Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How successful in life

You are special. You are here to meet a target. You have an obligation to yourself, your family, and society to be self sufficient adults. It is important that you understand yourself and the world, so that you have a self-sufficient adult in this society can be. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

Good luck

S = school-stay in school and be the best pupil that you can be and come to school regularly.

U = ultimate goal-your ultimate goal should be to complete high school and the College of your choice and successful.

C = career – you must now plan your curriculum around the career that you plan to pursue as an adult.

C = choices – learn to make choices based on thoughtful, informed analysis, assessment and treatment.

E = Excel you must strive for excellence in what you are trying to accomplish.

S = Sacrifice-you only once are young and you need to enjoy your youth.

S = Self-Esteem-your self-esteem will be high if you are successful, so aim for success.


Your self-esteem should be high for you to be successful. Self-esteem is how to get the value of your worth. Self-esteem can be high or low.

Some examples of low self-esteem are:

1. The Intimidator or bully, who is known by its violence.

2. The impatient Hothead or the Screamer, verbal abuse.

3. The Manic Depressant, who daydreams her way through life and never really productive.

4. The Rebel Outlaw who robs, terrorizes, and love of gangs.

5. The Paranoid-schizoid, who takes everything personally and thinks everyone is talking about her.

6. The Shy Scaredy-Cat or the doormat, who is afraid of her own shadow and gives in to everyone the question instead of doing what they want to do.

7. The hypocrite Liar, whose only intention is to mislead people with a lie after the other and says what she thinks people want to hear.

8. The compulsive self perpetrator, who has no willpower and spends all her time overindulging, overeating, sex and get high of immediate pleasure.

9. The manipulator, who is obsessed with others to control and hold of her nose where it doesn't belong.

10. The unfriendly fiction or stuck-up Snob, who snubs and ignores all of you who don't like themselves.

11. The show-off Braggart, who is obsessed with how big it is and how they all did.

12. The Gossip Monger or Back Stabber, which start rumors, gossips, mud garlands, eavedrops, whispers about people and makes problems where she goes.

13 ~ The I-me-My Talk-a-holic, who loves to hear himself talk about her life story.

14. The Spoiled Brat who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and is used to be ensured and expects everyone to wait on her hands and feet.

15. The Conceited Looker who believes sees his everything and she is in vain beyond words.

When you have high self-esteem or positive self-esteem, you feel good about yourself and you can accept it when people say negative things about you, or try to give you the feeling that you're not good enough and free enough to do. Keep a positive Outlook on life and surround yourself with positive people.

People with high self-esteem tend to:
1. be tolerant of themselves and others.
2. have a belief in their own abilities.
3. make realistic decisions about themselves.
4. be less prone to depression.
5. have self-confidence.
6. be assertive.


High self-esteem takes motivation. When you are motivated, you:

1 ... Feel good about who you are and not trying to be someone you or should you consider. Accept yourself.

2. say positive things like, "I will," "I have decided to earn" or "1.

3. associate with positive people. those who are positive, cheerful people who accept who you are.

4. start the day in a positive way, such as playing a Merry song.

5. take vitamins every day to boost your energy level.

6. exercise regularly, even if it's only 20 minutes per day.

7. eat a well-balanced diet to keep track of the reach of excess weight and resist Sweet, fat or fried food. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and low fat thiry products instead.

8. Get enough sleep. Sleep load! You know how much sleep you need, whether it's six-hour or eight hours.

9. reward yourself. Plan a fun events or see a friend.

10. above all, believe in yourself.

To find out more about success and self-esteem, look for my book, "formula for success-success Can Be Yours Too", http://www.margiewrobinson.com on.

Disclaimer: the author assumes no responsibility for the readers decisions based on information in this book. It is recommended that the reader seek professional counsel for individual circumstances.

This book may not be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this book.

Margie A. Robinson certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRMS) author of: "Are You ' you ' or is anyone else" u "-protect yourself against identity theft" and "formula for success-success can be yours too" give Workshops (757) 480-9160 lrobinson16@cox.net

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