Saturday, July 2, 2011

Improve The Quality Of Your Life With Self Esteem Activities

There are many activities that can help you with building self esteem. Below you will find some of the more common ideas. These are activities than anyone can do. They are great for children and adults alike and fortunately, they will not break the bank. If practiced regularly, these activities can become a part of your weekly routine. This is similar to the “lifestyle change” concept and is quite effective at making profound positive changes in many peoples lives. If you are not able to do them every week, do them as often as you can. The repetition is a pinnacle factor in their effectiveness to improve your self-esteem.

Participate in Life

This one is simple, non-specific and easy to implement. You will find that simply getting out there and taking part in the activities of the world, can work wonders to improve your self-esteem. When we feel more connected to the world around us, we feed of the energy of society. Be sure to keep it positive. Getting into arguments or other negative social scenarios destroy our sense of social cohesion. You want to participate actively in events and organizations that appeal to you. Talk to people, learn, teach and contribute to the world. As long as you keep it positive and honest, people will want your contribution. Go to group meetings, church, school events, parties or anything else that gets you more involved that sitting home watching TV.

Set Goals

We do not seem to get very far before returning to this tried and true concept. Setting goals is one of the most effective ways to make significant and sustained progress toward any accomplishment. Think about the things that you wish to achieve. Plan them out in small achievable steps and take action. As you progress, your self-esteem will follow. Include a mix of goals that are easy to achieve and goals that push you to stretch your abilities slightly. Challenging yourself achieves growth. Growth enacts change. Every major accomplishment is achieved through challenge.

Play Games

It really is that simple. I do not mean log in to your favorite first person shooter and spend five hours racking up headshots and kills. The games that help build self esteem are games that involve being active with people. Sports are a good example. Playing hide-and-seek with the kids is another example. You can go to the park and play Frisbee, go swimming, or just throw a ball. These activities do not have to be sporty in nature but being active, helps in other ways as well. Even playing cards or board games can help your interaction skills and give you a fun outlet while building self-esteem. Some Sports also teach competitiveness which also helps to teach us how to be confident.

Physical Exercise

You knew it was coming. There is no way around it. Physical exercise has so much to offer in terms of physical, emotional, social and mental health. Rigorous physical exercise is one of those things that just magically improves our lives in many unexpected ways. It is truly a gift. The problem of course is that is takes some discipline, time and significant effort to really see the bulk of the rewards. If you get in excellent physical shape, it WILL improve the way you feel about yourself. This is almost a guarantee. It will also release endorphins that trigger a deep feeling of contentedness. It burns off negative over-active mental energy. It shows progress over time, which produces evidence of success. People will notice, and you will notice their reactions.

List Your Attributes

Sit down and take some time to list all of your accomplishments and positive traits. It may be tough at first, especially if you are feeling particularly low. As you get rolling, you will find that ideas start to pour out. Often you can think of literally hundreds of positive things about yourself and great things that you have accomplished. Include everything that you feel good about regardless of how small you think it is. Look at the list often. There is no way that the person who did all those great things or has all those positive attributes can be all-bad. Every time you start to feel low, refer to this list.

Teach Yourself Something

It does not matter what it is. Just teach yourself something new from time to time. We build our knowledge and experience in life through learning new things. Personally, I enjoy home improvement. I will take time periodically to try to learn something new that I can apply to my home. For instance, replacing fixtures, remodeling projects or learning how to build a deck or storage shed are all things that I have taught myself over time. Perhaps you would like to build a blog or a website. Take steps, do your research and put things into action.

Help Others

When you actively help other people, you feel good about yourself. There are many ways to put this into action. You can simply ask friends if they need any help with anything around the house. You can volunteer at the local church, donate items, contribute to charities, or anything else that helps someone. These selfless acts do wonders to make us feel useful and needed. Do not be afraid that you are doing it for the wrong reasons. People need help. Providing it is a good thing regardless of the reason. There is nothing wrong with benefitting from your own good deeds.

Treat Yourself

Remember to take the time to treat yourself well. You need to be able to enjoy life or it is all for nothing. Do some things that you enjoy. Go to your favorite restaurant. Read your favorite book or go for a swim. It does not matter what you do but make sure that you are periodically doing something that you enjoy. Feeling good promotes feeling good and that is a fact that proves itself.

I hope you find some of these activities useful. Remember that reading about building self-esteem alone is not likely to get you the results that you seek. You must be willing to take some action and get out there. Practice a few of these suggestions for a few weeks and ask yourself if they have had a positive impact on your life and the way you feel about it. If it works, keep it up.

In case you are searching through the web for more info about the sphere of emotional freedom technique, then make sure to visit the site that is mentioned right in this line.

View the original article here

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