Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3 reasons why Steve Jobs (Apple Computers) is this a success

Apple Computers legend, Steve Jobs, had a difficult start in life — he was put up for adoption at an early age, dropped out of school after 6 months and returned Coke bottles for 5 cents deposits to buy food.  Despite all that, he went on to start Apple Computers and Pixar Animation Studios, and is now one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.  So how does he do it?

Small Manageable steps

As my customers know, is the key to successful break sometimes overwhelming tasks in bite sized pieces so that the tasks manageable and easy to action.  For that reason I examines three of Steve's rules today that I believe are critical for the first time, consider:-

1. do what you love to do

Steve says "search your true passion.  Do what you love to do and make a difference!  The only way to great work to do is to love what you do ... "

I couldn't agree more!  A work that you don't like is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole ... you slog your guts out at work every day, but never really seem to achieve the success that you feel you deserve, and every day is a stroke-or at least one obstacle to overcome – because it's all about getting through the day and getting home at night, rather than enjoying the moment.

When you're focusing on trying to get the day job, or spending time on the projects or tasks that are uninteresting, create the task at hand is much more difficult for yourself.  When the passion is there, and you love what you do, you become more productive, energetic and fun to be around.  Which scenario you think would lead to success in the quickest and easiest way?  As they say, it's not rocket science.

So first things first, if you want to be really successful in life, it is important to take time and effort in realizing what you love to do, and then finding a strategy to achieve this.  This sounds simple, but not necessarily simple-you must be willing to do some true Tong and find out what passion is really up to you, instead of what you think your colleagues, family, friends or society expect.  Just because your parents you a top lawyer or accountant, does not mean that that's where success and passion in front of you.

2. Start Small, Think Big

Steve says "don't worry about too many things at once.  Take a handful of simple things to begin with, and then progress to more complex ones.  Thinking about tomorrow, but not only the future. "

Overwhelm you literally in your tracks.  It's a nasty epidemic that crashes of many people on their journey to success, so it's important to stay focused at all times.  Overwhelm creeps in when we take our eye off the ball and a host of other things to flooding in our conscious mind.  A moment that you are focusing on a mission critical task thats going to accelerate your success, and then the next minute you're thinking about a hundred other things that you need to do-hey presto, is stunning!

As I said, if you have the larger tasks into smaller, manageable pieces that will break you allow yourself to experience success after success, as you achieve each of the smaller tasks.  This in turn will build momentum and motivation, and will also allow you to progress to more complex tasks if you rely on to build and eliminate overwhelm.

3. Be Entrepreneurial

Steve says "look for the next big thing.  Find a number of ideas which must act quickly and decisively followed up and jumping through that window.  The first step is sometimes the most difficult.   Take it!  Have the courage to your heart and intuition to follow. "

All too often I come across wonderfully smart and intelligent people who have a great idea or business opportunities, but they are not willing to take the "jump" that Steve is talking about.  What tends to happen in these scenarios is that they know what they want, but they are not how they are going to get it figured out, so that they stop and not forward.

It is important that a plan or strategy to implement your ideas, it is also essential that you don't allow yourself to be as strong focusing on how you are going to achieve your goals you literally come to a standstill.  Sometimes you WON'T know all the answers, and that's fine — just keep moving forward one step at a time and eventually all details that you need will unfold.  By silent, that is if you're going to get.

Jim Rowland once said "discipline weighs grams; Sorry weighs tons ". Have the discipline and courage to keep taking baby step after baby step forward, and you'll never regret it of the progress you books.

Stayed tuned for my next distribution of Steve's requirements to success, and in the meantime, don't forget to register for the success of rules example Teleseminar by clicking my details below.

Written by Faye Hollands, Chief success coach on the success of rules and surpass consulting. Faye specializes in working with entrepreneurs, business owners and ambitious professionals who want to achieve significant success in the quickest, easiest and most economical way possible.

Currently you are only one click away from discovering the rules for success proven secrets to accelerate your personal and professional success. Click on the following link and you'll also get free VIP registration for the rules for success teleseminar preview training-

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You can contact: Faye on or call + 61 2 9571 1684

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