Friday, February 11, 2011

Goal setting success-you have a bad card?

For example, suppose you are driving around Denver, Colorado looking for a specific address where you are supposed to be for a meeting at 8: 00 p.m., but you cannot find it. You got up early. You were excited. You were motivated. You were ranking. You really wanted to your destination, your goal. You don't understand why you don't get there because you this incredibly detailed map. It is very accurate, it was developed with satellite photography, and has every building on it. No important detail is omitted. But you don't find what you want to go. Finally, specify in frustration and go back home. Take the map in the House with you because you want to examine, and figure out where you went wrong. If you're on the kitchen table to look at the map is down, you will see in the lower-right corner, it says "Dallas, Texas". What was the problem? You had the wrong card.

You were excited. You were motivated. You were ranking. You really wanted to reach the goal, but you couldn't. Would have turned out differently if you had the right map? Of course it would be. Here's the good news: there is nothing wrong with you; you just some bad cards used.

As we were growing up, most of us were taught what to think, but most of us never learned how to think. Why is that a problem? Consider this:

For every 100 Americans at age 65:

1 will be rich

4 will financially independent

32 will death (she never learned how to take care of themselves or ignored)

63 will be dead broke (hope that social security or their family are going to bail them out)

In other words, find out 95% of people never! As you were growing up, your parents were the first ones you learned how the world worked. Then your teachers told you how the world worked. Following told your bosses on the course you will learn how the world worked. What are the chances that some of what you learned and what you believe will get you ahead in the world-is wrong? Probably about 95%! We have a lot of bad information-some bad cards, but if we believe that information is true, and behave as if it's true-we probably will end up as the 95%! It's almost a certainty.

You need to discover which of your cards are bad and replace them with good ones. Some of your thinking must be changed before you can begin to achieve new goals! (Maybe even 95% of your thinking needs to change.)

I don't remember ever when I was growing up taught how to think, only what to think. But until we know how we think, there is no way to change what we think and it is what we think that keeps us stuck in our lives. The quality of our future will depend on the quality of our way of thinking.

For more resources on this and related topics, go to:

For a free subscription to the newsletter of Rick Seymour, "target bars" (tips, tricks, and insights to reach your goals), go to: mathematician, Aerospace Engineer, entrepreneur, Business Owner, Management Consultant, author, Professional Speaker and author of several training curriculum. Rick Seymour understands and covers a wide range of both private and public organizations and the people they makeup. He has most of the Fortune 100 companies consulted. Rick is called the "Velvet hammer". He teaches powerful ideas and concepts in a way that people readily accept their need to change and grow. Rick believes that "If behaviour-not the training! Rick s Training Expertise: Self-Motivation and goal setting wellness and sport nutrition High-integrity sales/Permission marketing communications & people skills for Techies effective Team Building/how to lead a team Succeeding as a first-time professional control skills for additional funds go to:

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