How to Attract Success
F. W. Sears
What is Success? – The Laws that Make for Success – “Declaring War on Poverty” – Must “Build Castles in the Air” Before Castles Can Be Built on the Ground – Effect of Environment – Fixed Habits – What “Good Luck” and “Bad Luck” Is – Man is an Unconscious Creator But Can Become a Conscious One – What Makes the Difference Between Persons – How to Create and Attract Success Permanently
How Man May Be Classified – Different Degrees of Unfoldment – The Five General States of Consciousness – What the “Sub-conscious Mind” Really Is – The Mind of the Physical Body – The Mind of the Ego or Astral Body – The True Function of “Logic” – Mind of Physical Body Makes the Conditions By Which Mind of Astral Body May Manifest In and Through the Physical Body – What the Imagination Is and its Proper Function – “Impressions” and “Intuitions:” Their Source and How to Tell “Which is Which”
Man Has the Power to Develop Every State of Consciousness – How to Correct Too Emotional Natures; also Those that are Afraid – The Faculties Used by the Successful Man – What the Law of Force is and its Effects – What the Law of Harmonious Attraction is and its effects
How Most Persons Have Gained Success – Why It Has Not Been Permanent in Most Cases – How Man in His Scramble for Money Resembles Chickens When They are Fed – People and Things are Instruments in the Hands of God – The Great Universal Law – Why Methods Do Not Affect One’s Ability to Obtain Wealth But Do Affect the Ability to Retain It – “Vacant Space” Filled With the One Universal Substance – “A Million Dollars from Out of a Blue Sky” – We Retain Things Under Same Law We Obtain Them – Wall Street Man’s Experience
Most Rich Persons are Young Souls; Have Had But Few Incarnations – Ignorant Use of Intellect Separates us from Abundance of Supply – How Wealthy Persons Set Causes in Motion in One Incarnation which Relates Them with Poverty in the Next – “Like Produces Like” on Every Plane of Consciousness – Intellect: the Governing Power in Material World – Mental Imbeciles – Soul and Spiritual Imbeciles – The Two Brain Centers: Physical and Psychological
Intelligent Use of Intellect – Physical and Intellectual Giants; Soul and Spiritual Pigmies – God Gave Us All Power and the Faculties Through Which To Use It – Man is Free to Use This Power in Any Way He Wishes – No One Has Ever Enslaved Us But Ourselves – Universal Energy is Neither “Good” nor “Bad” – Man Can Use It to Create Success or Failure, Abundance or Lack – How Man Relates With the Law of Force – How to Displace the Law of Force – How to “Turn on the Light” – Down Broadway to the Battery
How to Obtain What We Want, When and Where We Want It – What Having “The Faith of a Grain of Mustard Seed” Really Means – What Makes a Thing “Natural” to Us – Fixed Habits
Why Those Who Have “Faith” Do Not Succeed – Why Only the Things We Do Not Want Materialize For Us – How to Materialize the Things We Do Want – Experience of Stenographer – Experience of Business Man Who Attracted Nearly Ten Times as Much in Sixty Days Under The Law of Harmony as He Had in Six Months Previous Under Law of Force
The Relationship Between the Thing Created and the Energy Which Created It – The Law of Cause and Effect – How Each Life May Make the Affirmation “I Am Success NOW” Become Scientific
and Material Truth – Why Continuously Thinking that “I Am a Failure” Makes Success Impossible – Story of the “Lunkhead”
Every Material Thing is the Objective Symbol of the Vibratory Rate of the Atoms Which Compose It – How to Demonstrate the Difference in the Vibration of Words – How We Relate With Failure – How to Turn Failure into Success – Story of the Artist – How Negative, Destructive Energy is Generated Unconsciously – How to Displace It – The Law of Life
How to Build a Success Consciousness – A Personal Experience – Each Life Has an Inexhaustible Supply of Constructive Energy Upon Which it May Draw – How We May Relate With It – Our Attitude Towards Things Governs Their Effect on Us – What Our Attitude Should Be Toward a Thief or Other Destructive Instrument – “Children in Consciousness” – Defense is Neither Offense Nor Attack
People are All in Difference States of Unfoldment – Recognition Determines What is Possible or Impossible for Each Life – Story of the Street-Car Driver – Man Becomes a Conscious Creator – How People of the United States More Evenly Developed – Unite the Imagination and Intellect More Harmoniously – First “Build Castles in the Air” Before They Can Be Built on the Ground
The First Thing Necessary in Building a Consciousness of Money – There is an Abundance of Money in the World – “Chance,” “Accident,” or “Luck” Does Not Enter Into Our Supply – Why the “Other Fellow” Has Money and We Have None – How We Can Relate With and Attract Money to Us – Our Part of the Work – God’s Part – The True Law of Success – Experience of Physician
“Vacant Space” Around Us is Not Vacant – Man is Like a Central Telephone Station – What Connection Do We Wish to Make? – “Am I to Buy Something I Want But For Which I Cannot Pay?” – Greatest Secret in Life – Experience of a New York City Minister – Who Is the Successful Man?
Summary of the Universal Laws Which Make for Success – Why We Refuse to Attack Any One – This Attitude Does Not Take Away Our Initiative – Personal Experience of the Author – Why All Persons Living Will Not Be Successful at the Same Time – Who Will Be Successful – WILL YOU BE ONE OF THEM?
Original Publishers Preface
It is a self-evident fact that you wanted to get something out of this book or you would not have purchased it. Therefore the first thing to do before you begin to read is to relax and become receptive to the lessons it teaches.
The second thing is to read slowly and try to absorb its lessons rather than learn them mentally.
The third thing is to remember that this book only teaches how to grow a constructive and harmonious consciousness; you will have to do the work of applying its lessons. New habits are not formed in a day and the lessons which this book teaches will not be absorbed in one reading. The student who will devote not less than half an hour each day to their study and then apply them in living their daily life will receive untold benefit. It is dependent on you alone as to how valuable this book becomes to you. The author has proven for himself everything he teaches. He knows that everything he says is true, and you can know it too but you will have to apply the lessons and prove them for yourself.
You will note that the author does not quote any authorities for any of his statements. The highest authority any soul can possibly have is its own God-self and it is this God-self in you which the proper and persistent study and application of these lessons will bring out into greater expression, and thus enable you to set the new causes in motion which will bring you success along any line you may desire.
The Publishers
Success Notes From The Author
The result is that he has a satisfied clientele instead of a dissatisfied one; that instead of having to dodge around the corner when he sees a former customer approaching, he goes up to meet him knowing that he will receive a hearty welcome and probably be given information which will help him make other sales.
The business man or woman who uses this Law can go to bed at night with their mind free from the fear that they may wake up in the morning and find them selves a pauper because their investments have proven to be bad or that some confidential clerk has absconded with their wealth.
The person who uses this Law to obtain Happiness or any other ideal will find that they have not been chasing an ignus fatus which disappears just as they think they have obtained it. It is impossible for one working under any other Law to take away from us what we have gained under the Law of Harmonious
Attraction, for this is the strongest and most powerful Law in the Universe; while those working under this Law will never want to take it away from us.
The Law of Harmonious Attraction and other Laws referred to in this book, are not new Laws, and the Author claims nothing for their discovery; they have existed throughout all time and have been used unconsciously to a greater or less extent throughout all the ages. The only claim the Author makes is for their revival and their conscious application by mankind along all lines, and the new application of them which he teaches.
The Author would teach the same common sense application of these Laws to the energy which creates things that the world uses in the handling of these things after they are created. Thus when one leaves his home he locks the doors and fastens the windows in order to prevent intruders from gaining entrance and
stealing his valuables, but in his thought world he leaves the doors and windows open to all the thieves, tramps and vagabonds of the destructive thought currents.
Man should learn to lock the doors and windows of his thought world against the thieves and vagabonds vicious thoughts of all kinds of that plane by forming the fixed habit of displacing them by constructive and harmonious thinking. To the thousands of hungry souls that have battled long enough with the world under
the Law of Force and who are ready to learn the larger Truth of the Law of Harmonious Attraction, is this book dedicated.
All such will read and re-read it hundreds of times, get into the vibrations from which it was written and receive their own message of Harmony direct from the one great Source. Those who have not been beaten to earth again and again by the reaction of the Law of Force on their own lives and who are not ready for the
great Truths contained herein will go on under their old Law, setting more and more destructive causes in motion until they too cry out for mercy and say, Oh, God! Why hast thou forsaken me. Sometime they too will learn the lesson that no one can save us from our own Laws but ourselves.
The Author
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
What is Success? – The Laws that Make for Success – Declaring War on Poverty – Must Build Castles in the Air Before Castles Can Be Built on the Ground – Effect of Environment – Fixed Habits – What Good Luck and Bad Luck Is – Man is an Unconscious Creator But Can Become a Conscious One – What Makes the Difference Between Persons – How to Create and Attract Success Permanently
Chapter 2
How Man May Be Classified – Different Degrees of Unfoldment – The Five General States of Consciousness – What the Sub-conscious Mind Really Is – The Mind of the Physical Body – The Mind of the Ego or Astral Body -The True Function of Logic – Mind of Physical Body Makes the Conditions By Which Mind of Astral Body May Manifest In and Through the Physical Body – What the Imagination Is and its Proper Function – Impressions and Intuitions: Their Source and How to Tell Which is Which
Chapter 3
Man Has the Power to Develop Every State of Consciousness – How to Correct Too Emotional Natures; also Those that are Afraid – The Faculties Used by the Successful Man – What the Law of Force is and its Effects -
What the Law of Harmonious Attraction is and its effects
Chapter 4
How Most Persons Have Gained Success – Why It Has Not Been Permanent in Most Cases – How Man in His Scramble for Money Resembles Chickens When They are Fed – People and Things are Instruments in the Hands of God – The Great Universal Law – Why Methods Do Not Affect Ones Ability to Obtain Wealth But Do Affect the Ability to Retain It – Vacant Space Filled With the 2 One Universal Substance – A Million Dollars from Out of a Blue Sky – We Retain Things Under Same Law We Obtain Them – Wall Street Mans Experience
Chapter 5
Most Rich Persons are Young Souls; Have Had But Few Incarnations -Ignorant Use of Intellect Separates us from Abundance of Supply – How Wealthy Persons Set Causes in Motion in One Incarnation which Relates
Them with Poverty in the Next – Like Produces Like on Every Plane of Consciousness – Intellect: the Governing Power in Material World – Mental Imbeciles – Soul and Spiritual Imbeciles – The Two Brain Centers: Physical and Psychological
Chapter 6
Intelligent Use of Intellect – Physical and Intellectual Giants; Soul and Spiritual Pigmies – God Gave Us All Power and the Faculties Through Which To Use It – Man is Free to Use This Power in Any Way He Wishes -
No One Has Ever Enslaved Us But Ourselves – Universal Energy is Neither Good nor Bad – Man Can Use It to Create Success or Failure, Abundance or Lack – How Man Relates With the Law of Force – How to
Displace the Law of Force – How to Turn on the Light – Down Broadway to
the Battery
Chapter 7
How to Obtain What We Want, When and Where We Want It – What Having The Faith of a Grain of Mustard Seed Really Means – What Makes a Thing Natural to Us – Fixed Habits
Chapter 8
Why Those Who Have Faith Do Not Succeed – Why Only the Things We Do Not Want Materialize For Us – How to Materialize the Things We Do Want – Experience of Stenographer – Experience of Business Man Who
Attracted Nearly Ten Times as Much in Sixty Days Under The Law of Harmony as He Had in Six Months Previous Under Law of Force
Chapter 9
The Relationship Between the Thing Created and the Energy Which Created It – The Law of Cause and Effect – How Each Life May Make the Affirmation I Am Success NOW Become Scientific and Material Truth –
Why Continuously Thinking that I Am a Failure Makes Success Impossible -Story of the Lunkhead
Chapter 10
Every Material Thing is the Objective Symbol of the Vibratory Rate of the Atoms Which Compose It – How to Demonstrate the Difference in the Vibration of Words – How We Relate With Failure – How to Turn Failure
into Success – Story of the Artist – How Negative, Destructive Energy is Generated Unconsciously – How to Displace It – The Law of Life
Chapter 11
How to Build a Success Consciousness – A Personal Experience – Each Life Has an Inexhaustible Supply of Constructive Energy Upon Which it May Draw – How We May Relate With It – Our Attitude Towards Things
Governs Their Effect on Us – What Our Attitude Should Be Toward a Thief or Other Destructive Instrument – Children in Consciousness – Defense is Neither Offense Nor Attack
Chapter 12
People are All in Difference States of Unfoldment – Recognition Determines What is Possible or Impossible for Each Life – Story of the Street-Car Driver – Man Becomes a Conscious Creator – How People of
the United States More Evenly Developed – Unite the Imagination and Intellect More Harmoniously – First Build Castles in the Air Before They Can Be Built on the Ground
Chapter 13
The First Thing Necessary in Building a Consciousness of Money – There is an Abundance of Money in the World – Chance, Accident, or Luck Does Not Enter Into Our Supply – Why the Other Fellow Has Money and We Have None – How We Can Relate With and Attract Money to Us – Our Part of the Work – Gods Part – The True Law of Success – Experience of Physician
Chapter 14
Vacant Space Around Us is Not Vacant – Man is Like a Central Telephone Station – What Connection Do We Wish to Make? – Am I to Buy Something I Want But For Which I Cannot Pay? – Greatest Secret in Life –
Experience of a New York City Minister – Who Is the Successful Man?
Chapter 15
Summary of the Universal Laws Which Make for Success – Why We Refuse to Attack Any One – This Attitude Does Not Take Away Our Initiative – Personal Experience of the Author – Why All Persons Living Will
Not Be Successful at the Same Time – Who Will Be Successful -WILLYOU BE ONE OF THEM?
Many books and treatises have been written on the subject of Success and the methods to be used in obtaining it. These works have been the honest statements of their authors who have used and found them successful. The student, in attempting to apply them, has usually been successful for a while but
the day invariably came when he or she found that something was lacking, and the same methods which formerly brought success failed them in their need. In the business world it has always been considered that the salesmen who could sell a customer something he did not want was the best salesman. Men are
taught Business Psychology, which consists in controlling the other fellows mind through the power of Mental suggestion and making him do what the salesman wants. The world has not realized that the Law of Force was the controlling factor in these methods and that we can only retain a thing under the same Law by which it is obtained.
To be successful in anything one must be able to retain as well as obtain it; they must also be able to obtain it when they want it, where they want it, and be able to retain it as long as they want it. It is obvious then that when we obtain anything under the Law of Force we must be prepared to exert our Force all the time to a greater degree than can anyone else in order to be able to obtain what we want, when and where we want it, and to retain it as long as we want it.
Few men or women, that is few in comparison with the entire population of the world, are able to maintain this Law of Force against all-comers for any great length of time, and so we have failure after failure. Some are able to maintain it for only a few months, others for several years, while those who are able to
maintain it for a lifetime against all-comers usually do so through making a sort of truce or combination Trust with others of their kind. In this book is taught the true Law of Success, which is the Law of Harmonious Attraction. Under this Law things come to us because they want to come and not because we make them come; they remain with us because they want to do so. Instead of working to control the other fellow we learn to control ourselves and become so strong, powerful and harmonious in our attractive power that the things we want will want us so much that they cannot remain away. The salesman who uses this Law finds that he is led to those who want to buy his goods, instead of to those whom he has to force into buying.
What is success?
To be successful in anything is to have the ability and power to do the thing we want to do when and where we want to do it, or to have what we want, when we want it and as long as we want it. Success is a thing which we can build for just as surely and scientifically as the architect plans and builds the skyscraper or the engineer the wonderful tunnels and bridges of modern times.
The Laws which make for success are just as natural although less generally understood as are the laws which the architect and engineer use in their work. A New York paper, in a recent editorial on Declaring War on Poverty, among other things said, Why then, does not the war begin?
There is no reason save the lack of organization for such a crusade. Then men who want to abolish poverty, who know that it can be abolished and are able to abolish it, have not yet found a common standard around which to recruit their forces.
No, and they never will find a common standard until they learn the great truth that everything begins and ends in consciousness in the thought world, the imagination, for that is where man does all his imaging and that until the individual gets rid of a poverty consciousness, a poverty image, he will never be free permanently from a poverty environment. Within each life lies the causes of
whatever enters into it.
Man is building his own world every moment of his life. He creates from within the energy which attracts from without. The thoughts he thinks are his own private property and they generate the power with which he builds from within and attracts from without. Like builds like and like attracts like. Man must first
have castles in the air before he can have castles on the ground.
It is true that the man or woman who is kept busy at good wages and given a pleasant and comfortable environment has the external things and conditions which will help them create a consciousness or image of abundance, but until they have established the fixed habit of thinking constructively, they will not
continue to stay out of a poverty-stricken environment indefinitely.
Was the giving of a pleasant and comfortable environment to man and providing him with continuous employment an insurance against poverty the solution would be simple, easy and sure of quick accomplishment. But we know that such a remedy has never effected a permanent cure; that something more than employment and environment is necessary.
We know many men and women who have started out in life with everything their hearts could wish in both of these things, but the day came when their employment was gone and their environment poverty stricken. What was it they lacked? What is that something more which is so necessary to the peace, happiness and success of man? We have called it bad luck, or rather the want of good luck heretofore, but it is neither. In the 9 past we have been of the belief that success along any line was largely a matter of chance, or luck, but we know better today. We know that there is no such thing as either chance or luck, good or bad, in the universe.
Good luck is simply the effect of constructive and harmonious causes we have unconsciously set in motion sometime previous to its occurrence, while bad luck is the effect of destructive and inharmonious causes we have just as unconsciously set in motion and which we have not yet learned how to antidote
or displace.
Today we know that success is the consciousness of the abundance of supply and the recognition of our oneness with it. We may believe in the truth of this but until we know it beyond any question of a doubt it is impossible to materialize the belief at all times and under all circumstances. We know that the things we have called luck, accident, chance, etc., simply seem so on the surface on the external side of life because we have only looked for their causes on the objective side; but when we look back of the external and go deeply into the energy which produced them we learn that all these so-called accidents, chance, luck, are the natural effects of natural Laws; that these Laws are as simple and easily understood as is the law that one and one makes two.
Before a spade is stuck into the ground in excavating for one of our immense skyscrapers the building has been entirely finished, even to the last coat of paint on the walls, in the consciousness the thought world, the imagination of the architect. Before even one screw, nut or bolt was made for the engines which
generate the power on our ocean greyhounds the entire engine was completed in the consciousness the thought world, the imagination of the engineer who drafted the plans.
Both architect and engineer built castles in the air first, before their air castles could be materialized in objective form. The engine which generates the steam does not know for what purpose the energy is to be used, and the masses have no greater knowledge of the use to which they will put the energy they create
than does the engine; they work as unconsciously and as ignorantly of the effects of the energy they generate as does the engine. Man, however, can become a conscious creator while the engine cannot, and in the consciousness or knowledge of this power does man have the advantage.
The Creative Power of the Universe
When he neglects to develop or does not use his power, the effect is as disastrous to him as to the engine, for when the engine lies idle any length of time it rusts, becomes useless and fit only for the scrap pile. So with man, for when he fails to use his faculties and power they become atrophied from disuse and he too soon rusts out and becomes only fit for the scrap pile. On the other
hand when man does develop and use his power the effect becomes more beneficial to him than to the engine. Man is an individual creator; he not only creates his body but he also creates his environment.
This is a most stupendous statement, one which the masses cannot understand nor comprehend fully in their present state of consciousness, but each life may develop itself to where it not only understands but knows this truth. The only difference between persons is in the amount of this creative power each life expresses harmoniously. There is absolutely nothing we have ever had in the past, have now, or ever will have, but what we have created for ourselves.
Most of us have done the larger part of our work of creating unconsciously and ignorantly, and we have not stopped to see, study, and understand the relationship between the use we made of this energy and the things it has created for us. It has been so much easier to blame the disastrous effects to chance, accident, or luck. On the objective plane we have learned that a sharp knife, drawn across the hand, cuts it; but what we have not yet learned is that when we think vicious thoughts of any kind fear, worry, anger, hatred, resentment, resistance, impatience, intolerance, condemnation, criticism, envy, jealousy, etc. such thoughts generate an energy which causes us to relate with the things on the objective plane, both in the physical body and its environment,
that we do not want.
It is this relationship of effect to cause which we must learn before we can begin to permanently abolish poverty or anything else we do not want. Now do not understand that it is impossible to abolish poverty temporarily, or even for a lifetime in some lives, without either a knowledge or application of this truth, for such is not the case. Some few lives few as compared with the multitude of persons living at any time may concentrate their entire creative power on the subject of money and amass great wealth and hold it too during their life in any incarnation and still think all these vicious thoughts and manifest them objectively, but Be not deceived, for God the great Universal Law is not mocked, and whatsoever a man soweth that also shall he reap, and in the incarnations yet to come for such a life will it reap the effects of the energy it has created, either in poverty, sickness, or misery of some kind.
The object of these lessons is to teach how to create and attract success to us permanently not temporarily; how to get what we want, get it when we want it, and keep it as long as we want it. When we know this Law, and it becomes such a fixed habit in our lives that we live it as unconsciously as we are now living, live it because we have developed such a consciousness that we do not know how to live any other way, there will be no need for declaring war on poverty, disease, or misery, for we will then cease to generate the energy which relates us with these things.
Every moment of our lives, with every breath we draw, we are creating something. There has never been a second of time, all along down the pages past and gone, in which we have not created something for ourselves. We are today, in body and environment, the effects of these creations of our past. We want to know this now. We also want to know that we will continue to create
ourselves and our environment all down the future ages yet to come, not only here in this world but also in all the worlds through 11 which we have yet to evolve in our return to our Source. With this understanding thoroughly fixed in our consciousness let us learn how we may create consciously for success, and attract it to us under such Laws as will make it permanent in our lives.
Chapter 2
Man may be classified in a general way as being composed of five entirely different states of consciousness, degrees of unfoldment, or conditions of development, viz: Instinct, Intellect, Inspiration, Intuition, and Revelation. Bear in mind, however, that while the Instinct is a manifestation of the Physical plane, the Intellect of the Mental, the Inspiration of the Soul, the Intuitional and Revelational of the Spiritual, all these states of consciousness are just as much spiritual as is the latter, the difference being that they do not express as much.
It is like ice, water, clouds and the invisible vapor, they are all one and the same but differ in their expression. Most persons are over-developed in one of these states of consciousness and under-developed in the others, and that is why it is so hard for them to understand the other states.
Few persons are so equally developed in all of them as to be able to impart their knowledge of the Inspirational, Intuitional and Revelational planes in such a way as may be understood by those manifesting only on the planes of Instinct and Intellect. On the Physical plane of consciousness man expresses what is called instinct. This is the cell consciousness referred to more at length in my lectures on How we Create Ourselves, How to Give Treatments, and others.
This cell consciousness which is really the intelligence in the cells of the physical body and in the atoms of the environment is the only consciousness which is under the direction and control of the intellect and is therefore in reality the only sub-conscious mind there is, for the egos mind is never subject to the conscious mind or intellect. In the creating, destroying, re-creating and re-destroying of our bodies which process is going on continuously every moment of our lives, awake or asleep we attract to us atoms which will express the same degree of intelligence as those which harmonize with the energy we are momentarily creating by the thoughts we are thinking.
As long as we remain wholly on the Physical plane of consciousness this process goes on under the Law of Instinct both as to our bodies and our environment. The natural Law of this plane of Instinct is an unconscious recognition an automatic manifestation of our oneness with all life, and so we do not have lack or poverty in our bodies or environment. This is best illustrated in what we call the uncivilized tribes which used to predominate in the world, some of which are still in existence, although few remain in their former purely Physical or Instinctive state of consciousness.
They did not work and did not need to for the Law of their lives led them to be born into an environment where Nature furnished them with sufficient to eat and wear without work. Those who continued to live entirely in the physical side of their lives became over-developed in it, were unable to understand or appreciate any of the other states of consciousness and so continued to re-embody in a purely physical environment. We only need to study all kinds of people all over the world to be convinced of this truth. As man went on in his evolutionary growth and unfoldment he began to use his physical brain to think thoughts, to imagine or image things and in this way he began to grow and develop his 13 intellect.
The more intellectual he grew, or as we call it the more civilized he became, the less instinctive he was, because, unconsciously to him, his intellect his thoughts dominated and controlled his instinct the intelligence or mind of the cells of his body and environment and they, obeying his intellect, were deprived of their own initiative and the harmonious relationship which was natural to them, and he consequently attracted to his body and environment only such atoms as vibrated harmoniously with the thoughts he generated with the new faculty his intellect.
To know the truth of this we only need to go back to the native American Indian and the frontiersman who, living largely in the instinctive side of their consciousness, could follow the trail of man or beast through pathless forests and could tell all about the person or animal they were following; when one who had developed his intellect and was living in that side of his life could not see
anything to indicate the trail or that the forest had ever been penetrated before. Some few men learned to combine their instinct and intellect and use the latter in further developing the former, and in all such cases they preserved their union their oneness with the Universal Life and knew no lack either in their body or environment. The masses, however, unconsciously used their intellect to
separate them from the One-Life, through the thoughts they generated and allowed to persist.
They related in their thought world with the currents where lack, disease, fear, worry, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, strife, resentment, resistance, impatience, intolerance, condemnation, criticism, and kindred thoughts found their home, and the more often they related with these currents the more did they attract to themselves, both in body and environment, the atoms which would make another inharmonious physical home where these conditions could manifest in material form.
As the result of the over-development of the intellect and the under-development of the other faculties we find men who are living in emaciated physical bodies, devoid of all sense of instinct, inspiration, intuition, and revelation, but with an intellect that in its reason and logic is tremendous, but entirely incapable of appreciating the instinct of the physical man, the inspiration of the dreamer, the intuition of the mystic, or the wonderful revelations which comes to one who harmoniously combined and develops all of these faculties.
Such persons have not yet learned that the true function of logic is to teach us the constructive use of our reason or intellectual powers along harmonious lines. These two states of consciousness, the Physical and Mental, deal solely with the states which have their initiative or origin in the physical body. When the physical body is destroyed by death these two states of consciousness cease to manifest; that is the Mental state ceases to manifest as soon as death ensues, and the Physical state the intelligence in the cells of the body, the sub-conscious mind at once goes to work to disintegrate the body and upon the completion of this ceases to manifest in physical form.
These two states of consciousness must have the objective body through which to manifest, otherwise their expression here on the material plane is impossible. The other states of consciousness the Soul or Inspirational, the Spiritual or Intuitional and Revelational can manifest as well outside of the physical body as through it. It is true that in order for us to perceive the effects of their
manifestations with our physical senses they must have a physical body of some kind through which to manifest, but they are separate and distinct from it and manifest through it rather than in it.
These states of consciousness are not under the dominion nor control of the Physical or Mental minds, neither do they in turn control the mentality in any way. The Physical mind the cell consciousness or sub-conscious mind is the only mind or intelligence which is under the control of the Mental mind or Intellect. The term cell consciousness, as used here, includes not only the intelligence in the atoms or cells of the physical body but also that in the atoms of which the environmental is composed. These are all under the control and domination of the Intellect or
Mental mind.
While it is true that the Soul and Spiritual minds or states of consciousness are not in any way under the control of the Intellect, yet the latter can make conditions both in the physical body through which it is expressing and in the environment through which the Soul and Spiritual states of consciousness may express, and this is one of the true and constructive functions of the Intellect.
Through the Soul state of consciousness we derive all of our great wonderful inspirations which increase our vibrations and when this is accomplished under the intelligent direction of our intellect we attract to us the more harmonious and constructive material with which we rebuild our physical bodies and their environment.
Our Intellect should direct us to such places where we will get this inspiration. We may obtain it in many different ways; through association with those persons who already developed it, through hearing lectures, reading books, visiting art galleries, going to theatres which produce plays that inspire, through viewing a beautiful sunset, through thinking of the wonderful power manifested by Nature in the raising of the lofty, snow clad peaks of the Rocky Mountains, or the never ending flow and ebb of the tides at the seashore, through the gigantic waves that the monster Ocean Liners ride so easily, and through the wonderful mechanism of the human body.
All these inspire us with the wonder and greatness of existence, and when our Intellect permits us to revel in their inspiration it raises our vibrations and makes us just that much stronger and more powerful. But when our Intellect refuses to allow us to revel in the inspiration which these and other wonderful things give us, when it belittles the creative power of the God-consciousness which manifests in all things, including man, when it places any kind of a limitation upon mans possibilities, then the vibrations of our atoms are slowed down and we draw from the formless energy everywhere around us only such atoms as vibrate at this slower rate, and it is in these currents where lack of all kinds is to be found.
The Spiritual state of consciousness is the vibration through which our intuition and revelation manifests. This is the vibration in which we get the real, the genuine, true-blue hunches of life. This is also the plane of consciousness from which our imagination obtains it most constructive and harmonious images. The Imagination is a faculty which may be used by all of these different states of consciousness. Through its use we create everything we have both in body and environment, and the plane or state of consciousness from which we use it determines the kind and quality of the thing created.
This 15 most wonderful statement must be considered carefully in order to understand its stupendous import. Many times people mistake an impression for an intuition and when the result proves different from what they expected they blame it on their intuition, when, as a matter of fact, they themselves were to blame for not being able to differentiate between their impression and intuition.
Intuitions never have their origin from anything on the objective plane, they always come from within, and are the result of our having, momentarily only perhaps, raised our physical vibrations to a point where this state of consciousness can manifest through the physical brain. Many persons do this frequently and unconsciously; they do not know how they do it and often do not know that they have done it, and then their Intellect steps in and tells them that such a thought was all foolishness and so they pay no attention to it.
Afterward they frequently see their mistake and then they are wont to say Had my foresight only been as good as my hindsight, etc. When we touch this state of consciousness and know it, and then follow the leading of our intuition we never go astray, for it is our highest state of consciousness trying to manifest through us and by continually listening to and following its instructions we develop it more and more.
Our Intellect was given us for the purpose of taking our intuitions and revelations and working them out intelligently in material form on the physical plane. Can we imagine any more insane intuition, before it was materialized, than the reproduction of the human voice by machinery after the speaker is dead?
Had not Edison by the intelligent use of his intellect worked out this dream into material form the phonograph would still be unknown. Without the Intellect to do this our intuitions and revelations would be as valueless to us on the physical plane as is an automobile without a chauffeur.
The motor car, with an intelligent driver, can be made a most useful thing both for business and pleasure, and so with our inspirations, intuitions and revelations. That is why we should develop the Intellect, but it should be done intelligently and in a way that will enable us to use all of our faculties, Instinct, Inspiration, Intuition, and Revelation, as well as Mental, and not only some one or two of them.
Impressions have their origin solely in the objective side of life. They come as the result of the things we have learned on the objective plane through our physical senses. We may have learned them years ago, and perhaps forgotten, but they are stored up in the Intellect the Mental mind and come to us from that source. Having their origin in the objective world it depends on the basis or foundation on which they were originally built as to their value. Impressions are never safe to follow blindly because of the difficulty in determining their origin. It is interesting and instructive, sometimes, to follow them and see where they lead us. Many times this is the only way by which we learn to differentiate between them and our intuition.
Chapter 3
We all possess within us the power to unfold and develop, to the greatest perfection, every state of consciousness; in fact most of mankind manifest them all in some degree. We have persons who are over-developed in some one of these different states and underdeveloped in the others; these find it difficult to express rationally, or understand anything which is not directly related to or
connected with their own particular state of consciousness or unfoldment.
Thus those who live continuously in the Inspirational, Intuitional or Revelational states these are more generally known as the emotional states to the exclusion of the Instinctive and Intellectual states, become so abnormal to the majority of mankind that they are called insane.
They are the Col. Mulberry Sellers of the financial world, having great, wonderful inspiration and oft-times intuition and revelation as well, but lacking the intellectual development which would enable them to materialize their wonderful visions in a practical way on the objective plane. On the other hand we have people who are over-developed intellectually; their intellect has made them as hard as flint; they are what the world calls practical men; their intellect is always in absolute control of every vibration; they would not permit of an increased heart beat nor allow themselves to be thrilled with an inspiration for anything; they pride themselves upon having absolute control of their emotions and would not allow any such a weakness to manifest in their lives; An emotional nature is all right for women and children, they say, but not for a man with red blood in his veins.
Such lives have yet to learn that it is not the emotional natures which are destructive any more than the mental, but it is the use to which we put such natures, such states of consciousness, which makes them constructive and successful or destructive and unsuccessful. The successful business man is one who has some development of his inspirational and intuitional faculties but who
guides and directs (instead of repressing) their manifestations with an intelligent application of his intellect. When we live in any one of these states of consciousness to the exclusion of the others we can only relate with the things which are in its currents.
We obtain such things under the Laws which prevail and control in that state of consciousness, and we can only retain them under the same Laws. But when we develop ourselves and learn to express in all of these states of consciousness, joining them all together in one harmonious expression, we learn to get what we want, get it when we want it, and keep it as long as we want it. The Law under which we work in the Physical and Mental states of consciousness is the Law of Force. On the Physical plane; this Law is expressed purely as brute force; whoever is the strongest, physically, is the most successful in this state of consciousness whether he be man or animal.
On the Mental plane the expression of the Law of Force is more refined. In this state of consciousness men make others do their bidding through the developing and controlling of physical force by the intellect. The prize fighter or wrestler who has only physical strength stands no show whatever with the man who, even though of less physical strength, has developed his intellect and learned how to unite it harmoniously with his physical; while the machine the product of mans intellect can do the work of a hundred physical men and do it far better.
In the world of business and finance the same truth prevails, and the man who has the sharpest and most developed intellect is the one man who has the greatest force in the purely intellectual state of consciousness. The Law which prevails in the Soul and Spiritual states of consciousness is the Law of Harmonious Attraction, the Law of Love. This is a most wonderful Law although
the words that symbolize it seem so simple. They are simple to us only because we have seldom or never seen beneath their purely intellectual interpretation. When we open ourselves to the inspiration of this Law of Harmonious Attraction and begin to study its operation by Nature we see that it is really the only Law which Nature, or God, uses throughout the universe.
The earth is held to its orbit in its journey around the sun through this wonderful Law of Harmonious Attraction. The sun throws out its great, beautiful love nature into space and entwines its arms around old Mother Earth, bringing life and vitality with every vibration, while the earth nestles and cuddles in the arms of the sun, evolving and developing the life within and upon it in this loving embrace. The moon in its orbit around the earth is held under this same Law of Harmonious Attraction, and all mankind together with the things in all other kingdoms are held in the arms of old Mother Earth under this same Law of Love or Harmonious Attraction.
The seed when planted in the ground, under the same Law of Harmonious Attraction, sends its tiny rootlet down into the earth in order that it may be sure of a permanent supply of moisture, and its stem peeps out from under the clods, attracted there from the negative forces which surround it, in order to obtain the sunshine and rains and dews which are so necessary to its life and development. Everywhere we look we can see some manifestation of this Law of Harmonious Attraction in Nature.
Chapter 4
The world has not had held before it many shining examples of success, financial or otherwise, by those who have obtained it under this Law of Harmonious Attraction. The success achieved by man has been largely the result of the use of the Law of Force, (and that is why it has not been permanent in most cases), through the intellectual and instinctive states of consciousness, and the world has therefore believed that the Law of Force was the real law of success.
The masses are like a lot of sheep and borrow their behavior from the few. In the matter of getting money they are like chickens about to be fed. A pan of food is placed in the center of the chickenyard and the chickens come running toward it from all directions; the half dozen which reach it first grab something and start off on a run; the rest of the chickens, instead of going to the pan where the source of supply is and where there is an abundance of the food they want, run pell-mell, helter-skelter after the few chickens that have carried away with them only a small portion of the abundance of supply.
The masses, like the chickens, instead of going to the source of the abundance of supply and creating something for themselves from the formless energy, spend their time running after the few who have related with abundance and who have money, and in devising schemes to relieve them of it, never once realizing that people and things are only instruments in the hands of God the great Universal Law to give to us just what we have created for ourselves and that it is impossible for them to give us anything else. We see the truth of this manifested many times when we try to help others but cannot do so.
Something always intervenes and prevents it. The methods we use do not affect out ability to obtain wealth or success temporarily but they do affect our ability to retain them permanently. The world has not yet come into a realization that everywhere around us in this vacant space, as we call it, there is a live, vital, seething mass of energy, far more vital and powerful than anything man has yet harnessed in material form, and to which he may go and draw from it an eternal abundance of everything he wants.
While it is true this vital substance is invisible to the physical sight yet it is none the less true that it exists, just as the electric fan revolving at a speed so rapid we cannot see it, yet when the current is shut off and the vibrations of the fan lowered it begins to materialize and we can see it then with our physical eyes. So with this invisible substance, when we relate with it constantly and persistently in our consciousness in accordance with the image we have built and hold in our imagination we set up a strong, powerful vibration with our thoughts, and under the Law of Harmonious Attraction the atoms of this invisible substance with which we relate in our thought world begin to lower their vibrations and finally become materialized in form around us.
There is only one substance in the universe, and it is from this one substance that everything which we have ever materialized in form on the objective plane has been derived. This once substance may be differentiated into the myriads of material things we have had in the past, have now, or which we may create in the future, the differentiation being occasioned by the difference in the rate at which the atoms, composing the material form, vibrate.
When we understand this truth and use our Intuition to create as limitless a vision as we can of the thing we want, our Inspiration to increase our own bodily vibrations and relate us with the more rapid vibrating currents on the unseen side of life, and our Intellect to hold fast to this vision and inspiration, will have then effected a combination which, with these faculties working together in perfect harmony, will be able to reach out into the formless energy and attract the gold of the universe to us and differentiate it into form any time we may desire. Now do not misunderstand me and get the idea that I either believe or teach that in our present state of consciousness it would be possible for any of us to sit with folded hands, with a blank, negative state of consciousness, and have a few million dollars drop into our laps from out of the blue sky.
What I do mean is this: That through the operation of this Law of Harmonious Attraction we can make ourselves so full of the attractive power that over perfectly normal lines of transference on the objective plane, and in perfectly legitimate ways, old lines of transference will be increased, new ones opened up, and our earning capacity be increased way beyond what we have heretofore
thought possible, and all this because people will want and love to do business with us rather than with those who try to make them through the use of the inharmonious Law of Force.
Under the Law of Force we are never sure of being able to retain what we do get. There is always the fear that we may make some unsafe investment, or that we will have something stolen from us, or that someone stronger and more powerful than we, or someone sharper, smarter, and less honest than we are will take it away from us, or that we will lose it in some way, or that whatever we do will be the wrong thing to do instead of the right. This fear is well founded too, because we can only retain a thing under the same Law we obtained it. When we live under the Law of Force we always find someone, sometime and somewhere, who is able to use this Law more effectively than we can, and what we have obtained under it begins to leave us.
A Wall Street man once came to me with this story: He wanted to buy a property in New York. The price and terms had been satisfactorily agreed upon by both parties but the agent who was conducting the sale wanted the owner to pay him a larger commission than agreed. This the owner refused to do and the purchasers contract expiring in the meantime the owner immediately sold the property to another party at a big advance in price. This man did not learn, until it was too late, why his agent had not completed the sale. He had lived under the Law of Force all his life and so the Universal Law gave him what he had created for himself and took away, at the very last minute, this opportunity to make money, through no fault of his he and the world both said.
Later on this same man leased a property for hotel purposes and engaged another party to manage it. Through a combination of circumstances and conditions, made possible only through the in harmony he had created under the Law of Force, his Manager surreptitiously obtained a new lease in his own name and ousted the employer from possession. This same man owned a property in
process of development for which he was offered and refused $300,000 cash.
Later on, through the men who managed the corporation but who only held enough stock by his permission to qualify as officers, he was sold out and only realized about $40,000 from the wreck. Luck you say!
Well, luck is only the effect of the energy we create in consciousness and it is for each and every one of us to say whether this effect shall be good or bad luck. Under the Law of Harmonious Attraction it is always good luck and remains so. Under the Law of Force as long as the force we use is stronger than that used by others we have good luck temporarily, but the fear that we will lose what we have is well grounded, for some day we run up against someone who uses the Law of Force better than we and our money melts away like dew before the morning sun. These are only a few of the negative registrations of the Law of Force in this mans life.
For four years prior to coming to me this man had been having a hand to mouth existence and had about completely lost his courage. He was under my care and instruction for nearly a year and in that time financed one big deal and got two other large ones under way, aggregating considerably more than the first one, and so far his profits have brought him a quarter of a million dollars.
All this came to him under the Law of Harmonious Attraction and through his consciously building for it under this Law. He ceased to fight for anything, knowing, as he looked back over his life, that resistance and resentment create an energy which is always destructive and that it is far better to let go of everything which can be held only under the Law of Force and use the energy
toward creating something else under the Law of Harmonious Attraction.
Under this Law of Harmonious Attraction all fear disappears, for we know that his Law is stronger and more powerful than is the Law of Force, and that it is impossible for anyone working under the Law of Force to take anything away from us unless we first create the destructive energy in our own consciousness which permits the Universal Law to use them as such destructive instrument in our lives, and that those who are working under the Law of Harmonious Attraction will not want to take anything away from us.
We know that what we have created for ourselves under the Law of Harmonious Attraction is our own, for it came to us harmoniously and constructively and because the other fellow wanted us to have it and so we can keep it as long as we want it.
Chapter 5
In analyzing these several states of consciousness it can readily be seen that one working on the Physical, or plane of Instinct, not yet having separated himself in his thought world from the abundance of supply is therefore still unconsciously related with it. The majority of rich persons in the United States are still comparatively young souls, that is souls or egos who have not had many incarnations.
They are living largely upon the plane of Instinct, and while they have Intellect and are usually very cultured, yet the fact that they have had but few incarnations in the physical body and have therefore not had the opportunity to create very much negative energy with their Intellect accounts for their not yet having set
sufficient causes in motion to separate them from the abundance of supply.
There are some rich persons who are old souls and who are rich because they, either consciously or unconsciously, live under the Law of Harmonious Attraction most of the time; it is natural for them because they acquired the habit in former incarnations. As we go on in our growth and unfoldment, incarnation after
incarnation, the majority of us set negative, destructive causes in motion, through our Intellect, which separates us not only in consciousness but in the objective world from this abundance of supply.
Many of the very poor persons we have are those egos which, having lived through the plane of Instinct and developed a sense of the plane of Intellect, but not a sense of their responsibilities, have accumulated such a vast amount of destructive energy as to make it necessary for them to work it out through the
poverty plane of consciousness.
It frequently occurs that lives which have had every whim, every wish, every desire satisfied in one incarnation become so satiated with money from the overabundance of supply which they have had, that through their very satiety they set causes in motion which in their next incarnation relates them with the
direst kind of poverty. A woman once had a beautiful wrap presented to her and was going into ecstasies in her delight with it when another woman said, Oh! Could I only find something which would give me the joy that wrap gives to that woman.
The latter woman had had an overabundance of supply all her life, having been born into an inheritance of wealth and never having expressed a desire, which money could purchase, without having it satisfied. She had become satiated with wealth and did not recognize that in the energy which she had put into her
statement and in the consciousness back of her words she was setting causes in motion which, with that same state of consciousness continued and persisted in, could only have the effect some day, either in this or some future incarnation, of relating her with poverty.
Now what is the value of knowing and understanding these different planes of consciousness? Simply this: that like produces like and like attracts like on every plane of consciousness and in every rate of vibration throughout the entire universe, and that when we know the kind of causes we set in motion the kind of
energy we generate we also know the kind of effects which will result. The object of life is to join all of these states of consciousness together, make union with and live in them all harmoniously at one and the same time. Our fixed point of contact with the world, that is the state of consciousness with which we contact it and the things on the objective plane, must necessarily be from only one of these planes of consciousness.
One of them predominates until we reach a perfected state of development, an evolutionary unfoldment, which enables us to blend them all into one harmonious whole. The state of consciousness which predominates in our lives determines our vibration, and the vibration in turn determines the currents in this formless energy everywhere around us with which we relate and the kind of atoms we draw from it to our bodies and environment.
The Mental plane, or the plane of Intellect, is the plane of consciousness which should predominate in the objective world, for it is only in this state of consciousness, acting through the physical body, that we are able to manifest on the objective plane. Should mans physical brain the cerebro-spinal brain through
which his Intellect operates become atrophied from disuse or seriously impaired through injury, he becomes what we call an imbecile, his five physical senses are destroyed, his physical manifestations being only such as come from the instinct or intelligence in the physical cells of his body.
On the other hand, when his solar-plexus the psychological brain through which his inspirations, intuitions and revelations are conveyed to him becomes atrophied from disuse or in any way seriously impaired through the improper use or the ignorant and destructive control of its functions by the Intellect, he
becomes just as much of an imbecile on these higher planes of consciousness as he is on the Physical and Mental planes when his physical brain is impaired.
The world is full of soul imbeciles who cannot, in their present state of unfoldment, either understand or comprehend these larger truths. It is impossible to prove the existence of a tree or any other material object to one who is a mental imbecile, because the faculties by which such object can be discerned are undeveloped. And so with the soul imbeciles; their intellects may be gigantic but their faculties by which these larger truths may be perceived and understood are undeveloped.
Soul imbeciles sometimes have great knowledge and wisdom but they always lack understanding. But no matter how atrophied their higher faculties may be they can be developed, and the human race as a whole is developing and unfolding them rapidly and therein lies our promise of the great future opening up
before each one of us.
Chapter 6
Before we can manifest intelligently on the Physical plane we must develop the Intellect and through its intelligent use of all our faculties we are then fully equipped and able to master the external world and all its conditions. We can therefore readily see how very important the Mental or Intellectual state of
consciousness is to us. The masses have sensed this truth in a dim way, and so there has ever been the desire to cultivate the mind and improve the intellect.
In our hunger for intellectual development we have lost sight of the Soul or Inspirational, and Spiritual or Intuitional and Revelational unfoldment, and of the necessity for our growth along these lines keeping pace with our intellectual and physical attainments. The result could only be what it has been, viz: a race of
physical and intellectual giants, and soul and spiritual pigmies.
Unintentionally and unconsciously we have used our Intellect to cover over and bury deeply the Soul and Spiritual states of consciousness. It is true we have tried to satisfy their incessant calls by devoting a small portion of one day out of seven to religious forms and ceremonies which in reality have only been an
excuse for our neglecting their development the rest of the time and has better enabled us to bury them still more deeply rather than assist us in their unfoldment.
In the beginning God gave us all power and the faculties through which to use it; He also gave us the power to use these faculties in any way our desires might lead us. God never used the Law of Force in our lives; He never told us that we must, or must not, do anything. His hand has never been laid on our lives in any
way; we have been free agents all down the ages past and gone and will continue to be free agents all along the ages yet to come to express ourselves in accordance with whatever causes we may set in motion.
No one has ever enslaved us in any way but ourselves; no one ever set a cause in motion but ourselves for which we are in any way responsible; no one ever will set a cause in motion but ourselves for which we will ever be responsible.
In this material world our responsibility begins and ends in the Intellect, the Mental plane of consciousness. When we use our Intellect, consciously or unconsciously, to generate thoughts in the physical brain which in any way lower our vibrations or retard or repress our ability to express, we are using the
Universal Energy destructively; on the other hand when we use our Intellect to generate thoughts in the physical brain which are harmonious and constructive, and so increase our vibrations and enable us to relate with more harmonious and constructive currents on the unseen side of life, we are using this Universal Energy constructively.
The Universal Energy this one substance which pervades the universe, this One Life in all and through all is neither good nor bad in itself; it simply IS. It is like fire which in itself is neither constructive nor destructive; it is the use of fire which determines its effect.
When we use fire constructively it runs the commerce of the world both on land and sea; it heats our homes and our business places and keeps us from freezing in the winter time; it cooks our food, and in fact becomes one of the most beneficial agencies known to man. When we permit fire to get out from under our
control and run riot it destroys our commerce both on land and sea; it destroys our homes and business places; it destroys our food, and it even destroys us, and so becomes one of the most devastating agencies known to man; but in itself it is neither good nor bad. And so with this Universal Energy.
We can use it to materialize an abundance of supply for ourselves, or we can use it to create poverty and lack. God does not attempt to tell us how we must use it any more than He attempts to tell us how we must use the fire. The question then is, How shall we use our Intellect in order that we may build consciously for
permanent success? One of the very first things to do is to displace in our consciousness every thought which will in any way relate us with this Law of Force; that is, all anger, hatred, worry, fear, envy, jealousy, impatience, intolerance, resentment, resistance, condemnation, criticism, etc., everything that
creates the energy which relates us with this Law of Force.
We should displace such thoughts with those of kindness, patience, tolerance, love (not simply the personal kind), peace, poise, harmony, etc., these generate a constructive energy and relate us with the currents wherein are contained the atoms which will produce in material form the harmonious and constructive things we want.
When we first attempt to train our minds to displace these old negative, destructive thoughts we find it necessary to continually and persistently affirm our oneness with the thing we want, no matter how far away from its materialization objectively we may seem to be. We must fill our thought world with the thought of
the thing we want, displacing again and again the thoughts which come to us of the thing we do not want, and in accordance with our persistency in displacing them will we materialize the thing we do want soon or late. Our work should be done without worry, fear, strain, effort, or tenseness of any kind.
These old negative thoughts will come back again and again until we have formed the new habit of filling our thought world with the thoughts of the things that we want. When night comes and everything turns from light to darkness, as it has done every night since the beginning of the world, we do not fret and fuss
and fume and cry about it and say, Oh, what’s the use of trying to get rid of this darkness?
I have tried it again and again but I cannot get rid of it and there is no use of trying any more, but we just take the darkness as a matter of course and turn on the light. We should use our Intellect to do this same thing in our thought world and no matter how often thoughts of poverty, lack and failure come to us, no
matter how often we look into our pockets and find them empty, no matter how poor and poverty stricken our environment may tell us we are today, no matter how often we have failed to succeed in the past, no matter how dark the future may seem to us today, these are, one and all, like the darkness which comes to
us every night and we should give them no more attention than we give to the nights darkness, but turn on the light by making strong powerful affirmations, such as I have wealth now, I have an abundance of money now, I am wealth now, I am success now.
Should we start to go down Broadway from 100th Street to the Battery and turn off Broadway at 99th Street, wander around for a while but finally return to Broadway, continuing on to 98th Street, turning off again and wandering around awhile on that street but finally returning to Broadway and continuing our journey,
we could turn off Broadway at every cross-street we came to and it would not affect our ultimately reaching the end of our journey did we return to Broadway and continue our journey down town every time we recognized that we had gotten off Broadway. Our turning into the side streets would only delay our arrival
at the Battery, not prevent it.
So with these negative, destructive thoughts of lack, poverty, anger, hatred, etc., which come to us from time to time; they will not prevent our ultimate success, but only delay it a little, when we learn to recognize that they create a destructive energy and we continuously and persistently displace them with constructive
thoughts and affirmations every time we recognize that they have returned to us.
The length of time it will take us to arrive at our journeys end, that is form the new fixed habit in our lives of thinking constructively, will depend upon how often we get off Broadway and how long we stay off it on these side streets, that is how often we relate with the negative currents and remain in them in their darkness before we begin to displace them with the constructive thoughts.
Chapter 7
In order to obtain what we want, when and where we want it, we must continuously and persistently affirm our oneness with the thing we want. We must be like the lily of the field which toils not, neither does it spin, but Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. Side by side with the lily is the rose, the geranium, and other flowers, the weeds, the grass, perhaps many different kinds of vegetables are also growing in the garden near by; close at hand is the forest and the fruit orchard with their many different kinds of trees and varied fruits; all these are growing in the same ground, watered by the same rains and dews, kissed by the same sunshine, breathing the same air, and yet each draws to itself only the kind of material from earth and air, water, dew, and sunshine, which goes to make its particular kind.
And side by side in this beautiful world of ours lives the man who has reached out into the formless energy and with his consciousness materialized the wealth of the universe, also the other man who has reached out into this same formless energy and materialized the lack and poverty. One has gathered the flowers, the other the weeds. Why? We have always dismissed such questions with the answer Because it is natural to them. But what makes it natural to them?
Jesus said that When ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, ye shall remove mountains. We have never fully realized just what this word faith really meant in this connection. We have never looked upon the mustard seed, the lily, and the other things outside of the kingdom of man, as having intelligence or mind, or manifesting faith, because the quality of their intelligence or mind and the action thereof was so different from the quality and action of what we called intelligence or mind in man.
But now, understanding these different planes of consciousness in which man manifests, we can begin to see and understand how the things of the lesser kingdoms, the mineral, vegetable, and animal, may also manifest on and become common to at least one of these planes of consciousness, viz., the Physical or Instinctive plane. The intelligence or consciousness in the atoms of the lily, mustard seed, etc., operating under the Law of Harmonious Attraction, vibrating at a rate peculiar to themselves, send out their conscious call into this one formless energy and everywhere, both on the seen and the unseen side of life, those atoms which are attuned to such call like the wireless telegraph Instruments receiving messages hear, understand and obey and come rushing to
answer it. There is no doubt, no fear, no worry, no anxiety in the consciousness of the lily, the mustard seed, etc., as to what results will occur, and the call is sent out with the utmost faith knowing that it will be answered.
It makes no difference how strong the call of the weed, the rose, the turnip, the cabbage, the apple, the corn, and everything else may be, it does not disturb the lily nor in anyway distract its attention from its own call. The lily never throws up its hands nor says, Oh, dear me! There’s no use of me trying to get any life or sustenance where all these other things, bigger and stronger and more powerful than I, are calling for it; it never says that the big trees the trusts of the vegetable kingdom have gobbled up everything and we little fellows do not have any chance any more; it never says, I have done this all my life and still I am only a lily instead of a rose; but holding continuously and persistently to the vision of the thing it wants to be, its call goes out morning,
noon, and night, persistently and everlastingly for the thing it wants, and in response to its call the tiny rootlet creeps down into the earth and the stem peeps up into the sunshine from out the clods, and little by little, day by day, does the thing for which it continuously calls materialize in form.
When we learn to have the faith of the mustard seed, the lily, etc., that is when we have established in our lives the fixed habit of filling out thought world with the thought, the vision, the image of the thing we want, then that thing will begin to materialize in form around us like the lily and the mustard seed materialize their conscious call. This faith this consciousness can be developed in every life, and somewhere down the line of our cosmic journey we one and all will develop it.
Some will succeed in doing so in this incarnation, perhaps in a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, while others may take many incarnations in which to develop it. It is for each life to say how quickly the work will be accomplished for itself.
Chapter 8
Every day we meet persons who, upon being taught these things, will say that they have all this great faith; that they believe all these wonderful truths and practice them, yet they do not achieve success. Why? In all such cases I have found one of two things to be true, either their understanding of faith was like that of the old woman who prayed long and earnestly one night that God might
remove the high hill at the back of her house in order that she might have a better view; upon arising the next morning she looked out of the window and finding the hill still there exclaimed, Just as I expected!
Occasionally, however, we do find those who undoubtedly have the faith and belief, and practice them with great understanding, and yet do not succeed. In such cases I have always found that an interior in harmony existed.
Sometimes it had existed for so long and the persons had gotten so used to it that at first they honestly denied its existence, but a deeper study into their consciousness told the story of their interior in harmony, through which they generated the negative energy that prevented them from materializing the thing they wanted. I have had many cases of patients and students who were strong, powerful creators, but who had reached of period in their existence where it seemed impossible for them to materialize any of their constructive creations; they materialized their destructive ones fast enough, but their constructive creations seemed impossible of actualization.
An examination into the consciousness and habits of such persons showed that their work was done under more or less of a strain; that they were invariably anxious or tense, rarely ever relaxing, with the result that they generated an inharmonious energy, constructed an inharmonious wall around them in which they were enclosed like a shell; this prevented the things that they had created,
and which stood just outside of this wall or shell, from entering their atmosphere and materializing in form.
Just as soon as this wall of in harmony could be dissipated and dissolved, through treatments for harmony, and the patients taught how to relate with the harmonious currents through deep breathing and proper affirmations, the things which had been created before in their thought world began to materialize in form around them. A woman came to me once who said that for six months she had been answering an average of twenty advertisements a week for a position as stenographer but had failed to receive one reply to all her applications. Just think of the kind of a consciousness which could send out over 500 letters to people who wanted a stenographer (the kind of services she had to give) but yet could not relate with one reply, and was not even given an opportunity to demonstrate her ability.
She said that when she sent out her answers that she knew it would not do any good and then she added most convincingly, and it didn’t. Her trouble was that while she had built a position for herself in her consciousness she did not know it and was afraid to really believe in her own ability to create for herself the thing she wanted; there could only be one result from her holding the image that it would not do any good and she got that result.
I told her to continue doing exactly the same thing she had been doing, viz.: answer the advertisements for stenographer wanted, and to send out each letter with the thought and affirmation that it was the one which would connect her with the position she had built for herself.
In less than one month she had six offers of a position and came to me to ask which one she should take. I told her to take which ever one appealed to her the most. She said the one she wanted did not pay as much as she desired. I told her to take it anyway as it was evident that was all the salary she had so far created for herself; that by taking it she was getting all she had attracted; that the position would give her work while she was creating a larger salary for herself in her consciousness.
About three months afterwards she came to me and said that she was still at the same salary, and that she had been informed the position never had paid any more, so she would have to either make her employer pay her more or get another position.
I told her that when she had created the increase in her own consciousness and then let go so the position could materialize that either her employer would voluntarily give her the increase or else someone would offer her another position at the increased salary she desired; that until she did create it for herself in her own consciousness she could not get and hold such increase. I told her
that every time she thought of the question of salary she should see herself that is imagine or image herself drawing the salary she desired and that in accordance with the continuity and persistency with which she did this would she materialize it.
In about a month she informed me that her employer had voluntarily raised her salary to the amount she desired. A man came to me one day and said that his business had been rotten for several months and that he had to raise $2,000 with which to pay some bills and back salaries of employees or go to the wall; that he had about $2,500 owing him for which he was going to sue the parties unless they paid at once. I told him that unless he had created the money for himself in his own thought world it would be useless for him to sue as he would not get it, and that when he had created it in his thought world it would not be necessary for him to sue.
I also said to him that there was plenty of money in the world, also plenty right here in New York, and there was no reason, except his own ignorance, why he should not relate with and attract to himself all he wanted or needed; that he could have enough with which to pay all his bills and more with which to carry on his business, but that he would have to create it for himself before he could get it.
I told him to FILL his imagination with the image, the thought, the idea, that he had several thousand dollars NOW; that he was free from all financial worry and had all the money NOW he needed or could use, and to hold persistently to that image, and every time the thought or image came into his field of consciousness which in any way dimmed or impaired that image to at once displace it with the new image I had given him.
He had formed the habit of imaging lack and that he was now to change that habit and form the new one of imaging abundance of supply and his harmonious oneness with it; that as soon as this new image had displaced his old one he would materialize the abundance under the Law of Harmonious Attraction. In less than one week he returned with this story:
Upon leaving my office after the previous interview he had gone back to his place of business but had been there only a short time when an entire stranger came in and asked for an estimate on some work he wanted done. Upon returning for the estimate a few days afterwards my client was given the work which amounted to over $9,000 and also given an advance cash payment of $4,500 on account of the contract.
In reporting the case my client said that in all his experience in the business covering some twenty years he never heard of anyone receiving a cash payment simply on an estimate and before any work had been done. This payment enabled my client to pay all his bills and left him with some ready cash as a working capital. As the result of following my instructions this man told me he
took in over $20,000 in cash within sixty days from the time he first came to me although he had taken in less than $2,000 in the six months preceding that visit.
Chapter 9
The world has never understood the relationship between the energy we generate with out intellect through the thoughts which we permit to find lodgement in our physical brain, and the materialization of that energy in objective form. The relationship between the real cause and its materialized effect has been hidden too deeply to be discerned by those who lived only in
their intellect to the exclusion of their other faculties.
The rich and purse-proud kings of finance seeing nothing but an abundance of supply in the world in which they live do not have a consciousness of poverty or lack but are like Marie Antoinette who when told that the people of France were starving because they had no bread asked, Why don’t they eat cake?
And they never do create such a consciousness until, through the accumulation of negative energy generated under the Law of Force through several incarnations of temporal power which their money gives to them, the time comes for them to reap the harvests of the causes they have set in motion, the seeds they have sown. The masses, not knowing the Law of Cause and Effect being
ignorant of these truths and looking only on the objective side of life, seeing everywhere around them the physical expression of misery, poverty and lack grow attached to the things of the senses and find it difficult to believe there is an abundance for them and that they can displace the image of lack and poverty which they receive from this objective view with one of opulence and abundance of supply such as the rich and wealthy have.
Their intellect has been educated only to the point which will permit them to believe in what they call facts, that is, the things which have been materialized and which can be determined by their five physical senses. Not knowing the relationship between the energy generated by the intellect in the thought world, and the things the facts which they find materialized in form around them it is natural to believe these material things are the real facts.
But when we learn this great truth viz., that before anything can be materialized in form it must first be created in consciousness and then worked out into form through the intellect and then apply this truth, not only to some things but to all things, we can then begin to see how when we say I am success NOW, not only once but thousands of times a day, FILL our field of consciousness our thought world, our imagination with this inspired thought, this intuitive affirmation, this wonderful vibration, as continuously and persistently as do the mustard seed and the lily, that only one result can accrue and that is we become success.
Many who have used the intellect to bury the soul and spiritual states of onsciousness will say that we cannot affirm I am success NOW when we know we are flat failures, for that would be telling a lie. Of course we cannot under such circumstances, for as long as we have a consciousness that we are failures, as long as we live in that thought and know we are failures, God Himself
cannot help us, and we continue to be failures.
But the moment we get even a little glimmer of light, the moment we begin to believe it is still possible that we might achieve success, and then begin to breathe deeply and affirm I am success NOW, just that moment do we begin to relate with the success currents of the universe and in accordance with our persistency and continuity in the affirming of this new habit of thinking we are
success NOW will we become successful.
One time a Vermont farmer was comparing himself to some of his old schoolmates; he said: I am the biggest lunkhead that ever was and I know it. Now there is Joe Lake who didn’t know half as much as I did; he was a regular lunkhead but didn’t know it and now he is a Railroad President.
Then there was Bill Johnson whom I always had to help with his lessons; he was another lunkhead but didnt know it and now he is President of a big Bank. Then there was Sam Williams who was always at the foot of the class; he was another lunkhead but didn’t know it and now he is President of the biggest Trust Company in the country. Then there was John Wilson, the fool of the class; he was another lunkhead and didn’t know it and now he is worth millions and at the head of some of the biggest corporations in the country.
I was a lunkhead too, but the trouble with me was that I knew it and so I am still here on this rocky old farm. The above homely story tells the law of success and of failure in a few words. We must never get the image that we are a lunkhead unless we want to be a failure. God the great Universal Law manipulates people and things in accordance with the image we hold continuously and persistently in our imagination.
Chapter 10
It is a well established scientific fact that every material thing is but the objective symbol of the vibratory rate of the atoms which compose it; that the reason there are no two persons just exactly alike, and no two things of any kind anywhere which are exactly alike, is because of the difference in the rate at which their atoms vibrate. The reason a is a and not the letter b is because they are both objective symbols of different vibratory rates.
Did they both symbolize exactly the same rates of vibration, motion or action, we would need but the one symbol. What is true of letters is also true of a combination of letters or words, and what is true of words is also true of a combination of words or sentences. Suppose we take the words I am success and repeat them as fast as we can for five minutes, observing the vibrations which they set up within us and the thought currents with which they relate us.
Then let us take the words I am a failure, and repeat them as fast as we can for five minutes and observe the vibrations which are set up within us and the thought currents with which they relate us. We need only to make this one simple little experiment to convince ourselves of the difference in the vibratory rates which words symbolize and their effect upon us when we establish the habit of living in their currents.
The words I am success NOW repeated once or twice, or only a few times, do not affect us materially, but when they are repeated continuously and persistently and as rapidly as we can speak them, so that all other thoughts will be displaced completely, they will relate us with a strong, powerful vibration which will bring strength, courage, ambition, and a belief that success is possible for us.
On the other hand when we live in the thought of I am a failure and make such thoughts the law of our lives it can readily be seen that we relate with the currents in which failure, loss, lack and all the misery which these things bring are to be found. This truth is so stupendous, yet so simple and so subtle, that it is hard for us to realize it; in fact many persons do not know that we are living in the failure thought currents most of the time but believe we are living in thoughts of success, so subtle is the action, and until we put our conscious mind on the thoughts we are thinking and learn through study the difference between constructive and destructive thoughts and their action it is hard for us to believe that we do have a failure consciousness.
So strong is the habit of negative thinking in the mass mind that we have to watch persistently, continuously, intelligently and understandingly before we can displace it with the fixed habit of constructive thinking. Should we go into the poor and poverty-stricken districts of any city in the world and interview the residents thereof we will occasionally find one who in the midst of their poverty-stricken environment says they know they will be rich some day; not that they hope they will but they know they will.
Should we follow up such lives we would find them gradually evolving out of the bondage of poverty into the freedom which comes with an abundance of supply. When we are objectively poor but have a rich consciousness we can materialize wealth at once, but when we are poor both in our external expression and in our interior consciousness we must change the latter and develop a consciousness of the abundance of supply and our oneness with it before we can ever hope to materialize wealth and riches.
There was once an artist who was very poor. His studio was on the top floor of a tumbledown tenement and could only be reached by climbing half a dozen flights of rickety stairs which endangered both life and limb every time they were scaled. When this man learned of the Law of Harmonious Attraction and the abundance of supply, and came into the conviction that it was possible for him to relate with it, he wrote the words, I am wealth now, on large sheets of old wrapping paper and pinned them to the walls of his studio where they were constantly before him
no matter which way he looked.
The few friends who visited him from time to time laughed at his innocence, his foolishness, as they termed it, and in their superior wisdom they would exchange meaning glances, smile indulgently and tap their foreheads, saying Well I guess he is harmless anyway. The artist let them have their fun whilst he went to work on what he determined would be his masterpiece, a picture which would bring him honor, fame, and wealth.
Every time he mixed his paints he poured into their atoms the thought vibrations of I am wealth now. With every touch of his brush upon the canvas he breathed this thought. Surrounded on all sides by poverty and lack he concentrated all the power of his inspiration and intuition, under the direction of his intellect, on wealth and success, never permitting a thought of fear, failure, or lack to find lodgement in his field of consciousness, his imagination. Every time such thought would try to gain entrance therein he closed his eyes and dreamed the dreams of wonderful wealth and success which his inspiration and intuition brought to him and then, living in that consciousness, in the wonderful, glorious, beautiful, harmonious vibrations which he touched, he resumed the work of painting.
Finally the picture was finished and placed on exhibition. It was a masterpiece in the world of art and brought fame and honor to the artist, and in a short time was sold at an almost fabulous price, thus materializing his conscious creation of wealth made in the midst of an environment of poverty.
Many persons say Why I never had the slightest fear but what I would succeed and yet failure came to me. Why was it?
This is an experience which comes to some lives. The reason for it is simply this: Such persons generate the negative energy, which embodies in form as loss of money or lack of success, through thinking thoughts of anger, hatred, worry, fear, anxiety, impatience, intolerance, condemnation, criticism, envy, jealousy, strife, resentment, resistance, etc., and by being tense and repressing their energy.
All these emotions generate a negative, destructive energy which must embody in form unless it is antidoted or displaced. The physical body and environment afford the only two places where this energy can so embody and when the time comes for its materialization it seeks out the lines of least resistance. Should this be the environment then we have loss of money, position, friends, family, etc., lack of success in whatever we may be doing, or some of the many irritations which come to us in our daily lives, the degree of registration depending on the amount of energy generated and materializing at that particular time.
In this way do we have loss and lack of success without ever having either imaged or feared it. When we find ourselves caught in any of these negative states of consciousness, instead of repressing the energy, we should displace the destructive thought or image with a constructive one and allow the energy to express along harmonious lines.
Thus by displacing any of these thoughts or images, such as anger, etc., with the thought and image of All is good, filling the imagination with this idea, saying it over as fast as we can and continuing to say it until we are carried by its vibrations out into the thought currents with which it relates us, we then express this energy constructively and are benefited by its expression instead of being torn to pieces by its expression as anger, or through its repression, both of which are highly destructive. The Law of Life is Expression; the Law of Death is Repression; we should live to express but learn to express harmoniously and constructively.
Chapter 11
How may we build a consciousness by which we can materialize money and success? This is a question in which we are all interested and which we will all learn to solve somewhere down the line of our cosmic journey. There is only one sure, certain and never-failing way and that is, first, last and all the time to live in and affirm our oneness NOW with the currents which make for wealth, success and harmony.
We do this by affirming I am wealth NOW, I am success NOW, I am harmony NOW; filling our thought world our imagination, our field of consciousness with these thoughts, displacing again and again all thoughts of failure, lack, in harmony, etc., until we have established the fixed habit of living in and breathing these constructive thoughts, until we do this unconsciously, do it because it has become natural to us.
Several years ago I began to establish the habit of concentrating upon the thought of health, wealth, and harmony as I walked to and from my office. I determined to build a consciousness of my oneness with these things and build it so strongly and powerfully that every atom of my body and environment would be so thoroughly impregnated with this thought and its image would be so deeply stamped thereon that the time would come when it would be impossible for me to attract even one atom to either my body or environment which did not vibrate in perfect harmony with these three conditions. At first I had to put by conscious mind upon my thought world every time I started out to walk.
Many times I would forget it entirely, again I would remember it only when I was near my journeys end, while frequently I remembered when I first started out. No matter how often I forgot I kept persistently vowing that I never would forget it again with the result that today whenever I start to walk anywhere this habit has become so thoroughly fixed in my life that unconsciously and naturally, as the result of the habit, I begin to concentrate upon health, wealth, and harmony.
Slowly one by one the things which do not harmonize with these conditions are being sloughed off my life by the Universal Law and in their stead I am attracting the things which do harmonize with them. All of us young as well as old souls have generated an inexhaustible supply of constructive energy in the past. It is stored up for us in the Universal Energy and we can relate with it at any time by continually and persistently realizing in our thought world that we have actually made the connection.
This accumulated energy may be likened unto an ocean of water on the physical plane the supply of which is limitless but which is all enclosed by dams or levees. Everywhere on all sides are little gates which, upon touching the proper button, may be opened and the water allowed to run along the channel into which it is directed. So this ocean of constructive energy which we have generated in the past may be drawn upon for anything we wish by touching, with our thought, the button which will raise the gate leading to the channel of wealth, of success, of harmony, or any other channel into which we may wish to direct this energy.
As long as we give power to the things of the objective plane we cannot say that the doing of certain things is good for everyone, or that the doing of certain other things is bad for everyone. There are some things that are more constructive in our lives than are others not because they are necessarily any better but because it is easier for us to take a more harmonious attitude toward them.
It is therefore impossible for any teacher to lay down a law in the handling of things which is applicable to all persons under all conditions. This much we can say, however, that it is never the thing itself which is good or bad, which brings joy or sorrow, success or failure, but it is the attitude we take toward the thing. In order to gain success then we should take a harmonious and constructive attitude toward everything that comes and so keep ourselves perfectly harmonious, and in that way make of the thing simply a stepping-stone to our success. What we permit ourselves to think about a thing is what controls our attitude toward it.
Thus, for instance, when we permit ourselves to condemn a thing because we say it is bad, or condemn some person for any cause whatever, that is taking a destructive attitude toward that thing or person and no matter how just we may think our position in the case may be we cannot relate with these negative, destructive currents in our thought world and expect constructive and
harmonious effects, any more than we can expect to walk through a mud hole without getting mud on us.
A natural inquiry which would be made right here by the masses is this: Supposing someone should steal our pocket-book, are we to say that is good and not try to get it back or punish the thief should he be caught? Remember again that it is never the thing we do but it is the way we do it, the consciousness back of the thing we do, that makes it constructive or destructive.
We always have a perfect right and it is always constructive to defend ourselves and our property but it is just as surely destructive for us to step over the line of defense and into the line of offense or attack. The line of demarcation between defense and offense is so slight and so subtle that it is difficult for the evolving soul to determine just where defense ends and offense begins.
Like everything else, however, the beginning and ending are in the thought world, in our consciousness. When we pursue a thief with the desire in our hearts to punish him, or when we attack someone in return in an attempt to defend ourselves from their attack, we are stepping over the boundary line or defense and are well into the vibrations of offense. When we condemn a thief, or anyone else, in our consciousness, no matter what they have done, we have again stepped over the line of defense and into that of offense.
It is perfectly legitimate and constructive to analyze anything and everything as long as we do not criticize or condemn. Jesus said I judge no man, neither doth my Father in Heaven (Father in Harmony) judge any man. He understood this Law of Harmony.
The man who sells blue sky, knowing that it is only blue sky, to an unsuspecting public in the belief on the part of the latter that they are buying well secured stocks or bonds, the man who sells cotton goods under the representation that it is all wool, the man who forecloses a mortgage because the owner of the property cannot pay it when due although he wants to pay it and would do so
were it possible for him to earn the money, the man who breaks into our place of business or our home and takes away our valuables without our permission are one and all in the same class in this respect, that is, they are all working under the Law of Force.
It is the only law they have ever known and therefore the best thing they know how to do; they have not yet learned the Law of Harmonious Attraction, nor the destructive effects of the Law of Force. It is true that the thief has learned that should they be caught they will undoubtedly be sent to prison. They do not fear to steal because it is wrong or destructive but only because they will be deprived of their liberty.
The others, having nothing to fear in that respect man-made laws being such as to protect them as far as prison sentences are concerned go on under this Law of Force. They are all simply children in consciousness in their soul development and unfoldment.
Were they two-year old children in physique and did these things we would not condemn them, so why, knowing that they are children in consciousness, no matter how old they may be in years as we measure time, should we condemn them?
We should not.
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord the Universal Law I will repay. We know that under the Universal Law this is true. The Lord the Universal Law can only repay here on the objective plane through manipulating people and things, and so people and things become the instruments in the hands of the Lord the Universal Law which He uses to work out in us the effects of the causes we alone have created and set in motion.
When we allow our consciousness to be filled with the desire to punish the thief who steals our pocket-book we put ourselves in the negative destructive currents where the Lord the Universal Law can manipulate and use us as a destructive instrument to give the thief the destructive effects of the destructive causes with which he related when he took the pocket-book under the Law of Force. In becoming such a destructive instrument we, in turn, set destructive causes in motion the effects of which we will have to reap later on, and someone else, through the manipulation of the Universal Law, will be used as the destructive instrument to work out in our lives the effects of such causes.
Again it would be impossible for anyone to steal anything from us had we not some time before that created in our thought world, through destructive and inharmonious thinking, the energy which when embodied in form related us with such a loss. This being the case we can readily see that we must cease generating and relating with such negative energy should we desire to stop having such losses and discontinue registering the destructive effects of the negative energy we have created in the past.
In defending ourselves objectively against such a loss we have a perfect right to pursue the thief, capture him when we can, and obtain the return of our property. We also have a right to protect ourselves and society from the acts of such children in consciousness during the time they are being taught to displace the Law of Force with the Law of Harmonious Attraction, and for this purpose Schools of Detention not prisons should be established where those who commit such overt acts may be detained while taught more constructive methods. In the meantime those on the outside of these Schools of Detention should also be taught this same truth to the end that mankind everywhere may cease to set these destructive causes in motion which relate us with the destructive effects.
Chapter 12
We are all souls unfolding from different planes of consciousness, we are in different states of development, and like the child whose intellect is being trained we must first learn the simple rules of arithmetic before we are prepared to solve the more difficult problems of geometry and higher mathematics. We have recognized that in our present state of development and unfoldment it is
impossible for us to get hold of and play with the moon and we therefore change our want rather than bewail the fate which keeps the moon away from us.
Great wealth may be just as far away from us today, in our consciousness, as is the moon and so for the time being we change our want and use a lesser ideal towards which we find it less difficult to develop our consciousness. We never lose sight of the greater ideal, but with the lesser one the one which seems possible for us to accomplish NOW we go steadily forward, developing our
consciousness with the affirmation that we have this lesser thing NOW and we find that it does not take us long to materialize it objectively.
This gives us greater faith and confidence in the power of our own creative ability and we increase our ideal and begin our work of mastering the new one; as fast as each new ideal is reached a still greater one comes into view, there being no limitation whatever to their greatness excepting such as we put on our inspiration, intuition and revelation with our intellect.
The following incident illustrates this truth.
Years ago, in one of our large and growing cities of the Middle West, a man was driving a street car at $1.10 a day. In his dreams he saw himself in a policeman’s uniform and, holding fast to that vision, in less than a year it was materialized. He had no sooner donned the policeman’s uniform than he dreamed another dream and saw himself passing step by step until he became a police captain and that dream was not long in materializing.
Still he was not satisfied but continued to build his air-castles and to live in his dreams; he saw himself in the position of Marshal of that county, a place which paid in fees over $50,000.00 a year, with a four-year term without re-election. By the intelligent use of his intellect it was not long before that dream in turn was materialized. Having reached the pinnacle of success in official life, so far as money consideration for services was concerned, his dreams turned in another direction and he saw himself agent for a great public necessity having an exclusive control of its product, and this dream was materialized at the completion of his term as County Marshal.
Through the profits acquired by him in his progress in the development of his money consciousness he accumulated several million dollars, and today is the president and one of the principal owners of the street railway system in a city of nearly half a million population.
Had this man attempted to at once bridge the chasm between the street car driver at $1.10 a day and the millionaire owner of the street railway system he would have failed, but by putting aside his larger vision temporarily although never losing sight of it taking up and materializing these lesser visions, he was finally able to materialize the apparently impossible vision of his street car driver days.
During all his onward progress he used his intellect to hold fast to the dream vision which his inspiration, intuition and revelation brought him, doing that which he found nearest at hand to do with all his might and, as each new dream materialized, his inspirational, intuitional and revelational faculties unfolded to him the possibilities of still greater things to be accomplished, still larger things to be done, and God the great Universal Law manipulated people and things in the unfoldment of that life as He does in every life in accordance with the visions created and which are held continuously and persistently in the thought world by the intellect.
The lily of the field has limited itself to being a lily and as long as it remains in that state of consciousness it will continue to be a lily, reproducing itself again and again, but the day will come in its evolution and unfoldment when it will have a consciousness of something greater, something larger, something better, and it will then begin to evolve into this new and greater ideal.
So with man.
In the physical state of consciousness we go on relating with and reproducing our kind until through our evolutionary growth we become intellectual. Before that time we are unconscious or instinctive creators, we are in our Garden of Eden, our Paradise, but when we begin to use our intellectual faculty we become conscious creators and can create just what we may desire and are held
accountable under the Universal Law for the causes we set in motion the energy we generate by the use of this new faculty the intellect.
It is the inharmonious, ignorant and destructive use of the energy by our intellect that drives us out of our Garden of Eden and causes us to lose our Paradise. What we create and the extent and quality of our creations are determined by the faculties we use. When man lived wholly on the plane of instinct and only used that faculty he lived like the beasts of the field and roamed the country without home, clothing, or any of the things which civilized man calls the essentials of life.
As he commenced to use his intellect and develop the intellectual state of consciousness he began to use fires with which to warm his body and cook his food, clothing to cover his nakedness, and huts in which to sleep. As his inspiration, intuition and revelation began to express he dreamed of more pretentious places of habitation, finer, better made and more comfortable
garments to wear and, using his intellect intelligently, he realized and materialized these dreams.
Had he not been inspired with the idea of something better than the skin of animals for clothing, and tents, caves and huts for dwelling-places, and had not his intuitive and revelational faculties told him better things were possible, and had he not developed his intellect to where he could work out these dreams and visions in material form, he would still be in his instinctive state of consciousness and our civilization would not yet have dawned.
In studying and analyzing the history of the nations of the earth today it does not require a very deep thinking student to appreciate the fact that the people of the United States as a whole, have developed these five faculties more evenly and made their combination more harmonious than have the people of any other nation on the face of the globe. It has required a most wonderful inspiration with great intuition and revelation, backed up by a powerful intellect, to work out into objective form the mighty buildings and the magnificent bridges, the great factories, the wonderful transportation facilities, the schools of learning, etc., which have been materialized here, and the colossal fortunes which have been accumulated in this country in the last half century.
The wonderful inventions of the past, such as the cotton gin, the sewing machine, the telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph, wireless telegraphy, the airships, the various kinds of farm machinery, machinery for making shoes, for making paper out of wood, for spinning cotton by which one man now does the work better and in less time than several dozen men used to do under the old methods, and those wonderful leviathans of the machinery world in use in digging the Panama Canal by which one machine in twelve minutes does the same amount of work which formerly took several hundred men several days to do, all these are the result of the great wonderful inspiration, the intuitive knowledge, and the master revelations their inventors had and which were
worked out and materialized on the objective plane through the intelligent application of the intellect.
Some forty years ago Jules Verne, the noted French author, wrote three books entitled respectively A Trip Around the World in Eighty Days, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, and A Journey to the Moon. The world laughed and pooh-poohed and made fun of the great crazy imagination, as they called it, of Jules Verne and said that it was impossible to accomplish any one of these three
things; but a trip around the world may now be made in less than forty days, and submarine boats are an accomplished and materialized fact.
Neither one would ever have been materialized had they not been built first in the consciousness the thought world, the imagination, for that is where we do our imaging of some mind through the power of its inspirational, intuitional and revelational faculties and then through the intelligent application of the intellect worked out into material form. Some day the world will learn the great lesson that we must first build castles in the air in the thought world, the imagination before we can build them on the ground.
The object of calling attention to these things is that the world may see plainly the power of the inspirational, intuitional and revelational faculties when intelligently used by the intellect and how necessary it is for us to develop these faculties and learn how to use them constructively by the intellect. Without the combination working together harmoniously it is impossible to achieve great success along any line.
While we are developing and equalizing the development of these faculties in our own lives we may through a combination of individuals, each of whom has developed a different one of these faculties but all working together harmoniously toward the one great end, achieve wonderful success, but it is necessary to have all of these faculties in expression, either in a single person or in a combination of persons, in order to produce great success.
Chapter 13
In the building of a consciousness for money, the first thing is to realize that there is an abundance of money in the world NOW. When we stop and think for a moment we know that this statement is true.
Should we have any doubt about it all we need to do is visit the United States Treasury, or some great banking institution, and see the vast piles of money which they have in storage. We can also take a stroll on Broadway and visit some of the Lobster Palaces along The Great White Way, or some of the fashionable hotels and restaurants on Fifth Avenue, and we will have no difficulty
whatever in coming away perfectly satisfied that there is an abundance of money in the world.
How can we help being satisfied of this truth when we see the men in such places pull out of their pockets rolls of money big as two fists, containing nothing less than $100 bills which they keep for small change, most of their roll being composed of $500 and $1000 bills, and then see them give the waiter a $500 bill with which to pay for a dinner costing perhaps $150, telling the waiter to keep the change.
While we realize that this method of reckless, extravagant, prodigal expenditure is destructive, yet we cannot help but admire the opulent consciousness of these spenders in New York’s gay life.
I hear someone say, Yes, there is plenty of money in the world but the other fellows have it all while I do not have any. Why do the other fellows have all the money, and why is our supply so limited?
This is not the result of chance, accident, or luck; it is the normal effect of a perfectly natural law which every life uses, either intelligently or ignorantly, consciously or unconsciously, constructively or destructively; the method of using this law by each life determines its effect on the environment.
Those who are rich have recognized their oneness with the abundance of supply. They developed that recognition either in former incarnations and so were born into an environment of abundance in this one, or else they have developed it in this incarnation.
When they developed it is immaterial in so far as the fact of their having developed it is concerned. When we have lack it is because we have recognized our separation from this abundance of supply either in former incarnations and therefore were born into an environment of lack in this one, or else we have unconsciously and ignorantly developed that consciousness in this incarnation, for unless we had recognized in our consciousness our separation from the abundance of supply we never could have been separated from it on the material or objective plane. The second step, therefore, is for us to begin to create a consciousness that it is possible for us here and now to relate with the abundance of supply just as well as anyone else.
The only way such a relationship can be established is through the people and things on the material plane, because the Universal Law can only manifest in objective form in the material world through them. Because of this fact many have obtained the idea that they must manipulate people and things in order to get the money but that is where we have made a big mistake.
While it is true that under the Law of Force we can and do manipulate people and things, just as the chickens run after and snatch the food from each other, and we can achieve temporary success and obtain large fortunes as long as we exert the stronger force, yet the time always comes somewhere down the line of our cosmic journey when some other life is able to manipulate the Law of Force in a stronger way than we and then our fortunes begin to crumble and melt away. Under the Law of Harmonious Attraction the manipulation of people and things belongs to God the great Universal Law and is a part of the work with which we have absolutely nothing to do.
This is a statement which will require careful study and consideration in order to begin to appreciate its great importance and wonderful action. Our business is first, last, and all the time, through the power of our inspiration, intuition and revelation, to create and fill our imagination with this image and vision of the abundance of supply and our oneness with it, using our intellect with which to hold it so strongly and powerfully that all the poverty and lack of the objective plane cannot dim it, and then go on with the work in which we are now engaged on the objective plane, like the street car driver did, doing it with all the harmonious and attractive soul energy we are able to generate, and permit God the Universal Law to do the manipulating of people and things.
When we do this we will find that one by one new avenues, new and increased lines of transference, will open up to us and keep pace with our increasing development, just as they did in the street car drivers case and many other similar ones. The principle the law under which God works through man is exactly the same as it is under which He works through the other kingdoms. The
lily gets the vision and then God the great Universal Law has man plant the seed, then water, cultivate, and take care of it.
God the Universal Law can only manifest on the material plane through the people and things of this plane because there is nothing else here. When we understand this truth and attend to our part of the work and let God attend to His, working together in perfect harmony, He does for man what He does for the lily, and the money, as well as everything else, which comes to us under this Law of Harmonious Attraction, comes to us because it wants to come and not because we make it come against its desire.
The true Law of Success is the Law of Harmonious Attraction. Many lives are unconsciously working under this Law most of the time. Sometimes they ignorantly and unconsciously live in the currents of the Law of Force for a while th
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