Sunday, May 8, 2011

Enthusiasm-a key to your success

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Search the word "enthusiasm", I found some interesting definitions. "Enthusiasm: have diligently zeal, excitement, motivation; chock full of enthusiastic enjoyment or approval. " Sure, these are the qualities needed for success.

Our jobs we know how it is to just go to work, to perform our tasks and go home. However, it is very different when we have a project that we are excited about. There is a rush, an energy, which motivates us not only to accomplish the task, but to do so at a much higher level of attention and quality that we in our daily tasks are not displayed.

Or, how about getting tickets for that concert, game or event to see our favorite team or performer? The level of excitement that we experience is our through the days or weeks before the event and that's all we can talk about. When the day comes, we can hardly contain ourselves. The energy that we experience actually helps us do that daily mundane jobs that we normally just click through. When it comes, however, return we usually quickly to our just-get-by mode.

If you have a business, you must "have a fervent passion" in order to achieve success. Every day, will not at any time that level of feeling; However, at the beginning of each week or each task you must step aside and consider your goals. Why are you doing what you are doing? What is the purpose of your company? It should be something that you are at the core of your being. It should be something bigger than you are. Always remember your "Big why." Perhaps your family. Hold photos of them at your desk. Perhaps it is for the freedom to travel. Get some posters and them put up on your walls. Maybe it's for a humanitarian cause. Once again, photos formatted and also keep in contact with the organizations that you want to help. Communication is a great way to get motivated. What is your goal, remind yourself of the regularly and consistently.

Many people work on jobs that they do not even like, much less are they "crowded with like fun." Their sole motivation is their salary that they usually complain is never enough. Of course, a change is necessary to truly be successful. You may not be able to quickly change what you are doing, but you'll have to change how you think. Take the time to consider what you want your life to look like and what older where you want to go. What are your skills and talents? What have you always wanted to do? What excited you when you were a kid? What do you do that you satisfaction? If money is not a problem, how would you spend your life and with whom would you spend?

Once you have a clear vision of what you want, not ignore because you believe that it's just not possible. Your life has a lot more features than you can imagine! Start making a plan and write it on Some goals, short and long term, and write down the steps that you must take to achieve them. At this point, you may or may not want to share your dreams. They are very fragile and can easily be broken. However, if you are a strong supporter and encourager, share with him or her. You Let that person responsible, as you work on your plan works. Life is always more satisfying when completed with others.

Whether you're doing what you enjoy, or you want to make a change, define your purpose, constantly keep before you, actively pursuing that goal and you enthusiasm in the core of your being.

Paula Glasser

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