Life is supposed to be fabulous – you are supposed to be successful and happy – you’re not meant to struggle and, certainly, worry, anxiety and stress should simply not be part of your daily experience at all. And you should never feel inadequate, you should never even consider the notion of self esteem or self confidence – you should be simply immersed in living life to the full.
Does any of this sound familiar? Probably not – because only an idiot would believe that life could be like that. WRONG! If you believe otherwise, you’re the idiot – and I’ve got seventy years psychological research to prove that we’re all idiots, buried in the same pathetic view of life – that life’s a struggle, life’s a hassle, you work for a living, etc. etc.
Sure, I’ve got plenty of work that needs doign – sometimes I think that it’s a drag – but it’s the thought that does that to me, not the work. Sure, I’ve three rebellious teenage children who can get up to all kinds of mischief at times – but which is more effective and easier – for us to work these things out without strangling ourselves in mental knots, or doing what normal people do until they’re so stressed and so worried that they can do nothing remotely resembling effective?
My point is that how you view your life, what you feel about your life and how you experience your life is all down to what’s going on in your head – not what’s going on in your life. And your head’s a mess – everyone’s is, it’s how we’re built. But you can pull yourself together and get in shape – mentally. All that’s needed is a little training and, perhaps, ten minutes commitment every day to make the other twenty three hours and fifty minutes great.
What do you do during these few minutes? You pay attention – not to what you think is happening but what is actually going on. You’ll pay attention to what your five senses tell you – without saying to yourself that that sound is distracting you or that pain in your big toe is annoying you – without moaning that this smell is horrible or that dust on the shelf is doing your head in. You’ll simply sit down and see, feel, hear, smell and taste what is really happening. It’s known as coming to your senses! And, if you come to your senses for five minutes every morning, you’ll be in a far better state of mental readiness for whatever life throws at you for the rest of the day. But, more importantly, you’ll be far more awake to the opportunities that life will throw your way today.
So, time to shape up!
Technorati Tags: mind power, personal development, self improvement, self-help, Success
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