There are four areas of limiting beliefs that many people have to deal with before they can begin to see "success" in their lives and achieve their goals. Here they are:
1. it is wrong to "choose".
2. There is something inherently wrong with money. Poverty and humility go hand in hand.
3. unconditional love and every kind of keyword performance expectation ' are incompatible and contradictory.
4. Reward someone proportionally to their performance is contrary to the idea that we treat all people equally.
This article will deal with the fourth misconception that behavior, potential is limited and as a result, success.
Misconception # 4-royale someone proportionally to their performance is contrary to the fact that we are equal to treat all people.
Rewards are a problem that many people seem to have a challenge with. Not only whether people should be rewarded for their performance, but the rewards are commensurate with their performance? (As opposed to the idea that we should all be equally rewarded because unconditional love.) There are some old verses on the topic:
"Big are your purposes and mighty your deeds. Your eyes are opened to all the ways of men; your reward everyone according to his conduct, and if his deeds deserve. "
"Surely you reward each person according to what he has done."
"I am looking for the heart and the spirit, to reward a man according to his behavior, examine what his deeds deserve."
"The unbeliever will be fully reimbursed for their ways, and the good man rewarded for his."
"Behold, I come quickly! My reward is with me, and I will to everyone according to what he has done.
"The man who plants and the man who waters have one goal, and each according to his own work will be rewarded."
It should be clear that God not only rewarding, but he is proportional to our actions, our achievements and our behavior rewards. Why should we think that there are different for us? We know that God loves us unconditionally, but will our rewards are commensurate with our performance. " Why should we think that a different set of rules for us and our relationships?
We should expect people to be performed and to reward them accordingly. If they fail to fulfil their potential, I still love them unconditionally-of course! I have to reward them for their lack of performance-no! And we should be able to acknowledge that rewards and unconditional love are distinct and separate. In reality, love is much more than that and many other than that.
There is another old verse that says, "love is patient, love is kind. It does not jealous, does not boast, and is not proud. It's not rude, it's not selfish, it is not easy angry, it keeps no record of abuses. Love is not enjoy evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always patient. Love never fails. " This does not describe a feeling. It describes how we are to behave to someone we profess to love. For many years I had it backwards. I wouldn't treat them with love, if I don't "feel" loving. What I discovered (to let in some cases) was that when you make a decision for the treatment of someone in a loving way, the feelings of love. The behavior precedes the feelings, not vice versa.
But, unfortunately, most people think that to love is to reward. But this verse, doesn't say a thing about rewards. A gift or reward can be an expression of love, but it's not love-just like a reward for a certain behavior, or performance condition is not love.
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