Reasons why the Law of Attraction doesn't work for you.
You probably heard a lot about the Law of Attraction lately.
Every one seems to be talking about it one way or the other.
The universal Law of Attraction is simply another name for the Law of Belief, which is the Law of Life.
In simple words, the Law of Attraction states that "whatever you deeply believe at the subconscious level, you shall materialize in your life".
"You get exactly what you deeply believe" and "It is done unto you as you believe" are equivalent statements for the Law of Attraction.
Even Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich" invokes the Law of Attraction by stating "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and BELIEVE, it can achieve".
Notice very carefully that Napoleon Hill's statement would be incomplete without the verb BELIEVE included.
The building blocks of the Universe are Energy and Frequencies. You heard the term 'vibrations'. Well, frequencies and vibrations are one and the same thing.
ONE: .Students are not told HOW to RAISE their vibrations .
You heard a lot about certain teachers telling you to RAISE your vibrations.
A friend of mine read some of that well known material and the entities communicating to that teacher, and worked on raising her vibrations to overcome her health challenge. She died in RECORD time. So much for raising her vibrations.
People are failing right and left because they try to RAISE their vibrations as instructed -- except they really don't know how to do it. They are NOT told a step-by-step process of how to RAISE those vibrations.
This article will make it very clear. And it will also show you how to change your VIBRATIONS in simple-to-understand terms.
To simplify, every 'materialized' thing on this planet is the result of a certain amount of Quantum energy ('stuff') VIBRATING at different combinations of different frequencies.
If you desire to "materialize' a car, all you have to do is (a) take the EXACT amount of Quantum energy, (b) take the EXACT combinations of frequencies and (c) make that EXACT amount of Quantum energy vibrate at those EXACT frequencies -- and you get your car!
There is only a small LITTLE problem. Where and how do you find out how much energy EXACTLY do you need? Where do you get that energy from? How and where do you store that energy? What are the exact frequencies this specific amount of energy must be VIBRATING at in order to manifest a car? How do get all that knowledge? And what are YOU going to materialize IF you use the INCORRECT amount of energy and the wrong combinations of frequencies? Another Frankenstein maybe?
Therefore, IF you try to 'materialize' a car (or anything else) by manipulating energy and frequencies DIRECTLY, you will end up like those poor souls being told to RAISE their vibrations by their "spiritual" teachers -- totally frustrated and with no successful results.
Fortunately for all of us, we can manipulate energy and frequencies INDIRECTLY -- and still get the EXACT amount of energy and the RIGHT combination of frequencies to 'materialize' anything we want
"How can we do that?", you may ask.
I will give you a simple explanation. Keep reading.
FIRST of all, we do NOT need to create any basic 'stuff' to 'materialize' our desires/goals. We are going to BORROW the pre-existing Quantum Energy ( 'stuff') abundant all over. So, we do not have to worry any longer about the energy and the EXACT AMOUNT of energy needed.
SECOND, we will simply send the right vibrations (frequencies) to INFLUENCE some amount of energy already in existence (Quantum Energy 'stuff') and MOLD it by means of these vibrations (frequencies).
Third, the MOLDING of the Energy is automatically done for us by the Quantum Forces of the Universe. We do NOT have to worry about this complicated procedure. We do not need to understand it either. We only need to know it is done for us -- courtesy of the
Universe. and the way it automatically functions.
Therefore, all that is left for us to do is deal with FREQUENCIES.
** Notice that in trying to make this explanation as simple as possible, I am not including that you are broadcasting, just as a radio or TV station, and that each frequency component you broadcast has certain amplitude sending a certain amount oif MOLDING power (similar to Kilowatts) to MOLD the universal 'stuff' contained in the Quantum Energy Field. You may include this in this discussion by understanding that the power you send MOLDS the pre-existing energy ('stuff') in the Quantum Field and shapes it as a car, or a million dollars or a girlfriend..
You heard about you sending the right VIBRATIONS into the Universe to get what you desire.
Where are these vibrations coming from? What is causing those vibrations you are sending out?
Your thoughts are producing all those frequencies you are sending out into the Universe. They are electromagnetic waves in nature and they are working like MAGNETS attracting energy MOLDED by these vibrations (frequencies)
In other words, to materialize a car or a specific amount of money (specific combination of energy and frequencies), you will use the pre-existing Energy (Quantum Energy Field). All you need to do is send very specific frequencies that will MOLD the EXACT amount of energy 'stuff' and attract it to you!
We eliminated the need for us to supply also the Energy 'stuff'. We do NOT have to know how the MOLDING process (conversion of energy into matter with the specific form of your desires) either. We ONLY need to supply the correct frequencies (vibrations).
Your thoughts are in the direction of your predominant BELIEFS.
If you BELIEVE you are poor and that is very hard for you to make money, guess what your predominant thoughts will be?
Thoughts about you being poor, poverty, the "evils' of poverty, that it is so hard for you ot make money, that money is always scarce in your life.
Those specific thoughts are a DIRECT FUNCTION of your predominant BELIEFS of "lack, scarcity and hard" and are vibrating at very SPECIFIC frequencies. These frequencies are dependent on the 'poverty' BELIEFS deeply held in 'your' Subconscious mind.
Another person who is always thinking in terms of prosperity, abundance of money and success does so because his predominant BELIEFS are those of success, abundance, plenty of money. The 'vibrations' are at a totally different frequencies than in the first case. before. These frequencies are dependent on the "prosperity' BELIEFS deeply held in the subconscious of this second person.
Poverty beliefs ---> certain type of thoughts ---> certain frequencies
Rich beliefs ---> different type of thought ---> different frequencies
Are you getting a HINT on how to RAISE your vibrations?
You do it by changing the BELIEFS you program into your Subconscious computer -- which in turn will make you THINK different types of THOUGHTS, which will vibrate at DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES, therefore causing you to send different frequencies (vibrations) out into the Universe and attract results (=materialized energy) that match your BELIEFS and the thoughts caused by those beliefs,
**Notice as I stated before that you are sending power at different frequencies and that specific power goes and ACTS upon the 'stuff' in the Quantum Field 'materializing' it. But, we are leaving this aside to simplify our explanation.
Now you know the truth.
You RAISE (or lower) your VIBRATIONS by INDIRECTLY manipulating the BELIEFS you hold in your Subconscious mind, which in turn will send out into the Universe frequencies DEPENDING on the type of those beliefs, which in turn will MOLD the Quantum Energy ' into 'materialization' (end-result) , and ATTRACT it to you. THAT'S IT!
Do you want to raise your vibrations to attract money? Simple.
Change your beliefs about money by identifying and eliminating opposite, limiting beliefs (including values/rules and their resulting attitudes and behaviors). Then, program, imprint into your Subconscious new empowering beliefs about money and wealth. And finally, keep FOCUSING your attention on the new empowering BELIEFS. The LAW of Attraction, as explained before, will do the rest.
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Finally, you may also understand why those experts who claim the Law of Attraction states that "you attract into your life what you think about" are DEAD WRONG!
You attract into your life what you CONSTANTLY think about, what you think about all day long.
And that makes perfect sense. Since your THOUGHTS are in the direction of your PREDOMINANT BELIEFS, you most constantly think about as a function (in the direction) of the deeply held beliefs in your Subconscious.
What you think about once in a while sends out a few spurious frequencies whose ripple effect is practically negligible since they carry very little power to MOLD Quantum Energy ('stuff') into 'physical' reality..
What you CONSTANTLY think about is sending the SAME set of frequencies CONSTANTLY and a highly concentrated amount of MOLDING power, reinforcing the ripple effect -- thus causing 'materialization' and the attraction to occur very powerfully.
Think about an 'affirmation' you THINK about (and repeat) once in a blue moon. The effect will be negligible.
Compare it to an affirmation you THINK about and repeat over and over constantly. You are sending over and over the same set of frequencies (and concentrated power) impinging/ACTING on the Quantum Energy ('stuff') constantly and molding it ever more powerfully to attract it into your life.
***Notice that your affirmation will not work in the presence of conflicting beliefs, values and rules. I am assuming you did your job and got rid of all those conflicting, limiting beliefs, values and rules.
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TWO: Limiting beliefs that were not identified and/or eliminated.
The Law of Attraction will fail to 'materialize' your desired end-result if your Subconscious is clogged with beliefs that run opposite to what you want to materialize. It should be easy for you to understand now that those beliefs are putting out the WRONG frequencies,
Unless you identify and eliminate them, the Law of Attraction will keep bringing you the 'wrong' end-result because the OLD limiting beliefs are there putting out the WRONG/BAD frequencies and attracting to you the wrong end-results.
THREE: . Conflicting Values and Rules.
Practically no one mentions anything about conflicting values.
What if "Money is not that important to you", "Money is not everything" (there are things a lot more important than money; therefore, the frequencies you are sending give very LOW priority to making and having money.
How about "I'd better be honest that rich". That PRIORITY will kill any hope for financial abundance in your life.
Then, you must also consider the Rules that go with EACH value.
Do you know how to find out what your values (moving toward and moving-away-from) are? Do you know in what precise sequence/order they are placed in your Hierarchy of values?
Do you know how to 'reprogram' your Hierarchy of values and eliminate conflicting values/rules?
FOUR: Wrong, limiting Attitudes and Behaviors
In reality, attitudes and behaviors are a direct consequence of your BELIEFS, Values and Rules.
By changing your Beliefs, Values and Rules your attitudes and behaviors will automatically change -- assuming of course that
those changes were made at the subconscious level and not only at a conscious, superficial level.
FIVE: Resisting what is.
This is a BIG one and most of us are guilty of it.
You should take any steps to change those things over which you have control, and can be changed.
There are some things that cannot be changed -- the death of loved ones, lost loves, lost fortunes, lost opportunities of the PAST. And how about crooked politicians, our bad members of government,
and on at infinitum.
You will completely fail using the Law of Attraction to attract the good things/people you desire if you keep resisting and resenting events that happened in your past or are happening now You will keep generating more NEGATIVE subconscious programming (some call it bad Karma).
You are keeping your frequencies (and generated power) locked into past events or events over which you should not concern yourself. Very little is left to activate the Law of Attraction in the new direction you desire.
Accept what happened in your past. Accept the unfortunate incidents of your past.
And then concentrate your entire energy in changing the current things that you can change.
**Note: There are techniques like Reprogramming your past that can give you a new past. But not to the extent of resurrecting your dead mother or father -- unless somehow you are able to go into an alternate reality.
SIX: Any other reason
Through careful analysis, you will find out that any other other reasons really fall into any of the FIVE categories mentioned above.
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Finally, you may also understand why those experts who claim the Law of Attraction states that "you attract into your life what you think about" are DEAD WRONG!
You attract into your life what you CONSTANTLY think about, what you think about all day long.
And tah makes perfect sense since your THOUGHTS are in the direction of your PREDOMINANT BELIEFS, you most constantly think as a function of the deeply held beliefs in your Subconscious.
What yoiu think about once in a while sends out a few spurious frequencies whose ripple effect is practically negligible.
What you CONSTANTLY think is sending the SAME set of frequencies and reinforcing the ripple effect -- thus causing
'materialization' to occur.
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The Law of Attraction can be activated to work FOR you, and NOT against you, once you realize that the KEY ingredient is to REPROGRAM your Subconscious Mind with the BELIEFS, Values and Rules that will generate those FREQUENCIES that will allow you to materialize and attract to you what you desire.
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And now that you know how the Law of Attraction works, and you want to get rich, you'd better take steps to Reprogram your Subconscious mind with the Millionaire Mind of the super rich.
Then, you will be sending out the vibrations (frequencies) that match the Millionaire Mind Mentality.
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Al Crist is in a mission to make the process of being a Millionaire EASY and FUN. You may reach him at -- -- where he is involved in designing the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming" Courses with the best and fastest techniques and tools to identify/eliminate conflicting beliefs/values and download directly into your brain cells the Millionaire Mind of the super rich so that you automatically start to think, believe, behave and achieving like the super rich.