Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Visualization and your business

One of the most common questions I receive from an online or if I with friends is "How could you your business to grow such a fast pace"? There are a few things which I have attributed to my success, but the only thing I believed that me on the "fast track" was the put the power of visualization.

As you think would be the response, it is at this point that I filled with confusion.I knew that they were probably looking to hear from a kind of secret marketing tip or new business opportunities, and if they don't hear, they think that I'm secretive or shortly. nothing could be further from the truth, or anyone believe it or not, one of the most powerful things I ever did for my company was aware of my thoughts and visualize what I wanted.

"If you do not know where you're going, how do you know when you there?"

This is a aphorism that I live and so should you. people of different faiths, cultures and ways of thinking have unique reasons why visualization is so effective in attracting what we want. some people write the metaphysics, spirituality, science, or even just as a coincidence. the most important part is no more than think why it works, but get in your head that it works.

So with that said, what did I do to visualize or to draw of the blessing my life.?

The first thing I did was buy so many seminars, audio books, ebooks, etc. on the subject as possible.

-The science of getting rich by Wallace D Wattles
-Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
-Science of the Mind by Ernest Holmes
-The secret Rhonda Byrne
-You were born Rich by Bob Proctor
-The Aladdin factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

These books are just scratching the surface of what I've been studying, but I highly recommend this if you just started.

The next thing that you need to do is take a notecard and write exactly what you want to do your life in the present time.

For example, I would write "I love my new black 7 series BMW." ...instead of "a day driving, I hope that a BMW" claim what you want in the present, and believe that you have now.Take the time to write the instructions and when you put it in your wallet and read it at least twice a day.Not just limited to include your finances, your health, family, relationships or whatever that is close to your heart is.

Do not skip this step and say "Oh, I already know what I want. be aware of the fact that will really make a difference."The Act of writing down your dreams makes it not just a distant thought to reality.Remember to BE specific!

Then to build a vision Board for yourself. a good example of this was in the movie the secret, when John Assaraf described the construction of a vision board filled with cut outs of the things that he wanted to live, specifically his dream house. every day for a few minutes he would look at his vision Board, closes his eyes and visualize what he already had (else) he willed. years while the vision Board appears to his son, he realized that he lived in his very dream home. RIGHT at home.

This consists simply of the cutting of images and words that resonate with you and inspires you. So cut the picture of the car you've always wanted to, the House that you want, the relationship that you want to. limit yourself. take your time and enjoy the process. Once you're done, will depend on your vision Board somewhere you can see it everyday, and John Assaraf. a few minutes every day, and visualizing you already have what you want. easy!

When you have a large enough reason why you want to succeed in your business, will not be able to stop.

These are just a few exercises that you can start today to make use of the things you want. I strongly recommend once again to read the books that I mentioned above that you do not, I promise that you won't be disappointed.

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