I had a great response to last week's article on Steve Jobs ' (Apple Computers) rules for success, so I'm going to share with you 3 more of his top tips so that you can continue to accelerate your personal and professional success by learning from the Apple legend! (Check out my list of articles if you missed the beginning of this series)
Small consistent steps
1. Be different
Steve says "Be Different. Think different. Better be a pirate than join the Navy "
I love this because both the "Marine" and the "pirate" resonate with me! I have 14 years in the corporate world (not to mention a stint in the reserve army!) but I "escaped" setting surpass consulting and the rules for success. Now neither scenario is better than the other, but I think the main point to think about here belongs to which you want to be.
If we lived in a world where everything was constantly changing would we feel in a State of chaos.
However, as a successful entrepreneur as Steve Jobs, it is necessary that you keep challenging the status quo, looking for new ideas, innovative and creative. After what has been done before you is more likely to result in "the same" instead of something cutting-edge and new.
Do you want the challenge and the modification, or would you consistency? Be honest with yourself, because not everyone is created for the Navy, and not everyone wants a good pirate!
2. do your best
Steve says "do your best on every job. Success generates more success. So are hungry for the "
This is such a critical point, that I cover thoroughly in the rules for success. If you get stuck thinking about how to be successful, or wait for it to happen, that's exactly where you are staying. And frankly, are not yet indicate you are hungry enough to actually want to be successful.
You want to get on with the job, and get the wheels of the motion move because every little taste of success that you experience-no matter how small-help will generate more and more success. As the momentum builds, your level of performance, which in turn even more dynamism and motivation builds. It is the snowball effect at its best, but you want to hunger to achieve your goal and willing to get to experience the move.
3. learn constantly
Steve says "there's always" one more thing "to learn! Cross-crazy taxi ideas with others, learn from customers, competitors and partners. If you partner with someone you don't like it, teach them-like to commend them and take advantage of them. "
If you don't grow, your die. This can be a hard statement to swallow, but there is no middle ground here-you are either develop, learn and grow, or you're wasting away and die. So who would you be?
Steve Jobs has clearly the right balance-he didn't get where he is today by sitting back and what he already knows. He continually create and innovate, which comes only from continuing education.
By building an effective network you can learn of intelligent people who challenge of your way of thinking and help you develop new ideas and strategies to achieve success. Education is all about money-you can develop each day by the recognition of the strengths of those around you, or by picking up a book instead of the plonking itself in front of the TV. The choice is yours.
Written by Faye Hollands, head coach on the success of rules and surpass consulting. Faye specializes in working with entrepreneurs, business owners and ambitious professionals who want to achieve significant success in the quickest, easiest and most economical way possible.
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You can contact: Faye fayehollands@outshineconsulting.com on or call + 61 2 9571 1684
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