Think back to when your children first ran. I'm not talking about when they are still in two stages between the Bank and the coffee table-the coffee table and the bank did. No, I'm talking about the first time they turned away from the coffee table and ran clear on the living room to you in the comfort of your home. Remember that day? There is a pretty good chance that the first few times they tried, they did not make it without falling down.
So let's see if this is how you commented: "I can't believe how awkward you are! I had you made it out to be a professional ballerina and you can't even about the lousy living room! What a loser. If you ever try again, you will in the really big problems! "
Oh, that's not what you say? Well, what if you had? How long would it have taken your children to learn how to walk? I bet you would still be some teenagers crawling around.
So what's the point? It is this: most people talking to themselves that way all the time. They are constantly drop themselves beaten and itself, every time they make a mistake. And the more they do it, the smaller the chance to try again-get up back again. Failure is not about fall-it's about not getting back.
Have you ever been to Sea World and looked Shamu the killer whale jumping out of the water and on the rope ten feet into the air? It's quite a sight. Hopefully you sat in the front row and got soaked as we did! Have you ever wondered how they got Shamu to do that? Aren't you suppose they went in the middle of the ocean, stretched a rope between two ships 10 metres over the water and then waited for a killer whale to jump on it and said: "that's it, him sign up!"
No, what it has done in the pool Shamu, stretched a rope, a few metres from the bottom of the pool and when the rope Shamu swam about, he got a reward. So, they increased it a few more meters and when he swam on the rope he got a reward. They continued to do so until the rope on the surface and then a foot over the surface, than three metres, then four, then five feet feet ... was until it was finally ten metres over the water. Now I would like to say that people much smarter than whales are-but we are learning the same way whales you and the same way, children learn how to walk-one step at a time. Yes, we will fall, we occasionally will fail. But instead of beaten on yourself, give yourself a break, get up back and try again.
Unfortunately, too many peoples negative self-talk their failure-oriented behavior will perpetuate. Does this sound like you when you mess up? "I knew it. I always they mess up. I Never get something good. I do not know who I'm trying to crazy-I will never be successful. I've never been successful up to now. Why in the world I think it would be different this time? I've never done anything of significance. Everyone I know thinks that I will never amount to anything. They are right. It is never change. Who I am trying to get the child. I am such a joke. It is pointless to keep trying. "
Or if someone is not the phone call, you say to yourself: "they obviously do not want to talk to me. In fact, they're probably mad at me and not even if I do not more. I am apparently not important enough for them to take a few bad minutes from their schedule to pick up the phone. Everything and everyone is always more important than I do. I am such a loser who that I can't even my supposed friends to get me back. "
Sounds pretty toxic right? Our constantly negative self-talk is a constant repetition and reconfirmation of the things we don't want to or life. It is virtually impossible for us to change if we don't change our self-talk.
Last note: If your friends with you the way you talk to you, hang around them?
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Here is an article I wrote for the Elephant Journal about children and success