Monday, February 21, 2011

What are my daily habits of success?

Here are the top 10 daily stuff I do in my quest for inspired success:

1. EXPRESS gratitude: I've done this for a long time now, but after watching "The Secret", which I've added a new twist to it. Every morning when I woke up, I automatically come on my thoughts of gratitude and thank God for my blessings. An attitude of gratitude causes me to feel good, setting the tone for the day-essential in manifesting and attracting my intentions.

2. visualizing my dreams: several times a week, I envision myself doing the things that I strive to do as always the first deaf pilot to fly a small radius, speaking to thousands in a stadium, signing of a mega-best-selling book in the bookstore and appear on Oprah. As I visualize, create feelings and emotions if I were to do all those things. Add emotions and feelings are the main ingredients of the success of visualization. This is how I became the first deaf instrument rated pilot and a successful stockbroker on Wall Street (among others). I'll take the time to do it because I know it works.

3. Training: Last november 2006, I made a decision to take better care of my body as part of creating an all-round balance that I needed to better results for myself. I made a commitment to train at least 5 days per week. The results are phenomenal. In 5 months, I lost 18 pounds (178 pounds up to 160 pounds) and 2 inches burned my waist (34 "32"). Not only do I feel great after each workout, but I have more space in my mind for inspired ideas come by because my body generally feels right.

4. MONITOR daily thoughts: some of you might remember aN article I wrote called "what kinds of thoughts Go Through Your Mind?" Instead of on autopilot as most people tend to do, I pay attention to the thoughts that come through. If they serve the greater good, then I they love. If they don't, I throw em ' out by deliberately to replace them with better thoughts!

5. read a book or an INSPIRING MOVIE WATCH: right now, I'm reading ' The Attractor Factor "by Joe Vitale. It is fabulous. I bought "The Secret" DVD and pop in my computer when I need to be reminded of the law of attraction principles or need a little boost of energy. I hardly ever look at the news or TV shows that negative energy. I consciously choose what I feel will inspire, and motivate me to the next level.

6. REPROGRAM my mindset: the secret is to elevate your level of self-awareness and aware of your belief system. I make it a daily habit to reprogram my old belief system that no longer serve me. "You have to struggle to make it to the top" for example, "Business comes to me easily and effortlessly."

7. LET GO AND LET GOD: one of the hardest things for most people to let go and let God. Once you've set an intention for something to manifest in your life (or it's more money, a better job, a better relationship, etc.), one of the secrets to bring about the "impossible" is to let go. Confidence that the universe will bring about the "how" to you. by letting things go on a conscious level, I am a signal to the universe that I trust that it will bring about exactly what I want to return to me in more ways than one. "Letting go" prevented me from locking in any one source of manifestation.

8. To inspired action: Inspired action come from the "inner nudges" that force you to a specific course of action to the reason you just put out and let go. Sometimes I get ideas in the shower or through emails from other people, out of a book or even a billboard that triggers an actionable idea that feels right. If the action to take feels good, do it! No delay. Someone's email to me is an example of something of an idea that they are activated in me. Was All she wrote: "your writings sure how people graduate from" Adversity University. " It's all about getting the lessons .... "

This led me to the idea of offering e-courses online, just like a regular University where I would cost of education and learning life lessons in overcoming adversity, for a period of 5 weeks. More details will follow ...

9. Ways TO GIVE/PAY IT out: Famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says "If you just enough other people get what they want to help you get what you want." I'm always thinking about how I can give back in the form of tithe money, spending quality time with someone, sharing of ideas or tips, express love, giving recognition and experiencing of gratitude, etc.. You will remember Joe Vitale's e-book, I you about in a previous post about the power of giving told.

10. write something: every day I Peck away on the keyboard and my writing skills. Either I am creating a new story for this blog, responding to someone's email or working on my book. People have said that my writing is "hypnotic" because it draws them in the stories I've written and make them feel don't have "read only" but actually witnessing and experiencing the emotional burden of events that seem to be unfold right before their eyes. This is really exciting, because I believe that if I write from the heart, the words flow easily and effortlessly. Because it's such a pleasure to write, it leads to good feelings, that increases the thrill of my energy on that day, which allowed me to draw what I want in my life.

There is actually more that I do on a daily basis, but this covers all the bases.

Food for thought: what are your daily habits of success?

Profoundly deaf since birth, Stephen Hopson is a former award-winning stockbroker turned motivational speaker, writer and pilot. He works with organizations that are ready to explore and to overcome adversity because no one is immune from it-adversity does not discriminate. His professional speaking services, obstacle Illusions, fun and passionate presentations include, in particular the story of how his fifth grade teacher forever changed his young life with that's right STEPHEN!

You can have recently redesigned Web site at on

Stephen also maintains a blog called "Adversity University" on

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