Thursday, October 28, 2010

Success strategies-justify holiday

Too often, you have to work hard on a project and never time to think about and your success. You are going to just go to the following urgent task or event. You are often move so fast that you even do not feel when a project ends and another begins. Slow down for a nano-seconds to smell the Roses!

Celebrate your success! important milestones or the completion of a task or goal, celebrate and treat yourself in an appropriate manner.

Do not lose 10 pounds to celebrate by eating a pint of Ben & Jerry 's! View your successes and your mistakes. Use them as lessons learned that can be applied to other objectives.
If you are with others on the project work, celebrate with them and get their contribution. Create "Lessons Learned" from the feedback discussion at the end. Then pat yourself on the back! Celebrate! Communicate your successes.Share them with others. it can encourage, for others to see the success.
Some people think that you are bragging rights, but that will depend on the delivery of the good news.

And often to celebrate! It is a motivation-for you and others.

The success of others is recognized when they are certain milestones.It is especially important when others to your goals. Celebrate with those who have helped you stay the course or put up with some of the not-so-great problems! show appreciation for their support.Allow yourself to quiet personal time to enjoy the success.
After all, you have worked hard to get at this point. it is not easy to stay focused on so many things at the same time, and for so long.

It is well known that many times people do not even know "why" they are successful. they just know the project turned out well and others. Some think that it was just luck.

Happiness is not luck or what makes you successful. Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have."If people why they have been successful, will not know than they take advantage of the lessons in the process.

There's an old saying: "a success leads to another."However, if success will not be recognized and the focus on getting the job done without to make mistakes without getting caught or if there are errors, you will learn to just get it done acceptance.There is no learning from the challenges were, and how to overcome obstacles.

The real key to success is to help all those involved:

Understand the role they play and how they contributed to the succesDe challenges and debrief the roadblocks in the future so that they can be avoided and everyone right in recognition of his part of the success.
Remember: people are motivated by "are in on things," feeling that they have contributed and recognized for that contribution. pick up the time to take advantage of the lessons learned and success. across your organization. people are excited to bring back on to the next project.

BOTTOM LINE? the more productive you are the faster you will succeed. and now I ask you your place in the mastering your success-circle Community you will find a variety of resources to maximize the potential and the work to be carried for success on

Sherry g. Day, M.S. has his coaching organizations and individuals to maximize their potential in the last 20 years and is the author of ' strategic ' transforming Entrepreneurial potential. "She is President and Chief Executive Officer, learning Resources-Human Potential Consultants, l.c.meer on

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