Monday, October 4, 2010

What Mindset makes money and wealth?

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Is there a mind-set that helps make certain people rich and the lack of it keeps most in poverty? The answer is: yes! Nothing gets created in the physical world, unless it first gets created in the thought of its creator. The same is true for money. Before you can get it, you need to have the mind-set required to create it and increase it.

Understand the ancient secret and scientific truth about Mental

Did you know the scientific fact that all matter broken down to its smallest components is made up of energy? The whole universe, all of us and everything around us, is nothing but energy - manifesting in different forms. The ancient gurus and the modern day quantum physics both tell us that thought is also energy and that physical manifestation follows our thoughts.

As money is energy - it also follows thought. If you want to improve your financial position in life, focus your attention on creating wealth. Also understand that money has neutral energy. It is neither good nor bad. It would become what you would perceive it to be and how you use it.

To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. Most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. Since money is energy and an idea, this idea and manifestation of money can expand or contract according to your beliefs!

Decide to be financially successful

This is not wishing, hoping, wanting or desiring to be rich. Make a commitment that this is going to happen! Financial independence is not only a matter of luck and usually requires clear vision and acting on that vision. The Universe is slow for the indecisive. Decide to have money today. If you feel any hesitation about this, learn to clear it out of your mind. You have a right to all the money you desire, and if you are still unsure about this, make your decision, once and for all.

In Wallace Wattles' famous book, The Science of Getting Rich, he says having money is our right and it is privilege to get rich. For only when we are rich, and when we can explore the world and learn to our hearts' desire, we can really discover our full potential.

Write down these 'affirmations' and keep them some place where you can seen them everyday

* Money comes to me every day in every blessed way

* I am always open to receiving money

* I am a money magnet - I attract money easily and effortlessly

* I am grateful that the Universe takes care of my every need

Now that you have examples of affirmations, you may also create your own.

Be Grateful and giving

Send out the energy of "having" with deeply felt gratitude in your heart - then see how it comes back to you many folds. When you express gratitude with what you have, and desire more - in a confident, expectant manner, with unconcern as to the outcome, then you can have anything you want. Be happy before you get money. Be happy right now!

Understand the universal truth about money and abundance: the more you give others who need help the more shall be given to you. Why do you think these rich people give out so much in charity? They understand this secret very well. If you don't have money to give, give your time, volunteer, do something to give something - you will get reward in the way of getting what you need.

Master your relationship with money

Many people have a love/hate relationship with money. They say they want money, but they are really afraid of it also. The idea of having money scares them. Try to develop a relationship of respect, appreciation and gratitude with money. Use it wisely! Never waste it. Spend it on 'quality services or products' - never on 'bling'

There have been many instances of millionaires losing their entire fortunes, only to make it back in a very short time. The reason being, they have the mindset for success and they have their own formula for this. Those with "success mind-set" view failure as an opportunity to succeed

Realize That Your having More Money will Bless the World

In order to become wealthy, one must discover the value in oneself, and one's ideas. Often these ideas bring "increased life" to those all around us (kudos to inventors of cars, airplanes, internet.... the list goes on). Each of us has an amazing capacity for doing good. Learn to follow your heart, to express yourself, and to share your ideas. In the process, you will bless the lives of countless others as well.

Set specific goals

The money goals should be challenging, but not unbelievable, just out of reach but not out of sight. Challenge yourself to be financially independent by a specific time frame. How much money do you want? Saying you want more is not good enough. Hundred dollars is more. How much more? Decide on a figure. Be specific.

Surround yourself with wealth

Remember that your single-most money attracting factor is your attitude and belief about money. You need to start feeling wealthy, and this can be done in some simple, inexpensive ways. Here are some ideas that can help:

Carry some extra cash in your wallet. At first, this may only be $10, but if you aren't used to even having that much money with you, it's a good start. Ideally, you want to get this up to a few hundred dollars. But the idea is that you start to dispel that feeling of being "broke." When asked if you have any money, your answer should always be "Yes!"

As you start this exercise, you will find many things you would like to buy. Each day, see the many things you could buy. "I could get this, or this, or this." There are so many choices. There is an abundance of choices, and you are beginning to experience this abundance. And this realization of all the abundance that surrounds you will give you just the ideas and opportunities you need to create more of your own.

Start to upgrade your life experience in small, simple ways. Think of the little things in your life that would change "if you were wealthy." You'll be surprised at how many "wealthy" changes you can make in your life, that really don't cost much. What simple things are you denying yourself because you "don't have the money"? Be patient, and stay within your means. If you go and charge up your credit card to do this, you aren't going to feel wealthy. You may for a moment, until you get your bill in the mail. But then you'll feel more broke than before. Start as small as you need to. A dollar here and a dollar there, to buy a little better than what you are used to - but stay within your means - do not buy on credit to feel good.

There is yet another money mastery technique that has been used by many a rich people in the days when they had no money: Take a blank check out of your checkbook and on the date line write down a date in the future (ensure it's out far enough to be comfortable). Make the check out to yourself for the amount of money you wish to manifest. Sign the check "Gift from The Universe". Put the check in your wallet and carry it around with you wherever you go. It will instantly start to attract more money to you! This exercise has worked wonders for many people who say they attracted miraculous monetary gifts out of the blue! Many of the richest people in the world have done something very similar before manifesting their abundant life. Do it!

Let Go of Desperation for money

Most people do have an unhealthy desire and desperate craving for money. This is counterproductive. An attitude of "I must have money" simply stalls your flow of energy. When you want something so much that you think you will only be happy if you get it, the universe pushes back and says no!

Let go of your "attachment" to wanting and needing money. As long as you think you need money to be happy you will push it away because of your desperate craving. Remember: Money does not bring happiness - Happiness brings money! Those who are truly happy now always attract more abundance into their life. Relax your wanting and craving, and recognize how much you already truly have in this moment.

If you think that anything outside yourself will cause you to feel a certain way, then you are suffering under an illusion. If we are led entirely by the desire to earn money, we rob ourselves of the freedom to enjoy the more satisfying pleasures of life. Worry a little less about finances. Enjoy each moment of your life. Money will come as a natural by-product.

Learn All you Can from the Masters of the past and present

Take the time to read the classics on creating money and the power of thought. Napoleon Hill learned directly from the most successful men of his time, and put together all he'd learned in his amazing masterpiece, "Think and Grow Rich." He dedicated decades of his life to produce this work that continues to influence generation after generation.

Do - what you love doing - the money will follow

Look around at the people who succeed in business and attain great wealth. Almost without exception, they have a business where they make money doing what they love. Because they love their work, they do superb work and provide great service to others.

You can force yourself to do what you don't love, for a short time, but this ends really quick. In order to consistently produce results, do what you love to do. What do you love to do? Leverage your mind and figure out a way to give value to others by doing what you love. The money will follow. Somewhere, someone is getting rich doing exactly what you love to do. Make a list of activities that are engaging and enjoyable to you. Look around and find someone who makes a living with that activity and mentor with them.

Don't leave your present job until you have another one already making money for you. You have unique talents and abilities for a reason. You will fulfill your mission best by using your strengths and doing what makes your heart sing!

Read more in My Subway Guru ( ).

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