I made a video recently called “Job Search Secrets for a Recession,” which discussed the best way to locate a position during a recession. In my experience, the best way to find a job is and always has been to approach the widest variety of employers possible.
There is another aspect to finding a job in a down economy, however, which is even more important: your own psyche. The psychological aspect of finding a job is what slows most people down in their search. People get depressed and stop taking action. This is not the right way to find a job. Finding a job requires a specific state of mind.
When you get hired, someone is spending money to give you a job. People need to be inspired to spend money. The person who gets hired is the one who is able to inspire the employer (whether it is for a government job, sales job, education job, or otherwise). To be an effective job seeker, you need to put yourself in the right state of mind to get hired. This means constantly thinking of all that is possible and, specifically, what you yourself can achieve.
You must bring a lot of enthusiasm to your work, and you should picture and present yourself as being successful.
One of the best books I’ve read on this subject is Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. This book makes very clear the true power our mind has over the circumstances of our lives. You need to think and aim high in order to rise above and overcome the obstacles in front of you.
If you are employed and are dissatisfied with your current job, giving in to negativity is one of the worst things you can do. When employers are faced with a bad job market, the first thing they do is differentiate the people who like being on the job from those who do not.
Employers tend to keep the people who have good attitudes and get rid of the people with bad ones. My career advice is that a positive attitude can be your best asset. In order to find that positivity, each day you should ask yourself what you are grateful for and concentrate on the answer.
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Related posts: The Effect of a Weakening Economy on the Job MarketThe Job Search Market in a Bad EconomyFinding Jobs Through ContactsUpgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be DoneThe Importance of Finding and Creating DemandThe Graduate, Andrew Carnegie, and Finding Positive Economic CurrentsSummary In this article, Harrison talks about the state of mind as being one of the best methods to deal with a job search during a recession. It is important to understand that depression, anxiety, and other such states of mind slow down or curb action being taken. You need to be enthusiastic, positive, aim to rise above obstacles, and to believe that the mind has the true power to decide your future.
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