations and you will be able to get more money into it.

Cosmic Joke number 2 is what it is, do not use. If you are starting out, you may see that the "contrast" is actually a necessary component for your ability to attract anything in your life, you can create a feeling of gratitude for all of these processes. Deepak Chopra calls this "the State of grace". this situation will automatically help your vibration to go up, where you'll be more resourceful fast, and before you know it, you are up an upswing is increasing and your wishes.

Understand this: life is never about attracting what you want. first of all, we do not yet know what we really want and second of all, it's impossible, given the universal flow of life.

All you want to do, and this is absolutely possible with some coaching, as well as lots of practical tools that I can give you, is attracting more of what you want and less of what you don't. This makes your personal and professional life richer-in every way, more targeted and more balanced. life is balanced, but now you will feel!

I'm more than happy to help you on this journey. it is well worth it, believe me!

Marc is a certified life coach, master NLP Practitioner and body Stress Release practitioner I-IV, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

He is one of Australia's Law of Attraction (LOA) experts and coaches/mentors international with the Loa principles. Marc gives its customers to find out what has she along in order to achieve what they want, and then to the conscious decision to their lives and/or careers to the next level.

A lawyer is nearly 6 years in his previous life, for immigration to Australia from the Netherlands, Marc know exactly how disheartening to take the first step in a new direction. on the other hand, he knows how to carrying out this step and the knack of imparting his knowledge and wisdom in a stunningly simple and very effective way.

Go to or email him at to get a free personal or telephone mentoring session!

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